See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Gotta love Republicans don't ya?

The gift that keeps on giving

Honesty is a bitch huh? I call a spade a spade without worrying about your politically correct bullshit.

Perhaps I should have just suggested someone shit down her throat and then you would look the other way.


Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies
Honesty is a bitch huh? I call a spade a spade without worrying about your politically correct bullshit.

Perhaps I should have just suggested someone shit down her throat and then you would look the other way.


Your characterization of someone who wishes her employer would cover medicine as first a "whore" then a "slut" is just an indication that you're a moron. That you can't see how this empowers your opponents in the political arena only underscores just how unsophisticated you are there loser.

That is why she's up there in my avatar...because it forces you guys to channel you other words, you act like the idiotic caveman republican you are.

And I couldn't be happier.

Actually that avatar signifies the type of person you are. Quick to side with a mealy mouthed whiny ass entitled jerk.
Get this now. Sandra Flake has been OVER for a long time.
Nobody cares.

You cared enough to comment.
Why is that?


There are much better advocates for feminism out there.

Emily Bazelon

Hannah Rosin

Amanda Marcotte (my favorite)

But Fluke has been visible and for whatever reason, you guys continue to attack her. You lost young women by something like 30% last year. You seem to be going for 50% in guys are either ignorant or stupid; or both.
Honesty is a bitch huh? I call a spade a spade without worrying about your politically correct bullshit.

Perhaps I should have just suggested someone shit down her throat and then you would look the other way.


Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Poor angry yet so powerless.
Ame®icano;8266883 said:
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..
McD will need many more touchscreens to replace all the cashiers.

Beside, touchscreens were coming regardless of strike.
I think touch screens in a McD's is a huge mistake on there part, and they will find that out quickly. People want to deal with a living breathing person when getting their order filled, because if something goes wrong, then they feel that they are getting something done quickly about it. If McDonalds tries to go even cheaper in that industry, and this in order to boost profits even more all out of greed instead of need, then I feel that the customers will rebel on them big time. Hey they don't need anymore problems in which takes them down for even one more notch in the scheme of things. This is what I think.

Listen people, all they have to do is introduce a proper pay scale system for their employee's, and this will let them (the employee's) know up front what they are into when working for a corporation like McD's. Undoubtedly they have the pay scale system set up wrong or their would be no problems like we are hearing about. Another thing is or that I can't stand about this corporation, is that they are discriminating against workers of other races, because some of their locations that you enter have only one race working in them, and that should be a huge red flag to the American people about what this corporations is all about in this way. It appears that they are working cheap labor in this way, and then sending them over to the government in order to get the government to subsidize their lack of a living wage that is not being paid to them. They are a bad corporate citizen in America if you ask me, and they should be dealt with in that way by our government, and by we the people of this United States of America.

They tried it at a Jack in the Box out here...never took off. It'll probably happen though. Meanwhile, the guy behind the counter at Subway that gives (shocking me extra lettuce and light mustard just got my $7.55...drove by a McDonalds on the way to Subway come to think of it.
Honesty is a bitch huh? I call a spade a spade without worrying about your politically correct bullshit.

Perhaps I should have just suggested someone shit down her throat and then you would look the other way.


Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
Im a regular Martin Bashir huh lol

Yes...actually you are at this point. The only difference is that he realized what he did was wrong as did his network.

You and most republicans don't get it and cheer at the use of such libelous allegations. In other words, you're not too bright. Which is fine; the Dems seem to enjoy winning national elections.

More far left propaganda!


You lost the women's vote in Minnesota by 22%. That can't be tied to immigrant or minority women solely. No propaganda there...just scary stats for the GOP.
Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Poor angry yet so powerless.
He has a good point that makes sense to me, so why not concede the point that is made by him or is it all one way with you or no way at all ? Just curious.
Im a regular Martin Bashir huh lol

Yes...actually you are at this point. The only difference is that he realized what he did was wrong as did his network.

You and most republicans don't get it and cheer at the use of such libelous allegations. In other words, you're not too bright. Which is fine; the Dems seem to enjoy winning national elections.

You still crying? Why are you so offended? Are you too looking for free sex?

Nah, I'm just happy to keep this topic at the top of the message board. This sub-topic is very enjoyable to me to see you whining about someone like Ms. Fluke; it's an added bonus.

The Dems seem to enjoy winning national have you felt about them lately?
Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day

Depends on the contraception idiot. Many women can't or choose not to use the pill or depo. Educate yourself, you'll look less foolish
Yes...actually you are at this point. The only difference is that he realized what he did was wrong as did his network.

You and most republicans don't get it and cheer at the use of such libelous allegations. In other words, you're not too bright. Which is fine; the Dems seem to enjoy winning national elections.

More far left propaganda!


You lost the women's vote in Minnesota by 22%. That can't be tied to immigrant or minority women solely. No propaganda there...just scary stats for the GOP.

You lost the women's vote in Iowa by 16%...Iowa and their "heartland values"...
Absolutely best birth control device costs just one cent and is 100% reusable. Of course liberals can't figure out how to use it so they DO need extra help.
Yes...actually you are at this point. The only difference is that he realized what he did was wrong as did his network.

You and most republicans don't get it and cheer at the use of such libelous allegations. In other words, you're not too bright. Which is fine; the Dems seem to enjoy winning national elections.

You still crying? Why are you so offended? Are you too looking for free sex?

Nah, I'm just happy to keep this topic at the top of the message board. This sub-topic is very enjoyable to me to see you whining about someone like Ms. Fluke; it's an added bonus.

The Dems seem to enjoy winning national have you felt about them lately?

Yes....women who use birth control are whores

Worked out so well for ya last time


Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?
You still crying? Why are you so offended? Are you too looking for free sex?

Nah, I'm just happy to keep this topic at the top of the message board. This sub-topic is very enjoyable to me to see you whining about someone like Ms. Fluke; it's an added bonus.

The Dems seem to enjoy winning national have you felt about them lately?



Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

Just the type that earns them votes by misleading the public.
And what do you suppose might be the outcome of such robotization?

Jobs will be lost.

Corporate profit will rise.

Government will increase benefits to the unemployed.

Corporate taxes must be increased to compensate.

Do you know of a likely alternative?

Jobs will not be lost.

There will be new jobs for people installing repairing and programming the new machines.

And for an alternative; how about people who aspire to nothing but making fries learn a more valuable skill.?

The person that says "Would you like fries with that?" isn't going to learn how to fix the machine.

What makes you state THAT?
How can you make a blanket statement that says essentially low wage workers are condemned to being incapable of learning anything beyond their limited knowledge.
That is an outrageous statement.

Women who fuck so much that they can't afford the CHEAP basics anylonger are indeed sluts. What's even worse is they want me to pay for it, essentially making all of us their sugar daddies

Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex onc a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil
Women who fuck once a year use the same amount of birth control as those who fuck four times a day
Do explain, because I think this could be wrong in your accounting of.

It depends on the type of birth control used wouldn't you agree, so does the government want all forms of birth control covered or just some types covered ?

If a woman is on the pill which Republicans hate...

She uses the same number of pills if she has sex onc a year or a thousand times a year

But republicans think sex is evil

Because the pill is the ONLY form of contraception :cuckoo:

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