See What Happens When A Man Asks A Muslim KFC Employee To Add Bacon To His Order

Yeah --- unfortunately
(1) this turd is several years old and has been floated in this toilet bowl before (and flushed);
(2) the backstory was that the employee was being followed/harassed by the customer and there's no evidence the altercation was about "bacon";
(3) there's also no indication of what anybody's religion is, or if they even have one,
nor (4) is there any reference to religion in the conversation.

In other words it's pretty much the same made-up crap as those bogus quotes in your sigline.
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Yeah --- unfortunately (1) this turd is several years old and has been floated in this toilet bowl before; (2) the backstory was that the employee was being followed/harassed by the customer and there's no evidence the altercation was about "bacon"; (3) there's also no indication of what anybody's religion is, or if they even have one, nor (4) is there any reference to religion in the conversation.

In other words it's pretty much the same made-up crap as those bogus quotes in your sigline.
The main point is that Muslims have no business in Western society.
The Religion of "piece"....they want all non-believers in two or more......
Yeah --- unfortunately (1) this turd is several years old and has been floated in this toilet bowl before; (2) the backstory was that the employee was being followed/harassed by the customer and there's no evidence the altercation was about "bacon"; (3) there's also no indication of what anybody's religion is, or if they even have one, nor (4) is there any reference to religion in the conversation.

In other words it's pretty much the same made-up crap as those bogus quotes in your sigline.
The main point is that Muslims have no business in Western society.

No, the main point is that you and other fabricators made up this "Muslim bacon" story. I defy you to point out where anyone announced their religion, OR that the altercation is about fucking "bacon".

As a xenophobe fearmonger, you're incompetent.
Pogo, look around you. There's bound to be some screws on the floor. Their yours.
Pogo, look around you. There's bound to be some screws on the floor. Their yours.

Where's the EVIDENCE? Hmm?

This story is five years old (from Australia) and has been debunked as complete fabrication over and over. The counter employee was being stalked/taunted by somebody on the other end and flips out over being followed and videoed. At no time does he mention anything about "bacon". Or about food at all. Or about religion at all. That shit is entirely made up.

Some idiot found this video, saw the word "halal" in the setting, made up a bullshit story around it and loaded it on YouTube for mental midgets like Steve McRacist and yourself to run with.
Now look where you are. Dumb shits.

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Pogo, look around you. There's bound to be some screws on the floor. Their yours.

Where's the EVIDENCE? Hmm?

This story is five years old (from Australia) and has been debunked as complete fabrication over and over. The counter employee was being stalked/taunted by somebody on the other end and flips out over being followed and videoed. At no time does he mention anything about "bacon". Or about food at all. Or about religion at all. That shit is entirely made up.

Some idiot found this video, saw the word "halal" in the setting, made up a bullshit story around it and loaded it on YouTube for mental midgets like Steve McRacist and yourself to run with.
Now look where you are. Dumb shits.


Was the customer white? Was the guy behind the counter brown? Case closed. Angry brown guy.
Yeah --- unfortunately (1) this turd is several years old and has been floated in this toilet bowl before; (2) the backstory was that the employee was being followed/harassed by the customer and there's no evidence the altercation was about "bacon"; (3) there's also no indication of what anybody's religion is, or if they even have one, nor (4) is there any reference to religion in the conversation.

In other words it's pretty much the same made-up crap as those bogus quotes in your sigline.
The main point is that Muslims have no business in Western society.
No, the main point is that you are a lying sack of shit...
Yeah --- unfortunately (1) this turd is several years old and has been floated in this toilet bowl before; (2) the backstory was that the employee was being followed/harassed by the customer and there's no evidence the altercation was about "bacon"; (3) there's also no indication of what anybody's religion is, or if they even have one, nor (4) is there any reference to religion in the conversation.

In other words it's pretty much the same made-up crap as those bogus quotes in your sigline.
The main point is that Muslims have no business in Western society.
No, the main point is that you are a lying sack of shit...
I only state facts and tell the truth on non political correct terms.
Yeah --- unfortunately (1) this turd is several years old and has been floated in this toilet bowl before; (2) the backstory was that the employee was being followed/harassed by the customer and there's no evidence the altercation was about "bacon"; (3) there's also no indication of what anybody's religion is, or if they even have one, nor (4) is there any reference to religion in the conversation.

In other words it's pretty much the same made-up crap as those bogus quotes in your sigline.
The main point is that Muslims have no business in Western society.
No, the main point is that you are a lying sack of shit...

I only state facts and tell the truth on non political correct terms.

Then when are you going to do that here? You did write that thread title, did you not?

Where's any indication of what this man's religion is, or if he even has one? Where's any indication what anybody's religion is? Where's any indication that "bacon" is what the employee is reacting to? Seeing as how he makes no mention of it?

Where's your explanation for why somebody would walk into a KFC and place an order ----- while shooting video?

And where's the rest of the video?

Still waiting..........
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BluloloLOOloOloooo!!! Vee are religion of peace!!! BlulolooLOOloloooo!!! I blow you up!!!! BluloLoOOololooo!!! You are infidel!!! BlululOOLOLooloooo!!! You ask for bacon???!!! BLUlololOLOLOOOOlooooo!! I blow you up!!! BlululuLOOOuloooloOOOLo!!!
BluloloLOOloOloooo!!! Vee are religion of peace!!! BlulolooLOOloloooo!!! I blow you up!!!! BluloLoOOololooo!!! You are infidel!!! BlululOOLOLooloooo!!! You ask for bacon???!!! BLUlololOLOLOOOOlooooo!! I blow you up!!! BlululuLOOOuloooloOOOLo!!!

Boloo all you like; there's still no "Muslims" in the video. Nor is there any altercation about bacon.

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