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Seeing religion through new eyes....

That's a heart warming thought but it's crap. The irony is how God so tenderly gifted innocent newborns with original sin, which only Christianity can cleanse if you believe in some idiot who died to save you. So much for helping those kids. How do they ever know if the sin is removed?

The whole story is fanciful. The contradictions are far more believable.
No ghost ever died to save anyone because they don't get saved.
You're delusional.
Man gave man the original sin, not God. God cleans up our messes.
Kids go straight up to their loving Father. No help necessary.
The whole story is true.
No ghost. A living, breathing, bleeding, human deity. Not to save anyone, but everyone.
Prove to me what I just typed is not true.

Move through solid objects? Have you taken leave of your senses?
You have simply no understanding of the science of dimensions. Research them. Then you will understand moving among them. A forth dimension can pass through itself for instance.
If you are going to formulate an opinion, back it with knowledge...
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Man gave man the original sin, not God. God cleans up our messes.

That's So endearing to believers but really. There's no such thing.

Kids go straight up to their loving Father. No help necessary.
The whole story is true.

How do you know heaven is up? Science has yet to detect any area which such a place could exist.
No ascends dead from this earth into the sky. Don't be ridiculous.

No ghost. A living, breathing, bleeding, human deity. Not to save anyone, but everyone.
If you believe in some celestial diety exists, have no evidence whatsoever and neither does anyone on the planet, it is correctly referred to as a ghost.
You have never had interactions with a god, seen him or heard him. Yet you ask me to believe what you say is true.

Prove to me what I just typed is not true.

You have simply no understanding of the science of dimensions. Research them. Then you will understand moving among them. A forth dimension can pass through itself for instance.
If you are going to formulate an opinion, back it with knowledge...

For physical humans (and that is what you described him as ) to pass through solid objects, it's an impossibility, it has never been witnessed or heard of and only a fool like you would think it is possible. Its absurd.

Dimensions of any type are irrelevant.
I challenge you to prove with irrefutable evidence one single item you have stated. I know you can't and you're just another delusional godbotherer.

If you come here with an opinion or a believe, at least get some evidence of it.
I'll cut you down every time.

You have nothing and never will but I invite you to continue.
For example, I envision the Holy Ghost ad the engine / the power behind the message. The power itself
How do you see him ?
Scripture does back that assertion somewhat. Great comparison. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, third Person in the Triune Godhead, there could be no faith, without faith, there could be no salvation through Christ. The Holy Spirit is also teacher. Without Him, one cannot properly discern the Word of God.
A lot of your posts are difficult to reply to, so will use one that I can.

All I can say is you'll discover the truth immediately after you die. We're not here for long in the overall scheme of things, so it won't be a long wait. Things have changed so much that it's practically useless to convince atheists and their scientists anymore. What's ironic is if I or creation scientists present the evidence, then it is ignored or not believed. That is part of the change.

That is a typical religious threat.
Nothing will be discovered after you die.
The idea of having to believe before you reach heaven, that doesn't exist, is absurd.
There is no evidence if it nor is there is one person or thing can certify your prediction. Its total rubbish.

You're problem is you can't respond to my questions is because you don't have the answer so you focus on the prediction of some after death myth.
It's like some prophecy. You do not know anything will happen. It's arrogant and presumptuous to predict the future of others when you don't know you own destiny.
For physical humans (and that is what you described him as ) to pass through solid objects, it's an impossibility, it has never been witnessed or heard of and only a fool like you would think it is possible. Its absurd.

Dimensions of any type are irrelevant.
I challenge you to prove with irrefutable evidence one single item you have stated. I know you can't and you're just another delusional godbotherer.

If you come here with an opinion or a believe, at least get some evidence of it.
I'll cut you down every time.

You have nothing and never will but I invite you to continue.

Dimensions have everything to do with it. You keep harping about someone walking through walls and I am trying to get you to understand that that isn't necessary. Christ appeared. He could traverse dimensions at will. No walking necessary. He did so in front of His disciples at the Transfiguration. I can tell you though, if Christ wanted to walk through a wall, it would be no problem. His Father and He designed Physics. They used it to create our universe. I know that because our scientists keep finding those physics, those dimensions.

Hawking determined that if there are 10 dimensions there could be an infinite amount of them. Hawking.
God on the other hand, told us there were other dimensions long ago and even described them. Science hasn't gotten that far. They just discover them here and there. They don't know yet that dimensions can be stretched, rolled up, burned, torn. God told us about them and their attributes long before Einstein found one called time. There is your proof.

Want more?
Prophesy. God can, man cannot.

I have everything. Ask Pascal. It is you that risks it all...
Dimensions have everything to do with it. You keep harping about someone walking through walls and I am trying to get you to understand that that isn't necessary. Christ appeared. He could traverse dimensions at will. No walking necessary. He did so in front of His disciples at the Transfiguration. I can tell you though, if Christ wanted to walk through a wall, it would be no problem. His Father and He designed Physics. They used it to create our universe. I know that because our scientists keep finding those physics, those dimensions.

Hawking determined that if there are 10 dimensions there could be an infinite amount of them. Hawking.
God on the other hand, told us there were other dimensions long ago and even described them. Science hasn't gotten that far. They just discover them here and there. They don't know yet that dimensions can be stretched, rolled up, burned, torn. God told us about them and their attributes long before Einstein found one called time. There is your proof.

Want more?
Prophesy. God can, man cannot.

I have everything. Ask Pascal. It is you that risks it all...

What a load of rubbish. You're got an issue with physical capabilities.
Youre silly God never existed. You've been conned by a 2000 year old hook.
Transfiguration my foot. Grow up.
Man gave man the original sin, not God. God cleans up our messes.
Kids go straight up to their loving Father. No help necessary.
The whole story is true.
No ghost. A living, breathing, bleeding, human deity. Not to save anyone, but everyone.
Prove to me what I just typed is not true.

You have simply no understanding of the science of dimensions. Research them. Then you will understand moving among them. A forth dimension can pass through itself for instance.
If you are going to formulate an opinion, back it with knowledge...
The mistake of Adam and Eve was passed down generation to generation. Their body changed when they fell. The stars themselves, that God set in the universe changed. They turned into gas clouds. People hear in three dimensions, not being able to see in three dimensions. That is how it is. God is unseen, not being of this world. God, as he is, is fire to this world. Jesus being able to do what he does is evidence of Jesus being God. The saved will have a body fashioned like unto his glorious body. Jesus is the Father that is seen. The Unseen Father lives in the mind of Jesus. Both, being one, did not make money. God is a giver. He wants his children to be the same way. God did not call money very good. God did not make it.
Satan is a trickster. Satan posses as who that being is not . Satan is an imposter, when seen as that being is, posing as angelic beings, and God, never saying fear not, don't be afraid, or don't worry when seen. Money makes people to worry. Money did not come from the mind of God. Satan wants us to put a price on gold and gems, etc. That being is dressed in gold and gems. That being was in the Garden of Eden. Ezekiel 28:13 - 19, KJV. Satan is a wicked Magician. Satan caused banks to exist. Satan used to be called Lucifer. Lucifer was one of the covering cherub's, who covered the mercy seat. God had people to make a representation of that mercy seat. God told people to not touch it, even when they thought it might fall, hitting the ground. A command likened unto it was spoken regarding a tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden. God also said, God, or mammon. Mammon will make people to care about mammon. God will make people to care about God. We are his children. What then should the world do about Mammon?
Money causes people to be pierced with many sorrows. Money makes god's image to behave like the fallen Lucifer who is seperated from God. That being thinks of itself, and only itself. That being wants God's children to think in the same way. Satan wants God's children to think: "I" have money. "I" am safe having money. "I" don't have to worry, having money. "I" am secure within myself, having money. "I" don't need help from anyone. "I" am independent. "I" am better than a person, who does not have, money. "I " am a wage earner, having a proud look. God hates a proud look. It is all about "I". Lucifer said: "I" will be like god. "I" will ascend above the stars of God. Money makes god's image to talk, and think, like Satan. God does not think in that way.
"I" people are out there. The church taught people to think like that, scattering God's sheep from each other. They that scatter are none of mine. Matthew 12:30 “He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.” The whole world has people scattered one from the other. God wants to help himself, not being able to do that in a money run world. This money run world needs to come to an end. People need to give what God made to people, and what people make to each other. God is not a thief. Satan is. That being made money to exist. God is a giver, and a comforter. God who gives, will always be around, in a moneyless world. Money being gone will free God up to be able to give, not being constrained by money. All of the debts that exist will be gone. Taxes, bills, mortgages, rent, and foreclosures will be no more, when money is gone. Devils fear the absence of all of it, like they fear the lose of all things, when Jesus destroys them when he comes back, melting all things that are seperated from God. Free people of the heavy burden that is placed upon them. Give, and it shall be given unto you, pressed down and shaken together. The possibility of that diminishes as time passes. Money is destroying God's free gifts. What would you expect from a thing that God did not make? "Mysterious teapot produces money whenever nearby people get hurt. - The Brass Teapot." Satan wants god's image to hurt itself, and others. God does not want people to hurt anyone. God is a gift giver. God wants his children to be the same way. Jesus will not say words to hurt anyone. The pot is making people to talk like Satan. Money needs to be tossed into the depths of the sea.
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Sin started with the mystery of inequity with Lucifer. That being was high and lifted up within that beings self when God bestowed on that being every good gift. The being saw God's throne coveting it. Lucifer wanted more thinking he could overpower God, who was not as pretty as Lucifer, to steal God's throne. God has no comeliness, that we should desire him visually. War broke out. Lucifer thought God would be a push over, not being beutiful. Lucifer lost. The world has those gifts on it. Money is diminishing those gifts. God wants us to give good gifts to each other. Go into a place that has things that you are interred in, asking for them. Look on the web doing the same thing. Satan teases people, not God.
What a load of rubbish. You're got an issue with physical capabilities.
Youre silly God never existed. You've been conned by a 2000 year old hook.
Transfiguration my foot. Grow up.
Your words have poison in them, blessing no one, going against Biblical counsel. The Bible would agree with you, supporting how you talk had man, and man alone, write the Bible. Chew on that for a while.

James 3:10“Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.”

King James Version (KJV) The Bible would agree with how you talk, had man wrtitten the Bible. It does not agree with how you talk.​

Your words have poison in them, blessing no one, going against Biblical counsel. The Bible would agree with you, supporting how you talk had man, and man alone, write the Bible. Chew on that for a while.

Poison ay? Sorry comrade. It's called truth and facts. You have no evidence of anything remotely lIke a god. All you have is indoctrination and faith and none of them equate to fact.
Poison ay? Sorry comrade. It's called truth and facts. You have no evidence of anything remotely lIke a god. All you have is indoctrination and faith and none of them equate to fact.
Talk like Jesus. Jesus does not talk like you. Satan does. Know one from the other. people cannot serve two masters. They will hate one, loving the other. The battle is in the unseen. I have no church to indoctrinate anyone to. My intention is to not indoctrinate. That is what lying churches do. They brought money. I am against it. Faith is waiting for what is not yet seen. Faith is not by belief system is better than your belief system.
That is a typical religious threat.
Nothing will be discovered after you die.
The idea of having to believe before you reach heaven, that doesn't exist, is absurd.
There is no evidence if it nor is there is one person or thing can certify your prediction. Its total rubbish.

You're problem is you can't respond to my questions is because you don't have the answer so you focus on the prediction of some after death myth.
It's like some prophecy. You do not know anything will happen. It's arrogant and presumptuous to predict the future of others when you don't know you own destiny.
Satan's prison is there to fool people into thinking they arrived. They will not call for Jesus. The Color from the fallen Lucifer colors that place. I now my destiny. I see the destiny of others. It is in what they say. We use what God made. We destroy it with our sinful body.
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Scripture does back that assertion somewhat. Great comparison. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, third Person in the Triune Godhead, there could be no faith, without faith, there could be no salvation through Christ. The Holy Spirit is also teacher. Without Him, one cannot properly discern the Word of God.
I see the Holy spirit in what people say. I test the spirit too. I know how that Spirit will respond to what I say. I know how Satan will respond. I see and hear satan when the words of the Quran are read. I hear the inflection of that brings voice. Satan is in the state, and legal system.
Dimensions have everything to do with it. You keep harping about someone walking through walls and I am trying to get you to understand that that isn't necessary. Christ appeared. He could traverse dimensions at will. No walking necessary. He did so in front of His disciples at the Transfiguration. I can tell you though, if Christ wanted to walk through a wall, it would be no problem. His Father and He designed Physics. They used it to create our universe. I know that because our scientists keep finding those physics, those dimensions.

Hawking determined that if there are 10 dimensions there could be an infinite amount of them. Hawking.
God on the other hand, told us there were other dimensions long ago and even described them. Science hasn't gotten that far. They just discover them here and there. They don't know yet that dimensions can be stretched, rolled up, burned, torn. God told us about them and their attributes long before Einstein found one called time. There is your proof.

Want more?
Prophesy. God can, man cannot.

I have everything. Ask Pascal. It is you that risks it all...
Death, at this time is in all of those dimensions. That will change one day. Death will be no more when God's light shines.
God cleans up the soul of whoever. The state is filthy saying you will qualify for state aid, had you be poor enough, money wise. The state wants poor people to remain poor, money wise. The state wants people to go to catholic charities. The church is posing as a rescuer, rescuing no one. People are looking at Sodom and Gomorrah. That is the legal system. One, who wants to judge to condemn is on a high place fooling themselves. 12 jurors are there. God has 24 seats around his throne. Rev:4:4, KJV. Satan's kingdom needs to come down.
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Poison ay? Sorry comrade. It's called truth and facts. You have no evidence of anything remotely lIke a god. All you have is indoctrination and faith and none of them equate to fact.
I will not say that had the Lord of Glory talk through you. I would praise you rather than instruct you. God is not a man. Devils are sneering at my words.
I see the Holy spirit in what people say. I test the spirit too. I know how that Spirit will respond to what I say. I know how Satan will respond. I see and hear satan when the words of the Quran are read. I hear the inflection of that brings voice. Satan is in the state, and legal system.
Satan is called "The Prince of the Air". He does currently have dominion over the world as it is, but not without G-d keeping him in check. Once the rapture occurs and the Holy Spirit is taken, then Satan becomes unleashed.

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