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Seeing religion through new eyes....

I'm paraphrasing the bible. It's malleable, remember?
People who use the Bible to make people to do what Christ would not do, are perverting scripture. That is not saying the same thing, using different words. There is no variance in Jesus. A pedophilia person is not a pervert. The person saying that to a person is perverting the word pervert. God does not pervert justice. That has to do with what a person says. Do you see what I am saying? Judge means one of two things. Condemning or not condemning. You need to know the context in which the word is used. Jesus judged rightly condeming no one when he praised the centurion and Nathaniel. Jesus did that because he had blood in him, like we have blood in us. You need to look at the entier picture. The other judging which is condeming is a thing we should not do, but have done for centuries. How a person looks on scripture depends on he unseen spirit that is in the mind of a person. Satan makes hell to be a place of torment. That beings mind is tormented day and night regarding what that being did, losing his place as covering cherub, called lucifer. That being will be burned up on the last day. They that have that being in their mind will think like that being. Jesus in your mind will not think torment. Hell is where the dead are. They are waiting for the resurrection unto life, eternal or death eternal. jesus says this: They are asleep. It is a dreamless sleep. The bible only seems to be malleable. People chose life, or people choose death. They that call death giving sweet, will not get life eternal.
JoeBlow said:
Love one another, even as God loves us, can be paraphrased to mean, hate your neighbour killing them, using any excuse? That is what people do. Wouldn't that be perverting scripture, rather than saying the same thing, using different words. Eternal suffering and thou shalt not surly die, that Satan said, is saying the same thing. Satan talking through the church. Can you see that? The same thing is spoken when the bible says don't work ill to your neighbour, and don't speak evil of one another.
Some people see the Flood as something real, some say it's allegorical, I've read that here many times... And some people says it's all bs. Who's right? And why?
Flood is not BS. Fire, unlike any fire, will purify the entier earth, through, and through, next time.
They said that the bible was malleable, that it could mean different things in different times. That's why it's lasted so long. It fits any period...
I don't want people to be afraid of God. God says fear, not don't be afraid and don't worry, when he is seen as he is. Satan says fear me. That is who you are looking at in the church. Love whoever as yourself would end up being the opposite to that, had the Bible be mailable like you say.
So the flood really happened? Where the geological proof of a worldwide flood?
Tectonic plates are constantly moving. Land mass is going down and up at the same time, like a kind of slow motion mixing machine. All of the continents were one big land mass at one time. The signs you look for can be erased. I am not your enemy. I am not here to hurt you .The church is. They caused fear giving laws to exist. I am fighting them.
Again, are you cemented to that position? Even a bit of research into the Church will present a much brighter picture. Of course, just because the Church had many good people and good ways never exempted it from the infiltration of evil. The good in the Church versus that evil is interesting research.
No one would make gays, zoophilia or pedophilia people to fear. Furries could make their furry suits to look like they wanted their furry suit to look, with no one being offended. It is stupid to see testicles and a sheath, and then say not family friendly, or lewd, or you need to be an adult only place. All of us are the children of God. I have been thinking about this. Some furry sheath's I have seen on the web not yet attached to furry suit, have a red penis tip showing at the end. Furries are not ashamed of showing it. That part is showing one moment in time, regarding the penis, not being Paraphimosis. That refers to the dog's inability to retract its penis back into the sheath.
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They said that the bible was malleable, that it could mean different things in different times. That's why it's lasted so long. It fits any period...
I see the term out of pocket. I think of Oliver Twist with the pick pockets. The church made modern day pick pockets. That would not happen had people not invented money. God is not a pick pocket kind of being.
They said that the bible was malleable, that it could mean different things in different times. That's why it's lasted so long. It fits any period...
God's laws that Jesus kept are against the consept of legal. The Unseen Father is in the mind of Jesus. God, Holy spirit, and Jesus are not seperate entities. or persons. That makes nice art, being a lie.
No one would make gays, zoophilia or pedophilia people to fear. Furries could make their furry suits to look like they wanted their furry suit to look, with no one being offended. It is stupid to see testicles and a sheath, and then say not family friendly, or lewd, or you need to be an adult only place. All of us are the children of God. I have been thinking about this. Some furry sheath's I have seen on the web not yet attached to furry suit, have a red penis tip showing at the end. Furries are not ashamed of showing it. That part is showing one moment in time, regarding the penis, not being Paraphimosis. That refers to the dog's inability to retract its penis back into the sheath.
Not true. This can be easily seen in the way most churches are set up on a parish or community level. The last thing almost every single parish priest, minister, rabbi, etc. has time to do is to "control the masses". It is not even on their list. Caring for their flock is enough to keep them busy both night and day.

It has never been the purpose of a shepherd to control the masses, and almost all priests, rabbis, ministers are more like shepherds than government dictators. Government dictators are more like magicians--distract the audience by drawing their attention in another direction (ie Church) while they get set to pull a rabbit (strict rule for thee not for me) out of a (government) hat.
You said good words to me, saying I was doing interesting research. Jesus said that to me, through you. We need to control ourselselves. Lucifer works on controling the fallen angels, who in turn work at controling us. Those people immitate the fallen Lucifer, controling people with fear giving laws. We would not have those fear giving laws had the church taught the truth. Caring for the flock teaching them lies about charity, when that is being like a peacful humble child? That is what 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7 is describing. Charity is not a building where homeless people go to get mail. The Gospel Mission sends people to a dark depressing building, called a catholic charity. They are feed cheep sweet things that have no nutritional value at all. People cannot ask, and then receive what they would request. I was there. I saw people with holes in the bottom of their shoes. Biblical liars built this nation.
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Charity is not a building where homeless people go to get mail. The Gospel Mission sends people to a dark depressing building, called a catholic charity. They are feed cheep sweet things that have no nutritional value at all. People cannot ask, and then receive what they would request. I was there. I saw people with holes in the bottom of their shoes. Biblical liars built this nation.
Hospitality vs bureaucracy. The churches, synagogues, etc. do the best they can. Cities are overwhelmed. Charity, hospitality vs entitlements.

My great-grandparents (with their ten children) lived out on the prairie in a tar-paper shack and a couple of outbuildings for animals and tools. No one for miles around. They welcomed travelers and those in need--shared what they had (not much). Think of Abraham of old.

My grandparents lived in small towns during the depression. When someone came knocking asking for work (because most refused 'charity') my grandparents would find something for them to do and offer them a meal, a place to sleep. Again, both sets of grandparents were dirt poor, eking out a living the best they could. Think of Jewish hospitality before the Romans forced so many Jews to become poor peasants on their family land.

Hospitality, where people simply offered to share what they had, and guests who pitched in and did their share as well.

As time went on, churches and synagogues offered a place for travelers to stay, a place for those in need, at a time people did not feel at all entitled. They had little, they had little to offer, but what they had, they gave as well. What the congregations had, they gave, too. Some places kept homes or small inns nearby and the people of the congregations took turns as hosts. Also, during holidays, people in the congregations offered to put up those who knew they would be in town with no place to stay.

Now we have cities, bureaucracies, entitlements. These government subsidies are nothing like hospitality; many demand and behave nothing like guests. Government has severed the link of hospitality and guest, of individuals helping individuals. It is so bad that those who gladly feed the stray dog or cat find themselves hesitating when they see a rough-looking homeless teen. That's the difference between living in the city with big government and living out on the prairie.

Governments have zoning laws. Guests, who once took shelter in churches/synagogues overnight, find doors locked because of the "guests" who vandalize instead of pitching in.

The point is, we can't just point and frown at churches an synagogues and assume they are in the wrong. They are doing something, and it is individuals themselves (not government and bureaucracies) who need to make the changes. Frankly, this includes (and maybe starts with) the guests. They need to know they have something to offer, something worth giving, that being "entitled" has no meaning, no dignity. The rest of us need to tell government to shove off, that it is individual responsibility to take care of our fellow man, not some uncaring bureaucracy. People need hospitality, not bureaucracy.
Hospitality vs bureaucracy. The churches, synagogues, etc. do the best they can. Cities are overwhelmed. Charity, hospitality vs entitlements.

My great-grandparents (with their ten children) lived out on the prairie in a tar-paper shack and a couple of outbuildings for animals and tools. No one for miles around. They welcomed travelers and those in need--shared what they had (not much). Think of Abraham of old.

My grandparents lived in small towns during the depression. When someone came knocking asking for work (because most refused 'charity') my grandparents would find something for them to do and offer them a meal, a place to sleep. Again, both sets of grandparents were dirt poor, eking out a living the best they could. Think of Jewish hospitality before the Romans forced so many Jews to become poor peasants on their family land.

Hospitality, where people simply offered to share what they had, and guests who pitched in and did their share as well.

As time went on, churches and synagogues offered a place for travelers to stay, a place for those in need, at a time people did not feel at all entitled. They had little, they had little to offer, but what they had, they gave as well. What the congregations had, they gave, too. Some places kept homes or small inns nearby and the people of the congregations took turns as hosts. Also, during holidays, people in the congregations offered to put up those who knew they would be in town with no place to stay.

Now we have cities, bureaucracies, entitlements. These government subsidies are nothing like hospitality; many demand and behave nothing like guests. Government has severed the link of hospitality and guest, of individuals helping individuals. It is so bad that those who gladly feed the stray dog or cat find themselves hesitating when they see a rough-looking homeless teen. That's the difference between living in the city with big government and living out on the prairie.

Governments have zoning laws. Guests, who once took shelter in churches/synagogues overnight, find doors locked because of the "guests" who vandalize instead of pitching in.

The point is, we can't just point and frown at churches an synagogues and assume they are in the wrong. They are doing something, and it is individuals themselves (not government and bureaucracies) who need to make the changes. Frankly, this includes (and maybe starts with) the guests. They need to know they have something to offer, something worth giving, that being "entitled" has no meaning, no dignity. The rest of us need to tell government to shove off, that it is individual responsibility to take care of our fellow man, not some uncaring bureaucracy. People need hospitality, not bureaucracy.
I cannot argue against hospitality.
Sodomites were not hospitable. They were religious people who behaved like Christs enemies on asteroids All of those people are God's image. They have been lead astray by the church. The church is contradiction. How can people like that make good people? The unseen Spirit was in Jesus. Jesus was not like the rioting people. Money being used contributes to what is seen. Your parents were like Lot. in Sodom. 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7. KJV is being like a humble child. Unless you are reborn to be like a humble child you will not enter into the kingdom of God. The church made what you see as dirt poor. God made a mistake not giving Lucifer money so that being who was given every good thing would not be poor? What we have now is a concrete floor in the Gospel Mission, being given a 30 eviction notice the day they come in. The Armory is the same thing. Military likes married people giving them somthing softer to sleep on. They will potentially give them more humans to sacrafice in war. People are not hospitable to naked people making laws to arrest them, and accuse them of being a sexual predator or a pedophile putting them in prison for the rest of their life. Satan invented prisons. The indians were not treated in that manner. I saw a person in Middle town ca, named George P belcher who had an Indian working for him. He looked down at the Indian, not offering him any furniture in the house he was living in, because he was an Indian, saying it in a derogatory way. I saw him seperating screws from bolts. A very demeaning task. Every other word was fuck. He was not happy The church is a den of theives even as the people Jesus cast out of the temple. Money is evil. Ask and receive seek and find with God giving to God what is God's is called evil, when money is used. The best could be had, instead of just scraping buy.
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God's laws that Jesus kept are against the consept of legal. The Unseen Father is in the mind of Jesus. God, Holy spirit, and Jesus are not seperate entities. or persons. That makes nice art, being a lie.
^^^^^^^^^^ Can someone please translate this into English for me? Thanks.
^^^^^^^^^^ Can someone please translate this into English for me? Thanks.
I cannot argue against hospitality.
Sodomites were not hospitable. They were religious people behaving like Christs enemies, on steroids. Christs enemies wanted Jesus to be dead. The Sodomites wanted to kill lot. Lot did not let Sodomites do what they wanted to do, judging the two beings in Lots house. Sodomites thought they were protecting themselves. The two beings that Sodomites did not know, were a threat to them. God's mind was not in the Sodomites, thinking that God was in their mind. Isaiah 1, verse 10 down, shows that Sodomites were religious people who lost their way. The two beings in Lots house would not be like them, thus would be condemed. Sodomites became incensed, when the person in front of Lots door was not allowed to make an assessment of the two beings in Lots house. The Sodomites had no intention of edifying anyone. Lot was a righteous man. The Sodomite's would have acknowledged that, had they have a good heart, talking like Jesus, who saw Nathaniel, saying he had no guile. There was no guile in Lot. There was no guile in the two beings in Lots house. The church has not been honest about what Sodom's sin was. People want to do worse to people, who counsel people to be good to zoosexuals, and pedophilia people, etc. Christs enemies, and Sodomites, were possessed by Satan. The church is contradiction. The church is making making people who want to do worse to people who protect zoo's and Pedo's. The church makes people to be bad to God's nude image. The church is not making good people. Seemingly nice peacful Church people will verbally, and or physically harm a person knowing the sexuality name, that a person identifies with. They seem to be friendly, having a mind that is ready to go boom, to whoever. That is how the Sodomites were. God did not save Lot from a sexual encounter. The Spirit was in Jesus. Jesus was not like the rioting people. Money being used contributes to what is seen. Your parents were like Lot. in Sodom. 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7. KJV is being like a humble child. Unless you are reborn to be like a humble child you will not enter into the kingdom of God. The church made what you see as dirt poor. God made a mistake not giving Lucifer money so that being who was given every good thing would not be poor? What we have now is a concrete floor in the Gospel Mission. People are given a 30 day eviction notice, the day they come into that place. All kinds of restrictive rules are read out. People are ready to punish people who do, what life does. The Armory is the same thing. Military people like married people, giving them somthing softer to sleep on. They will potentially give them more humans to sacrafice in war. People are not hospitable to naked people, making laws to arrest them, and accuse them of being a sexual predator, or a pedophile, putting them in prison for the rest of their life. Satan invented prisons. The indians were not treated well. I saw a person in Middle town ca, named George P belcher who had an Indian working for him. He looked down on the Indian, not offering him any furniture in the house he was living in. He is an Indian, he said. I saw him seperating screws from bolts. A demeaning task. Every other word he said, was fuck. He was not happy. The church is a den of theives, even as the people Jesus cast out of the temple. Money is evil. Ask and receive seek and find with God giving to God what is God's are called evil. The best could be had with Christs teachings, instead of just scraping buy. Money is destroying God's gifts.
I fixed the errors. How is it now?
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^^^^^^^^^^ Can someone please translate this into English for me? Thanks. I made buy, to be by, at the end.
I cannot argue against hospitality.
Sodomites were not hospitable. They were religious people behaving like Christs enemies, on steroids. Christs enemies wanted Jesus to be dead. The Sodomites wanted to kill lot. Lot did not let Sodomites do what they wanted to do, judging the two beings in Lots house. Sodomites thought they were protecting themselves. The two beings that Sodomites did not know, were a threat to them. God's mind was not in the Sodomites, thinking that God was in their mind. Isaiah 1, verse 10 down, shows that Sodomites were religious people who lost their way. The two beings in Lots house would not be like them, thus would be condemed. Sodomites became incensed, when the person in front of Lots door was not allowed to make an assessment of the two beings in Lots house. The Sodomites had no intention of edifying anyone. Lot was a righteous man. The Sodomite's would have acknowledged that, had they have a good heart, talking like Jesus, who saw Nathaniel, saying he had no guile. There was no guile in Lot. There was no guile in the two beings in Lots house. The church has not been honest about what Sodom's sin was. People want to do worse to people, who counsel people to be good to zoosexuals, and pedophilia people, etc. Christs enemies, and Sodomites, were possessed by Satan. The church is contradiction. The church is making making people who want to do worse to people who protect zoo's and Pedo's. The church makes people to be bad to God's nude image. The church is not making good people. Seemingly nice peacful Church people will verbally, and or physically harm a person knowing the sexuality name, that a person identifies with. They seem to be friendly, having a mind that is ready to go boom, to whoever. That is how the Sodomites were. God did not save Lot from a sexual encounter. The Spirit was in Jesus. Jesus was not like the rioting people. Money being used contributes to what is seen. Your parents were like Lot. in Sodom. 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 7. KJV is being like a humble child. Unless you are reborn to be like a humble child you will not enter into the kingdom of God. The church made what you see as dirt poor. God made a mistake not giving Lucifer money so that being who was given every good thing would not be poor? What we have now is a concrete floor in the Gospel Mission. People are given a 30 day eviction notice, the day they come into that place. All kinds of restrictive rules are read out. People are ready to punish people who do, what life does. The Armory is the same thing. Military people like married people, giving them somthing softer to sleep on. They will potentially give them more humans to sacrafice in war. People are not hospitable to naked people, making laws to arrest them, and accuse them of being a sexual predator, or a pedophile, putting them in prison for the rest of their life. Satan invented prisons. The indians were not treated well. I saw a person in Middle town ca, named George P belcher who had an Indian working for him. He looked down on the Indian, not offering him any furniture in the house he was living in. He is an Indian, he said. I saw him seperating screws from bolts. A demeaning task. Every other word he said, was fuck. He was not happy. The church is a den of theives, even as the people Jesus cast out of the temple. Money is evil. Ask and receive seek and find with God giving to God what is God's are called evil. The best could be had with Christs teachings, instead of just scraping by. Money is destroying God's gifts
Brah, get some professional help.
1. Sodomites were friendly wanting to kill Lot?
You need help thinking that is the case.

2. You think God saved Lot from a sexual encounter? You need help thinking that is the case.
3. This one who came in to sojourn. and he needs be a judge Genisis 19 : 9 is not like our legal and Islam with their Imam? You need help, thinking no.

4. Sodomites were not defiled religious people, when they had prayer that God would not hear mentioned in Isaiah 1,KJV?

5. Sodomites were there to praise Lot and the two being edifying them? God saved Lot from being praised as well as the two beings in Lots house? You need help thinking yes.

6. Lot was not a righteous man? You need help thinking yes.

7. Jesus is a being who praises no one cursing whoever? You need help thinking yes.

8. Pedophiles and zoophilia people are not cursing anyone. You need help thinking they are.

9. Church leaders taught people to remain calm upon seeing zoosexual activity, gay sex, and God's nude image. You need help thing yes.

10. Money makes people to love people? You need help thinking that is so.

11. The lack of money does not make women to want to kill their inborn child? You need help thinking no.

12. People don't act nice and then yell pervert trying to kill; you when they hear that you are a zoosexual not behaving like Christs enemies who wanted to stone Jesus. You need help saying no. That is the way they are, wanting them to change. You need help thinking no.

13. It was good of person in middle town ca to think like he thought toward indians? You need help thinking yes.

14. 1 Corinthians 13:4 - 8 KJV is really about a place to give money, and earthly things? You need help thinking yes.

15. The Gospel Mission does not do what I say. You need help saying they are not doing that obeying I was a stranger and you took me in.

16. This nation was designed to obey I was a stranger and you took me in? You need help saying yes.

17. 1 Corinthians 13:4- 8 is not being like a humble child? You need help saying no.

18. You need to be a mean froward person in order to enter into God's kingdom? You need help saying yes.

19. The church made people to be good to they that are not seen as their own? You need help saying yes. Look at existing fear giving laws.

`20. Military is not proud of the people who died in war? You a need help saying no.

21. God was bad giving us gifts? He should have put a price on everything. You need help saying yes

22. It is bad to emulate God who gave us what is? You a need help saying yes.

23. We need money that makes people to say no to people? You need help saying yes.

Where don't you need help 1 - 23, and why? Don't deny God. The church hates the sight of that image, saying they speak for God.
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For example, I envision the Holy Ghost ad the engine / the power behind the message. The power itself
How do you see him ?
The Holy Spirit is in you. How can I tell? It is what you type. You speak of the Holy Spirit, in a kind way. The Holy Spirit will not draw attention to itself. The Holy Spirit is the engine, and power, itself. The Holy Spirit does what it wants to do. We cannot tell the Spirit what to do. The Holy Spirit works through people in a humble way.

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