Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

The USA not only profitted post war, but they also profitted FROM both wars in supplying the allies - manufacturing the arms and munitions used by the allies. US infrastructure was rebuilt and modernized by the New Deal, and the USA was poised to succeed as a result.

Canada and the USA boomed post war because neither country was bombed back to the stone age during the war. But when both European and Japanese manufacturing was rebuilt, it was with the latest technologies and efficiencies, so that by the 70's and 80's, US manfacturing and infrastructure was aging and less efficient, and that left the USA economically lagging.

Your current problems are the result of Republicans taking the country in 1980 and throwing out "New Deal" economics which worked for ALL of the people, with supply side economics which favoured the "investor class".
America is why you aren’t speaking with a German accent. It supplied nearly all the oil and sacrificed 420 k soldiers in the effort. Yes, America profited after the war, and continued to occupy and democratize Germany and Japan. it has its problems but it also has been pro democrat until now. Trump has changed all that and one major party is literally now fascist. Now, you need to return the favor.
And yet people in the UK are living longer and healthier lives than Americans. And they are happier with their system than Americans who can't afford the $1000 co-pay they have to pay to go to Emergency.

You talk about problems within other health care systems, and yet Americans are living shorter, sicker, and more unhappy lives than any other first world nations on earth. If your health care is so is readily available and so easy to access why is the USA the only country in the first world world where life expectancy is declining?

Anyone who sick can get treatment at emergency. That’s why your people are living shorter and sicker lives. Because healthcare is preventative care, and having access to a system and a doctor, which takes care of people and doesn’t just treat them when they become so sick, they have to go to emergency.

The mere fact that you made this post shows what a racist asshole you truly are. Your assumption that ANYONE is "mooching off white people", is wholly false.

In fact, it's rich white people who are "mooching off" of the work of the lowest paid workers in the USA.

80% of all people receiving social assistance are holding down at LEAST one full time job. 60% of people in the top 10% of the wealthy are working. The lazy moochers sitting on their asses collecting on the labour of others are "investors".

Your electrical grid is failing because investors want a "return on their investment", not an improvement in their services. Business is entirely focussed on giving the rich a good return on their money, not on providing living wages to their workers.

Your economy benefits the workers LAST. That's why your nation is in the toilet.
American economy always benefit from slave labor. Now it’s third world slave labor.
Some Americans are arrogant. This is where their inability to understand history and it's effects come in. Because America was ahead as a result of Europe having 2 world wars in a 30 year span which crippled those countries while America was basically unaffected. So American businesses made a killing in the 50's-70's because Europe needed supllies and American was basically the only country left whose industries were not destroyed by war.

Europe was rebuilt and now because many of those countries have more progressive systems, they have better outcomes.
And.MOST don’t appreciate that immigrants helped build this nation. 300,000 foreign born nations served in Ww2.
10s of thousands of Chinese built our nation’s first transcontinental railroad, an ultimate key to moving raw materials to industry and manufacturing goods to shipping ports. ALL play an important role in America’s industrial might. Go to most hospitals in the US and count the number of foreign born doctors and medical staff that work there.

Many owe their healthcare to them , even as they try to “ throw them out.”
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I'm not sure I followed the exact disagreement, but I was a math major and have a finance masters degree and I totally agree with your point we have to cut spending drastically or it's never going to work.
Really ? Cut spending ? While our economy grows, spending will always increase. Spending to be allocated to meet our infrastructure. While one party spent decades promising infrastructure programs, only one delivers more significantly. Healthcare, child care and access to services and education are also in need of more spending.
We pay for it with taxes. It’s a delusion thinking we can cut spending.
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And yet people in the UK are living longer and healthier lives than Americans. And they are happier with their system than Americans who can't afford the $1000 co-pay they have to pay to go to Emergency.

You talk about problems within other health care systems, and yet Americans are living shorter, sicker, and more unhappy lives than any other first world nations on earth. If your health care is so is readily available and so easy to access why is the USA the only country in the first world world where life expectancy is declining?

Anyone who sick can get treatment at emergency. That’s why your people are living shorter and sicker lives. Because healthcare is preventative care, and having access to a system and a doctor, which takes care of people and doesn’t just treat them when they become so sick, they have to go to emergency.

The mere fact that you made this post shows what a racist asshole you truly are. Your assumption that ANYONE is "mooching off white people", is wholly false.

In fact, it's rich white people who are "mooching off" of the work of the lowest paid workers in the USA.

80% of all people receiving social assistance are holding down at LEAST one full time job. 60% of people in the top 10% of the wealthy are working. The lazy moochers sitting on their asses collecting on the labour of others are "investors".

Your electrical grid is failing because investors want a "return on their investment", not an improvement in their services. Business is entirely focussed on giving the rich a good return on their money, not on providing living wages to their workers.

Your economy benefits the workers LAST. That's why your nation is in the toilet.
Universal healthcare is long over due. While it’s apoarently needed, we have one party of fascist committed to cutting it.
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That’s the way racism starts. Poor little white boy.
Most black and whites are not racist. The only white racists with any kind of say are on the Internet hiding behind screen names. You will never see a white racist on Fox News or CNN or MSNBC saying all Black people have a virus. You better believe though you got a few black racists on CNN like Van Jones saying all white people have a virus and there have been blacks on ESPN who constantly make racist remarks.

It is undeniable that there is racism against white Christian men in the university, the mass media, sports organizations and big business in America. Simply put they have quotas where they have to hire a certain number of people who are not white men. And the way people like you react to it is telling of either you are racism or total ignorance of the subject. So People like you and others in this thread like you rely on emotion and lying, propaganda, nastiness as well.

The sooner that black and white people who support your ideology can accept the fact that black and white people throughout history were slaves and also owned slaves the better off the western world will be. No wonder there’s problems in the west today, high depression and drug use rates, children, born out of wedlock, Children born into one parent household.
The sooner that black and white people who support your ideology can accept the fact that black and white people throughout history were slaves and also owned slaves the better off the western world will be.
America was the only country on earth where slavery was based upon race. Everywhere else was class slavery. All you need to do is spend time in bubba land and listen and you’ll see there is a distinct air of superiority of white over blacks.

The idea that racism exist only in a small minority is wrong. It exists in the entire GOP which has promoted voter suppression for decades. They want apartheid style gov. and Trump is their leader. Just ask. They don’t deny it.
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II have nothing to do with being whites. And it has been white men who have mooched.

We have one thing in common, neither of us has a clue what you are talking about. moochers have come from every race, gender and crede, racist ass.

They also come from both political parties. I want to stop all moochers, you want to get the Republican kicked out of the race so Pedo Joe can win
America was the only country on earth where slavery was based upon race. Everywhere else was class slavery. All you need to do is spend time in bubba land and listen and you’ll see there is a distinct air of superiority of white over blacks.

The idea that racism exist only in a small minority is wrong. It exists in the entire GOP which has promoted voter suppression for decades. They want apartheid style gov. and Trump is their leader. Just ask. They don’t deny it.

Another seventh grade dropout who knows no history. Seventh grade dropouts are the Democrat Party's favorites
Universal healthcare is long over due. While it’s apoarently needed, we have one party of fascist committed to cutting it.

I apologize for Dragon Lady, but she's Canadian. Just wanted to be sure you knew
Really ? Cut spending ? While our economy grows, spending will always increase. Spending to be allocated to meet our infrastructure. While one party spent decades promising infrastructure programs, only one delivers more significantly. Healthcare, child care and access to services and education are also in need of more spending.
We pay for it with taxes. It’s a delusion thinking we can cut spending.

Do you explain the law to lawyers too? Medicine to doctors? How big is your ego that you explain things condescendingly you know nothing about?
Another seventh grade dropout who knows no history. Seventh grade dropouts are the Democrat Party's favorites
Wow, nothing I’ve said is untrue. The gop will do anything to keep their racist bigotry in tow. They are all hypocrites. Take Steve Scalise who is getting stem sell treatment for his cancer, a procedure he and his Republican colleagues voted against. It’s typical of the GOP hypocrisy.
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Do you explain the law to lawyers too? Medicine to doctors? How big is your ego that you explain things condescendingly you know nothing about?
Obviously you live in yo mamas basement with the tv tuned to fix News 24-7. You couldn’t be smart too if you just dug your head out of Trump’s ass.
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Saying we need to figure something out, and putting up a workable solution are two different things.
The problem is that the DC morons borrowed $100,000 for every American. That stupidity is coming due.

Here is my solution: (Ron Desantis likes the new Remittance Tax to pay for the wall)

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$6b/yr, see link below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages 1-year from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, and a co-pay for Medicaid
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by $650b a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $33T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2021 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

Your #s 4 and 5 have no impact on the budget deficit. Your increased taxes will increase inflation and destroy the economy. It is apparent you know every little about economics.
We have one thing in common, neither of us has a clue what you are talking about. moochers have come from every race, gender and crede, racist ass.

They also come from both political parties. I want to stop all moochers, you want to get the Republican kicked out of the race so Pedo Joe can win
I know what I am talking about. American history supports what I said and racism has nothing to do with it.
Wow, nothing I’ve said is untrue. The gop will do anything to keep their racist bigotry in tow. They are all hypocrites. Take Steve Scalise who is getting stem sell treatment for his cancer, a procedure he and his Republican colleagues voted against. It’s typical of the GOP hypocrisy.

M'kay. You know less about finance than I know about being a chick with a dick, MAGA man
Obviously you live in yo mamas basement with the tv tuned to fix News 24-7. You couldn’t be smart too if you just dug your head out of Trump’s ass.

Back to high school yet again. I left over forty years ago, you never will, MAGA man. Have fun in gym today, your best subject!

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