Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

Are not 95% of all Federal income taxes paid by households earning $285,000+ annually?
So who should get benefits, Social Security & Medicare folks who paid into it their entire life, or the Welfare and Medicaid "charity" people.
When the dollar collapses we won't be able to borrow any more money.
We can't afford both. I believe in fiscal reality.
If the dollar collapses perhaps a reorganization of the family unit will occur. The elderly may not be so independent and actually live with their children who have their own families. Which happened a lot more in the past. Of course, there will be a downward spiral until we hit bottom.
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.
most of this is in the shit holes...they voted for it
So who should get benefits, Social Security & Medicare folks who paid into it their entire life, or the Welfare and Medicaid "charity" people.
When the dollar collapses we won't be able to borrow any more money.
We can't afford both. I believe in fiscal reality.
That’s silly as the money you paid your entire life, has already paid retirees who were older . You get paid by younger workers. Are you now asking them to pay you then get no retirement later .? Guess you are.
I have a radical solution I think that should be considered ….banning things like pornography, TikTok, and only fans. They are a serious detriment to society , this trend of alarming numbers of single young men cannot continue.
Let’s ban all media that pedals lies, like Fox News.
Are not 95% of all Federal income taxes paid by households earning $285,000+ annually?
They have all the money. Poor people are still paying all the other taxes including FICA, state, property and sales taxes. The bottom 50%:eek:nly have 2.4% of the wealth. You want them to pay 50% of the budget when they only have 2.4% of the wealth ? Geesus.
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You’re hilarious. Only the more liberal party of democrats have LOWERED THE DEFICIT.
Republicans HAVE never lowered deficits and lowered spending while cutting taxes.
Your math illiteracy is amazing. The poor don’t make enough wealth to pay down the debt.,
THE top 10% HOLD 70% of the wealth, and you want the poor to,pay…
you math illiterates, the bottom 50% only have 2.4% of the wealth.
YOU COULD Take all their money , kill them and bury them, and you’d still be in debt by the TRILLIONS
Is that your plan ?
How do you balance the budget and start paying down he debt.

My math in post-12 works. You type shit with no proof. See the difference?

Here are wealth distribution graphs. So what do you propose? A wealth Tax?



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That’s silly as the money you paid your entire life, has already paid retirees who were older . You get paid by younger workers. Are you now asking them to pay you then get no retirement later .? Guess you are.
When SS is fixed, its fixed long term.
Remove the cap, its fixed.
There is still “evil” if you call using child labor to keep prices down. There are still the privileged that wealth can bring.Both are honestly true.
Expand on that post please. Child labor has been gone for like 100 years in this country. Thanks to Democrats labor leaders who got rid of child sweatshops.

But I would agree with a point that if CEOs could they would employ 10 year olds. Some of them are the most evil people around. But there’s also been great ones like Henry Ford and John Rockefeller, who brought us really well paying jobs for the middle class.

You know at Ford motor company here in Buffalo for decades there were white people, blacks, Jews, and Muslims all working together making great money. They had over 10,000 workers at one point at the stamping plant here in Buffalo now it’s something like 1000.
People in general are overworked and stressed out. Too little vacation time is an issue.
Some labor unions having entertaining the idea of a four day work week. Maybe four days at 10 hours a day. I think some companies are looking at that as well. in some other countries of the world they have much longer vacation time ie in France and Russia.
You really can't focus on anything can you? You're all over the place.

Ok, point by point:

1. San Francisco is what happens when democrats rule too long. Look at FL cities or TX cities.

2. Yeah, ok, I'm sure the Dare Program will be taken seriously by kids today, especially inner city blacks.

3. Homos need to get back to their gay bars and leave our kids alone. I don't want my kids reading gay books, seeing drag shows, or any other fucked up nonsense the teacher's unions push, like tranny bullshit. My religion tells me how to live. Teachers need to TEACH, and not push the woke or gay agenda. Teachers are failing students.

4. Where I worked we had random drug screenings. We need that all over to reduce drug use.
Hope you’re having a wonderful night. I have Jesus in my life and that is what helps millions of people in this world. He teaches us to be kind to others even when they engage in bullying tactics

Well in San Francisco there’s also republicans and traditional Democrats that disagree with the extremist left BLM democrat positions, so it’s not right that they have to suffer in that community because of horrendous leader ship by blm Democrats.

The dare program made a huge difference in the lives of millions of youngsters during the 1980s and 1990s. It was headed by a Los Angeles police officer and a Los Angeles school superintendent. Those are the feel good stories you know teaching kids to work out, be strong, stand up to bullies, say no to drugs. It can be done. It will be done, hopefully. Tons of young black kids choose to play basketball and football , or join a book club instead of taking a bunch of drugs or joining a gang.

Yes, the LGBT thing can be an issue, but in my view, only if they want trans surgeries for children or men to go into women’s bathrooms that’s way too much. But the way I feel and even many other Christians is two gay men or two lesbian women should be respected.

Now I would say in response to what you’re saying above the biggest point of all is no matter what somebody thinks about a drug addict or a criminal. They affect everyone in the society. And there’s many reasons why people turn to drugs and crimes, including having no patriotism toward the country, having a one parent household, having no work. Now you look at the 1950s we had better jobs they paid more, we had much less drug use much more of a strong family. So we need to bring back a strong family, get the divorce rate down, do something about the pornography issue, and that’s including banning porn, banning only fans as well.. and we need to have a limit on divorce payouts.

It cannot be stressed enough how our social problems affect our economy. So you can’t just try and fix one we need to try and fix both. We have way too many young men in this country who are single, lonely and depressed, and the statistics show it leads to more school shootings. There is another study, suggesting that by 2030 40% of young women will be single and without children. So yet another problem that must be confronted.
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

Hopefully the Chinese, Russians, and Arabs can cut all our heads off. Then they can take our land. We certainly deserve it. I could see America to be one of those nations bashed in the Old Testament for spiritual decadence and excessive materialism. We will probably last a few more years but it would be better if some superior nation would come in and kill us off and take our land.

I used to be a patriotic American. I joined the Marine Corps 3 days after turning 18 but if we are ever attacked by foreign invaders or domestic terrorist, I’m getting in line to surrender. Heck, I’ll start the line.
Hopefully the Chinese, Russians, and Arabs can cut all our heads off. Then they can take our land. We certainly deserve it. I could say America to be one of those nations bashed in the Old Testament for spiritual decadence and excessive materialism. We will probably last a few more years but it would be better if some superior nation would come in and kill us off and take our land.

I used to be a patriotic American. I joined the Marine Corps 3 days after turning 18 but if we are ever attacked by foreign invaders or domestic terrorist, I’m getting in line to surrender. Heck, I’ll start the line.
The problem in America imo is poor political leader ship coupled with too much a population who are on drugs all the time, they are not doing the types of things the American people did in the 1950s like being strong, starting a family going to work staying off drugs.

But the politicians exacerbate the problems because they are for the legalization of marijuana, they prop up blm and crt, they’re not doing anything about serious social issues in this country like a high divorce rate, hi abortion rate, huge numbers of young people who are single and lonely, which leads to Mass school shootings +other problems.

We got two oceans in between us and there’s all sorts of wars going on in the world. I don’t see an invasion of America by another country in the near future. Now we should do something about our border issues, but that’s a different problem.
So who should get benefits, Social Security & Medicare folks who paid into it their entire life, or the Welfare and Medicaid "charity" people.
When the dollar collapses we won't be able to borrow any more money.
We can't afford both. I believe in fiscal reality.
Why do we have economic problems. In part because we give billions of dollars to Ukraine + Israel. And the economic giveaways, including billions of dollars to Rich businesses during the lockdown’s. That was totally unnecessary. Those lockdowns were a terrible decision. So that’s part of an answer to your concern. All of those “stimulus checks” it was unbelievable. People were getting money who were healthy and they were getting thousands of dollars per month for not going to work and sitting at home.

People who pay into Social Security should get benefits, but anytime you see a disabled person, a child who is homeless without parents well in a proper civilize Christian country Something has to be done about that. That’s just American moral values whether you want to talk about Christianity or not to cover the expenses for kids without parents, mentally disabled adults and physically handicap people.

I believe Social Security disability pays handicap people who put enough money into the system, or if they have under $2000 in the bank they get some kind of amount of money per month. I’m fine with that because it’s in line with Christian moral values.
The problem in America imo is poor political leader ship coupled with too much a population who are on drugs all the time, they are not doing the types of things the American people did in the 1950s like being strong, starting a family going to work staying off drugs.

But the politicians exacerbate the problems because they are for the legalization of marijuana, they prop up blm and crt, they’re not doing anything about serious social issues in this country like a high divorce rate, hi abortion rate, huge numbers of young people who are single and lonely, which leads to Mass school shootings +other problems.

We got two oceans in between us and there’s all sorts of wars going on in the world. I don’t see an invasion of America by another country in the near future. Now we should do something about our border issues, but that’s a different problem.

Yes. Those two oceans are our greatest military assets. I’m just saying we deserve to be taken over and ruled by others. I don’t care who they are or how brutal they will be as rulers. Americans deserve it. If I was 18 years old there is no way I would join the military to fight for Americans. No way. I did it when I was young but I don’t think Americans deserve to be defended. Let them feast on their own selfishness and choke.
Let’s ban all media that pedals lies, like Fox News.
That’s different. Let them say what they want. They’re not selling drugs, they’re not asking people for money to see pictures of naked people. So you’re talking about something totally different.

We should put a cap on divorce settlement, consider banning pornography, and only fans. Because doing something like that would see an overnight positive achievement, more young people would want to get into a real relationship.
Yes. Those two oceans are our greatest military assets. I’m just saying we deserve to be taken over and ruled by others. I don’t care who they are or how brutal they will be as rulers. Americans deserve it. If I was 18 years old there is no way I would join the military to fight for Americans. No way. I did it when I was young but I don’t think Americans deserve to be defended. Let them feast on their own selfishness and choke.
I appreciate your service to this country along with any other veterans on the USMB

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