Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

We should consider banning Instagram as they are reportedly using algorithms for users who are pedophiles. Instagram is reportedly being used by child abusers to communicate for nefarious reasons
At the YMCA the other day, a man in his 80s was telling me he was at a restaurant, and he saw all the young people there staring at their phones. People were not talking with each other. They were consumed by their phone.

They weren’t really paying attention to anything but their phones. Now that’s a social problem. And it wasn’t like that back in the day. People were more outgoing and healthy.
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.
Yes it is a shame. I am a Democrat and also a Christian who tries to go to church every Sunday. I see this lack of caring for fellow man that I do find disturbing. It seems more prominent among the wealthy Republican voters who just care about the wealthy.

As an example. I was stopped and told I was an idiot by a Republican voter in a wealthy upscale Chicago suburb town for giving money to a poor man begging on the street. His assumption was the guy wasn't really homeless, but was faking it and was a drug addict. It is an easy cop out to make if you don't have the heart to care for your fellow man. The poor homeless man appeared disabled to me and mentally retarded, I felt bad for him.

I think national healthcare would be a very humane way for a society to help those with less income who can't afford it, but the fat greedy rich in this country see it as taking money away from them.I have seen so many people with great jobs and platinum plus benefits argue against national healthcare and give little to no remorse to those with very little income who suffer under our terrible healthcare system. No care for your fellow man, no compassion. This compassion for your fellow man the Republican party is so much against.

Unions are great in this country, I wish I was one. Unfortunately historically the Republican Party always tried to destroy them with "right to work" laws. We need more jobs to be unionized. Unfortunately the rich have always tried to destroy them, they feel the working class makes too much money under unions and has too many benefits they don't deserve. An easy viewpoint for a greedy businessman to have who just wants more money and will try to get away with paying his workers as little as he can. No compassion or caring for your fellow man.

I even see it in the households these days. People not having large family get-together's. Family members not helping out other family members, it is every for themselves. Friends not helping friends. Neighbors not helping neighbors.

You see less people joining non for profit charities that help the poor and communities. It's just a shame.

It is this capitalism mentally found in the Republican party that seems to encourage narcissim that has changed society for the worse. This greedy mentality, everyone hording money for themselves and not sharing with their community to help the community as a whole. Socialism is very humane and a good thing. This is why I am strong socialist Democrat.
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That’s different. Let them say what they want. They’re not selling drugs, they’re not asking people for money to see pictures of naked people. So you’re talking about something totally different.

We should put a cap on divorce settlement, consider banning pornography, and only fans. Because doing something like that would see an overnight positive achievement, more young people would want to get into a real relationship.
Fine. Fox is being much more careful. They can’t afford the law suits. Banning pornography ? Geesus, banning George Santos would be a start.
At the YMCA the other day, a man in his 80s was telling me he was at a restaurant, and he saw all the young people there staring at their phones. People were not talking with each other. They were consumed by their phone.

They weren’t really paying attention to anything but their phones. Now that’s a social problem. And it wasn’t like that back in the day. People were more outgoing and healthy.
Ha ha. It’s sometimes a blessing in disguise. Some people are better off in public keeping to themselves. I have no problem.
How do you balance the budget and start paying down he debt.

My math in post-12 works. You type shit with no proof. See the difference?

Here are wealth distribution graphs. So what do you propose? A wealth Tax?

View attachment 864902
So you’re agreeing with me. You want the bottom 50% who has 2.5% of the wealth to pay more taxes than the rich…
So you’re agreeing with me. You want the bottom 50% who has 2.5% of the wealth to pay LESS taxes than the rich…
1. Yes, the bottom half of incomes should pay a lower percentage of taxes than the top half.

2. The Income Tax is progressive, the top incomes pay much more, the bottom half pays almost nothing.

3. Every American owes $100,000 plus interest as their share of the National Debt. That is a fact. $37T / 331m = $100,000

4. Only the "Crazy Eight" Republicans want to cut spending and stop borrowing. That means that the Budget needs to be cut back to 2019 levels of about $4T.

5. One other way we can raise revenue is by a progressive "standard deduction" to help pay down the Debt and Deficit. Instead of a flat Sales Tax that would hit the bottom incomes. I don't know id that would raise the needed revenue, but its a good start.
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

This is a direct result of the two major parties working together to divide the country along any lines possible to ensure their power is never threatened again
1. Yes, the bottom half of incomes should pay a lower percentage of taxes than the top half.

2. The Income Tax is progressive, the top incomes pay much more, the bottom half pays almost nothing.

3. Every American owes $100,000 plus interest as their share of the National Debt. That is a fact. $37T / 331m = $100,000

4. Only the "Crazy Eight" Republicans want to cut spending and stop borrowing. That means that the Budget needs to be cut back to 2019 levels of about $4T.

5. One other way we can raise revenue is by a progressive "standard deduction" to help pay down the Debt and Deficit. Instead of a flat Sales Tax that would hit the bottom incomes. I don't know id that would raise the needed revenue, but its a good start.
The bottom half ALREADY pays taxes. Why do you insist that they can balance the budget when they only possess 2.5% of the wealth ? You‘re funny. You don’t get that reducing federal income taxes to zero for the poorer results in the poor having enough money to pay flat rate taxes to states., Youre funny. Who does your taxes ?
The bottom half ALREADY pays taxes. Why do you insist that they can balance the budget when they only possess 2.5% of the wealth ? You‘re funny. You don’t get that reducing federal income taxes to zero for the poorer results in the poor having enough money to pay flat rate taxes to states., You're funny. Who does your taxes ?
Re-read my post you replied to (below). Your response ignores what I actually said.

1. Yes, the bottom half of incomes should pay a lower percentage of taxes than the top half.
2. The Income Tax is progressive, the top incomes pay much more, the bottom half pays almost nothing.
3. Every American owes $100,000 plus interest as their share of the National Debt. That is a fact. $37T / 331m = $100,000
4. Only the "Crazy Eight" Republicans want to cut spending and stop borrowing. That means that the Budget needs to be cut back to 2019 levels of about $4T.
5. One other way we can raise revenue is by a progressive "standard deduction" to help pay down the Debt and Deficit. Instead of a flat Sales Tax that would hit the bottom incomes. I don't know if that would raise the needed revenue, but its a good start.

a. The bottom half pays taxes, but does NOT generate significant revenue. The top half of incomes pays ~95% of the revenue, the bottom half ~5% of income tax revenue. That is a major progressive tax. I don't "insist" they can balance the Budget.

b. Every American owes $100,000. Understand that.

c. I dropped the 4% sales tax idea for a "progressive" Standard Deduction based on income level. Raises revenue without hitting the lower half of incomes.

d. I support the "Crazy 8" Republicans who want to slash the 2024 Budget and stop borrowing.
Yes it is a shame. I am a Democrat and also a Christian who tries to go to church every Sunday. I see this lack of caring for fellow man that I do find disturbing. It seems more prominent among the wealthy Republican voters who just care about the wealthy.

As an example. I was stopped and told I was an idiot by a Republican voter in a wealthy upscale Chicago suburb town for giving money to a poor man begging on the street. His assumption was the guy wasn't really homeless, but was faking it and was a drug addict. It is an easy cop out to make if you don't have the heart to care for your fellow man. The poor homeless man appeared disabled to me and mentally retarded, I felt bad for him.

I think national healthcare would be a very humane way for a society to help those with less income who can't afford it, but the fat greedy rich in this country see it as taking money away from them.I have seen so many people with great jobs and platinum plus benefits argue against national healthcare and give little to no remorse to those with very little income who suffer under our terrible healthcare system. No care for your fellow man, no compassion. This compassion for your fellow man the Republican party is so much against.

Unions are great in this country, I wish I was one. Unfortunately historically the Republican Party always tried to destroy them with "right to work" laws. We need more jobs to be unionized. Unfortunately the rich have always tried to destroy them, they feel the working class makes too much money under unions and has too many benefits they don't deserve. An easy viewpoint for a greedy businessman to have who just wants more money and will try to get away with paying his workers as little as he can. No compassion or caring for your fellow man.

I even see it in the households these days. People not having large family get-together's. Family members not helping out other family members, it is every for themselves. Friends not helping friends. Neighbors not helping neighbors.

You see less people joining non for profit charities that help the poor and communities. It's just a shame.

It is this capitalism mentally found in the Republican party that seems to encourage narcissim that has changed society for the worse. This greedy mentality, everyone hording money for themselves and not sharing with their community to help the community as a whole. Socialism is very humane and a good thing. This is why I am strong socialist Democrat.
I would not blame everything on one political party, Have to believe that there are people from both party's that want to work for America, and not for the advancement of party over country.
Re-read my post you replied to (below). Your response ignores what I actually said.

1. Yes, the bottom half of incomes should pay a lower percentage of taxes than the top half.
thay do already. It goes to ZERO. that’s progressive tax.,
2. The Income Tax is progressive, the top incomes pay much more, the bottom half pays almost nothing.
3. Every American owes $100,000 plus interest as their share of the National Debt. That is a fact. $37T / 331m = $100,000
wrong, they do not. Rich people realize more govt support from tax dollars than poor. They SHOULD PAY HIGHER TAXES
4. Only the "Crazy Eight" Republicans want to cut spending and stop borrowing. That means that the Budget needs to be cut back to 2019 levels of about $4T.
Spending can never be cut, only reduce the amount of increase. If you cut all increases, you’ll ruin the business investments which depend upon marginal inflation as their investment increases require.
5. One other way we can raise revenue is by a progressive "standard deduction" to help pay down the Debt and Deficit. Instead of a flat Sales Tax that would hit the bottom incomes. I don't know if that would raise the needed revenue, but its a good start.
Wrong, the more you tax the poor at any rate, the less money is available for these poor to pay state taxes. Any amount you increase the poor or drive low middle class into poverty, the greater the burden on local taxation and the cost of services to the poor as they grow in number.
a. The bottom half pays taxes, but does NOT generate significant revenue. The top half of incomes pays ~95% of the revenue, the bottom half ~5% of income tax revenue. That is a major progressive tax. I don't "insist" they can balance the Budget
Then why even suggest it.
We can easily help eliminate the deficit doing one thing. Raise the FICA tax cap. It’s a flat rate tax.
b. Every American owes $100,000. Understand that.
no they don’t. It’s just a rich person’s way of explaining away his responsibility. RICH PEOPLE are benefit more by govt spending than ANY poor person.
c. I dropped the 4% sales tax idea for a "progressive" Standard Deduction based on income level. Raises revenue without hitting the lower half of incomes.
Some States use the sales tax as one of their main sources of income…
d. I support the "Crazy 8" Republicans who want to slash the 2024 Budget and stop borrowing.
Fine, promote a huge recession. EVERY time the gop has massive tax cuts, they put freezes on domestic spending and freezes on govt wages. Since the GOVT is the single biggest employer and CONTRACTOR of private industry we soon drop domestic soending; a recession follows. People are then Laid off by the millions, start collecting unemployment and the deficit gies up. It did with bush when we had the biggest recession since 1929. It did with every gop tax cut for the rich who love recessions.

Trump said it. They the rich , are the only ones with enough assists left to buy up real estate at reduced depression era prices….only to be resold for huge profits after the bailouts.
they do already. It goes to ZERO. that’s progressive tax.,

wrong, they do not. Rich people realize more govt support from tax dollars than poor. They SHOULD PAY HIGHER TAXES

Spending can never be cut, only reduce the amount of increase. If you cut all increases, you’ll ruin the business investments which depend upon marginal inflation as their investment increases require.

Wrong, the more you tax the poor at any rate, the less money is available for these poor to pay state taxes. Any amount you increase the poor or drive low middle class into poverty, the greater the burden on local taxation and the cost of services to the poor as they grow in number.

Then why even suggest it.
We can easily help eliminate the deficit doing one thing. Raise the FICA tax cap. It’s a flat rate tax.

no they don’t. It’s just a rich person’s way of explaining away his responsibility. RICH PEOPLE are benefit more by govt spending than ANY poor person.

Some States use the sales tax as one of their main sources of income…

Fine, promote a huge recession. EVERY time the gop has massive tax cuts, they put freezes on domestic spending and freezes on govt wages. Since the GOVT is the single biggest employer and CONTRACTOR of private industry we soon drop domestic soending; a recession follows. People are then Laid off by the millions, start collecting unemployment and the deficit gies up. It did with bush when we had the biggest recession since 1929. It did with every gop tax cut for the rich who love recessions.

Trump said it. They the rich , are the only ones with enough assists left to buy up real estate at reduced depression era prices….only to be resold for huge profits after the bailouts.
1. Rich people already pay way more taxes than the lower half of incomes, ALL TAXES, Federal, State, Local, School, Sales, etc.

2. Spending MUST be cut. Trump's Budget was $4T, Biden's Budget is $7T. We need to cut, and cut, and cut, and cut. Cutting Federal spending has nothing to do with business investments, unless you are counting all of those unwarranted subsidies.

3. A more progressive standard deduction helps the poor and taxes the wealthy more. You misunderstood my meaning.

4. Raising or removing the cap saves SS, it does NOT help with the Budget Deficit.

5. No matter how you slice it, either we all owe $100,000 or rich people owe $1b each, its a very big debt that need to be addressed as the interest paid is exploding. I don't see any brilliant ideas coming from you how to start paying down the Debt.

6. I dropped the new 4% FEDERAL sales tax idea since I agree that hits the poor too hard. State sales taxes are unaffected.

7. If a recession is what we need to cut spending, then lets go, the sooner the better. Lets stop borrowing and start paying down the Debt.
Looking at what the GOP could cut to get back to 2019 levels, how about:
a. Department of Education
b. ALL subsidies
c. ALL foreign aid
d. Reduce Welfare
e. Reduce Medicaid
f. Defense to 2019 levels (still more than the next 10 militaries)
1. Rich people already pay way more taxes than the lower half of incomes, ALL TAXES, Federal, State, Local, School, Sales, etc.

2. Spending MUST be cut. Trump's Budget was $4T, Biden's Budget is $7T. We need to cut, and cut, and cut, and cut. Cutting Federal spending has nothing to do with business investments, unless you are counting all of those unwarranted subsidies.

3. A more progressive standard deduction helps the poor and taxes the wealthy more. You misunderstood my meaning.

4. Raising or removing the cap saves SS, it does NOT help with the Budget Deficit.

5. No matter how you slice it, either we all owe $100,000 or rich people owe $1b each, its a very big debt that need to be addressed as the interest paid is exploding. I don't see any brilliant ideas coming from you how to start paying down the Debt.

6. I dropped the new 4% FEDERAL sales tax idea since I agree that hits the poor too hard. State sales taxes are unaffected.

7. If a recession is what we need to cut spending, then lets go, the sooner the better. Lets stop borrowing and start paying down the Debt.
Looking at what the GOP could cut to get back to 2019 levels, how about:
a. Department of Education
b. ALL subsidies
c. ALL foreign aid
d. Reduce Welfare
e. Reduce Medicaid
f. Defense to 2019 levels (still more than the next 10 militaries)
Pie in the sky cuts. The military and entitlements are where the majority of cuts need to be made. That means Medicare and social security. That means more elderly will immediately go below the poverty line…..seeing how you are cutting Medicaid too, they die by the droves, simply to save the rich and their vacation homes.
”Rich people already pay way more taxes than the lower half of incomes, ALL TAXES, Federal, State, Local, School, Sales, etc.”
Thats all bullshit. The middle class as a group overwhelmingly pays more sales taxes, property tax and local consumer taxes. They are forced too. The rich invest a much higher percent. More commodities are bought by the middle class simply because there are more if them . So your claims are bullshit.
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I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

The only was forward is to rid all commee leftist scum first from GOVT, then academics, then general population. They are like Terrorists, you can't work with them involved.

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