Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

What a crack-up. So Republicans are narcissists and selfish, but you know, the leftists aren't????????????? Give me a break. Leftists are ALL talk. Nobody is more needy, and practices more hypocrisy than a leftist.
The only was is to rid all commee leftist scum first from GOVT, then academics, then the population. They are like Terrorists, you can't work with them involved.
Yup. Let’s do away with all science which is dominated by lefties. Then, the right could sit there and argue with each other over who is going to take out the shit can.
What a crack-up. So Republicans are narcissists and selfish, but you know, the leftists aren't????????????? Give me a break. Leftists are ALL talk. Nobody is more needy, and practices more hypocrisy than a leftist.
You mean all those lefties should just stop inventing medications and cancer treatments so you can die at age 35 ?
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.

You can't have a country where half or even a third of our own citizens hate us, like the Democrat party does. It's over, we just don't know it yet
As usual, you make your bogus whine and only consider federal income taxes which are progressive..

The working poor pay FICA taxes that the rich have capped. They pay sales tax, state income tax, property tax directly or through their rental Fees. They pay taxes on every commodity they buy. They can’t take deductions that the rich can because they can’t afford to make charitable deductions or like business owners who take trips and buy vehicles they use for 40% of their business, they get to right off and pay little to no taxes. They can take trips tax Free, buy vehicles tax free and even get reduced property taxes. With the gop tax deductions some of the richest people in the US paid no federal income taxes either.

And guess what ? All the taxes the poor have to pay that the rich don’

t pay reduced amount, are nearly all FLAT RATE.
Only math illiterates make the arguments you do.
No,one wants freebees more than republicans who want their taxes cut so the poor can pay more..

SS is capped at payout too. Not only capped at pay-in. It was not considered a TAX as you wish to make it.
Pie in the sky cuts. The military and entitlements are where the majority of cuts need to be made. That means Medicare and social security. That means more elderly will immediately go below the poverty line…..seeing how you are cutting Medicaid too, they die by the droves, simply to save the rich and their vacation homes.
”Rich people already pay way more taxes than the lower half of incomes, ALL TAXES, Federal, State, Local, School, Sales, etc.”
Thats all bullshit. The middle class as a group overwhelmingly pays more sales taxes, property tax and local consumer taxes. They are forced too. The rich invest a much higher percent. More commodities are bought by the middle class simply because there are more if them . So your claims are bullshit.
1. How can you cut entitlements? We PAID for those SS & Medicare benefits. Cut the "charity safety net".

2. Cutting the military is dangerous, with China, Iran, NK and the ME heating up. But I agree they need to tighten their belt.

3. I put up links proving my claims. Looking at the median family for each bracket, the wealthy pay more in every case. They buy more so they pay more sales tax, their real estate taxes are more, their school taxes are more, their State taxes are more, and their Federal income taxes are more. (don't look as a "group", they aren't taxed as a group, compare medians to see the real tax picture)

4. I agree that the Capital Gains Tax needs to be removed so that ALL income is taxed at the same rate.
SS is capped at payout too. Not only capped at pay-in. It was not considered a TAX as you wish to make it.

Social Security and Medicare are welfare programs and your payments to them are clearly taxes because no money is ever saved. Your SS payments and Medicare are paid by your children just like any other welfare program
SS is capped at payout too. Not only capped at pay-in. It was not considered a TAX as you wish to make it.
Of course it’s a tax, as far asv the English language is concerned
Tax-“compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers' income“
1. How can you cut entitlements? We PAID for those SS & Medicare benefits. Cut the "charity safety net".
The same way the Reagan administration cut SS benefits by 60% of people who had already contributed fully into SS.
2. Cutting the military is dangerous, with China, Iran, NK and the ME heating up. But I agree they need to tighten their belt.
Wow, so you’re going to only cut benefits for the poor.
3. I put up links proving my claims. Looking at the median family for each bracket, the wealthy pay more in every case. They buy more so they pay more sales tax, their real estate taxes are more, their school taxes are more, their State taxes are more, and their Federal income taxes are more. (don't look as a "group", they aren't taxed as a group, compare medians to see the real tax picture)

4. I agree that the Capital Gains Tax needs to be removed so that ALL income is taxed at the same rate.
Social Security and Medicare are welfare programs and your payments to them are clearly taxes because no money is ever saved. Your SS payments and Medicare are paid by your children just like any other welfare program

Now it is. But not as intended. That DAGS poster was acting as if the pay-in CAP could be re-moved. Then it would be strictly a TAX. Unless the commee also raised the max payout level.
Now it is. But not as intended. That DAGS poster was acting as if the pay-in CAP could be re-moved. Then it would be strictly a TAX. Unless the commee also raised the max payout level.
SS and Medicare are pay go. Your TAX is paying for the benefits of those retirees who paid for the previous generation of enrollees. It entitles you to nothing as far as republicans are concerned. They salivate everytime some one suggests eliminating or cutting both.
1. How can you cut entitlements? We PAID for those SS & Medicare benefits.

No, you didn't. The money was spent as it came in, just like every other tax. To have paid for SS, you have to have saved the money, and you didn't, worry Champ

2. Cutting the military is dangerous, with China, Iran, NK and the ME heating up. But I agree they need to tighten their belt.

Or Biden could grow a pair. It would be a boatload cheaper than his being such a wuss every bad guy in the world recognized tehir chance
3. I put up links proving my claims. Looking at the median family for each bracket, the wealthy pay more in every case. They buy more so they pay more sales tax, their real estate taxes are more, their school taxes are more, their State taxes are more, and their Federal income taxes are more. (don't look as a "group", they aren't taxed as a group, compare medians to see the real tax picture)

More than half the country pay zero taxes. That is just wrong. When they hear handout, it's just free to them. Everyone should pay something or they aren't invested
4. I agree that the Capital Gains Tax needs to be removed so that ALL income is taxed at the same rate.

Great way for the country to wind up broke. This is Bidenomics at work. Only the rich survive. I for example recognize prices going up, but I can afford it. Poor people can't. That, is Bidenomics
As Always. LW maggots bust up any thread on cutting spending.

KYZR always has a good list. Then the commee scum attack and derail.
"Pie in the Sky" BS. You have to cut all you can, small or large. It will add up. It will not annually increase if it is gone. Get rid of worthless GOVT that does nothing to add value.
Now it is. But not as intended. That DAGS poster was acting as if the pay-in CAP could be re-moved. Then it would be strictly a TAX. Unless the commee also raised the max payout level.

That's true, but it's been over half a decade since they saved a dime, so it's just a fun fact at this point
No, you didn't. The money was spent as it came in, just like every other tax. To have paid for SS, you have to have saved the money, and you didn't, worry Champ

Or Biden could grow a pair. It would be a boatload cheaper than his being such a wuss every bad guy in the world recognized tehir chance

More than half the country pay zero taxes. That is just wrong. When they hear handout, it's just free to them. Everyone should pay something or they aren't invested

Great way for the country to wind up broke. This is Bidenomics at work. Only the rich survive. I for example recognize prices going up, but I can afford it. Poor people can't. That, is Bidenomics
The inflation is world wide after the covid bailouts. Everyone feels it. Bidenomics has made the US inflation much less severe then most other nations.
SS and Medicare are pay go. Your TAX is paying for the benefits of those retirees who paid for the previous generation of enrollees.

You pay X dollars into SS up to an income limit annually (~12%). You get back payments based on what you paid in over your highest 35 years earnings. There is an upper cap on pay-back as there is on pay-in.
SS was not setup as a TAX as you are implying. That is what it has become thanks to GOVT stealing the SS payments to use on Social issues or their own pay and benefits, corruption. AOC is already a millionaire making $200K for a few years living in two cities?

I gotta get to work//
The inflation is world wide after the covid bailouts. Everyone feels it. Bidenomics has made the US inflation much less severe then most other nations.

Cost of energy shot thru the roof thanks to the Obiden war on Big Oil. That raised prices.
At the YMCA the other day, a man in his 80s was telling me he was at a restaurant, and he saw all the young people there staring at their phones. People were not talking with each other. They were consumed by their phone.

They weren’t really paying attention to anything but their phones. Now that’s a social problem. And it wasn’t like that back in the day. People were more outgoing and healthy.
It’s the self centeredness and absorption of feelings. Isolate and no one can say things that you need a safe space over. They are poorly socially oriented.

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