Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

You wanna go back to the good ol days - tax millionaires, support unions and buy American

Tax everyone at the same rate

support VOLUNTARY unions ONLY

buy the best product, that benefits the economy the most

Wow, you were 0 for 3 there, Guy. I love you idiots who think you know more than I do about what I do for a living. Were you a janitor? How did an adult learn so much that sounds good but is totally wrong?
AOC is already a millionaire making $200K for a few years living in two cities?
How does $200 k salary that she OWES mortgage on add up to a million. Geesus, most home owners in good financial situations are millionaires now. Have you ever looked at the price of houses ?
Cost of energy shot thru the roof thanks to the Obiden war on Big Oil. That raised prices.

Gas is still 50% higher than when Corrupt Joe took office. Democrats think "not as bad as he was" is a winning slogan for old Joe. He does't have to be better than Trump, which won't happen, just better than himself
1. Rich people already pay way more taxes than the lower half of incomes, ALL TAXES, Federal, State, Local, School, Sales, etc.

2. Spending MUST be cut. Trump's Budget was $4T, Biden's Budget is $7T. We need to cut, and cut, and cut, and cut. Cutting Federal spending has nothing to do with business investments, unless you are counting all of those unwarranted subsidies.

3. A more progressive standard deduction helps the poor and taxes the wealthy more. You misunderstood my meaning.

4. Raising or removing the cap saves SS, it does NOT help with the Budget Deficit.

5. No matter how you slice it, either we all owe $100,000 or rich people owe $1b each, its a very big debt that need to be addressed as the interest paid is exploding. I don't see any brilliant ideas coming from you how to start paying down the Debt.

6. I dropped the new 4% FEDERAL sales tax idea since I agree that hits the poor too hard. State sales taxes are unaffected.

7. If a recession is what we need to cut spending, then lets go, the sooner the better. Lets stop borrowing and start paying down the Debt.
Looking at what the GOP could cut to get back to 2019 levels, how about:
a. Department of Education
b. ALL subsidies
c. ALL foreign aid
d. Reduce Welfare
e. Reduce Medicaid
f. Defense to 2019 levels (still more than the next 10 militaries)
People with households making over 280k already pay the vast majority of all taxes. The problem utterly is Not the “rich” fair share, but rather too many bums sucking at the tit of government giveaways.
The same way the Reagan administration cut SS benefits by 60% of people who had already contributed fully into SS.

Wow, so you’re going to only cut benefits for the poor.
1. Link to the claim that Reagan cut SS benefits by 60%. I call BULLSHIT

2. Here is my link that proves Reagan SAVED SS

3. The poor need to get off their asses. There is way too much "waste, fraud, and abuse" in the social safety net.
Gas is still 50% higher than when Corrupt Joe took office. Democrats think "not as bad as he was" is a winning slogan for old Joe. He does't have to be better than Trump, which won't happen, just better than himself
That’s because we were in a recession ! A gop led recession. People losing there jobs drives down gas prices. Dah. Niw brag how low gas prices were because of Bush when millions lost their jobs.
Now it is. But not as intended. That DAGS poster was acting as if the pay-in CAP could be re-moved. Then it would be strictly a TAX. Unless the commee also raised the max payout level.

Here's what's wrong with your argument.

1) I could get what you were saying if SS was put into a "lock box" and spent on nothing but SS and Medicare, but its not. Government keeps adding redistribution of wealth programs and other welfare benefits to it. That clearly makes it a tax

2) That benefits are capped but at a far lower rate than taxes, which makes it redistribution of wealth and not a savings plan.

That's according to the original rules, not just that now nothing is saved ever
No, you didn't. The money was spent as it came in, just like every other tax. To have paid for SS, you have to have saved the money, and you didn't, worry Champ

Or Biden could grow a pair. It would be a boatload cheaper than his being such a wuss every bad guy in the world recognized tehir chance

More than half the country pay zero taxes. That is just wrong. When they hear handout, it's just free to them. Everyone should pay something or they aren't invested

Great way for the country to wind up broke. This is Bidenomics at work. Only the rich survive. I for example recognize prices going up, but I can afford it. Poor people can't. That, is Bidenomics
1. Yeah we did pay for SS moron.
2. You want Biden to start wars? Always wrong Biden? What could go wrong, duh.
3. The bottom half of incomes pays something.
4. We need more revenue. Removing the Capital Gains tax break is a good option.
The inflation is world wide after the covid bailouts. Everyone feels it. Bidenomics has made the US inflation much less severe then most other nations.

Makes sense, the US is the dominant economy in the world. We have your Democrat looney policies and destroy the US economy and you take the world with us.

Democrats are just the dumbest people
You pay X dollars into SS up to an income limit annually (~12%). You get back payments based on what you paid in over your highest 35 years earnings. There is an upper cap on pay-back as there is on pay-in.
SS was not setup as a TAX as you are implying. That is what it has become thanks to GOVT stealing the SS payments to use on Social issues or their own pay and benefits, corruption. AOC is already a millionaire making $200K for a few years living in two cities?

I gotta get to work//

SS was set up as a tax. You have a point on the part the money paid was to be saved and wasn't. But again, one welfare program after another is being added to it and nothing was put in it when it was created to prevent that.

Social Security/Medicare are TAXES. Period
SS and Medicare are pay go. Your TAX is paying for the benefits of those retirees who paid for the previous generation of enrollees. It entitles you to nothing as far as republicans are concerned. They salivate everytime some one suggests eliminating or cutting both.
Current payee are providing for their future. Recipients already did that for 40 years often to the tune of 200K+ . The young want it now and with little contributed
That’s because we were in a recession ! A gop led recession. People losing there jobs drives down gas prices. Dah. Niw brag how low gas prices were because of Bush when millions lost their jobs.

LOL, sorry, couldn't read it because I couldn't stop laughing that you claim you're "Not a Democrat." My God, man you live in a ...

1. Yeah we did pay for SS moron.
2. You want Biden to start wars? Always wrong Biden? What could go wrong, duh.
3. The bottom half of incomes pays something.
4. We need more revenue. Removing the Capital Gains tax break is a good option.

Welfare: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you
Social Security: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you
Medicare: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you

In none of those cases are you getting a dime back out of what you paid.

Explain how A = B and A != B at the same time
I’m rich and those like me get ZERO 85% reduction of anything. Unmotivated tit suckers seek ignorance and blaming

Yep. leftwinger is a good guy. He has to fully realize how corrupt and dishonest the government is and always was, including in the 1950s or whenever SS was created. I'd look it up, but I don't care, it's another useless tax geared to maintaining government power and scare old people into voting Democrat
Welfare: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you
Social Security: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you
Medicare: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you

In none of those cases are you getting a dime back out of what you paid.

Explain how A = B and A != B at the same time
Welfare: charity
Social Security: earned benefits
Medicaid: Charity
Medicare: earned benefits

In SS & Medicare you are getting BENEFITS you earned and paid for.

Social Security is a retirement program that you pay into, and then get benefits when you retire.

If you pay into a 401K, and that gains in value over time, and you take that growth money out when you retire, you aren't getting a dime back out of what you paid in? Your argument is stupid. No one claimed SS was a fucking bank account.
And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.
Do you blame Christians for the downfall of Christian civilization or godless libs?

I think its the God haters who are most responsible
Welfare: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you
Social Security: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you
Medicare: Your kids are taxed and the money is redistributed to you

In none of those cases are you getting a dime back out of what you paid.

Explain how A = B and A != B at the same time
The missing part of the equation is that boomers paid en masse for 40 years and fully funded that part of our retirement
The current bitchers have paid in like 10 years and are blabbering .
We were responsible and diligent and they declare that “unfair”

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