Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

That’s because they have the vast amount of wealth.
the bottom 50% have only 2.4% of the wealth. So your argument is the top 50 % who have 97.6% of the wealth, pay only half of the tax burden. That’s sounds like a math illiterate.
We cannot raise taxes for the poor + working class in this country. It will be a crime against humanity.

There’s tons of homeless, white and Black people in this country. we’re talking about real issues here. These are traditional democrat issues to tackle.

Not the BLM propaganda…. Critical race theory there’s no room for that in this country.

But yeah, during the coronavirus lockdowns which were totally unnecessary we saw the printing of trillions of dollars which hurt working class people….. we had a wealth transfer of billions of dollars from the poor and working class to the wealthy elite. Because the poor and working class still had to buy things and even tho inflation cause prices to go higher, they would still buy things as they needed like food and clothing , and all the rich people made even more money out of it. Not to mention people buying homes with the Raises of interest rates.

People who are super rich don’t get affected by inflation with money being worth 30% less today compared to before the lockdowns. You know if somebody has $20 million and their money is worth 30% less it’s not truly going to affect them like it is for somebody who has $200 in their bank account or even somebody with $20,000.

And finally we used to have a great thing in this country, the strongest middle class in world history in the middle part of the 20th century and interestingly enough back then we had plenty of super wealthy people like Carnegie, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Henry Ford but many of those wealthy elite cared about making the whole country a better place it wasn’t just about them. And they were some of the richest people in world history.

It boggles my mind how it is possible in this country today that some Republicans who are working class or poor, think it’s ok to do things like get rid of unions, get rid of Social Security, raise taxes for poor and working class people.
So you're a stupid Brit trying to critique' US entitlements?

Did you see "The Crown" on Netflix?

You'd see Americans paying for "The Windsor's" lavish lifestyle, morons.

I absolutely LOVE the passion, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

Brit? Maybe this is for you, Tommy Tainant.

Granted Tommy is Welsh, which is a poor man's Brit, but he is a Brit sort of
I categorize by what the party expresses and not what they declare themselves to be
Being ignorant and declaring me a stroke victim and your opinion on this thread issue does not match to a conservative thinker

OK, fair enough. So show posts I was agreeing with the Democrat party. I'm sorry you are continuing to have more strokes, but I'll keep playing
I absolutely LOVE the passion, but I have no idea what you're talking about. Brit?
Granted Tommy is Welsh, which is a poor man's Brit, but he is a Brit sort of
You are a Brit, correct?

Its easy to see.
Sure….All conservatives claim to be rich, engineers and patriotic.
Stop typing lies
I proved in my post #106 that Reagan saved SS, dumbass.
Sure he did. That’s why many get 60% reduction in SS dufus. You call that saving SS ? More had to work past 65 just to reduce their losses. You save SS by not stealing the surplus, issuing bonds then having to borrow just to pay back the benefits. Reagan signed the deficit creating tax cuts.,
Saying we need to figure something out, and putting up a workable solution are two different things.
The problem is that the DC morons borrowed $100,000 for every American. That stupidity is coming due.

Here is my solution: (Ron Desantis likes the new Remittance Tax to pay for the wall)

1. Add a 4% Federal Sales Tax on all sales (gains ~400b/yr)
2. Add a 0.2% financial transaction tax on ALL financial buy/sell transactions (stocks, bonds, derivatives, bitcoin, etc.) (gains 150b/yr, see link below)
3. Add a Remittance Tax on all money sent out of the US (gains ~$6b/yr, see link below)
4. Remove the cap on SS tax, and raise the ages 1-year from 62/67 to 63/68 (saves SS)
5. Raise the tax and co-pay for Medicare, and a co-pay for Medicaid
6. Remove Capital Gains tax break (39% to 20%) gain is ordinary income. ($100b/yr gained)
7. So if all of the above taxes were implemented, the Budget Deficit would be reduced by $650b a year. To get a surplus to start paying down the $33T Debt spending would need to be reduced to 2021 levels, $4T a year, not $7T a year.

I like this plan! It is how to destroy the economy faster than Joe Biden accomplished! Inflation would go to the stratosphere!
That’s different. Let them say what they want. They’re not selling drugs, they’re not asking people for money to see pictures of naked people. So you’re talking about something totally different.

We should put a cap on divorce settlement, consider banning pornography, and only fans. Because doing something like that would see an overnight positive achievement, more young people would want to get into a real relationship.
Too bad that you want to ban the 1st Amendment.
Some labor unions having entertaining the idea of a four day work week. Maybe four days at 10 hours a day. I think some companies are looking at that as well. in some other countries of the world they have much longer vacation time ie in France and Russia.
Those same unions want a four day, 8-hour a day work week at 40 hours pay!
You have no idea what a "shithole" really is.
Ya east side of Buffalo where their shit hole dilapidated homes infested with cockroaches…. Mind you it wasn’t like that in the 1950s or 60s in the same area.

And homeless people who are begging for money on the street
So, what do you intend to do about your programming?
LOL! I'm the victim of a 12-year parochial school education, mostly nuns and priests...

So far my religious beliefs haven't steered me wrong.

ANS: I like my programming, and am passing it on to my kids, and their kids...
I like this plan! It is how to destroy the economy faster than Joe Biden accomplished! Inflation would go to the stratosphere!
My plan works. It cuts the Deficit and Debt.

From what I see, you have no plan, so keep borrowing and keep watching the interest on the Debt explode.
I like this plan! It is how to destroy the economy faster than Joe Biden accomplished! Inflation would go to the stratosphere!
RECESSIONS destroy an economy. You claim that Biden’s economy is inflationary and bad ? We have near full employment. We don’t have enough people to fill the jobs available.
My plan works. It cuts the Deficit and Debt.

From what I see, you have no plan, so keep borrowing and keep watching the interest on the Debt explode.
Where was this post when Bush and Trump and Reagan exploded the debt ? . Obama reduced the deficits as has Biden. You now complaing because democrats aren’t fixing REPUGNANTS economic FAILURES fast enough ?
That’s silly as the money you paid your entire life, has already paid retirees who were older . You get paid by younger workers. Are you now asking them to pay you then get no retirement later .? Guess you are.

What happened to the money the 'retirees who are older' paid? Where did it go? Why is my money going to pay for them?
They have all the money. Poor people are still paying all the other taxes including FICA, state, property and sales taxes. The bottom 50%:eek:nly have 2.4% of the wealth. You want them to pay 50% of the budget when they only have 2.4% of the wealth ? Geesus.

That makes zero sense and is not even possible, all you do is spout lies without anything to back any of it up . :cuckoo:
You mean all those lefties should just stop inventing medications and cancer treatments so you can die at age 35 ?

You're fucking delusional, sorry I ever responded to anything you posted. There is no help for you, carry on with your bizarre bullshit.
That makes zero sense and is not even possible, all you do is spout lies without anything to back any of it up . :cuckoo:
It makes sense if you’re not math illiterate. You’re own kind posted a chart that showed the bottom 50% have only 2,5% of the wealth. HTF are they going to pay all the FICA which is a federal TAX, state, local taxes along with balancing a federal budget. Conservative poor blaming bozos are fking math illiterate.

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