Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

You're fucking delusional, sorry I ever responded to anything you posted. There is no help for you, carry on with your bizarre bullshit.
The vast majority of scientist are independent and / or liberal or democrats. They are responsible for you being alive today and the doubling of life expectancy.
What happened to the money the 'retirees who are older' paid? Where did it go? Why is my money going to pay for them?
It supported the retirees…it’s no longer there as the govt robbed the surplus every year and issue treasury bonds. To pay back the bonds, the treasury has had to borrow money. Hence, the debt. Much of the debt is paying back SS surplus that has been robbed for decades from the SS trust fund.
What happened to the money the 'retirees who are older' paid? Where did it go? Why is my money going to pay for them?

1. Because that's how SS works.

2. The older people spent the money on living expenses, but mostly to pay for the ridiculously over-price cost of medical care.

3. If the Republicans have their way, they will keep raising the retirement age for collecting SS. You will most probably die before retiring and never collect a cent of your SS money. That will save the SS fund a whole lot of money. If left to the Republicans they'd set the SS retirement age to 125 years old.

4. There is only one way to save SS without making people work until they drop dead - tax the wealthy.
It makes sense if you’re not math illiterate. You’re own kind posted a chart that showed the bottom 50% have only 2,5% of the wealth. HTF are they going to pay all the FICA which is a federal TAX, state, local taxes along with balancing a federal budget. Conservative poor blaming bozos are fking math illiterate.
No one in this thread has made any such claim, you're arguing your own made up strawman, because you're an idiot.
It supported the retirees…it’s no longer there as the govt robbed the surplus every year and issue treasury bonds. To pay back the bonds, the treasury has had to borrow money. Hence, the debt. Much of the debt is paying back SS surplus that has been robbed for decades from the SS trust fund.

Exactly, the government robbed it, the same assholes that you want to trust and promote with every vapid post you make. Can't fix stupid.
Where was this post when Bush and Trump and Reagan exploded the debt ? . Obama reduced the deficits as has Biden. You now complain because democrats aren’t fixing REPUGNANTS economic FAILURES fast enough ?
Partisan liar all day every day. Here is how the DEBT got to where it is. Biden's add isn't completed...
Bush and Reagan didn't add near as much as Obama and Trump.
Being partisan doesn't fix the problem. Put up a solution to the Budget Deficit, if you're smart enough...

1. Because that's how SS works.

2. The older people spent the money on living expenses, but mostly to pay for the ridiculously over-price cost of medical care.

3. If the Republicans have their way, they will keep raising the retirement age for collecting SS. You will most probably die before retiring and never collect a cent of your SS money. That will save the SS fund a whole lot of money. If left to the Republicans they'd set the SS retirement age to 125 years old.

4. There is only one way to save SS without making people work until they drop dead - tax the wealthy.

No, that's not how it was supposed to work, at all.
The vast majority of scientist are independent and / or liberal or democrats. They are responsible for you being alive today and the doubling of life expectancy.

Did you go ask all of them? lol
1. Because that's how SS works.
2. The older people spent the money on living expenses, but mostly to pay for the ridiculously over-price cost of medical care.
3. If the Republicans have their way, they will keep raising the retirement age for collecting SS. You will most probably die before retiring and never collect a cent of your SS money. That will save the SS fund a whole lot of money. If left to the Republicans they'd set the SS retirement age to 125 years old.
4. There is only one way to save SS without making people work until they drop dead - tax the wealthy.
Actually if they just remove the cap and raise the ages 1-year, since we live longer, SS is fixed.
Actually if they just remove the cap and raise the ages 1-year, since we live longer, SS is fixed.

Removing the cap is a good idea, but raising the age is not.

They've been raising the age and it hasn't changed anything.

The fact is that some people can afford to live healthier lifestyles and afford better health care. That's skewed the life expectancy statistics.

Depriving the people that need SS the most because the people that need SS least are living longer is a bogus basis for raising the SS age.

It used to be that the retirement age was 62. Workers have become exponentially more productive in the past 30 years. If anything, the SS retirement age should have been lowered to 58.
Just another end times prophesy coming true, it seems?

Here is a whole bunch of different Bible's interpretation of the verse....

basically, we become "waxed over, cold"


And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
And because iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of the many shall wax cold.
Because lawlessness is increased, the love of most people will grow cold.
And the love of the great body of people will grow cold because of the multiplied lawlessness and iniquity,
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold.
Because disobedience will expand, the love of many will grow cold.
and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.
Evil will spread and cause many people to stop loving others.
and because lawlessness shall prevail, the love of the most shall grow cold;
And the love of the majority will grow cold because of lawlessness being multiplied.
And because iniquity hath abounded, the charity of many shall grow cold.
There will be so much more evil in the world that the love of most believers will grow cold.
More and more people everywhere will be doing very bad things. Because of this, many people will no longer love each other in the way that they did before.
Because lawlessness will increase, the love of many will grow cold.
And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
There will be more and more ·evil [sin; lawlessness] in the world, so ·most people will stop showing their love for each other [L the love of many/most will grow cold].
And because iniquity shall be increased, the love of many shall be cold.
And because there will be more and more lawlessness, most people’s love will grow cold.
Such will be the spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold.
Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold.
There will be more and more evil in the world. So most people will stop showing their love for each other.
and because lawlessness will increase, the love of many people will grow cold


That's the gist of what is happening....whether this is the actual end time prophesy being fulfilled is another story....
RECESSIONS destroy an economy. You claim that Biden’s economy is inflationary and bad ? We have near full employment. We don’t have enough people to fill the jobs available.

Where do "you people" plan for this GOVT to come up with ~3T extra Tax revenue to balance Spending?

"you all" just rant and rave day after day year after year and you never have an answer? "TAX the Rich" screams Franco. Where can you confiscate $3T additional w/o killing GDP.

you can't. and you won't. You can't tax the poor you say......weak agreement here.
What is your plan? Pull it from Corporate America? Removal of Capital Gains TAX? what?
RECESSIONS destroy an economy. You claim that Biden’s economy is inflationary and bad ? We have near full employment. We don’t have enough people to fill the jobs available.

Just because Linked in or Zip Recruiter claim a bunch of jobs? That is BS. They sometimes just keep the jobs posting open looking for that perfect candidate. Or right gender or hope to find some of the right race.
Where was this post when Bush and Trump and Reagan exploded the debt ? . Obama reduced the deficits as has Biden. You now complaing because democrats aren’t fixing REPUGNANTS economic FAILURES fast enough ?

More BS spin and nonsense from the Leftist loon crowd. Obama & Congress caused the housing bust to get Obama in office. Baking in over $1T/yr defecit continuing resolution BS thru 2012, 2014. Only a small drop near election time. Nearly unheard of $2T in 2009!
Then you want to give credit for reducing it off of historic levels? Kiss off you clown.

This is like your wife running up $100K on Amercian Express behind your back. Then wanting credit for stopping spending for a month or so. Get off the boards dummy.
Everything is now political, and politics soils everything it touches.

This is a self inflicted wound. Our choice.

If you really think you're "at war" with other Americans, you've been listening to the wrong voices.

OK big man. Find $3T additional revenue to confiscate w/o killing the GDP. We will wait.
tax the wealthy.

Franco the 2nd. What will that do to GDP? Do you want income TAX? The rich don't make income....scratch that. Remove Capital gains? Change the rate? will that get enough?

you clowns don't have a clue. "TAX the RICH" they beller out of high rise apartments ordering Grub Hub on welfare.
You are glossing over the specific problems facing us. The biggest one is the fiscal cliff.
With $37T in Debt and a $2T deficit, and US debt being downgraded by the agencies, time is short to balance the budget.
Trump had a $4T Budget.
Biden has a $7T Budget.
Interest on the Debt is exploding.

Not to mention that Social Security will be insolvent in 2034, and Medicare will be bankrupt 2028.

I can guarantee you that neither party has a clue how to fix the fiscal mess we're in.
The GOP will never raise taxes.
The dems will never cut spending.

We're toast.

Fiscal responsibility isn't even in the top 5 (maybe 10) of fixable problems that we have.

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