Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

Try Medicare for everyone. Then that wouldn't be an issue.
If people retired at 58, there would be far less of a need for healthcare.
The wealthiest can easily afford the increase in SS payments and in all forms of taxation.
Nobody's talking about the early retirement age. The question is the age for full retirement benefits., which is now really 70.
1. Medicare is going bankrupt now, and you want to add more people who haven't paid into it? That is stupid.
2. SS is running out of money now. In 2034 it will be insolvent, only paying out what it takes in. That is stupid too.
3. If the cap is removed the wealthy will save SS, for those who paid in.
4. Working to 70 is a stretch for most of us. 65 is doable, 62 if you have a good 401k.
Since I'm a hard core conservative, no.

In normal times fiscal policy could be #1.
Normal times ended with The Coup
A complete monetary reset is on the horizon.

Debt will be wiped out.

In return the WEF will decide how the world currency is decided and divided.

The US will default on its Debt? So everyone who bought US bonds gets fucked over? Very bad idea, actually unconstitutional.
(you are not a conservative, we like a strong dollar)

Who or what is WEF??? Is that the World Economic Forum? So the US is supposed to abandon the US Constitution and not pay its debts and give its currency to the WEF who is made up of who? The Davos with its unclear processes and membership?
The World Economic Forum and its annual meeting in Davos have received criticism over the years, including the organization's corporate capture of global and democratic institutions, its institutional whitewashing initiatives, the public cost of security, the organization's tax-exempt status, unclear decision processes and membership criteria, a lack of financial transparency, and the environmental footprint of its annual meetings. As a reaction to criticism within Swiss society, the Swiss federal government decided in February 2021 to reduce its annual contributions to the WEF.[10]
You think I'm British, the idiot is you, twat. And this is not the first time you were confused. Remember when you thought I was "taz?" You're a fucking moron, MAGA man. You're like Biden, old and not aging well
I know you're British. How is that creep you call King Charles and his old old lady?
1. Medicare is going bankrupt now, and you want to add more people who haven't paid into it? That is stupid.
2. SS is running out of money now. In 2034 it will be insolvent, only paying out what it takes in. That is stupid too.
3. If the cap is removed the wealthy will save SS, for those who paid in.
4. Working to 70 is a stretch for most of us. 65 is doable, 62 if you have a good 401k.

Hi kyzr, I'm actually WinterBorn . Shhhhh, don't tall anyone. MAGA!
As I get older I realize how fucked up this country has become since I was born in the late 1940s.

We have become a debt ridden welfare state. We have given the welfare Negroes political power and they are using it to elect dumbass hate filled representatives that want to turn this country into a Socialist shithole. . We ruined public education with desegregation. Just look at the stupid wars we have fought for nothing including the ones both my son and I fought in.

We have tremendous crime, high taxes and astronomical inflation. Millions of Illegals are flooding into our country and getting on the welfare rolls. We even allowed enough of that Muslim filth to come here that they can elect their own representatives to Congress.

More filthy ass government regulations than you can shake a stick at. We can't even protest a stolen election but yet the government allows Negroes and Communists to burn, destroy and murder for six months in over 200 American cities. The goddamn Liberals are even trying to take away the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights. All of our big cities now are shitholes.

You can't turn on the TV or see a movie now that isn't sickeningly and demented woke. Even Walt Disney's wholesome family orientated American centric entertainment has been corrupted with destructive queer and trans crap.

Big changes in my life time for a country that was once great. Now it is just turning into a shithole. The Liberals have really fucked up this once great nation just like they have fucked up everything they have ever touched.
I know you're British. How is that creep you call King Charles and his old old lady?

And before you "knew" I was "taz." You are an old man losing your mind. Your problem is you don't know it.

Keep going though, it cracks me up.

Hey Tommy Tainant , he thinks I'm one of you! I mean British, not Welsh. The Welsh to the English are like Canadians to Americans or dogs to their owners or ant killer to an ant mounds
Yes I've only been on the site 13 years and again, this isn't the first time you confused me with another poster. I hope you live in a nursing home, you clearly can't take care of yourself
You have an age prejudice splattered all over here
You have an age prejudice splattered all over here

I associate people being confused with age, that's true. Why are you so confused if you aren't 80? You are, aren't you?

And I said show me posts I agreed with the Democrat position. It's bull. Even when I agree with them, I don't. Example.


kaz: Pro-choice, government out of it
Democrats: Free shit! Free shit! Want an abortion, government has to PAY for it or they are DENYING YOU AN ABORTION!

Bull shit. It should be available, but pay for it yourself

That's as close as I ever get to Democrats. We agree other than they want to turn it (any subject) into a welfare program.

I've written almost 80K posts. How's that search for times I agreed with Dem positions going? Crash and burn, it's it?

kyzr is confused too, he thought I was taz (I never changed my name) and he thought I was British. Why can't you old people just say sorry, your bad and move on rather than being crotchety old men who can't admit you are wrong?
1. Medicare is going bankrupt now, and you want to add more people who haven't paid into it? That is stupid.
2. SS is running out of money now. In 2034 it will be insolvent, only paying out what it takes in. That is stupid too.
3. If the cap is removed the wealthy will save SS, for those who paid in.
4. Working to 70 is a stretch for most of us. 65 is doable, 62 if you have a good 401k.

every civilized country in the world has socialized medicine. The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We certainly can affrd socialized medicine and to pay SS.

I agree that the Republicans have structured the Government's budget and taxes to look like everything will go bust, but we can certainly afford what every other country affords.

70 is the defacto retirement age now. They say it's 67, but sticking out work until 70 means $1k per month more in payments. Basically, they've set it up so that most people will work until they die.
every civilized country in the world has socialized medicine. The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. We certainly can afford socialized medicine and to pay SS.

I agree that the Republicans have structured the Government's budget and taxes to look like everything will go bust, but we can certainly afford what every other country affords.

70 is the de-facto retirement age now. They say it's 67, but sticking out work until 70 means $1k per month more in payments. Basically, they've set it up so that most people will work until they die.
1. No other country spends what the US spends on Defense. We will never cut defense with China and Russia getting bolder. There will not be socialized medicine anytime soon, especially when we need to cut the Budget to pay interest on the Debt.

2. Do the math. The US buried itself with borrowing and interest payments.

3. True. 67 gets you the max SS payment, no need to work to 70. People live to an avg of 84, so they enjoy a few years. 65 is a good age to retire so you don't need to pay for health insurance. If your 401k is good retire at 62 or 63.
My plan works. It cuts the Deficit and Debt.

From what I see, you have no plan, so keep borrowing and keep watching the interest on the Debt explode.
Your plan causes the cost of everything to rise because of increased taxes, dumbass! You cannot raise taxes without causing inflation. I used to teach economics. How about you?

Cutting expenditures is what needs to be done. No one agrees on what to cut.
every civilized country in the world has socialized medicine.

No other country has open borders with 40-50 million Un-invited guests roaming free, making babies, jacking up healthcare cost for citizens to cover them for free, Bringing in old Mom and Grandma to go on the dole. Unemployed Black fathers roaming free making babies, killing maiming raping packing the emergency rooms with shootings costing zillions.
No other country mandates heart transplants or sex changes on 55+++ yr old death row inmates. On and on and on.
Your plan causes the cost of everything to rise because of increased taxes, dumbass! You cannot raise taxes without causing inflation. I used to teach economics. How about you? Cutting expenditures is what needs to be done. No one agrees on what to cut.
You're preaching to the choir. Agree that they can't agree on what to cut, so it may be too late already. You can't cut paying the interest on the Debt. That may be what you're missing. To pay the interest and pay down the debt we need more revenue.
What's your recommendation professor?

1. Every American owes about $100,000 as their share of the $33T US Debt
2. Annual revenue is currently running about $4T
3. Annual spending is currently running about $7T
4. In 2021 the interest on the Debt was only about $350b a year, now in 2023 its $659, soon to be in the trillions.



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You type statistics and factoids without any proof.
We disagree. The age 62 early retirement age can go up one year without any hardship.
Removing the cap just means that the wealthy pay unfairly to keep SS solvent.
Retiring at 58 would mean that the worker would use all of his SS payments to by health insurance.
Medicare doesn't kick-in until age 65. That's why most people work until age 65, like me.
I thank God I was able to retire at age 62. I had to quit work because of my health seven months before I turned 62. That meant I had $400 a month income. Those 7 months would have turned into 19 months if I had to wait to age 63. No hardship, huh?
Maybe your young enough that you think you HAVE or Will make enough money that you wont ever need SS.
And your thinking stops there?
But about those on SS and those with in 10 years of retiring who don't think they will have their house paid off or will have enough to support them self's. How about those who are getting SS NOW?
who will feed house & care for them.?
Pretty picture millions of seniors living under a bridge.
Them self's? WTF is that?
I thank God I was able to retire at age 62. I had to quit work because of my health seven months before I turned 62. That meant I had $400 a month income. Those 7 months would have turned into 19 months if I had to wait to age 63. No hardship, huh?
Well the "no action" alternative is that we'd get 75% of promised benefits after 2034. SS would pay out only what it takes in.
I'm not sure what "safety nets" are out there. Disability? Welfare? Food stamps? etc.
I was only referring to healthy workers, not those unable to work.
Well the "no action" alternative is that we'd get 75% of promised benefits after 2034. SS would pay out only what it takes in.
I'm not sure what "safety nets" are out there. Disability? Welfare? Food stamps? etc.
I was only referring to healthy workers, not those unable to work.
You don't think Congress would change the retirement ages for youngsters, remove the cap, or simply pay SS out of money borrowed, adding to the debt? There is no way they will do nothing because they would never be reelected.
You don't think Congress would change the retirement ages for youngsters, remove the cap, or simply pay SS out of money borrowed, adding to the debt? There is no way they will do nothing because they would never be reelected.
I agree that the "no action" option is off the table, we seniors always vote, but as you say, the DC clowns can never agree on anything.
Let's hope that removing the cap to save SS is a "no-brainer".
and their white confederate descendents, still live in the SOUTH....! They didn't pick up and move NORTH.

they are now mostly all belonging to the Republican party now...

so why do y'all continue to bitch about them....their kin are in and belong to, your party now??

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