Seems like less Americans care about each other these days compared to our honorable past.

The love and respect for your fellow man gets decreased when half of them want you jailed or killed for not taking multiple hits of an experimental, mostly ineffective vaccine (that’s not a vaccine)
Removing the cap is a good idea, but raising the age is not. They've been raising the age and it hasn't changed anything.
The fact is that some people can afford to live healthier lifestyles and afford better health care. That's skewed the life expectancy statistics.
Depriving the people that need SS the most because the people that need SS least are living longer is a bogus basis for raising the SS age.
It used to be that the retirement age was 62. Workers have become exponentially more productive in the past 30 years. If anything, the SS retirement age should have been lowered to 58.
You type statistics and factoids without any proof.
We disagree. The age 62 early retirement age can go up one year without any hardship.
Removing the cap just means that the wealthy pay unfairly to keep SS solvent.
Retiring at 58 would mean that the worker would use all of his SS payments to by health insurance.
Medicare doesn't kick-in until age 65. That's why most people work until age 65, like me.
Franco the 2nd. What will that do to GDP? Do you want income TAX? The rich don't make income....scratch that. Remove Capital gains? Change the rate? will that get enough?

you clowns don't have a clue. "TAX the RICH" they beller out of high rise apartments ordering Grub Hub on welfare.

O.K., take a deep breath, collect your thoughts and try posting something that makes sense - if possible.
I’ve always respected our ancestors those who came before us. Our parents and grandparents gave us the greatest middle class in world history.

And now, today, with the downfall of western Christian civilization, we see the rise of materialism and narcissism.

Too many Democrats think American history is evil, and that white people are privileged. This is no good for society.

And some Republicans are narcissists, they are selfish. They are against national healthcare. They are against middle-class people getting better wages. They complain about UPS workers getting raise , they complain about auto workers getting raises with this was the norm for 75 years in this country, and it worked out greatly. We ain’t talking about fast food workers were talking about people who build our country and have to pass a mechanical aptitude test.

Also I’ve seen a few older Americans who have children and happiness ….that tell young people “it’s OK to be single and high all the time”, what’s that all about?

America is a shit hole in a number of ways today and hopefully we can bring our country back to greatness that we had in the 1950s.
Ah. The 1950s. We'll have to shove homos back into the closet, blacks away from the lunch counters and our neighborhoods, and women back into the kitchen.
You are a Brit. Stop denying it. Your posts reek of it.

Why don't you go on Brit forums and post political nonsense?

You've been confused before, old man. Did you forget to take your meds again?
Maybe your young enough that you think you HAVE or Will make enough money that you wont ever need SS.
And your thinking stops there?
But about those on SS and those with in 10 years of retiring who don't think they will have their house paid off or will have enough to support them self's. How about those who are getting SS NOW?
who will feed house & care for them.?
Pretty picture millions of seniors living under a bridge.
Ah. The 1950s. We'll have to shove homos back into the closet, blacks away from the lunch counters, and women back into the kitchen.

Wow you're old. Just FYI none of us remember the fifties and the people you're talking about are dead. It has nothing to do with anything, just like everything else you say.

You know what they didn't have in the 50s, rockin Trumpatars like you have! Nice! You go MAGA man
I'll be bird-dogging your posts, flagging your stupidity...just sayin'

Yes I've only been on the site 13 years and again, this isn't the first time you confused me with another poster. I hope you live in a nursing home, you clearly can't take care of yourself
What in the world does that have to do with my post?

You always run your big mouth. One way is is the other way in the "dupoloy" yet your big mouth has no answers. I see you just dodged the question again.
Get off the boards until you can add value. We have enough idiots in here w/o you and your boys clogging the postings.
You type statistics and factoids without any proof.
We disagree. The age 62 early retirement age can go up one year without any hardship.
Removing the cap just means that the wealthy pay unfairly to keep SS solvent.
Retiring at 58 would mean that the worker would use all of his SS payments to by health insurance.
Medicare doesn't kick-in until age 65. That's why most people work until age 65, like me.

Try Medicare for everyone. Then that wouldn't be an issue.

If people retired at 58, there would be far less of a need for healthcare.

The wealthiest can easily afford the increase in SS payments and in all forms of taxation.

Nobody's talking about the early retirement age. The question is the age for full retirement benefits., which is now really 70.
IMHO it is the #1 problem we have. Look up projections of interest payments on the Debt, it is exceeding Defense.

Show us your list of issues. Let me #1 is using the wrong pronouns?

Since I'm a hard core conservative, no.

In normal times fiscal policy could be #1.
Normal times ended with The Coup
A complete monetary reset is on the horizon.

Debt will be wiped out.

In return the WEF will decide how the world currency is decided and divided.
The mindless Forks dodge the biggest issue every single time. GOVT is spending $7T but taking in $4T. Approximately. how to fix it? where to get the missing $3T. How to get Congress to quit spending more annually. etc.

dodge and weave Tax the rich crowd with mac franco franco2 rich etc. They all talk big and run disgusting mouths. But when pressed all they have is TAX the RICH. How would that affect GDP? Pretty bigly or 16 years of Obiden would have done it by now you ignorant black-mouthed Oxyen.
I'll be bird-dogging your posts, flagging your stupidity...just sayin'

You think I'm British, the idiot is you, twat. And this is not the first time you were confused. Remember when you thought I was "taz?" You're a fucking moron, MAGA man. You're like Biden, old and not aging well

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