seems you shot your wad to early.

Possibly the ugliest political lynching in US history. The 'evidence' against Moore is incredibly weak. Hopefully it'll come back around on all who participated in the attempted lynching. That will be true justice.

The circumstantial evidence of accustaions from so many unrelated sources is actually pretty damning. Your pathetic attempt to paint a picture otherwise is transparent at best, and a little liar doing a dance at worst.
All he has to do is get 50%+1. He thinks h can make it.

The one accuser has a story full of lies and that will get him some misplaced sympathy. It turns out that the reason that she was in chambers with her and her mom was a messy divorce and custody battle. He awarded custody to her dad who lived in a totally different town far away. there was no way he had any access to her after the custody battle was over

Moore WAS NOT a judge at the time???? He was an asst district attorney???


Who are we talking about? :)
He claims he had never met her as DDA and had never been in that restaurant . He admits that he knew her when he was a judge handling her parents divorce
first, you seemed to be confused? You have two separate victims that you are intertwining together....

A 14 yr old met him at the courthouse and a 15/16 year old girl met him at the restaurant.

The 14 yr old, met him outside of the courthouse in 1979 and in 1979 he was an asst or deputy DA, he did NOT become a judge until 1992/93 .... he was appointed as an interim replacement by the governor of Alabama, when the sitting judge died in office.

Moore had run as a candidate for this circuit court judge position TWICE but the citizens of Alabama had rejected him and he LOST both times.

The Moore acolytes made a claim that he never met her until decades later when she was going through a divorce and he was the presiding Judge,.... but that was not true...she never met him then, because her Lawyer had been handling everything up to that point, and most importantly, she never saw Judge Moore at that time because she and her estranged husband had temporarily reconciled....and the divorce proceedings were stopped/dropped.

The 15/16yr old waitress at the restaurant...old hickory house.... that Moore acolytes claim did not exist in 1977 was another made up lie by them.

It DID exist, and the phone books from that year, 1977 show that it existed and so did some ads they found in old newspapers for the Old Hickory House at that time....prove that it most certainly existed.
Democrats also made the mistake of piling on with bs accusations like the "Roy Moore was banned from the mall" nonsense.

If they stuck with the original accuser instead of going overboard with obviously fake accusations they might have had more credibility. But every time they add an additional claim that is easily shown to be false they make them all look more false.

People are stupid.

But doesn't this happen every time an accusation is made? Moore, Cain, Clinton, O'Reilly, Cosby, Franken?????

I find it unbelievable how all these women are lurking in the dark, scared to death of telling their story until a fearless leader comes out first. Then, with the courage of Mother Teresa, they are unleashed from their shackles and simultaneously ready to address their attacker head on.

As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

How can they be in jail when neither were even charged with this offense. Put down the bong.
I am much more sickened by Biden. He is definitely very squeaky.

There is video of him trying to touch Sessions' grand daugher (who was 5, I think) inappropriately and Sessions slapping his hand. Hooray for Sessions
You know you’re crazy, right? Biden never tried to touch Sessions’ granddaughter inappropriately and Sessions never slapped at Biden’s hand.

You poor thing, you’re the victim of rightwingnut propaganda.
They did the same thing with Trump, too early and it died off as it all fell apart.

Same story, different chapter of the demoquack playbook. They never learn
It hasn't fallen apart just because it isnt front page news. There are lawsuits going on and he has in the past also settled harassment suits. It is no surprise he defends Moore...birds of a feather.

Trump’s Female Accusers Feel Forgotten. A Lawsuit May Change That.

Trump allegations: Judge could rule in sex assault case next month

The Trump Campaign Has Quietly Settled Millions in Lawsuits
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Cleaned up? There is documented evidence this guy is a child molester but since you voted for a serial sex offender it’s not a stretch for you to also support a grown man who chased young teens and unfortunately caught too many of them.
To, too, two
Learn some basic English.
All he has to do is get 50%+1. He thinks h can make it.

The one accuser has a story full of lies and that will get him some misplaced sympathy. It turns out that the reason that she was in chambers with her and her mom was a messy divorce and custody battle. He awarded custody to her dad who lived in a totally different town far away. there was no way he had any access to her after the custody battle was over

Moore WAS NOT a judge at the time???? He was an asst district attorney???


Who are we talking about? :)
He claims he had never met her as DDA and had never been in that restaurant . He admits that he knew her when he was a judge handling her parents divorce
first, you seemed to be confused? You have two separate victims that you are intertwining together....

A 14 yr old met him at the courthouse and a 15/16 year old girl met him at the restaurant.

The 14 yr old, met him outside of the courthouse in 1979 and in 1979 he was an asst or deputy DA, he did NOT become a judge until 1992/93 .... he was appointed as an interim replacement by the governor of Alabama, when the sitting judge died in office.

Moore had run as a candidate for this circuit court judge position TWICE but the citizens of Alabama had rejected him and he LOST both times.

The Moore acolytes made a claim that he never met her until decades later when she was going through a divorce and he was the presiding Judge,.... but that was not true...she never met him then, because her Lawyer had been handling everything up to that point, and most importantly, she never saw Judge Moore at that time because she and her estranged husband had temporarily reconciled....and the divorce proceedings were stopped/dropped.

The 15/16yr old waitress at the restaurant...old hickory house.... that Moore acolytes claim did not exist in 1977 was another made up lie by them.

It DID exist, and the phone books from that year, 1977 show that it existed and so did some ads they found in old newspapers for the Old Hickory House at that time....prove that it most certainly existed.

Please identify by names the women you are talking about.

Who are you talking about when you are saying that the Moore acolytes made a claim that was untrue?
The people who are defending Roy Moore are defending a man who is accused, with good circumstantial evidence, of being a sexual perv after under age girls when he was in his thirties.
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Cleaned up? There is documented evidence this guy is a child molester but since you voted for a serial sex offender it’s not a stretch for you to also support a grown man who chased young teens and unfortunately caught too many of them.
To, too, two
Learn some basic English.

Where is the documented evidence?
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The whole town knew it but no one said jack shit until a few weeks out of a Senate race.

Well, as long as Moore's perversions were restricted within Alabama....and Moore being a powerful individual (albeit a piece of scum,)not many others cared...HOWEVER, when he opted to be a national figure running for the senate seat, that's when media outlets began following up on the rumors that have existed for decades.

I sure hope he does get elected....should be fun afterwards.
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
Cleaned up? There is documented evidence this guy is a child molester but since you voted for a serial sex offender it’s not a stretch for you to also support a grown man who chased young teens and unfortunately caught too many of them.
To, too, two
Learn some basic English.

Where is the documented evidence?

Doesn't exist.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The whole town knew it but no one said jack shit until a few weeks out of a Senate race.

Well, as long as Moore's perversions were restricted within Alabama....and Moore being a powerful individual (albeit a piece of scum,)not many others cared...HOWEVER, when he opted to be a national figure running for the senate seat, that's when media outlets began following up on the rumors that have existed for decades.

I sure hope he does get elected....should be fun afterwards.
Not me. I hope Jones wins that seat. To prevent trump from filling Supreme Court seats, it’s imperative Democrats win back the Senate.
Something to consider here. Yes false allegations can be made. But there is something wrong with saying on the one hand why dont women speak up and then shredding their reputation when they do.

With Moore it isnt isolated claims, it is a pattern of behavior that is corroberated by multiple people not just the victims but people that dont have a political ax to grind.

The victems are conservative women, not dems, not liberals, in red town in a red district. Even if a dem wins this time he sure as hell wont get a second term.

If all those claims are true, and they seem to be...what kind of monster are you electing?
Democrats also made the mistake of piling on with bs accusations like the "Roy Moore was banned from the mall" nonsense.

If they stuck with the original accuser instead of going overboard with obviously fake accusations they might have had more credibility. But every time they add an additional claim that is easily shown to be false they make them all look more false.

People aren't stupid.
He was banned from a mall just like he
he called a Middle school to talk to a young teen so he can ask her for a date.
Nothing the women said has been “ shown to be false.”
Why do you enable child molesters?
And again, none of that matters, because she's not living there NOW. You can relive glory days all you want, but she lost.

You lost too,but are too dumb to yet realize it........Have some more orange kool-aid, it helps.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The whole town knew it but no one said jack shit until a few weeks out of a Senate race.

Well, as long as Moore's perversions were restricted within Alabama....and Moore being a powerful individual (albeit a piece of scum,)not many others cared...HOWEVER, when he opted to be a national figure running for the senate seat, that's when media outlets began following up on the rumors that have existed for decades.

I sure hope he does get elected....should be fun afterwards.

After ENDORSING Moore's opponent the Washington Post lied to Leigh and told her other woman had come forward with accusations. Flat out lie. I don't know her motive on Moore yet but she was a very troubled teenager. Court documents were released that proved that.

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