seems you shot your wad to early.

Then post the articles. Unless you think the press would ignore a sitting Supreme Court Justice that “common knowledge” showed he had a proclivity towards teenage girls.

Or you think the press is unreliable?

The media was quiet on Moore as long as his sorry ass was just a part of the backward mentality of Alabama.....When Moore opted for NATIONAL status, the proverbial spotlight is now causing him major problems.
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Yes, that's exactly what I think. Women who make these FALSE claims should be held accountable for their actions. If I take a walk to my convenient store, get attacked on the way, I don't call the police ten years later. If I am attacked, I notify authorities so they can take immediate action.

Proof. Where is the proof these accusations are false? Because your orange buddy said so? If a woman can't prove it does not make that accusation a crime.

Well I think you were the one that robbed a bank by my house. Prove it wasn't you........

That's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. Prove YOU DIDN'T do something.

This tactic was revealed by Mary Mapes, Dan Rather's producer. She was still trying to defend 60 Minutes reporting aka Mythology Entertainment. My jaw dropped when I heard her say that this was proper journalism.

"We accuse, you defend" had become their mantra at CBS.

Accuser aid he did. Moore said he didn't.

Why is Moore considered the truth over the accuser?

What benefit was it for the woman to lie? Go through the embarrassment. Be drug through the mud by the Trumpette, molester supporters?

What benefit does Moore have to deny it? Ummmmm Let me think..........

What actions had occurred in the past? Testimony from several people how Moore went after high school girls at that time, mall employees who knew about Moore chasing young girls at the mall, co-workers who knew Moore chased young girls.

All favor the accuser.

You have nothing to use to defend Moore except Moore's word.


Because the the evidence supports him.

The first accusers story literally makes no sense. And she has a criminal record for fraud. She even admits she isn't credible. So why would we believe her?

The second had multiple people contradicting her, refuses to allow independent forensics to examine evidence, and if what I've heard recently had Judge Moore rule against her in a custody hearing. Tell me, you are having a custody dispute, you find out the judge is a man who tried to rape you, and you're not going to make a huge stink about him being recused?? Really?

We are supposed to believe either of them? Especially when you have to supplement it with bs about him being banned from mall despite no evidence. If you have to make things more credible with fake information, you're original argument is pretty crappy.

That's ignoring the timing of this all.

Let me ask you, if Hillary Clinton was accused of molesting children a month before the election last year, despite her decades of controversial public spotlight and it never coming up before, would you believe it and not have voted for her? Especially with questionable accusers?

The woman who Moore abused when she was 14 does not hae a record for criminal fraud. Turn off Breitbart & Limbaugh you you might not be such a fricken idiot.

"a former mall worker, Becky Gray, told ABC News she believes she got Moore banned by complaining to her manager about his “creepy” advances toward her." Other people said it was common knowledge Moore was banned.

I'm sorry but any man in his 30's who chases high school girls is a sick fuck.

Evidently, since you voted for Trump, like sick fucks because Trump's record is very similar.

You were busy accusing Hillary of sending classified information to everyone a month before the election./ Yet you believed every bit of that shit. So, shove your fake argument up your ass.

Child molester supporter.
Look, folks, for me nothing would be better than to have Moore in the GOP senate.....It's a personal opinion, but I DO think that having Moore as an albatross on republicans' backs during the upcoming mid terms would benefit democrat candidates more than any other rhetoric...So,GO MOORE !!!
You've already got Franken and Conyers, moron. You're going to look absolutely silly pointing your fingers at Moore. Your clowns don't even deny their guilt.

Of course, people draw a distinction between sexual harrassment and molestation of a child. But not you, no sir. Same thing, in Bripat's fantasy world....

Moore isn't accused of molesting children, douchebag.

So you think a 14 year old girl is an adult? Or don't you consider stripping down a child & fondling them as molestation? You from Alabama too?
So, how many Moore supporters would allow their high school daughter date a 32 year old man?

Lets see how many will answer.
Please, explain this "honest look at the facts" to us. Remember, you must account for not just 5 unrelated sources of the accusations, but also the corroborating anecdotes regarding the mall and cheerleading practice.

And don't forget: You have to show that NONE of it is factual, per your haughty claim.

Should be easy for you, since you seem so confident. And....go!

Explain how this “common knowledge” was not used against him by a single political opponent or Media outlet in over 40 years.

I’m expecting the usual response.


Sorry to defy your expectations, but I am not as big an intellectual sissy as you are.

The explanation is simple:

Roy Moore crawled out from under his rock to run for Senate in the midst of a nationwide purge of sexual harrassers.

Any questions?

Oh, I see, it’s reverse engineering!

But but but, you’ll need to explain why they never used it against him during the Gay Marriage battle? You don’t think the ACLU or LBGT would have found it useful?

This was common knowledge after all.

And you also think his political opponents wanted to lose in past races?

My explanation covers that: We are in the midst of a national purge of sexual harasses and predators, one which did not exist then.

Seems simple.

The only thing different now is that even some Democrats are wriggling on the hook. The media has never shied away from going after Republicans

David Vitter vs Eliot Spitzer. Both caught hiring prostitutes.

One resigned & is out of politics - the Democrat

The other was reelected by the Republican Party.

So, fuckhead,.l explain that.

Quit making excuses for Roy Moore.

The man is a child molester & bigot. Yet here you are supportyng that piece of shit.
Look, folks, for me nothing would be better than to have Moore in the GOP senate.....It's a personal opinion, but I DO think that having Moore as an albatross on republicans' backs during the upcoming mid terms would benefit democrat candidates more than any other rhetoric...So,GO MOORE !!!
You've already got Franken and Conyers, moron. You're going to look absolutely silly pointing your fingers at Moore. Your clowns don't even deny their guilt.

Both democrats were not chasing 14 year olds. What the fuck is wrong with you that you can't make that distinction?

Is is because you don't?
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
The whole town knew that Moore liked to cruise for teenage girls.

If you still want to vote for him, stay away from my daughters!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The whole town knew it but no one said jack shit until a few weeks out of a Senate race.
And yet nothing about how not good it is to do it, then take money that doesn't belong to you to cover it all up, like Con.
You phony pieces of shit.
Why don't the oh so moral Dems want Con and Franken out with the trash too?
What we have here is evidence vs accusations. And filthy politics.
Calling Moore a child molester, is no different than me calling you a child molester. The first thing you would do is say, "PROVE IT."

Stay tuned. Creepy Al Franken is going to give a heartfelt speech about how much he respects that his ass is on the line. When asked if more allegations could be made against him he said, "I don't know, I can't say." He can't say because it is a lifestyle for him. He looks more and more like Bill Clinton every day. And Pelosi loves them both. Disgusting.

Con, you want women to have the right to speak out? Then quit paying them to keep quiet.
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I am much more sickened by Biden. He is definitely very squeaky.

There is video of him trying to touch Sessions' grand daugher (who was 5, I think) inappropriately and Sessions slapping his hand. Hooray for Sessions
What picture is that?
Yeah if you believe all that. But any honest look at facts tells us none of its factual

Please, explain this "honest look at the facts" to us. Remember, you must account for not just 5 unrelated sources of the accusations, but also the corroborating anecdotes regarding the mall and cheerleading practice.

And don't forget: You have to show that NONE of it is factual, per your haughty claim.

Should be easy for you, since you seem so confident. And....go!

Explain how this “common knowledge” was not used against him by a single political opponent or Media outlet in over 40 years.

I’m expecting the usual response.


Sorry to defy your expectations, but I am not as big an intellectual sissy as you are.

The explanation is simple:

Roy Moore crawled out from under his rock to run for Senate in the midst of a nationwide purge of sexual harrassers.

Any questions?
Moore was never under any "rock," douchebag. He has been a prominant political figure in Alabama for decades, which makes these accusations highly suspicious.

He certainly was under a rock for the last 10+ years, and really forever, as far as the national scene goes.. As if you had ever heard of him until a few months ago....give me a break...

Bullshit he was under a rock.
What facts?
We had Joe Biden an absolute child molester/pervert in the office… Do you know the Vice President.
Hypocrisy defines you
Dishonesty defines you. You take out of context pictures of normal actions and label a good man a child molestet? Seriously? If do he nust of sxads of accusers.
Please, explain this "honest look at the facts" to us. Remember, you must account for not just 5 unrelated sources of the accusations, but also the corroborating anecdotes regarding the mall and cheerleading practice.

And don't forget: You have to show that NONE of it is factual, per your haughty claim.

Should be easy for you, since you seem so confident. And....go!

Explain how this “common knowledge” was not used against him by a single political opponent or Media outlet in over 40 years.

I’m expecting the usual response.


Sorry to defy your expectations, but I am not as big an intellectual sissy as you are.

The explanation is simple:

Roy Moore crawled out from under his rock to run for Senate in the midst of a nationwide purge of sexual harrassers.

Any questions?
Moore was never under any "rock," douchebag. He has been a prominant political figure in Alabama for decades, which makes these accusations highly suspicious.

He certainly was under a rock for the last 10+ years, and really forever, as far as the national scene goes.. As if you had ever heard of him until a few months ago....give me a break...

Again, not true. Moore was in the national news for months at a time because of the flap over the 10 commandments in his courtroom.

But he had not been for a while, only to re-emerge in the midst of a national movement regarding sexual harrassment. He's not the only one (as your gleeful posts point out) being besieged by a sudden rash of accusations. He's just the only one you are twisting yourself into a pasty white little pretzel to defend.
Please, explain this "honest look at the facts" to us. Remember, you must account for not just 5 unrelated sources of the accusations, but also the corroborating anecdotes regarding the mall and cheerleading practice.

And don't forget: You have to show that NONE of it is factual, per your haughty claim.

Should be easy for you, since you seem so confident. And....go!

Explain how this “common knowledge” was not used against him by a single political opponent or Media outlet in over 40 years.

I’m expecting the usual response.


Sorry to defy your expectations, but I am not as big an intellectual sissy as you are.

The explanation is simple:

Roy Moore crawled out from under his rock to run for Senate in the midst of a nationwide purge of sexual harrassers.

Any questions?
Moore was never under any "rock," douchebag. He has been a prominant political figure in Alabama for decades, which makes these accusations highly suspicious.

He certainly was under a rock for the last 10+ years, and really forever, as far as the national scene goes.. As if you had ever heard of him until a few months ago....give me a break...

Bullshit he was under a rock.

Of course he was. And you had never heard of him until a few months ago.

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