seems you shot your wad to early.

Not me. I hope Jones wins that seat. To prevent trump from filling Supreme Court seats, it’s imperative Democrats win back the Senate.

Alabama will ALWAYS be a red state with ultra conservative senators.....

If Moore wins, he will be the poster boy for ALL that is wrong with the GOP helping democrats win in swing/purple states.
And again, none of that matters, because she's not living there NOW. You can relive glory days all you want, but she lost.

You lost too,but are too dumb to yet realize it........Have some more orange kool-aid, it helps.
Wow, is that an admission that, despite all the protests to the contrary, the insistence that the popular vote overrules the constitution, etc. that Hillary was defeated by that bugaboo the left hates and despises, DONALD TRUMP?
Democrats also made the mistake of piling on with bs accusations like the "Roy Moore was banned from the mall" nonsense.

If they stuck with the original accuser instead of going overboard with obviously fake accusations they might have had more credibility. But every time they add an additional claim that is easily shown to be false they make them all look more false.

People aren't stupid.
He was banned from a mall just like he
he called a Middle school to talk to a young teen so he can ask her for a date.
Nothing the women said has been “ shown to be false.”
Why do you enable child molesters?

Stop lying about the mall. You are making a total fool of yourself.

Oh and how did Moore in the year 1977 reach her in trig class. On her cell phone? And when did asking someone out on a date qualify as sexual misconduct?

This is the bitch that complained he was a bad kisser. Special.
I don't know her motive on Moore yet but she was a very troubled teenager. Court documents were released that proved that.

Which would further prove that the scumbag, Moore, screwed up this woman's life???........LOL
Wow, is that an admission that, despite all the protests to the contrary, the insistence that the popular vote overrules the constitution, etc. that Hillary was defeated by that bugaboo the left hates and despises, DONALD TRUMP?

NO, nitwit.........your "conclusion" is what a 6 year old would also reach.....

Hillary was a bad candidate
Hillary won the popular vote
Trump won because of the electoral college
Trump will destroy the GOP
.......and you helped him do just that.....Enjoy the fallout....LOL
Then post the articles. Unless you think the press would ignore a sitting Supreme Court Justice that “common knowledge” showed he had a proclivity towards teenage girls.

Or you think the press is unreliable?

The media was quiet on Moore as long as his sorry ass was just a part of the backward mentality of Alabama.....When Moore opted for NATIONAL status, the proverbial spotlight is now causing him major problems.

Moore entered NATIONAL STATUS with his fight to keep the 10 Commandments in public places AND his opposition to Gay Marriage.

And yet the ACLU, the Athiest opposition and the LGBT community failed to bring this up? Even though it was common knowledge?

You are not that naive. Are you?
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
The whole town knew that Moore liked to cruise for teenage girls.

If you still want to vote for him, stay away from my daughters!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. The whole town knew it but no one said jack shit until a few weeks out of a Senate race.

BINGO, we have a winner!
Look, folks, for me nothing would be better than to have Moore in the GOP senate.....It's a personal opinion, but I DO think that having Moore as an albatross on republicans' backs during the upcoming mid terms would benefit democrat candidates more than any other rhetoric...So,GO MOORE !!!
You've already got Franken and Conyers, moron. You're going to look absolutely silly pointing your fingers at Moore. Your clowns don't even deny their guilt.

Both democrats were not chasing 14 year olds. What the fuck is wrong with you that you can't make that distinction?

Is is because you don't?

Are you kidding? Why else would the County and State Democrats stay silent on this if they weren't also engaged in that behavior?

It's the old adage, when you point a finger you have 4 pointing back at you.
Wow, is that an admission that, despite all the protests to the contrary, the insistence that the popular vote overrules the constitution, etc. that Hillary was defeated by that bugaboo the left hates and despises, DONALD TRUMP?

NO, nitwit.........your "conclusion" is what a 6 year old would also reach.....

Hillary was a bad candidate
Hillary won the popular vote
Trump won because of the electoral college
Trump will destroy the GOP
.......and you helped him do just that.....Enjoy the fallout....LOL
Yes, Hillary was indeed a bad candidate and it is gratifying that the nation realized that.
Moore entered NATIONAL STATUS with his fight to keep the 10 Commandments in public places AND his opposition to Gay Marriage.

And yet the ACLU, the Athiest opposition and the LGBT community failed to bring this up? Even though it was common knowledge?

Moron.....who the fuck do you think helped in getting Moore to be fired TWICE???

Moore, twice-Fired State Supreme Court Justice
Explain how this “common knowledge” was not used against him by a single political opponent or Media outlet in over 40 years.

I’m expecting the usual response.


Sorry to defy your expectations, but I am not as big an intellectual sissy as you are.

The explanation is simple:

Roy Moore crawled out from under his rock to run for Senate in the midst of a nationwide purge of sexual harrassers.

Any questions?
Moore was never under any "rock," douchebag. He has been a prominant political figure in Alabama for decades, which makes these accusations highly suspicious.

He certainly was under a rock for the last 10+ years, and really forever, as far as the national scene goes.. As if you had ever heard of him until a few months ago....give me a break...

Again, not true. Moore was in the national news for months at a time because of the flap over the 10 commandments in his courtroom.

But he had not been for a while, only to re-emerge in the midst of a national movement regarding sexual harrassment. He's not the only one (as your gleeful posts point out) being besieged by a sudden rash of accusations. He's just the only one you are twisting yourself into a pasty white little pretzel to defend.

You didn't see the national outrage during both the UVA and Duke scandals? Plus, if this one was such "common knowledge" then it would have been a slam dunk, right?

I know, your a dodgeball player, Right?
Moore entered NATIONAL STATUS with his fight to keep the 10 Commandments in public places AND his opposition to Gay Marriage.

And yet the ACLU, the Athiest opposition and the LGBT community failed to bring this up? Even though it was common knowledge?

Moron.....who the fuck do you think helped in getting Moore to be fired TWICE???

Moore, twice-Fired State Supreme Court Justice


I again am embarrassed for you.
So, how many Moore supporters would allow their high school daughter date a 32 year old man?

Lets see how many will answer.

Lets see, let them date a well mannered gentleman, or someone like you at 17?

Tough call dude.

Even in the original article by the Washington Post you only have one accuser (now proven to be a very troubled teen in court papers) and then another woman who claims Moore asked her out on a date whoooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo hang him high for asking her out for a date. BUT the other two women claimed he was a gentleman, nothing past kissing or hugging and these women dated him for some time.

AND their mothers were thrilled with them dating him.

From Deason:

“My mom was really, really strict and my curfew was 10:30 but she would let me stay out later with Roy,” says Deason, who is now 57 and lives in North Carolina. “She just felt like I would be safe with him. . . . She thought he was good husband material.”

From Gibson the prominent Democrat"

"she asked her mother what she would say if she wanted to date a 34-year-old man. Gibson says her mother asked her who the man was, and when Gibson said “Roy Moore,” her mother said, “I’d say you were the luckiest girl in the world.”

Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32
Explain how this “common knowledge” was not used against him by a single political opponent or Media outlet in over 40 years.

I’m expecting the usual response.


Sorry to defy your expectations, but I am not as big an intellectual sissy as you are.

The explanation is simple:

Roy Moore crawled out from under his rock to run for Senate in the midst of a nationwide purge of sexual harrassers.

Any questions?

Oh, I see, it’s reverse engineering!

But but but, you’ll need to explain why they never used it against him during the Gay Marriage battle? You don’t think the ACLU or LBGT would have found it useful?

This was common knowledge after all.

And you also think his political opponents wanted to lose in past races?

My explanation covers that: We are in the midst of a national purge of sexual harasses and predators, one which did not exist then.

Seems simple.

We weren’t in a wave of gay rights when Moore denied issuing licenses?

You are acting like a hack, and not a very good one at that.

Irrelevant red herring. This is about sexual harassment, not gay rights. Boy oh boy, I hope Moore's advisors have a better grasp of logic and reality than you do, for his sake.

No, this is about proving your weak ass accusations. I'm driving holes through them big enough to drive a friggen air craft carrier and you're being made to look a fool.
Moore entered NATIONAL STATUS with his fight to keep the 10 Commandments in public places AND his opposition to Gay Marriage.

And yet the ACLU, the Athiest opposition and the LGBT community failed to bring this up? Even though it was common knowledge?

Moron.....who the fuck do you think helped in getting Moore to be fired TWICE???

Moore, twice-Fired State Supreme Court Justice


I again am embarrassed for you.

You have the right to defend a child molester all you want.....LOL
Moore entered NATIONAL STATUS with his fight to keep the 10 Commandments in public places AND his opposition to Gay Marriage.

And yet the ACLU, the Athiest opposition and the LGBT community failed to bring this up? Even though it was common knowledge?

Moron.....who the fuck do you think helped in getting Moore to be fired TWICE???

Moore, twice-Fired State Supreme Court Justice


I again am embarrassed for you.

You have the right to defend a child molester all you want.....LOL

Lol, and you have the right to form a lynch mob!

But if this were a court of law, and you were the prosecutor? You'd be laughed outta court!

Embarrassed for you 2.0
Lol, and you have the right to form a lynch mob!

But if this were a court of law, and you were the prosecutor? You'd be laughed outta court!

Embarrassed for you 2.0

Moron.....Moore IS going to be the poster-child for all that is wrong with YOUR ilk....I sincerely hope he wins......GO MOORE !!!!................LOL

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