seems you shot your wad to early.

Democrats also made the mistake of piling on with bs accusations like the "Roy Moore was banned from the mall" nonsense.

If they stuck with the original accuser instead of going overboard with obviously fake accusations they might have had more credibility. But every time they add an additional claim that is easily shown to be false they make them all look more false.

People are stupid.

But doesn't this happen every time an accusation is made? Moore, Cain, Clinton, O'Reilly, Cosby, Franken?????

I find it unbelievable how all these women are lurking in the dark, scared to death of telling their story until a fearless leader comes out first. Then, with the courage of Mother Teresa, they are unleashed from their shackles and simultaneously ready to address their attacker head on.

As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
Lol, and you have the right to form a lynch mob!

But if this were a court of law, and you were the prosecutor? You'd be laughed outta court!

Embarrassed for you 2.0

Moron.....Moore IS going to be the poster-child for all that is wrong with YOUR ilk....I sincerely hope he wins......GO MOORE !!!!................LOL

My ilk?

The ilk that punches holes through your pathetic fairytales?

You mean that ilk?
Sure you do. So if he loses, you won't be here celebrating with all your other fellow Socialists?

I consider Moore's loss a loss for the DNC also.....Jones is a blue-dog anyway.

It is MUCH BETTER to have Moore as a punching bag standing right next to McConnell.

Well then, I'll certainly be keeping an eye on all your posts if he loses. I await your total disappointment and suspension of bragging rights when it's all over. So if Moore loses, you'll react like any typical snowflake and melt down. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The ilk that punches holes through your pathetic fairytales?

As the Irish would say, "you couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag..."

Just another right wing, senile and poorly educated Trump cult member.......Go to bed....LOL
Well then, I'll certainly be keeping an eye on all your posts if he loses. I await your total disappointment and suspension of bragging rights when it's all over. So if Moore loses, you'll react like any typical snowflake and melt down.

Moron, didn't I just tell you that I WANT Moore to win??? If he loses, that would mean that the DNC ALSO loses a fantastic opportunity to smear every single conservative that runs in the next midterms.

The ilk that punches holes through your pathetic fairytales?

As the Irish would say, "you couldn't punch your way out of a wet paper bag..."

Just another right wing, senile and poorly educated Trump cult member.......Go to bed....LOL

Lol, claiming victory without any reasonless explanation as to how opposition parties and the entire media missed this for 40 years?

Now that’s shit you just can’t make up folks!!!!!
Democrats also made the mistake of piling on with bs accusations like the "Roy Moore was banned from the mall" nonsense.

If they stuck with the original accuser instead of going overboard with obviously fake accusations they might have had more credibility. But every time they add an additional claim that is easily shown to be false they make them all look more false.

People are stupid.

But doesn't this happen every time an accusation is made? Moore, Cain, Clinton, O'Reilly, Cosby, Franken?????

I find it unbelievable how all these women are lurking in the dark, scared to death of telling their story until a fearless leader comes out first. Then, with the courage of Mother Teresa, they are unleashed from their shackles and simultaneously ready to address their attacker head on.

As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
I was a teen in the 70's. Grown men "dating" 14 year old girls was NOT the norm nor considered acceptable. Moore defenders might trash these girls reputations but their accounts are confirmed by Moore's reputation by the people in that town and local police.
But doesn't this happen every time an accusation is made? Moore, Cain, Clinton, O'Reilly, Cosby, Franken?????

I find it unbelievable how all these women are lurking in the dark, scared to death of telling their story until a fearless leader comes out first. Then, with the courage of Mother Teresa, they are unleashed from their shackles and simultaneously ready to address their attacker head on.

As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
I was a teen in the 70's. Grown men "dating" 14 year old girls was NOT the norm nor considered acceptable. Moore defenders might trash these girls reputations but their accounts are confirmed by Moore's reputation by the people in that town and local police.

And out of all those people of the town, local police, and supposed victims, nobody bothered to mention a thing until he ran for the Senate?
i notice the attacks on moore have subsided. all the facts coming out just dont support the attempted smear job. you all started the attack to early looks like it will all be cleaned up before the actual election, to bad for you miserable excuses of human flesh.
A false accuser against Moore has been exposed, and it turns out she works for Moore and O'Keefe!

As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
I was a teen in the 70's. Grown men "dating" 14 year old girls was NOT the norm nor considered acceptable. Moore defenders might trash these girls reputations but their accounts are confirmed by Moore's reputation by the people in that town and local police.

And out of all those people of the town, local police, and supposed victims, nobody bothered to mention a thing until he ran for the Senate?

Contrary to what you think, in the 1970's - conservative red town....a young girl speaking out against a successful and influential man in his 30's would not have been believed. Her reputation would have been shredded just as you all are doing now. Many rape victims did NOT speak up for exactly those reasons. It's only been recently that women have begun to and I think the tipping point was Ailes, O'Reilly, and Weinstein.

That is why they felt they could. Because before they would have been shamed as sluts, mentally deranged etc. JUST LIKE WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW.
Contrary to what you think, in the 1970's - conservative red town....a young girl speaking out against a successful and influential man in his 30's would not have been believed

.....AND, Moore the perv was not just a little "successful and influential"....In a hick place like Alabama such morons are revered for having gone to college and having all his teeth (well, maybe.)
Contrary to what you think, in the 1970's - conservative red town....a young girl speaking out against a successful and influential man in his 30's would not have been believed

.....AND, Moore the perv was not just a little "successful and influential"....In a hick place like Alabama such morons are revered for having gone to college and having all his teeth (well, maybe.)

And you wonder why they vote Republican. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
I was a teen in the 70's. Grown men "dating" 14 year old girls was NOT the norm nor considered acceptable. Moore defenders might trash these girls reputations but their accounts are confirmed by Moore's reputation by the people in that town and local police.

And out of all those people of the town, local police, and supposed victims, nobody bothered to mention a thing until he ran for the Senate?

Contrary to what you think, in the 1970's - conservative red town....a young girl speaking out against a successful and influential man in his 30's would not have been believed. Her reputation would have been shredded just as you all are doing now. Many rape victims did NOT speak up for exactly those reasons. It's only been recently that women have begun to and I think the tipping point was Ailes, O'Reilly, and Weinstein.

That is why they felt they could. Because before they would have been shamed as sluts, mentally deranged etc. JUST LIKE WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW.

Okay, so why didn't they speak up in the 80's, the 90's, early 2000's?

We didn't live with the Taliban in the 70's. If a woman was raped, she came out with it. That's besides the point we are not talking rape here. Moore didn't rape anybody. Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it. Wanna bet that he's still a Senator in three months from now?
But doesn't this happen every time an accusation is made? Moore, Cain, Clinton, O'Reilly, Cosby, Franken?????

I find it unbelievable how all these women are lurking in the dark, scared to death of telling their story until a fearless leader comes out first. Then, with the courage of Mother Teresa, they are unleashed from their shackles and simultaneously ready to address their attacker head on.

As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
I was a teen in the 70's. Grown men "dating" 14 year old girls was NOT the norm nor considered acceptable. Moore defenders might trash these girls reputations but their accounts are confirmed by Moore's reputation by the people in that town and local police.

Ohhhhhhh, your the one with the police report that nobody else can seem to find!

Oh, you don’t? Know why? It never happened.

Ever wonder how something that everybody knew about never made a single news report or was ever used against him in almost FOURTY YEARS? Until just weeks before this election

Hell, Hustler magazine was paying millions of dollars to nab conservatives, and no one in Gadsden needed a big pay day WHEN EVERYONE IN THAT TOWN SUPPOSSEDLY KNEW ABOUT THIS?

You can’t make this shit up know matter how hard you try.

We went from 9 accusers to 2

Mall ban - nope, never happened

Cops told to watch him around teen girls, but no report exists?

This thing is dieing a quick merciful death.
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?
As soon as the election is over you'll never hear from them again. Just like the ones who came forward against Trump

I think there is a pattern here that needs to be acknowledged. I'm not being partisan either as I included several Democrats.

And out of all of these women, did a single one of them ever suffer any consequences for their actions? Not that I'm aware of. When it blows over, they just continue their lives and only the accused suffers the aftermath.

I'm all for the protection of our women, but this has really got to stop. It's just way too obvious that most-- if not all of it is pure bullshit. Money chasers and attention whores is all they are to me unless evidence is presented. The more credibility we give them, the more frequently we will be treated to stories like this.
And this is why many women are reluctant to speak up.

Except in every case, it's the same MO. First one woman comes out against a wealthy or popular person, or both, and all of a sudden, many more come out of the woodwork.

If a crime has been committed, then you immediately report the crime. If you report the crime decades later, of course the claim loses a lot of credibility. I knew girls back in the 70's that were assaulted, they went straight to the police station and had the cops pick the guy up. In reality, they had to be more concerned about the family than the police, and I'm sure that was tenfold in Alabama years ago.

One of my late coworkers started dating his wife when she was 15. She was from the south somewhere, but not sure if Alabama or not. Anyway, his claim is they never had any sex until after they were married. Even though she was 15, he was ten years older than her serving our country. He fought in Vietnam and made a career in the military.

They stayed married until his death. He and his wife raised a great family with grandkids. The sexual revolution didn't effect every single young person at the time. There were still plenty of old fashioned youngsters back then who withheld their sexual desires until the absolute right one came along.

What I'm saying is that we can't use a situation back then and put it into our modern world today. Dating back then for many people was just that--dating and no further.
I was a teen in the 70's. Grown men "dating" 14 year old girls was NOT the norm nor considered acceptable. Moore defenders might trash these girls reputations but their accounts are confirmed by Moore's reputation by the people in that town and local police.

Ohhhhhhh, your the one with the police report that nobody else can seem to find!

Oh, you don’t? Know why? It never happened.

Ever wonder how something that everybody knew about never made a single news report or was ever used against him in almost FOURTY YEARS? Until just weeks before this election

Hell, Hustler magazine was paying millions of dollars to nab conservatives, and no one in Gadsden needed a big pay day WHEN EVERYONE IN THAT TOWN SUPPOSSEDLY KNEW ABOUT THIS?

You can’t make this shit up know matter how hard you try.

We went from 9 accusers to 2

Mall ban - nope, never happened

Cops told to watch him around teen girls, but no report exists?

This thing is dieing a quick merciful death.

As I said Pops....Ailes, O'Reilly, Weinstein provided the tipping point for women to come out with less fear of retaliation. What did they have to gain? Seriously? These are dyed in the wool Republican women in a red red state.

Let me ask you this. Billy Boy Clinton's accusers came out at a politically convenient time. Were they all liars? At least they got a court hearing. How about Frankens? How about the others? Is Franken to be dammed because he was honest enough to fess up?

The allegations against Moore seem to be well corroborated. The only DEFENSE seems to be shredding the women's reputations. No wonder so few women step forward.

Roy Moore changes his story about accusers, compares claims to Trump-Russia investigation

Moore accuser fires back in letter: 'I demand that you stop calling me a liar'

Why don't women step forward? The 1970's....
Why Roy Moore's accusers stayed silent for so long
"I didn't even tell my mom about it. She had told me one time that it was common for men to 'mess around' with the teenage girls...her mother had told her that was just the way it was, and that they should never talk about it. Then it happened to me and I didn't tell my mom because I knew it would upset her."

At the outset of the #MeToo movement an extended family member privately shared her experience of sexual assault with me. She was a young woman when she was raped - just like the eight women who have accused Roy Moore of sexual misconduct. But there is another reason why my relative, and Moore's accusers have been silent until now - Southern culture.

Silencing is a common tactic use by perpetrators of childhood sexual violence; many survivors of sexual trauma remain silent out of shame and fear. They are justified in doing so. For children, the threat of further harm is very real and perpetrators depend on secrecy. Even for adults, victim-blaming, stigma and re-traumatization may accompany disclosure. In Southern culture, the norm of the 'good girl' combined with the adage of 'speak when you are spoken to' closes the door on information sharing. It also affirms the lie that perpetrators often tell their victims: they will not be believed.

Other elements of the traditional Southern Belle archetype also play a role. Southern women, and especially girls, are expected to be as "sweet as pie" and genteel to boot. There is, after all, an entire magazine dedicated to Southern Living and hospitality. It simply wouldn't be polite by Southern standards to out sexual assailants. Instead Moore's behavior has been an open secret and the fodder for small town rumor mills. While some have attempted to discredit Moore's victims, they would not have come forth without prompting from members of the media.

As of this point...there are multiple women, who have accused Moore of impropriaties:
Roy Moore sexual abuse allegations - Wikipedia


A former colleague who worked with Moore at the Etowah County District Attorney's office from 1982 to 1985 stated, "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird [...] We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall".[32][33] At least four current and former residents of Etowah County have corroborated the colleague's story. One said, "These stories have been going around this town for 30 years ... Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet". Another said, "Him liking and dating young girls was never a secret in Gadsden when we were all in high school ... In our neighborhoods up by Noccalula Falls we heard it all the time. Even people at the courthouse know it was a well-known secret ... It's just sad how these girls [who accused Moore] are getting hammered and called liars, especially Leigh [Corfman]."[34]

On November 13, The New Yorker quoted multiple local former police officers and mall employees who had heard that Roy Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall in the early 1980s for attempting to pick up teenage girls.[35][36] An Alabama woman said that Moore was banned from the mall in the late 1970s after she reported to her manager that he was sexually harassing her.[37] Local news channel WBRC interviewed Barnes Boyle, a manager of the mall from 1981 to 1998, who said that, to his knowledge, Moore was not banned.[38] The Moore campaign has now produced two other witnesses, a longtime mall employee and the Operations Manager overseeing mall security, both of whom state that he was never banned from the mall.[39]

Faye Gray[40], a retired detective, who is a 37 year veteran of the Gadsden police force, stated that in the 1980s she was told to look out for Roy Moore due to his known harassment of cheerleaders at local school athletic events. The detective said that she also had heard that Moore had been banned from the Gadsden Mall and also said that both in the police department and at the Gadsden courthouse there were frequent mentions of Moore liking young girls. She said "I didn’t realize until sometime later that when they said he liked young girls, I just thought he liked young ladies, you know, maybe in their 20s. I had no idea, or we had no idea, that we were talking about 14-year-olds." [41]

This is more then just unfounded allegations. If Moore were a Dem you'd be over him like white on rice.
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........
Franken was closer to rape than Moore ever was, and at least we have evidence of it.

Did you pull that out of your fat ass after a quick stint in the toilet bowl?'

is Franken accused of molesting a 14 year old? yes or No, scum bucket?

You mean the 14 year old who was molested in the "back" parking lot that never existed? As a true liberal, you believe that unproven accusations are more evidence than a photo of a man attacking a woman while she slept. Uninformed Voters..........

I think Franken is honest. Moore not so much. I think you are far more willing to believe the bad about a Dem then about a Pub.

Franken attacking? No. He was making a bad joke on her, and she ACCEPTED his apology,. Too bad Moore isn't as honest.

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