Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party

The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
The Republican civil war was supposed to start this week.

Instead, a ferocious struggle has erupted on the left over the smoldering remains of the Democratic Party.

Liberals are seething over the election and talking about launching a Tea Party-style revolt. They say it’s the only way to keep Washington Democrats connected to the grassroots and to avoid a repeat of the 2016 electoral disaster, which blindsided party elites.

Progressives believe the Democratic establishment is responsible for inflicting Donald Trump upon the nation, blaming a staid corporate wing of the party for nominating Hillary Clinton and ignoring the Working Class voters that propelled Trump to victory.

Liberals interviewed by The Hill want to see establishment Democrats targeted in primaries, and the “Clinton-corporate wing” of the party rooted out for good.

The fight will begin over picking a new leader for the Democratic National Committee.

Progressives are itching to see the national apparatus reduced to rubble and rebuilt from scratch, with one of their own installed at the top.

And there is talk among some progressives, like Bill Clinton’s former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, about splitting from the Democratic Party entirely if they don’t get the changes they seek.

“The Democratic Party can no longer be the same, it has been repudiated,” Reich said on a conference call with members from the progressive grassroots group Democracy for America.

“This has been a huge refutation of establishment politics and the political organization has got to be changed...if the Democratic Party can’t do it, we’ll do it through a third party.”

Reich’s view is far from universal in his party.

A number of Democrats are fuming over pie-in-the-sky liberals who they say prized idealism over pragmatism.

In an election determined by enthusiasm, some blame Bernie Sanderssupporters for either not showing up or for suppressing turnout by refusing to rally behind Clinton at an earlier date.

“The Sanders people should be mad at themselves,” said one well-connected Democratic strategist. “If they had come out to vote, Donald Trump wouldn’t be president. If they were trying to prove a point, all they’ve done is further damage everything they claim to be fighting for. It’s somewhat typical of that crowd.”

Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party | TheHill

The Democrats will see finally that the establishment is NOT the answer.
There was always going to be a reckoning no matter how the election turned out, A truly progressive and populist democratic party will be unbeatable after Trump and the republicans betray all the false populism that they sold this time around. You know they are not going to do a damned thing improve the lot of the American working class, they never have and never will.

Your greatest fear is that Trump will be a great success. You know that his policies will make the economy boom. After it does, the Dim's chances of ever getting elected again are less than your chances of getting hit by a meteorite.
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "White people: We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
The Republican civil war was supposed to start this week.

Instead, a ferocious struggle has erupted on the left over the smoldering remains of the Democratic Party.

Liberals are seething over the election and talking about launching a Tea Party-style revolt. They say it’s the only way to keep Washington Democrats connected to the grassroots and to avoid a repeat of the 2016 electoral disaster, which blindsided party elites.

Progressives believe the Democratic establishment is responsible for inflicting Donald Trump upon the nation, blaming a staid corporate wing of the party for nominating Hillary Clinton and ignoring the Working Class voters that propelled Trump to victory.

Liberals interviewed by The Hill want to see establishment Democrats targeted in primaries, and the “Clinton-corporate wing” of the party rooted out for good.

The fight will begin over picking a new leader for the Democratic National Committee.

Progressives are itching to see the national apparatus reduced to rubble and rebuilt from scratch, with one of their own installed at the top.

And there is talk among some progressives, like Bill Clinton’s former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, about splitting from the Democratic Party entirely if they don’t get the changes they seek.

“The Democratic Party can no longer be the same, it has been repudiated,” Reich said on a conference call with members from the progressive grassroots group Democracy for America.

“This has been a huge refutation of establishment politics and the political organization has got to be changed...if the Democratic Party can’t do it, we’ll do it through a third party.”

Reich’s view is far from universal in his party.

A number of Democrats are fuming over pie-in-the-sky liberals who they say prized idealism over pragmatism.

In an election determined by enthusiasm, some blame Bernie Sanderssupporters for either not showing up or for suppressing turnout by refusing to rally behind Clinton at an earlier date.

“The Sanders people should be mad at themselves,” said one well-connected Democratic strategist. “If they had come out to vote, Donald Trump wouldn’t be president. If they were trying to prove a point, all they’ve done is further damage everything they claim to be fighting for. It’s somewhat typical of that crowd.”

Seething liberals vow revolution in Democratic Party | TheHill

The Democrats will see finally that the establishment is NOT the answer.
There was always going to be a reckoning no matter how the election turned out, A truly progressive and populist democratic party will be unbeatable after Trump and the republicans betray all the false populism that they sold this time around. You know they are not going to do a damned thing improve the lot of the American working class, they never have and never will.

Says the group who just got the living shit kicked out of them in 3 national elections. You people keep predicting victory then you lose in historic blowout ass whoopings its hilarious :laugh:
The pendulum always swings.

You guys keep saying that.

Guess swung the wrong way.
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
I got a sneaky suspicion the Dems will big time double down on stupid and nominate Elizabeth 'Fake Pocohantas' Warren for 2020.
The leftards believe they need to go even further to the left. That will alienate what's left of the blue dog dems that will simply vote republican, again.

What's left of the democrap party will be freaks, geeks and perverted human trash. They'll never see power again as a party.
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
They are not doing shit for white working class males, never have, never will, they are just saying they will at long last give a damn about the working class. Republican's new found love for economic justice is a giant lie, they have long been calling progressives communists for talking just like Trump did with his populist rhetoric of protecting/creating jobs thirty years after such policies might have worked.

As to my personal details you can forget it, I am a highly educated and gainfully employed American person, that's all you get. I lost nearly everything in 2008 and have nearly all of it back now, no thanks to anything republicans ever did.
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "White people: We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
Are you saying that minorities will refuse to work when there are jobs to be had?
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
They are not doing shit for white working class males, never have, never will, they are just saying they will at long last give a damn about the working class. Republican's new found love for economic justice is a giant lie, they have long been calling progressives communists for talking just like Trump did with his populist rhetoric of protecting/creating jobs thirty years after such policies might have worked.

As to my personal details you can forget it, I am a highly educated and gainfully employed American person, that's all you get. I lost nearly everything in 2008 and have nearly all of it back now, no thanks to anything republicans ever did.
Did you not hear Trump talk about infrastructure jobs?
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "White people: We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
Are you saying that minorities will refuse to work when there are jobs to be had?
I am not saying anything except that you people done been had, they are going to propose a bunch of trickle down bullshit and totally forget who put them in office. Mark my words, you will be trying to defend a gigantic unpaid for tax cut for the wealthy before you even know it, that will be the extent of republican policies to create the jobs Trump promised.
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
They are not doing shit for white working class males, never have, never will, they are just saying they will at long last give a damn about the working class. Republican's new found love for economic justice is a giant lie, they have long been calling progressives communists for talking just like Trump did with his populist rhetoric of protecting/creating jobs thirty years after such policies might have worked.

As to my personal details you can forget it, I am a highly educated and gainfully employed American person, that's all you get. I lost nearly everything in 2008 and have nearly all of it back now, no thanks to anything republicans ever did.
Did you not hear Trump talk about infrastructure jobs?
I did, congress will never deliver such a bill to him and you will not even feel betrayed.
Democrats suffered the worst defeats in modern history two years ago and last Tuesday. Obama is gone, Harry Reid is gone and the Clinton's are nothing but a sleazy footnote in the history books. Which way will the democrat party go? Democrats still have the dishonest sleazy mainstream media to prop them up but it seems that Americans are smarter than the propaganda. Will democrats double down with socialist Bernie Sanders or will they regain some political sanity?
Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
They are not doing shit for white working class males, never have, never will, they are just saying they will at long last give a damn about the working class. Republican's new found love for economic justice is a giant lie, they have long been calling progressives communists for talking just like Trump did with his populist rhetoric of protecting/creating jobs thirty years after such policies might have worked.

As to my personal details you can forget it, I am a highly educated and gainfully employed American person, that's all you get. I lost nearly everything in 2008 and have nearly all of it back now, no thanks to anything republicans ever did.
Did you not hear Trump talk about infrastructure jobs?
I did, congress will never deliver such a bill to him and you will not even feel betrayed.
Then some Republicans will be voted out! That's the plan!
Democrats suffered the worst defeats in modern history two years ago and last Tuesday. Obama is gone, Harry Reid is gone and the Clinton's are nothing but a sleazy footnote in the history books. Which way will the democrat party go? Democrats still have the dishonest sleazy mainstream media to prop them up but it seems that Americans are smarter than the propaganda. Will democrats double down with socialist Bernie Sanders or will they regain some political sanity?

The majority of Democraps are liberals and liberalism is a mental disorder, so the answer is obvious.
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
They are not doing shit for white working class males, never have, never will, they are just saying they will at long last give a damn about the working class. Republican's new found love for economic justice is a giant lie, they have long been calling progressives communists for talking just like Trump did with his populist rhetoric of protecting/creating jobs thirty years after such policies might have worked.

As to my personal details you can forget it, I am a highly educated and gainfully employed American person, that's all you get. I lost nearly everything in 2008 and have nearly all of it back now, no thanks to anything republicans ever did.
Did you not hear Trump talk about infrastructure jobs?
I did, congress will never deliver such a bill to him and you will not even feel betrayed.
Then some Republicans will be voted out! That's the plan!
They are going to have a hard time suddenly having no one to blame but themselves. The tea party congressmen especially will be at a loss as to how to actually govern after sitting on their asses for 6 years. I am not going to make a bunch of guesses about the future but on this you can be sure, they had best do something substantial and effective quickly other than just attacking Obamacare and trying to advance the evangelical social agenda.
The pendulum always swings.

Agreed, the world is like a wheel, sometimes you are on top - sometimes you are on the bottom. As a strong Trump supporter, I am relieved he won - but I will not gloat over anything.

But it is amazing that the democrats have not had a majority of white male voters since Harry Truman in 1948 - what does that tell you about the message the democrats are offering to the american people?
I tells me more about the message conservatives are offering: "White people: We will keep you on top of the social/economic order regardless of your lack of education, the effects of economic downturns or the demographics of the nation". It's a pipe dream of course. Been hearing this dog whistle for a long time, this year they didn't even try to disguise it.
I have been hearing the dog whistle of how democrats are going to make the lives of minorities better for decades. After the last 8 years, we see that progressive policies don't work and are actively harmful to middle class stability.

I have a very short list of expectations from a Trump administration. Rolling back three of the most harmful programs of progressives would be gravy, but I'll settle for SCOTUS nominees in the vein of Scalia and a lifting of the brutal and oppressive regulations on business.
It's like you have your own little movie playing in your head. Please tell me how these evil conservatives are keeping white males on top of the social/economic order regardless of their lack of education?

What is your educational background? What is your ethnicity?
They are not doing shit for white working class males, never have, never will, they are just saying they will at long last give a damn about the working class. Republican's new found love for economic justice is a giant lie, they have long been calling progressives communists for talking just like Trump did with his populist rhetoric of protecting/creating jobs thirty years after such policies might have worked.

As to my personal details you can forget it, I am a highly educated and gainfully employed American person, that's all you get. I lost nearly everything in 2008 and have nearly all of it back now, no thanks to anything republicans ever did.
Did you not hear Trump talk about infrastructure jobs?
I did, congress will never deliver such a bill to him and you will not even feel betrayed.
Then some Republicans will be voted out! That's the plan!
They are going to have a hard time suddenly having no one to blame but themselves. The tea party congressmen especially will be at a loss as to how to actually govern after sitting on their asses for 6 years. I am not going to make a bunch of guesses about the future but on this you can be sure, they had best do something substantial and effective quickly other than just attacking Obamacare and trying to advance the evangelical social agenda.
Sorry. Obamacare is one of the top priorities. Even you may like the change.

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