Segregation now: #LivingWhileBlack experiences are the new version of 'whites only' signs


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
This story has been on my radar for several days and in my opinion does a good job of explaining some of the nuiances. I guess it's never occurred to anyone that black people have oftentimes not felt safe or have felt threatened in some [predominantly] environments but we don't get to call the police to ease our anxieties, in fact even when there is cause to call the police, far too often their involvement only makes things worse

Security stops and 911 calls driven by racial anxiety are creating spaces where only white Americans feel welcome and comfortable, experts say.

Donisha Prendergast, right, the granddaughter of Bob Marley, was leaving an Airbnb rental with friends last year when she was questioned by police based on a neighbor's suspicions. Other incidents in which people of color have had the police called on them include a 12-year-old who was mowing a lawn and two black men in a Starbucks in Philadelphia. Photo illustration by Matt Nighswander / NBC News; AP;

May 31, 2019, 7:56 AM PDT
By Janell Ross
It is among the most mundane of routines: Arrive at a hotel. Enter the hotel. And when in Vegas, the rest is supposed to stay there.

But, when the rapper Meek Mill arrived at a Las Vegas hotel Saturday for a hotel club party, the rapper says he was stopped, told he could not enter the club or any other part of the hotel, and threatened with arrest. The hotel told NBC News that the incident "related to a matter of security, not race." The club — not the entire hotel — had reached capacity.

Mill’s lawyer has claimed the hotel maintains a list of banned black entertainers, a potential violation of federal civil rights law that he has threatened to pursue in court. The hotel did not respond, by deadline, to questions about the possible existence of a list but did say that Mill was turned away because of capacity concerns.

To some, it was the latest example of a problem that most prominently entered the headlines more than a year ago, when two black men entered a Philadelphia Starbucks for a business meeting and left the store in handcuffs after a manager reported feeling “threatened.” Since then, dozens of other black Americans have experienced the unpredictable hazards of eating, swimming, waiting, mowing, napping, banking, walking, biking, barbecuing, cleaning, working, commuting, flying, picnicking and shopping while black.

00:06 / 04:14
Watch: White woman attempts to block black man from entering his apartment building
Oct. 15, 201804:13
The problem, which has become a standing feature of almost every news cycle, has no geographic boundaries, and no pattern beyond the race of those subjected to scrutiny.

While these viral incidents are often dismissed as isolated examples of racial anxiety, experts say that the phenomenon points to something far more serious. This, they say, is modern-day segregation.

It is a way of dictating who is welcome in certain spaces and who is not. And, as with Jim Crow laws and the black codes before them, American police are playing a role.

“We’ve come to a place, whether they are eager to do it or not, where police are functioning as personal racism concierges,” said Phillip Atiba Goff, co-founder and president of the Center for Policing Equity at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, a division of the City University of New York. “And leaders of all kinds of institutions are searching for creative ways to both avoid calling these incidents what they are — racism — while appearing concerned.”​

Segregation now: #LivingWhileBlack experiences are the new version of ‘whites only’ signs
blacks murder eight blacks every DAY
rape at twice the rate of whites
----you do mean you don't feel safe living near/around blacks, yes?
Groids should self segregate. They bring nothing but crime and violence.

That's why whites commit almost triple the crime and when confronted with this and the American history of white crime and violence you try that 12 percent shit that's never considered at any other time. I guess since whites invented the word excuse they think they get to make them all the time.
Groids should self segregate. They bring nothing but crime and violence.

That's why whites commit almost triple the crime and when confronted with this and the American history of white crime and violence you try that 12 percent shit that's never considered at any other time. I guess since whites invented the word excuse they think they get to make them all the time.

Groids are terrible at math.
Groids should self segregate. They bring nothing but crime and violence.

That's why whites commit almost triple the crime and when confronted with this and the American history of white crime and violence you try that 12 percent shit that's never considered at any other time. I guess since whites invented the word excuse they think they get to make them all the time.

Groids are terrible at math.

They are better than Caucasoids.
Groids should self segregate. They bring nothing but crime and violence.

That's why whites commit almost triple the crime and when confronted with this and the American history of white crime and violence you try that 12 percent shit that's never considered at any other time. I guess since whites invented the word excuse they think they get to make them all the time.
Just think, if we could magically switch the populations of white and black in the USA, we’d have several times greater the number of homicides committed every year.

52% of homicides committed by just 13% of the population.

Apparently you aren’t good at SIMPLE math IQ2.

Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites and the victimisation rate was six times higher.
FactCheck: do black Americans commit more crime?
Groids should self segregate. They bring nothing but crime and violence.

That's why whites commit almost triple the crime and when confronted with this and the American history of white crime and violence you try that 12 percent shit that's never considered at any other time. I guess since whites invented the word excuse they think they get to make them all the time.

That 12 per cent is ALWAYS considered. My God, you are bad at math. Or dishonest as hell. Or both.

And those black guys at the Starbucks were being assholes, if not looking for trouble.

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