SEIU Leader tells union, students, c-organizers to "break laws," "Create a crisis,"


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
I thought the Left was all for peace and love and tolerance. Oh wait, they aren't. They are for destroying liberty.

[ame=]SEIU Stephen Lerner Tells Unions, and Students They Need To Escalate Spread The Crisis All Over US - YouTube[/ame]
do you understand what civil disobedience means?

I have asked you several times to provide a more recent poll, showing Obama is more trusted on the deficit.
Can you... or can you not?

It's a fairly simple question TM.. even one with your limited mental faculties should be able to answer it.
do you understand what civil disobedience means?

I understand what civil disobedience is SUPPOSED to mean, Truthie; I also understand how often I have seen the Left turn what was supposed to be "Non-violent resistance to the law" into a mere euphemism for "inciting to riot". Your side has a long history of rioting, from the early labor movement, to the "Wobblies" to the SNCC, the SDS, the Youth International Party, and the Weather Underground, the American Left has never shunned violence, whenever and wherever it suited them. So, when someone with a clear and documented history of violence, like the SEIU, calls for "creating a crisis", I think there is a better than even chance that what they really mean is, "And if lying down in the streets and obstructing traffic doesn't get us our way, we'll just break out the lead pipes, the bricks, and the Molotov cocktails." See the antics of such such Leftist luminaries as Mark Rudd, William Ayers, Tom Hayden, and Jerry Rubin for a preview; they called it "civil disobedience" too, but what it was, was rioting!
Ghandi walked to the river to make salt along with thousands of Indians.

It was against the law.

who was right?
Ghandi walked to the river to make salt along with thousands of Indians.

It was against the law.

who was right?

You are comparing Ghandi to the violent left in this Country? REALLY? Ghandi preached and used NON VIOLENT means. The Unions all resort to armed thuggery. It is a HISTORICAL fact that in every run in with the Unions the UNIONS resorted to violence. Murder assault, theft , arson, physical intimidation. Against anyone that opposes them.

By the way do you claim the 500 rioting Union thugs that destroyed private and State property in Tacoma while holding hostage 6 guards were just using civil disobedience? Were they peaceful?

Come on one of you mods please change her name to the more appropriate Truthdoesnotmatter.
do you understand what civil disobedience means?

Time for a remedial.

Violence is the contribution that socialists and the Left in general has given to political discourse.

Georges Sorel is the 'father of violent socialism.:

1. Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. Sometimes incomprehensible spirit behind the French "syndicalist" movement that sparked in 1895 in an attempt to recapture the initiative away from reformist state socialists and bring the workers' movement back to its roots in the revolutionary anarcho-socialism of Proudhon and Bakunin that had so shaken the world back in the 1840s and 1850s.

Although he claimed himself to be a Marxian, Sorel held a deep suspicion for "armchair socialists", particularly those who mumbled about the inevitability of "progress". Instead, Sorel advocated massive general strikes and worker action -- not for the small concessions from employers those might bring, but rather as a way of continuously disrupting the capitalism industrial machine and thus eventually achieving worker control of means of production. In his most famous work (1908), Sorel emphasized the violent and irrational motivations of social and economic conduct (echoing Pareto in many ways). His identification of the need for a deliberately-conceived "myth" to sway crowds into concerted action was put to use by the Fascist and Communist movements of the 1920s and after.

3. In his best-known work, Reflections on Violence (1908, tr. 1912), which became the basic text of syndicalism, Sorel expounded his theory of "violence" as the creative power of the proletariat that could overcome "force," the coercive economic power of the bourgeoisie. He supported belief in myths about future social developments, arguing that such belief promoted social progress.

This has always been the path of the Left.
Ghandi walked to the river to make salt along with thousands of Indians.

It was against the law.

who was right?

He marched to protest excessive British tax policies on salt.

I dont' think that fits in your camp as you would be more likely to march to advance more taxation.
do you understand what civil disobedience means?

yeah, disrupting average citizens lives for the sake of their own selfishness.

they think they are helping themselves, they better think again.
You think people have A LOW opinion of the now.
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Ghandi walked to the river to make salt along with thousands of Indians.

It was against the law.

who was right?

He marched to protest excessive British tax policies on salt.

I dont' think that fits in your camp as you would be more likely to march to advance more taxation.

It was against the law and people were then beaten to death by the authorities for getting salt in a way the people had for generations.

Some laws are not just.

the way the Americvan people were robbbed by wall street recently was made law by Bush but it was not just.

They are voicing to wall street that they will fight to change these laws.

Wall street would beat them to death to make more money if they could. Fortunately they cant get away with that.

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