Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
/-----/ My my my...

Trump knew absolutely nothing about it .......... just ask him.

Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.

Welcome back Pix. :beer:

I don't think there's anything about campaign finance laws that's particularly "left" or "right" though.

Sure, if you want to play that game.

If the left wants to go there, then the right can just seize on the fact that the HRC campaign never disclosed the fact that it never accurately reported the funding of it's clandestine attempts to link Trump with Russia. All that research went unreported.

So if Trump is guilty, than Hillary is too. All that money for to Fusion GPS was misreported, everything that went to Christopher Steele? Unreported. There was no way to trace it during the campaign.

Face it Pogo, if one is guilty, the other is too.

Clinton, DNC connections to Trump dossier funding could create election law issues
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Oh no they are WAY different.

Bull Clinton may have been an empty suit but he didn't obsess over himself to the point of inventing entire histories, reinventing his own speeches, fabricating entire events, staying up all night sending whiny tweets, attacking everybody who questioned him and if they were female with allusions to "blood", disparaging nationalities, religions, protesters, women, athletes, threatening riots, inviting bots to shoot his opponent, and failing to take responsibility for anything ever.

Not that that sets Clinton apart--- NO normal person acts like that.

I get it, you loath Trump.

I thought we were talking about their womanizing.
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.
Lewinski was none of that...she chased him/Clinton, (according to the lady that tape recorded her and ratted her out to Kenneth Starr), under oath at her grand jury testimony.
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.

You think Trump does that and Bill doesn't?
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Oh no they are WAY different.

Bull Clinton may have been an empty suit but he didn't obsess over himself to the point of inventing entire histories, reinventing his own speeches, fabricating entire events, staying up all night sending whiny tweets, attacking everybody who questioned him and if they were female with allusions to "blood", disparaging nationalities, religions, protesters, women, athletes, threatening riots, inviting bots to shoot his opponent, and failing to take responsibility for anything ever.

Not that that sets Clinton apart--- NO normal person acts like that.

I get it, you loath Trump.

I thought we were talking about their womanizing.

Not me. That's not my business.
Read my posts.
How do we know the recording was "secretly taped"? What happened to lawyer/client privilege? Did it go out the window when rogue government gestapo agents secretly raided the files of an innocent lawyer? You almost gotta laugh if this is the best they could leak to the media.
Damn, I bet Trump is kind of pissed about being taped.

Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model

President Trump’s longtime lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, secretly recorded a conversation with Mr. Trump two months before the presidential election in which they discussed payments to a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump, according to lawyers and others familiar with the recording.

The F.B.I. seized the recording this year during a raid on Mr. Cohen’s office. The Justice Department is investigating Mr. Cohen’s involvement in paying women to tamp down embarrassing news stories about Mr. Trump ahead of the 2016 election. Prosecutors want to know whether that violated federal campaign finance laws, and any conversation with Mr. Trump about those payments would be of keen interest to them.
The tape basically shows that Trump new the campaign finance laws and still decided to break them. That shows intent.

He new? Where is the tape, and how do we know it is authentic?.

You think Cohen made a fake tape back before Trump was President? Back when Cohen thought Trump had his back and he said he'd take a bullet for him? Are you one of those chem trails people?
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.
Lewinski was none of that...she chased him/Clinton, (according to the lady that tape recorded her and ratted her out to Kenneth Starr), under oath at her grand jury testimony.

You know I am not talking about Lewinski. I am talking about the sexual assault victims of the Clintons.
The tape basically shows that Trump new the campaign finance laws and still decided to break them. That shows intent.
I hate to agree with the Trump side.. :D

but not necessarily.... who is to say Cohen advised Trump that it was Breaking campaign finance laws? Was Trump warned by cohen in this message that it would be illegal, if it were not reported or over the limit for contributions?

Maybe I missed something, but I thought I heard someone say that Guilliani told Trump to pay them off with checks so the money could be reported but he paid in cash anyway?
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.

You think Trump does that and Bill doesn't?

Do I think Trump does what? Rape women?
Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model
So the sleaze former attormey for the current sleaze president secretly taped him discussing payoffs on a playboy bunny with whom Donald was banging.

  • July 20, 2018 WASHINGTON — President Trump’s longtime lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, secretly recorded a conversation with Mr. Trump two months before the presidential election in which they discussed payments to a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with Mr. Trump, according to lawyers and others familiar with the recording.
  • The F.B.I. seized the recording this year during a raid on Mr. Cohen’s office. The Justice Department is investigating Mr. Cohen’s involvement in paying women to tamp down embarrassing news stories about Mr. Trump ahead of the 2016 election. Prosecutors want to know whether that violated federal campaign finance laws, and any conversation with Mr. Trump about those payments would be of keen interest to them.
  • The recording’s existence further draws Mr. Trump into questions about tactics he and his associates used to keep aspects of his personal and business life a secret. And it highlights the potential legal and political danger that Mr. Cohen represents to Mr. Trump. Once the keeper of many of Mr. Trump’s secrets, Mr. Cohen is now seen as increasingly willing to consider cooperating with prosecutors.
  • The former model, Karen McDougal, says she began a nearly yearlong affair with Mr. Trump in 2006, shortly after Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania, gave birth to their son Barron. Ms. McDougal sold her story for $150,000 to The National Enquirer, which was supportive of Mr. Trump, during the final months of the presidential campaign, but the tabloid sat on the story, which kept it from becoming public. The practice, known as “catch and kill,” effectively silenced Ms. McDougal for the remainder of the campaign.
So so typical of this sleaze balls.

Ok, let the sleaze defense begin.
Jake does this Bible verse apply to your OP posting? ... :dunno:

John 8:6-7

[6] This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
[7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Here we go again with the demorats over playing their hand. What they lack to realize is that most Americans don't give a rats ass about these accusations.Keep up the good work liberals, you are only pushing many more people further to the right. Thank you for you lack of understanding.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Oh no they are WAY different.

Bull Clinton may have been an empty suit but he didn't obsess over himself to the point of inventing entire histories, reinventing his own speeches, fabricating entire events, staying up all night sending whiny tweets, attacking everybody who questioned him and if they were female with allusions to "blood", disparaging nationalities, religions, protesters, women, athletes, threatening riots, inviting bots to shoot his opponent, and failing to take responsibility for anything ever.

Not that that sets Clinton apart--- NO normal person acts like that.

I get it, you loath Trump.

I thought we were talking about their womanizing.

Not me. That's not my business.
Read my posts.
Naahhhh. ..

Your siggy pretty much gives up that fact that you loath him.

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