Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

So what? Where is the crime here?
Sums up the entire thought process of a trumpanzee.

Yep. Who cares about laws with Trump? As long as I get an extra $6 a week in my paycheck he could have sex with a pig on live tv and I'd still vote for him in 2020!

(Sex with a pig on live tv is from the show Black Mirror, and yes even after the guy did it, everyone forgot about is a few weeks later.)

That is simply a sick assertion right there. Leftist minds are truly sick

The first and last time I watched that show. I could not believe they made an episode like that. A complete total creepy turn off., Who in the world thinks in such a way as to make an a show with that plot. SICK! And what kind of creepy person would say what you just said. The left and it's hypocrisy knows no bounds. You want us to embrace every kind of sexual perversion in the world and yet you lambast a republican for an alleged sexual encounter that he may or may not have had. This is why we discount what you say feel or think.

It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.

You think Trump does that and Bill doesn't?

Do I think Trump does what? Rape women?

Yes, you clearly believe that there is some substantial difference in them. . . . Are you saying one is worse than the other, and which one?

WTF are you even talking about? Good grief. I am talking about Clinton raping and sexually assaulting women is different from consent. Yes there is a substantial difference in Clinton and Trump.

Hmmmm. .. I haven't looked closely into the matter. I just sort of thought since Bill wasn't in prison or gotten the Harvey Weinstein/Bill Cosby treatment, reports have been overblown. . . .

My bad. Not sure where you are coming from, sorry.
Oh no they are WAY different.

Bull Clinton may have been an empty suit but he didn't obsess over himself to the point of inventing entire histories, reinventing his own speeches, fabricating entire events, staying up all night sending whiny tweets, attacking everybody who questioned him and if they were female with allusions to "blood", disparaging nationalities, religions, protesters, women, athletes, threatening riots, inviting bots to shoot his opponent, and failing to take responsibility for anything ever.

Not that that sets Clinton apart--- NO normal person acts like that.

I get it, you loath Trump.

I thought we were talking about their womanizing.

Not me. That's not my business.
Read my posts.
Naahhhh. ..

Your siggy pretty much gives up that fact that you loath him.

If that's some kind of secret after three years, I just ain't doing my job.

Again --- read my posts. It's all there. Of course I loathe sleazeballs.

Not really, you have shown no such loathing for the Clintons or Obama.

Not of that type, again you are correct sir. It's fair to say with the possible exception of the New York Wankees and the Dullass Cowgirls, I have no such loathing for anybody. And all for exactly the same reasons.

Do I have to post post 154 yet again? Can't you just read it the first time?
So what? Where is the crime here?
Sums up the entire thought process of a trumpanzee.

Yep. Who cares about laws with Trump? As long as I get an extra $6 a week in my paycheck he could have sex with a pig on live tv and I'd still vote for him in 2020!

(Sex with a pig on live tv is from the show Black Mirror, and yes even after the guy did it, everyone forgot about is a few weeks later.)

That is simply a sick assertion right there. Leftist minds are truly sick

The first and last time I watched that show. I could not believe they made an episode like that. A complete total creepy turn off., Who in the world thinks in such a way as to make an a show with that plot. SICK! And what kind of creepy person would say what you just said. The left and it's hypocrisy knows no bounds. You want us to embrace every kind of sexual perversion in the world and yet you lambast a republican for an alleged sexual encounter that he may or may not have had. This is why we discount what you say feel or think.

It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said
Something like a link would be good so people know WTF you are talking about.

Trump denied he had an affair with her.
Now the audio tape of Cohen and Trump talking about paying her off has been released by Cohen.
But you Trumpanzees won't give a shit.
You think he only lies and cheats on his wife.
Never the American people.
this is just a sideshow to take us off the kids not being reunited and Putin's version of Coming to America....
Who is karen mcdougal
One of the less famous prostitutes Trump paid off.

There are free prostitutes??
Must be damn ugy
I think she's pretty!
View attachment 206090

View attachment 206091
Let’s see if it comes out that he had an affair with a black chick. Say goodbye to his base.
I doubt it....they're fine with his having his mistresses have abortions.
So what? Where is the crime here?
Sums up the entire thought process of a trumpanzee.

Yep. Who cares about laws with Trump? As long as I get an extra $6 a week in my paycheck he could have sex with a pig on live tv and I'd still vote for him in 2020!

(Sex with a pig on live tv is from the show Black Mirror, and yes even after the guy did it, everyone forgot about is a few weeks later.)

That is simply a sick assertion right there. Leftist minds are truly sick

The first and last time I watched that show. I could not believe they made an episode like that. A complete total creepy turn off., Who in the world thinks in such a way as to make an a show with that plot. SICK! And what kind of creepy person would say what you just said. The left and it's hypocrisy knows no bounds. You want us to embrace every kind of sexual perversion in the world and yet you lambast a republican for an alleged sexual encounter that he may or may not have had. This is why we discount what you say feel or think.

It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:
Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.

You think Trump does that and Bill doesn't?

Do I think Trump does what? Rape women?

Yes, you clearly believe that there is some substantial difference in them. . . . Are you saying one is worse than the other, and which one?

WTF are you even talking about? Good grief. I am talking about Clinton raping and sexually assaulting women is different from consent. Yes there is a substantial difference in Clinton and Trump.

Hmmmm. .. I haven't looked closely into the matter. I just sort of thought since Bill wasn't in prison or gotten the Harvey Weinstein/Bill Cosby treatment, reports have been overblown. . . .

My bad. Not sure where you are coming from, sorry.

Ditto, I must have missed something myself. I do have a headache. Maybe I looked over something. But I stand by what I said. That I will not compare Trump actions to Bills actions. THAT was my point
Pretty much.

I don't think they are pushing folks to the right though.

Folks pretty much view Bill and Donald as two peas in a pod, they don't view them as any different, except that maybe Donald had more success and opportunity because of his money and power. Bill would've done everything that Don did if he thought he could have.

They are NO DIFFERENT, and most sane non-partisan Americans can clearly see that.

Just chauvinistic power hungry philandering alpha males.

Anyone that thinks one's behavior is any better or any worse than the other reveals themselves to be a hypocritical hyper partisan.

Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.

You think Trump does that and Bill doesn't?

Do I think Trump does what? Rape women?

Yes, you clearly believe that there is some substantial difference in them. . . . Are you saying one is worse than the other, and which one?

WTF are you even talking about? Good grief. I am talking about Clinton raping and sexually assaulting women is different from consent. Yes there is a substantial difference in Clinton and Trump.

Doesn't matter if they both LIED to the American public.
One big difference though: Trump used campaign money to pay of his floozies.
That could be a BIG problem, it's a federal crime: 18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
Sums up the entire thought process of a trumpanzee.

Yep. Who cares about laws with Trump? As long as I get an extra $6 a week in my paycheck he could have sex with a pig on live tv and I'd still vote for him in 2020!

(Sex with a pig on live tv is from the show Black Mirror, and yes even after the guy did it, everyone forgot about is a few weeks later.)

That is simply a sick assertion right there. Leftist minds are truly sick

The first and last time I watched that show. I could not believe they made an episode like that. A complete total creepy turn off., Who in the world thinks in such a way as to make an a show with that plot. SICK! And what kind of creepy person would say what you just said. The left and it's hypocrisy knows no bounds. You want us to embrace every kind of sexual perversion in the world and yet you lambast a republican for an alleged sexual encounter that he may or may not have had. This is why we discount what you say feel or think.

It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks. Oh and while you want to tout the so called message of that show, it was a lose lose situation. It was that or someone dies. Typical leftist lose lose proposal.
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Where I part ways with you is that there is a difference in a woman who is consenting and women who are groped sexually assaulted and totally raped.

You think Trump does that and Bill doesn't?

Do I think Trump does what? Rape women?

Yes, you clearly believe that there is some substantial difference in them. . . . Are you saying one is worse than the other, and which one?

WTF are you even talking about? Good grief. I am talking about Clinton raping and sexually assaulting women is different from consent. Yes there is a substantial difference in Clinton and Trump.

Doesn't matter if they both LIED to the American public.
One big difference though: Trump used campaign money to pay of his floozies.
That could be a BIG problem, it's a federal crime: 18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
There isn't a shred of evidence to support your conspiricy theories, moron.
Yep. Who cares about laws with Trump? As long as I get an extra $6 a week in my paycheck he could have sex with a pig on live tv and I'd still vote for him in 2020!

(Sex with a pig on live tv is from the show Black Mirror, and yes even after the guy did it, everyone forgot about is a few weeks later.)

That is simply a sick assertion right there. Leftist minds are truly sick

The first and last time I watched that show. I could not believe they made an episode like that. A complete total creepy turn off., Who in the world thinks in such a way as to make an a show with that plot. SICK! And what kind of creepy person would say what you just said. The left and it's hypocrisy knows no bounds. You want us to embrace every kind of sexual perversion in the world and yet you lambast a republican for an alleged sexual encounter that he may or may not have had. This is why we discount what you say feel or think.

It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
No they can't, asshole.

Yes, they can asshole.

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person, or offers or promises such person to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent to influence the testimony under oath or affirmation of such first-mentioned person as a witness upon a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either House or both Houses of Congress, or any agency, commission, or officer authorized by the laws of the United States to hear evidence or take testimony, or with intent to influence such person to absent himself therefrom;

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