Seized tapes record Donald talking with Cohen about Karen McDougal payoff.

"secretly taped", eh? That means it can't be proffered as evidence according to New York state law....both parties need to consent....Poor Flakey....foiled again.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
No they can't, asshole.

Yes, they can asshole.

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person, or offers or promises such person to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent to influence the testimony under oath or affirmation of such first-mentioned person as a witness upon a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either House or both Houses of Congress, or any agency, commission, or officer authorized by the laws of the United States to hear evidence or take testimony, or with intent to influence such person to absent himself therefrom;

Who did Trump bribe?
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
That is simply a sick assertion right there. Leftist minds are truly sick

The first and last time I watched that show. I could not believe they made an episode like that. A complete total creepy turn off., Who in the world thinks in such a way as to make an a show with that plot. SICK! And what kind of creepy person would say what you just said. The left and it's hypocrisy knows no bounds. You want us to embrace every kind of sexual perversion in the world and yet you lambast a republican for an alleged sexual encounter that he may or may not have had. This is why we discount what you say feel or think.

It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.

My outrage is real. Those who claim to not be a leftist and yet act like one is what the real outrage is for me. My disgust for you is stronger than for the left.
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
You have no proof of either accusation, douchebag.

You assholes didn't give a damn when Slick Willie cheated on his wife. Why all the crocodile tears over it now?
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
No they can't, asshole.

Yes, they can asshole.

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses
directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person, or offers or promises such person to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent to influence the testimony under oath or affirmation of such first-mentioned person as a witness upon a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either House or both Houses of Congress, or any agency, commission, or officer authorized by the laws of the United States to hear evidence or take testimony, or with intent to influence such person to absent himself therefrom;
Question, are you stating that there IS evidence that there is campaign finance violations? Or, is it, 'might be', 'could be', 'maybe'?
It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.

My outrage is real. Those who claim to not be a leftist and yet act like one is what the real outrage is for me. My disgust for you is stronger than for the left.

Glad I don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Do you realize what you just said? By your logic, since you have such a strong disgust for the psychological message we are talking about, that means you actually support it.

I love discussing shit with morons, they always step in their own shit.
It is called the psychology of society. It shows to an extreme degree how despite how repulsed people may act about something, many people still watch it, like rubber necking a car accident, but with politicians people have such a low bar of morality with them, they will ignore and forget their past quickly just because they support them and they see the extension of that politician's failures as a projection on theirselves as well.

So get over this false outrage bullshit, and understand the background of the message.

Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.

My outrage is real. Those who claim to not be a leftist and yet act like one is what the real outrage is for me. My disgust for you is stronger than for the left.
Leftists who claim they aren't are as common as dirt in this forum.
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
You have no proof of either accusation, douchebag.

You assholes didn't give a damn when Slick Willie cheated on his wife. Why all the crocodile tears over it now?

Horrible strawman. Please show me a post I have ever made to defend Clinton for lying under oath.

Wanna make a bet about it? A month avatar bet? Why do you idiots make these kind of statements ALL THE TIME, but you are chicken shits when called on it? Let's do this! We can up the bet if you want?
I get it, you loath Trump.

I thought we were talking about their womanizing.

Not me. That's not my business.
Read my posts.
Naahhhh. ..

Your siggy pretty much gives up that fact that you loath him.

If that's some kind of secret after three years, I just ain't doing my job.

Again --- read my posts. It's all there. Of course I loathe sleazeballs.

Not really, you have shown no such loathing for the Clintons or Obama.

Not of that type, again you are correct sir. It's fair to say with the possible exception of the New York Wankees and the Dullass Cowgirls, I have no such loathing for anybody. And all for exactly the same reasons.

Do I have to post post 154 yet again? Can't you just read it the first time?

Bleh, that's just the shit that the CFR corporate media tell you.

If you believe that the corporate media tell you what reality is, then you are a sucker. All the major networks and national paper LIE TO YOU ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Your perceptions are manufactured, utterly.

I really don't care what your perception of Trump or Clinton is, it is only what the corporate and political elites want you to believe of them, they are the image makers.

If you have ever bothered to read Bernays or Chomsky you would know that it is all manufactured. So whatever.

It is far easier for them to convince you of a lie then it is for me to convince you that you have been lied to about everything.

The government schools and corporate media are far worse than these pre-selected candidates they give us no choice about. If the public mind is manipulated, then of course they can give us shit candidates and nothing ever changes.

And folks will just believe and buy what they are selling.

How To Fight The Establishment Propaganda Machine And Win
Blah blah, like I said

Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.

My outrage is real. Those who claim to not be a leftist and yet act like one is what the real outrage is for me. My disgust for you is stronger than for the left.

Glad I don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Do you realize what you just said? By your logic, since you have such a strong disgust for the psychological message we are talking about, that means you actually support it.

I love discussing shit with morons, they always step in their own shit.

You do realize that the scenario you spoke of had a threat of death to another person behind it? Right? Frankly I don't give a rats ass what you think of me. To me you are still creepy
Who is karen mcdougal
the Playmate Donald had a 9 or 10 month affair with back in 2006....which he denied.
That isn't who she is, dingbat. Is a denial all that's required for you to let Slick Willy off the hook?
then please tell us who KAREN Mc Dougal is, Mr. Clueless.... :D
I apologize. You are right, I was wrong. However, the payment never occured.
not by Trump....true!

but his best buddy and supporter at the National Enquirer did pay McDougal for the story, only to catch and kill silence her....

if Cohen reimbursed the National enquirer, then it could be a problem, but I have seen no evidence of that....
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Trump supporters ARE Jerry Springer types.
And Trump broke FEC rules when paid off those women. Ooops!
You should care if your POTUS is corrupt, you fucking idiot.
Charges against Trump for campaign finance violations for in kind payments may be added to the list of crimes committed by the Liar-in-chief now! Wait for the copy to be written to read about this.
/-----/ My my my...
View attachment 206121
Patience darlin.
Whitewater and Benghazi took 3 years each
/——-/ For the 500th time Behghazi and Whitewater actually happened. Collusion didn’t.
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
I know you were outraged with 'slick willy', weren't you.
Thanks for clarifying it's too complicated for you to comprehend. :abgg2q.jpg:

Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.

My outrage is real. Those who claim to not be a leftist and yet act like one is what the real outrage is for me. My disgust for you is stronger than for the left.

Glad I don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Do you realize what you just said? By your logic, since you have such a strong disgust for the psychological message we are talking about, that means you actually support it.

I love discussing shit with morons, they always step in their own shit.

You do realize that the scenario you spoke of had a threat of death to another person behind it? Right? Frankly I don't give a rats ass what you think of me. To me you are still creepy

It was a fake threat of it. And did you see that the father actually had to think twice about doing it to save his daughter's life?

Now that you got caught in your own trap, you're doubling down by trying to justify the politician's actions. This is some funny stuff right here.
Who is karen mcdougal

My question as well.

Perfectly understandable to lose track of the women that Trump has had extra-marital relationships with and paid off to keep quiet.
Especially since it's nothing more than Jerry Springer type entertainment for the low class.

Seriously, why should anyone care?

Why should you care if the person who represents the country and says they are such a great person with a strong faith in God, cheats all the time on his wife and lies about it?

If he lies about that, when it isn't illegal to cheat on your wife, do you think he is going to tell you the truth about shit that is actually important to the country?
I know you were outraged with 'slick willy', weren't you.

Yep, I actually was. I thought he should have been removed from office. Lying under oath is a serious offense. :)
Oh I got the so called message. But it is the leftist sex obsession that I take issue with. Nothing is taboo to you freaks.

First I'm not a leftist. Secondly sexual perversion has nothing to do with party. There are sexual deviants on both sides of the aisle.

You fake outrage isn't fooling anyone.

My outrage is real. Those who claim to not be a leftist and yet act like one is what the real outrage is for me. My disgust for you is stronger than for the left.

Glad I don't give a rat's ass what you think.

Do you realize what you just said? By your logic, since you have such a strong disgust for the psychological message we are talking about, that means you actually support it.

I love discussing shit with morons, they always step in their own shit.

You do realize that the scenario you spoke of had a threat of death to another person behind it? Right? Frankly I don't give a rats ass what you think of me. To me you are still creepy

It was a fake threat of it. And did you see that the father actually had to think twice about doing it to save his daughter's life?

Now that you got caught in your own trap, you're doubling down by trying to justify the politician's actions. This is some funny stuff right here.

Typical lefty response. Rethink who's side you are really on. CREEP

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