Sen. Coburn: Pray for Death or Incapacitation of a Senator



Or, even a minor REPLICA of EVIL (as compared to HITLER) the CHAPPAQUIDICK MURDERER ?????

Personally, I don't believe in prayer. In my belief system you might as well pray to THE LIGHTENING so as it doesn't strike you.

In other words, prayers to the god of the Organized Religions of the World have the same statistical odds as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

HOWEVER...... I can HOPE......Can't I ??????

This is a guy who describes himself politically as being in the "middle", folks.
First, I would like to say that I hope that he was praying for one of the Democratic Senators to get stuck in the snowstorm so that they could not vote and give more time for the Citizens of the U.S. to let Congress know about their outrage over these late night bullshit votes, but then he is a Senator and who knows what he meant?

Just like a religious conservative republican to say a prayer to prevent people from receiving healthcare.

Maybe he was praying to prevent a destruction of the health care system by this bill.


They don't understand it that way. They believe that if you don't support the total takeover of the U.S. Medical Profession by incompetent assholes, who have proven their incompetence over and over again, that you must surely want the poor to die on the streets because it is a proven "fact" that those without health insurance die because they don't have health insurance... just ask Rep Alan Grayson.

Let us pray...

Please God, do not allow the American people to get healthcare. Deny those heathens with your god given pre-existing conditions the right to insurance. Support thy rightious insurance companies in their quest to make profits.

Can I get an AMEN??
How about
"God, give us the right to extract every cent we can from honest working people to give lazy shiftless bums everything they want, and God please make sure those hard workers never get tired of paying fro ever more bums because if they ever stopped working their butts off for us lazy bums we would be in a world of trouble, and God please allow us lazy bums to nonetheless outnumber the nard working people because that will entitle us lazy bums to take thei money fair and square and Democrat - ically."
Because I think that better sums up the attitude.


Or, even a minor REPLICA of EVIL (as compared to HITLER) the CHAPPAQUIDICK MURDERER ?????

Personally, I don't believe in prayer. In my belief system you might as well pray to THE LIGHTENING so as it doesn't strike you.

In other words, prayers to the god of the Organized Religions of the World have the same statistical odds as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

HOWEVER...... I can HOPE......Can't I ??????

This is a guy who describes himself politically as being in the "middle", folks.

No, his divine god is Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity or Mark Levine.....and the list goes on
Did Corburn really say he hopes they scrawl Fed across their chest? ZOMGGGG!!!! THIS IS HUGE


Or, even a minor REPLICA of EVIL (as compared to HITLER) the CHAPPAQUIDICK MURDERER ?????

Personally, I don't believe in prayer. In my belief system you might as well pray to THE LIGHTENING so as it doesn't strike you.

In other words, prayers to the god of the Organized Religions of the World have the same statistical odds as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

HOWEVER...... I can HOPE......Can't I ??????

This is a guy who describes himself politically as being in the "middle", folks.

No, his divine god is Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity or Mark Levine.....and the list goes on

wasn't it Rush Limbaugh that all you demons wished kidney failure on? and laughed like hell,, including the obamalama and now you want to feign outrage! Oh noes! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Does PDS count? The Lord works in mysterious ways. The Dems are completely infected with it
The Daily Kos is like Fox - taking a few words and enowing them with a wealth of hidden (and erroneous) meaning. I seriously doubt Colbert was referring to any specific senator nor to the death or incapacitation of a senator. A simple flat tire would do the trick.

I think he was expressing his desire to not have the vote go through.
Daily Kos: Senator Tom Coburn's Terrible Prayer

Senator Tom Coburn's Terrible Prayer
by DowneastDem

Mon Dec 21, 2009 at 02:41:28 AM PST

Can you believe that a US senator actually prayed aloud on the senate floor for the death or incapacitation of a fellow senator? That is exactly what Sen. Tom Coburn - a medical doctor, no less - did last night.

DowneastDem's diary :: ::
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post describes how Coburn Crossed the Line.

At 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon -- nine hours before the 1 a.m. vote that would effectively clinch the legislation's passage -- Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) went to the Senate floor to propose a prayer. "What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight," he said. "That's what they ought to pray."

There was absolutely no mystery concerning which senator was being referenced by Coburn.

It was difficult to escape the conclusion that Coburn was referring to the 92-year-old, wheelchair-bound Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.) who has been in and out of hospitals and lay at home ailing. It would not be easy for Byrd to get out of bed in the wee hours with deep snow on the ground and ice on the roads -- but without his vote, Democrats wouldn't have the 60 they needed.

Senator Dick Durbin spoke expressed outrage at the behavior of Sen. Coburn. But the best revenge came from 92-year-old Senator Byrd himself:

Coburn was wearing blue jeans, an argyle sweater and a tweed jacket with elbow patches when he walked back into the chamber a few minutes before 1 a.m. He watched without expression when Byrd was wheeled in, dabbing his eyes and nose with tissues, his complexion pale. When his name was called, Byrd shot his right index finger into the air as he shouted "aye," then pumped his left fist in defiance.

Here is my prayer: I pray for the people of Oklahoma that they will someday come to their senses and elect principled men and women to office.



Or, even a minor REPLICA of EVIL (as compared to HITLER) the CHAPPAQUIDICK MURDERER ?????

Personally, I don't believe in prayer. In my belief system you might as well pray to THE LIGHTENING so as it doesn't strike you.

In other words, prayers to the god of the Organized Religions of the World have the same statistical odds as praying to the nearest rock in your garden.

HOWEVER...... I can HOPE......Can't I ??????

Wow...can't believe I read that..

Now we are comparing someone who murdered over 10 million people with someone who wants healthcare

Does right wing rhetoric get any worse?
How sick to want a member of congress to be incapable of representing their constituency in the congress.

Why didnt he just wish that he had a majority instead?

Praying for the people to be unrepresented is FOUL!
How sick to want a member of congress to be incapable of representing their constituency in the congress.

Why didnt he just wish that he had a majority instead?

Praying for the people to be unrepresented is FOUL!

shut up, douchebag.
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How sick to want a member of congress to be incapable of representing their constituency in the congress.

Why didnt he just wish that he had a majority instead?

Praying for the people to be unrepresented is FOUL!

The people are not being represented in this case.

The people do not want another Social boondoggle being charged to our great grandchildren.

The Senate did not vote for the people. The Senate voted for bigger government and that is all that they voted for.

This is only a step towards government control of our lives.

Like your savior says... universal health care in 15 to 20 years. In 15 to 20 years the government will be telling you when/where/if you can receive health care edit: oh and don't forget HOW MUCH YOU WILL BE PAYING FOR IT IN TAXES. You will not be able to go out and pick the policy that fits your needs in costs/deductible/coverage. You will take what they offer you and you WILL LOVE IT.. They will be telling doctors what they can charge for their services.

That is not a very good future.

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To be fair you kinda took it out of proportion.

from what I just read in that link it sounds like the senator said "We should pray that someone can't make the vote so this bill doesn't pass"

I dont think he was wishing sickness or death on Byrd, if he was actually talking about Byrd. I think he was literally praying for what he said, which was "What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight".

To be fair to you too he doesn't clarify how they can't make the vote but you are assuming the worse and projecting your own opinoin into his statement.

Like that Psalm thingee...
How sick to want a member of congress to be incapable of representing their constituency in the congress.

Why didnt he just wish that he had a majority instead?

Praying for the people to be unrepresented is FOUL!

The people are not being represented in this case.

The people do not want another Social boondoggle being charged to our great grandchildren.

The Senate did not vote for the people. The Senate voted for bigger government and that is all that they voted for.

This is only a step towards government control of our lives.

You're right about some of that.

The majority of the public WANTED a choice of a public option.
"What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight," he said. "That's what they ought to pray."

I don't that that word means what you think it means

to political junkies low IQ and low comprehension,that is exactly what it meant.....this individual will post some of the most ridiculous posts imaginable.....i have to believe that he/she needs help throwing a ham sandwich together.....and then when Salami is put on it instead....the Republicans will get the blame....
Daily Kos: Senator Tom Coburn's Terrible Prayer

Senator Tom Coburn's Terrible Prayer
by DowneastDem

Mon Dec 21, 2009 at 02:41:28 AM PST

Can you believe that a US senator actually prayed aloud on the senate floor for the death or incapacitation of a fellow senator? That is exactly what Sen. Tom Coburn - a medical doctor, no less - did last night.

DowneastDem's diary :: ::
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post describes how Coburn Crossed the Line.

At 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon -- nine hours before the 1 a.m. vote that would effectively clinch the legislation's passage -- Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) went to the Senate floor to propose a prayer. "What the American people ought to pray is that somebody can't make the vote tonight," he said. "That's what they ought to pray."

There was absolutely no mystery concerning which senator was being referenced by Coburn.

It was difficult to escape the conclusion that Coburn was referring to the 92-year-old, wheelchair-bound Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.V.) who has been in and out of hospitals and lay at home ailing. It would not be easy for Byrd to get out of bed in the wee hours with deep snow on the ground and ice on the roads -- but without his vote, Democrats wouldn't have the 60 they needed.

Senator Dick Durbin spoke expressed outrage at the behavior of Sen. Coburn. But the best revenge came from 92-year-old Senator Byrd himself:

Coburn was wearing blue jeans, an argyle sweater and a tweed jacket with elbow patches when he walked back into the chamber a few minutes before 1 a.m. He watched without expression when Byrd was wheeled in, dabbing his eyes and nose with tissues, his complexion pale. When his name was called, Byrd shot his right index finger into the air as he shouted "aye," then pumped his left fist in defiance.

Here is my prayer: I pray for the people of Oklahoma that they will someday come to their senses and elect principled men and women to office.

ARe you really serious? Who the hell are you to determine the meaning to someone else's innocuous words? For all you know who could have been hoping someone got stuck in a snowstorm. People like you are one of the biggest problems in this country. ASSume a little more why don't you?
while inappropriate, he never said death....

but apparently the libs have all piled on the lie and if they keep repeating it, then it must be true
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How sick to want a member of congress to be incapable of representing their constituency in the congress.

Why didnt he just wish that he had a majority instead?

Praying for the people to be unrepresented is FOUL!

The people are not being represented in this case.

The people do not want another Social boondoggle being charged to our great grandchildren.

The Senate did not vote for the people. The Senate voted for bigger government and that is all that they voted for.

This is only a step towards government control of our lives.

You're right about some of that.

The majority of the public WANTED a choice of a public option.

Thank you for the link:

A new study by SurveyUSA puts support for a public option at a robust 77 percent, one percentage point higher than where it stood in June.

But the numbers tell another story, as well.

Earlier in the week, after pollsters for NBC dropped the word "choice" from their question on a public option, they found that only 43 percent of the public were in favor of "creating a public health care plan administered by the federal government that would compete directly with private health insurance companies."

Opponents of the president's agenda jumped on the findings as evidence that backing for the public option was dropping. Proponents responded by arguing that NBC's tinkering with the language of the question (which it had also done in its July survey) had contributed to the drop in favorability for a public plan.

SurveyUSA's poll, which was commissioned by the progressive group, a proponent of the public plan, gives credence to those critiques. While arguments about what type of language best describe the public option persist --"choice" is considered a trigger word that everyone naturally supports -- it seems clear that the framing of the provision goes a long way toward determining its popularity.

In asking its question SurveyUSA used the same exact words that NBC/Wall Street Journal had used when conducting its June 2009 survey. That one that found 76 percent approval for the public option: "In any health care proposal, how important do you feel it is to give people a choice of both a public plan administered by the federal government and a private plan for their health insurance--extremely important, quite important, not that important, or not at all important?"

What would be interesting would be to find out what those 77% thought the word "choice" meant. For instance, the way I would read that is that the government is going to force the public option on you... do you favor being provided the choice of a private insurance as well. My response to that would be a resounding... Hell Yes!!!! It is all in how that question was interpreted by the respondent and I would be very willing to bet that previous questions led the respondent to thinking my way about that question.

Also, note who funded the poll...

Geez, wouldn't it be nice if pollster had to post the entire set of questions asked in a poll? Because they can manipulate a poll based on questions asked before the one that they post.

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Honestly people!

We are talking about HEALTHCARE here. Something that ensures the well being of the American people. I can understand arguing I prefer this method to that method or I would rather pay for it this way.

But to wish ill will on someone because of healthcare is pretty sick

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