Sen. Daniel Coats (R-IN) is retiring, make for an OPEN seat in 2016.

Yep, Donnelly is quite popular here in Indiana. Of course, that's just my circle.

Even Bayh can probably win the open seat for the Democrats if he jumps in. Liberals have some issues with him, being he voted for the Iraq war, and jumped on the lobbyist gravy train as soon as he left office, and his wife gets paid well for doing nothing on all kinds of corporate boards. But we'd hold our noses and vote for him. An imperfect Democrat that can win is better than no Democrat, and better than any likely Republican candidate.
Do you have an approval poll validating your claim?

Yeah let me poll everyone I have been hearing it from <eye roll>

So you don't know that he's unpopular then. Just making sure.

Why yes I do know he's unpopular there, do YOU live there? My entire family does, my ex coworkers do, many of my friends do also.

Now, since you obviously don't live there and I doubt you know many from there are there any more REALLY stupid comments I may expect from you or are you finished with the nonsense?

Your inner circle is not proof of anything. People tend to surround themselves with those of like mind, so more than likely the friends, family, and coworkers you speak of share many of the same opinions you do. Show me a scientific poll conducted by a reputable pollster on Connolly's approval In Indiana otherwise stop making claims you can't substantiate.

Ugh go away, I'll respond to your next directive on how to post in my inbox (PS leave the huggie emoticons out of the next one, that was creepy)

Just to be absolutely clear: we are in the elections forum, here is a high standard, considerably higher than in other parts of USMB.

This thread is about Dan Coats and not about Sen. Donnelly.

You have trolled enough.

If you troll again, then I will report every single posting that trolls.

if you want to have an ADULT conversation about a point, that is just fine, I am all for that.

But again, I say, you have now trolled enough.

Pay attention. Learn to debate like an adult and then maybe people will actually give you the time of day.

Yep, Donnelly is quite popular here in Indiana. Of course, that's just my circle.

Even Bayh can probably win the open seat for the Democrats if he jumps in. Liberals have some issues with him, being he voted for the Iraq war, and jumped on the lobbyist gravy train as soon as he left office, and his wife gets paid well for doing nothing on all kinds of corporate boards. But we'll hold our noses and vote for him. An imperfect Democrat that can win is better than no Democrat, and better than any likely Republican candidate.

Indiana, with the exception of 1964 and 2008, has been a very reliable GOP state in presidential elections and a little more mixed at the state level, but still with a lean to the Right in most all corners. The Democrats will need to put out a real heavy-hitter who can run a perfect campaign in order to pull off a win.

Evan Bayh comes from a well-known political family in Indiana. He was able to win with relative ease because of the high name recognition of his family, at least as the onset, a similar situation to the Gores in Tennessee.

I think that Pete Visclosky would be a good choice to mount a Senate campaign for the Democrats. If I remember, he has represented IN-01 for a long time, something like 30 years now. He is one of the more unassuming members of the HOR, kind of wonky, does lots of legislative research, is VERY smart, can communicate with people and looks surprisingly young for his age. If I were to bet money on him throwing his hat into the ring, it could be money well bet...

Yep, Donnelly is quite popular here in Indiana. Of course, that's just my circle.

Even Bayh can probably win the open seat for the Democrats if he jumps in. Liberals have some issues with him, being he voted for the Iraq war, and jumped on the lobbyist gravy train as soon as he left office, and his wife gets paid well for doing nothing on all kinds of corporate boards. But we'd hold our noses and vote for him. An imperfect Democrat that can win is better than no Democrat, and better than any likely Republican candidate.

Bayh has said he won't run...but with Coats pulling out he may change his mind.
Even Bayh can probably win the open seat for the Democrats if he jumps in. Liberals have some issues with him, being he voted for the Iraq war, and jumped on the lobbyist gravy train as soon as he left office, and his wife gets paid well for doing nothing on all kinds of corporate boards. But we'd hold our noses and vote for him. An imperfect Democrat that can win is better than no Democrat, and better than any likely Republican candidate.

And that's exactly why we end up with those kinds of people in Washington. Because partisans like you with no integrity will sell out every single time.
Bayh retired. I see no reason why he'd want to run again.
Jackie Walorski is apparently interested in running for the seat.

I think Glenda Ritz would be the best candidate for the Democrats if Evan Bayh doesn't run. She has won a statewide election in Indiana before. She's also not from northwest Indiana which is the Democrat's stronghold in the state but it's just too liberal of an area for the rest of Indiana.

Bayh retired. I see no reason why he'd want to run again.

Why not? He's only 59, he's not that old.
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This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.


Indiana is Republican leaning, but there is no guarantee they'll hold the seat. Case and point, the Republicans lost the other Senate seat in 2012 because they nominated a whack-a-doodle who thinks pregnancy resulting from rape is a gift from God.

And the result was they got a whack a doodle for a Senator, the good people of Indiana are none to pleased with Donnelly. Mourdock shot himself in the foot and was leading before his gaffe

2012 Indiana Senate Mourdock vs. Donnelly - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.


Indiana is Republican leaning, but there is no guarantee they'll hold the seat. Case and point, the Republicans lost the other Senate seat in 2012 because they nominated a whack-a-doodle who thinks pregnancy resulting from rape is a gift from God.

And the result was they got a whack a doodle for a Senator, the good people of Indiana are none to pleased with Donnelly. Mourdock shot himself in the foot and was leading before his gaffe

2012 Indiana Senate Mourdock vs. Donnelly - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

Thanks for confirming what I said
It confirms you are wrong. Mourdock opened his mouth, told the elecrtorate what an ass he was, and the polls inverted.

SassyChic, M got slaughtered. He would today as welll.
Sen. Coats will not seek reelection in 2016 won t endorse - Howey Politics

U.S. Sen. Dan Coats will not seek another term in 2016. Coats told Howey Politics Indiana late this morning, “It has nothing to do with a terribly dysfunctional Senate. It is related to the fact that I had to face the reality of age. There is a seven in front of the next digit. After a campaign and six more years in the Senate, I would be four months shy of 80 years old.

“There is almost a responsibility to turn it over the responsibility to the next generation,” Coats told HPI late this morning. ”I will also have the privilege of not having to go around the country raising money."

Coats said that by not seeking reelection, he will have time to address issues “that will take a long time to address, whether it is the terrorism issue or the debt issue.”

Coats told HPI that he will not make an endorsement for the Republican nomination, though he said he has been encouraging his chief of staff, former Indiana Republican Chairman Eric Holcomb “to seek elective office.

This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.

With the GOP defending 24 Senate seats in 2016, this doesn't make it any easier.
Sen. Coats will not seek reelection in 2016 won t endorse - Howey Politics

U.S. Sen. Dan Coats will not seek another term in 2016. Coats told Howey Politics Indiana late this morning, “It has nothing to do with a terribly dysfunctional Senate. It is related to the fact that I had to face the reality of age. There is a seven in front of the next digit. After a campaign and six more years in the Senate, I would be four months shy of 80 years old.

“There is almost a responsibility to turn it over the responsibility to the next generation,” Coats told HPI late this morning. ”I will also have the privilege of not having to go around the country raising money."

Coats said that by not seeking reelection, he will have time to address issues “that will take a long time to address, whether it is the terrorism issue or the debt issue.”

Coats told HPI that he will not make an endorsement for the Republican nomination, though he said he has been encouraging his chief of staff, former Indiana Republican Chairman Eric Holcomb “to seek elective office.

This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.

With the GOP defending 24 Senate seats in 2016, this doesn't make it any easier.

Nope, because elections cost money.
Sen. Coats will not seek reelection in 2016 won t endorse - Howey Politics

U.S. Sen. Dan Coats will not seek another term in 2016. Coats told Howey Politics Indiana late this morning, “It has nothing to do with a terribly dysfunctional Senate. It is related to the fact that I had to face the reality of age. There is a seven in front of the next digit. After a campaign and six more years in the Senate, I would be four months shy of 80 years old.

“There is almost a responsibility to turn it over the responsibility to the next generation,” Coats told HPI late this morning. ”I will also have the privilege of not having to go around the country raising money."

Coats said that by not seeking reelection, he will have time to address issues “that will take a long time to address, whether it is the terrorism issue or the debt issue.”

Coats told HPI that he will not make an endorsement for the Republican nomination, though he said he has been encouraging his chief of staff, former Indiana Republican Chairman Eric Holcomb “to seek elective office.

This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.

With the GOP defending 24 Senate seats in 2016, this doesn't make it any easier.

It's Indiana, maybe one of the reddest states in the nation
Sen. Coats will not seek reelection in 2016 won t endorse - Howey Politics

U.S. Sen. Dan Coats will not seek another term in 2016. Coats told Howey Politics Indiana late this morning, “It has nothing to do with a terribly dysfunctional Senate. It is related to the fact that I had to face the reality of age. There is a seven in front of the next digit. After a campaign and six more years in the Senate, I would be four months shy of 80 years old.

“There is almost a responsibility to turn it over the responsibility to the next generation,” Coats told HPI late this morning. ”I will also have the privilege of not having to go around the country raising money."

Coats said that by not seeking reelection, he will have time to address issues “that will take a long time to address, whether it is the terrorism issue or the debt issue.”

Coats told HPI that he will not make an endorsement for the Republican nomination, though he said he has been encouraging his chief of staff, former Indiana Republican Chairman Eric Holcomb “to seek elective office.

This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.

With the GOP defending 24 Senate seats in 2016, this doesn't make it any easier.

It's Indiana, maybe one of the reddest states in the nation

No it isn't, not even remotely close. It's rated by Cooks as R+5, Utah and Wyoming are rated R+22. Also the kind of Republicans in Indiana are much more moderate than what'd you find in Oklahoma or Alabama.
Sen. Coats will not seek reelection in 2016 won t endorse - Howey Politics

U.S. Sen. Dan Coats will not seek another term in 2016. Coats told Howey Politics Indiana late this morning, “It has nothing to do with a terribly dysfunctional Senate. It is related to the fact that I had to face the reality of age. There is a seven in front of the next digit. After a campaign and six more years in the Senate, I would be four months shy of 80 years old.

“There is almost a responsibility to turn it over the responsibility to the next generation,” Coats told HPI late this morning. ”I will also have the privilege of not having to go around the country raising money."

Coats said that by not seeking reelection, he will have time to address issues “that will take a long time to address, whether it is the terrorism issue or the debt issue.”

Coats told HPI that he will not make an endorsement for the Republican nomination, though he said he has been encouraging his chief of staff, former Indiana Republican Chairman Eric Holcomb “to seek elective office.

This is Senator Coat's 2nd tour of duty as a Senator. He was also George W. Bush (43)'s Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany during the President's first term. I've met Sen. Coats and his wife and I liked him very much. His family tree and mine, they intersect each other as well.

Going on 80, the guy has earned retirement.

Whether or not this make that seat competitive in any way at all remains to be seen. Indiana is a pretty red state on most all levels.

With the GOP defending 24 Senate seats in 2016, this doesn't make it any easier.

It's Indiana, maybe one of the reddest states in the nation

No it isn't, not even remotely close. It's rated by Cooks as R+5, Utah and Wyoming are rated R+22. Also the kind of Republicans in Indiana are much more moderate than what'd you find in Oklahoma or Alabama.


And Indiana is changing. It has traditionally be a +15 to +20 Republican state in presidential politics, and yet, Obama won the state by +1.03% in 2008, and, instead of springing back to Bush's +20, Romney won the Hoosier state by +10.20%, so he only got back half of the former GOP margin.

The only thing that is keeping Indiana from being a hot battleground state like Ohio is the absence of just one more large metropolis. In terms of most demographics, Ohio and Indiana are pretty much the same, but Ohio has more large cities.

Not just at the senatorial level, but also at the presidential level, Indiana could be an interesting race to watch in 2016.
She does not know economics, she does not know the Chiefs of the Joint Staff, she does not Iraq, or Route Irish, or her own state.

What does she know? Her name? Nope, she had to change it here.
Everyone my family knows. Before you start at one time I worked for Evan Bayh so don't even try to snow me on Indiana politics

Do you have an approval poll validating your claim?

Yeah let me poll everyone I have been hearing it from <eye roll>

So you don't know that he's unpopular then. Just making sure.

Why yes I do know he's unpopular there, do YOU live there? My entire family does, my ex coworkers do, many of my friends do also.

Now, since you obviously don't live there and I doubt you know many from there are there any more REALLY stupid comments I may expect from you or are you finished with the nonsense?

Your inner circle is not proof of anything. People tend to surround themselves with those of like mind, so more than likely the friends, family, and coworkers you speak of share many of the same opinions you do. Show me a scientific poll conducted by a reputable pollster on Donnelly's approval In Indiana otherwise stop making claims you can't substantiate.

I'm not sure who deleted my comment but if you can't stand the heat please refrain from commenting towards me. I take freedom of speech and expression very seriously. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
And that's exactly why we end up with those kinds of people in Washington. Because partisans like you with no integrity will sell out every single time.

Welcome to the real world. It's up to you whether or not you stay.

The perfect is the enemy of the good. By your logic, the USA shouldn't field an army, because some soldiers are bad people. And if that lets our enemies run over us ... well, at least our moral purity is unsullied, and that's the important thing.

In the real world, we can't afford absolute moral purity.
I'm not sure who deleted my comment but if you can't stand the heat please refrain from commenting towards me. I take freedom of speech and expression very seriously. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

I didn't delete your comment; it was one of the other moderators and so you know, discussing moderator actions in the open forum is against the rules and cause for an infraction, which I will waive this one time because I'm a really awesome guy. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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