Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch

I sure would like to see Dingy Harry in an orange jump suit but no one has the guts to do the right thing with that wretched old man.
Corrupt Democratic Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) working with the Chinese gov’t to take land from hard-working Americans.
What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?
Harry Reid is the biggest hypocrite in Washington. And he, like other Dems, count on the liberal media to keep a lid on the corruption. When others report it, the liberals gang up on them and attack.

From the link, which sums up the entire situation:

“A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher; they want his land,” journalist Dana Loesch wrote. “The tortoise wasn’t of concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore.”

It's not surprising in the least. Reid and other Dems also have a Koch addiction and took a lot of money from them over the years.

They think they can do what they want and they don't fear getting caught. I hope this time someone holds his feet to the fire. I am sick of them lying and cheating.

What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

Read the article. It was public land and there was never a problem allowing cattle to graze. Now Reid has better ideas for the use of the land, so he kicked the cattle off and falsely claimed it was about saving a tortoise. In reality, it's to pay back one of his big donors. It's bullshit. The claim was that cattle would eat the food the tortoises needed. Now, there will be buildings there. No animals can eat concrete. They just "moved" the tortoises, supposedly. Yea, right. They just want the land for other purposes, like giving it to wealthy people to make more money so they can give politicians more money. I thought liberals hated that shit.
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I knew the Chinese was planning a solar plant but it was supposed to be further south in truly empty land. This doesn't surprise me. The governor should step in.
What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

Exactly! And now there are dozens of gun toting vigilantes there trying to bully the Feds. This rancher has not paid the fee to graze his cattle for decades. You law abiding Republicans are advocating for someone to continue to break the law. HYPOCRITES....again.
I can't comment on the OP, however, it is known that desert tortoise boundaries were moved to help out an ally of Reid. It is also well known that there are too many desert tortoises at the moment. In fact the desert tortoise hatchery is being closed down and they are offering over 1000 tortoises for adoption.

Desert Tortoise Adoption Programs - Tortoise Group
I can't comment on the OP, however, it is known that desert tortoise boundaries were moved to help out an ally of Reid. It is also well known that there are too many desert tortoises at the moment. In fact the desert tortoise hatchery is being closed down and they are offering over 1000 tortoises for adoption.

Desert Tortoise Adoption Programs - Tortoise Group

This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.
I can't comment on the OP, however, it is known that desert tortoise boundaries were moved to help out an ally of Reid. It is also well known that there are too many desert tortoises at the moment. In fact the desert tortoise hatchery is being closed down and they are offering over 1000 tortoises for adoption.

Desert Tortoise Adoption Programs - Tortoise Group

This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.

Supposedly the cattle are interfering with desert tortoise habitat, that's why the BLM want the cattle removed. While I agree that the BLM is in the right, they are handling this in an incredibly stupid way.
Government plans to euthanize hundreds of threatened desert tortoises it was supposed to protect

Federal funds for a Nevada-based desert tortoise conservation center are running dry and wildlife officials plan to close the facility and euthanize hundreds of tortoises that were once classified as “endangered” and are currently considered “threatened.”
The desert tortoise can be found in the southwestern United States, but its population has been dwindling. In some areas, the tortoise population has decreased by 90 percent since the 1980s, and in the Mojave desert the population is considered “threatened.” It is illegal to touch, harm or harass these animals, and the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center has tried to increase their population ever since they were added to the endangered species list in 1990.
Still, only 100,000 desert tortoises are estimated to remain in the wild.
But federal funds are running dry at the Las Vegas Valley facility, and rather than release the animals, officials plan to euthanize about half of the 1,400 tortoises. The 220-acre facility will shut its doors in 2014, and the tortoises deemed feeble to survive in the wild will be set free. Many of the tortoises at the center were formerly kept as pets and are unable to survive in the desert.
“It’s the lesser of two evils, but it’s still evil,” US Fish and Wildlife Service desert tortoise recovery coordinator Roy Averill-Murray told the Associated Press.
The facility usually takes in diseased or injured tortoises and nurtures them back to health, but new arrivals will most likely be put to sleep.
The Bureau of Land Management currently funds the conservation and research center with fees inflicted on those who disturb tortoise habitats. During the housing boom in the early 2000s, the conservation center had plenty of cash, since developers were frequently fined for disturbing such habitats. But since the recession, the BLM has struggled to meet its annual $1 million budget.
Over the past 11 months, the BLM has only accumulated $290,000 in federal mitigation fees that developers are forced to pay.
Threatened MY ASS...THIS is a LAND GRAB.
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I can't comment on the OP, however, it is known that desert tortoise boundaries were moved to help out an ally of Reid. It is also well known that there are too many desert tortoises at the moment. In fact the desert tortoise hatchery is being closed down and they are offering over 1000 tortoises for adoption.

Desert Tortoise Adoption Programs - Tortoise Group

This is true, but entirely unrelated to the issue with Bundy's cattle.

Supposedly the cattle are interfering with desert tortoise habitat, that's why the BLM want the cattle removed. While I agree that the BLM is in the right, they are handling this in an incredibly stupid way.

According to the BLM, the cattle are being removed because Bundy has refused to pay his grazing fees.

The only relation that the "desert tortoise" has is that regulations protecting the tortoise back in '93 were the reason Bundy decided to stop paying his grazing fees, and ignore the law.

The "desert tortoise", as far as I can see, has absolutely nothing to do with why his cattle are being removed.
Harry Reid is the biggest hypocrite in Washington. And he, like other Dems, count on the liberal media to keep a lid on the corruption. When others report it, the liberals gang up on them and attack.

From the link, which sums up the entire situation:

“A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher; they want his land,” journalist Dana Loesch wrote. “The tortoise wasn’t of concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore.”

It's not surprising in the least. Reid and other Dems also have a Koch addiction and took a lot of money from them over the years.

They think they can do what they want and they don't fear getting caught. I hope this time someone holds his feet to the fire. I am sick of them lying and cheating.

What land grab???? The land in question has never belonged to the Bundy family. The feds are clearing his cattle off of public land.

Who grabbed any land?

Read the article. It was public land and there was never a problem allowing cattle to graze. Now Reid has better ideas for the use of the land, so he kicked the cattle off and falsely claimed it was about saving a tortoise. In reality, it's to pay back one of his big donors. It's bullshit. The claim was that cattle would eat the food the tortoises needed. Now, there will be buildings there. No animals can eat concrete. They just "moved" the tortoises, supposedly. Yea, right. They just want the land for other purposes, like giving it to wealthy people to make more money so they can give politicians more money. I thought liberals hated that shit.

in so long as bundy [aid the fees....he hasnt. i know facts are like foreign to you, but i am loving the fact how wrong you morons are.
A shot will be fired. A slaughter will commence on TV. Nobody will really know who fired the first shot. The US and it's MSM will of course say it was the "militia". Feinstein will trip over herself to get more gun grabbing while ammo and every surplus military piece of hardware in the country will fly off the shelves in a week. Back at Gestapo headquarters the FBI will try quickly to bury, and cordon off any evidence.

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