Sen Harry Reid Says Bundy Siege Is Not Over dont ignore federal judges orders and think you can get away with it.

Well.. if you actually would read the treaties that resulted in that land being obtained by the federal government.. realizing the land was supposed to be used for the creation of the state and all land held by the fed was to be required to be sold off and not held by the fed to become land barons, you would also realize that the fed is the one in the wrong here...
Harry Reid can say anything he likes. It's not like his record for truthfulness is pristine. He is a senator. He cannot order any branch of law enforcement to do anything.
why on earth would anyone support this Bundy idiot? you don't get to graze your cattle on federal lands for free. he isn't special just because he uses words like 'freedom' and 'limited government' to support his breaking of the law and screwing over of the american people and the ranchers that do pay for the privilege of grazing their cattle on those lands.

fuck this asshole and anyone that supports his dumb ass.

He's not grazing his cattle for free, dumbass. He's been paying State and County Grazing fees from the beginning. He has the Water Rights on the land, and the Feds decided twenty years ago to reduce his herd from 1000 to 50, making it impossible for him to produce beef at a profit. I remember when the 'tree huggers' started this shit back in the 8o's. The new BLM regulations are a political pay-off to the Greenies.

As for the land being overgrazed: A bunch of Eastern Greenies who are used to seeing the lush grazing lands of Florida and East Texas traveled west and saw the sparse desert like land in Nevada and in their ignorance deduced that it was overgrazed. They harangued their Congressmen and this is the results.

The Bundy Ranch is the only ranch left in that County, Harry's Gestapo has bankrupted or ran the others out of the County.
why on earth would anyone support this Bundy idiot? you don't get to graze your cattle on federal lands for free. he isn't special just because he uses words like 'freedom' and 'limited government' to support his breaking of the law and screwing over of the american people and the ranchers that do pay for the privilege of grazing their cattle on those lands.

fuck this asshole and anyone that supports his dumb ass.

Hey, nobody asked for the muslim opinion. This is non of your business, go suck a pigs dick.
The government sometimes says things that aren't true to incite fear into their target and caution anyone else who might oppose tyranny. How is that investigation into filing federal charges against George Zimmerman coming? How about all those legal actions to be filed against Herman Cain for sexual abuse? Are they still developing?

This is called intimidation. Not just intimidation of the chosen victim but intimidation of anyone else.
I have mixed emotions about this one. Should anybody be exempt from paying legal fees on public lands? The law abiding side of me says no.

On the other hand, how much 'legality' is it appropriate for the federal government to impose before the people must stand up and say enough? Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying: "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive." I wonder if he would say this is one of those times?

The U.S. government owns and controls a whopping 86% of the land in Nevada. How did that happen? Why should that be okay? And the government has steadily changed the rules for somebody like Bundy--you can't graze the cattle here; you can't graze as many cattle, etc. ec. etc.--and he had no chance to buy the extra land that was once open to free grazers.

The feds have found other rancher's cattle in the process of the federal roundup and those ranchers will just get their cattle back. It is only Bundy who is being held to the strict letter of the law.

And we have an Attorney General of the USA AND a President who only enforce laws they like and who ignore or arbitrarily rewrite whatever laws they wish who aren't exactly leading by example here.

This is not an easy one to establish right or wrong.
Reid nailed it, when he called the armed militia domestic terrorists. They use Al Qaeda tactics, putting their women and children between them and the cops. Cons are such cowards.
Reid nailed it, when he called the armed militia domestic terrorists. They use Al Qaeda tactics, putting their women and children between them and the cops. Cons are such cowards.

You know nothng of conservative women if you think they are "put" anywhere that they do not CHOOSE to be "put".
Reid nailed it, when he called the armed militia domestic terrorists. They use Al Qaeda tactics, putting their women and children between them and the cops. Cons are such cowards.

On the other hand, the image of United States Federal Authority gunning down unarmed women and children would have been PRICELESS! It would have, with the first bullet removed any authority moral or otherwise of the US to speak in the world. Which is probably why it was safe to put women and children out there. No one did of course, the women were armed second line with the children safely away.

Not that the propaganda is totally lost. obama's agents were ready to kill unarmed women and children. Don't forget that. Tell everyone you know. If you have friends or relatives in other countries make sure they know and can spread the word. obama's agents were ready to kill unarmed citizens, unarmed women and children. That's what the US is like today. Why? To protect an ogligarch's underhanded dealing with a foreign government.
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Reid nailed it, when he called the armed militia domestic terrorists. They use Al Qaeda tactics, putting their women and children between them and the cops. Cons are such cowards.

On the other hand, the image of United States Federal Authority gunning down unarmed women and children would have been PRICELESS! It would have, with the first bullet removed any authority moral or otherwise of the US to speak in the world. Which is probably why it was safe to put women and children out there. No one did of course, the women were armed second line with the children safely away.

Not that the propaganda is totally lost. obama's agents were ready to kill unarmed women and children. Don't forget that. Tell everyone you know. If you have friends or relatives in other countries make sure they know and can spread the word. obama's agents were ready to kill unarmed citizens, unarmed women and children. That's what the US is like today. Why? To protect an ogligarch's underhanded dealing with a foreign government.

Something is wrong with a person when the words "the image of United States Federal Authority gunning down unarmed women and children would have been PRICELESS!" are typed with glee.

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