Sen. Reid on Cattle Battle: "It's not over"

Then YOU side with TYRANNY Fakey.:eusa_hand:

:lol: We side with the Constitution and the rule of law, you with the rule of man.
YOU know ZERO of either. Fakey? Shut the fuck up poseur. And YOU may tell your masters that as well, and THEY had better be watching their backsides...WE are coming, and WE are bringing HELL with us to contain the LOT of you.

You are not going anywhere except into the system or into the ground.

You don't have the numbers, the weight, or the ability to think clearly.
:lol: We side with the Constitution and the rule of law, you with the rule of man.
YOU know ZERO of either. Fakey? Shut the fuck up poseur. And YOU may tell your masters that as well, and THEY had better be watching their backsides...WE are coming, and WE are bringing HELL with us to contain the LOT of you.

You are not going anywhere except into the system or into the ground.

You don't have the numbers, the weight, or the ability to think clearly.
KEEP thinking that WORM:eusa_hand:
:lol: We side with the Constitution and the rule of law, you with the rule of man.
Fakey? I Give more deference to a plant, a common amoeba than I do with you in regard to natural rights and LIBERTY.

I know YOU won't understand it, I KNOW my Conservative brothers and sisters will see it more clearly than YOU ever will.

Who cares what you think? You are deranged, you do not have the numbers at all, and you will not rule by violence.

Wanna BET. YOU just sit back and watch you fucking WORM.:eusa_hand: THIS Government has declared WAR on the citizens...and WE the people will TAKE YOU and those like YOU out.
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Hairy Reid should be in jail.

The GOP should launch an investigation into Reid's connection with the scumbag behind this raid and what is their end goal, e.g. freeing up land for some Chinese solar deal.

Ever find it strange that the Nazis never question Reid and his Sons power to sell Nevada land appraised between 20-40 million to Red China for 4.5 million while they are screaming at the top of their pussy lungs about some rancher grazing cattle on deserted public land.

Typical Nazis.

The Government sold BLM land to China? Link, or stand a liar!
Hairy Reid should be in jail.

The GOP should launch an investigation into Reid's connection with the scumbag behind this raid and what is their end goal, e.g. freeing up land for some Chinese solar deal.

Ever find it strange that the Nazis never question Reid and his Sons power to sell Nevada land appraised between 20-40 million to Red China for 4.5 million while they are screaming at the top of their pussy lungs about some rancher grazing cattle on deserted public land.

Typical Nazis.

The Government sold BLM land to China? Link, or stand a liar!

Watch the video in post #162...your answer is there with PROOF!
Fakey? I Give more deference to a plant, a common amoeba than I do with you in regard to natural rights and LIBERTY.

I know YOU won't understand it, I KNOW my Conservative brothers and sisters will see it more clearly than YOU ever will.

Who cares what you think? You are deranged, you do not have the numbers at all, and you will not rule by violence.

Wanna BET. YOU just sit back and watch you fucking WORM.:eusa_hand: THIS Government has declared WAR on the citizens...and WE the people will TAKE YOU and those like YOU out.

Really? That definately sounds like a physical threat to me. So, Monitors, where are you?
Who cares what you think? You are deranged, you do not have the numbers at all, and you will not rule by violence.

Wanna BET. YOU just sit back and watch you fucking WORM.:eusa_hand: THIS Government has declared WAR on the citizens...and WE the people will TAKE YOU and those like YOU out.

Really? That definately sounds like a physical threat to me. So, Monitors, where are you?
Nope. It's DEFIANCE. BALLOT BOX you fucking JERK
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Hairy Reid should be in jail.

The GOP should launch an investigation into Reid's connection with the scumbag behind this raid and what is their end goal, e.g. freeing up land for some Chinese solar deal.

Ever find it strange that the Nazis never question Reid and his Sons power to sell Nevada land appraised between 20-40 million to Red China for 4.5 million while they are screaming at the top of their pussy lungs about some rancher grazing cattle on deserted public land.

Typical Nazis.

The Government sold BLM land to China? Link, or stand a liar!

Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi
Ever find it strange that the Nazis never question Reid and his Sons power to sell Nevada land appraised between 20-40 million to Red China for 4.5 million while they are screaming at the top of their pussy lungs about some rancher grazing cattle on deserted public land.

Typical Nazis.

The Government sold BLM land to China? Link, or stand a liar!

Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi


The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.
The Government sold BLM land to China? Link, or stand a liar!

Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi


The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

Like to hear you refute this...I'm willing to listen...this is part of the video in post #162

Alright, moving along, here we have this story that the showdown in Nevada was really about an underhanded business deal involving Senator Harry Reid, his son, the BLM and a 5 billion dollar solar energy plant. You probably saw a few people sharing links making these claims. Let's fact check.

Claim number one: Senator Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid (try saying that name ten times as fast as you can), is the primary representative for ENN energy group, a Chinese energy company involved in a $5 billion solar project planned for Clark County Nevada, on the on land where the Bundy ranch is located. First source: Reuters: Aug 31, 2012. Well this is interesting. It turns out that the conflicts of interest in this project were well documented, but Harry pushed it through anyway. He pushed it through in spite of the controversy that was stirred up when the land was sold to ENN for $4.5 million dollars even though separate appraisals valued the land at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million.

Claim number two: Reid put one of his former employees in charge of the Bureau of land management and thereby used his leverage in the agency to clear the Bundy's off the land. What do they claim as their source: CBS Las Vegas. Hmmm... That's interesting. Neil Kornze, the current BLM Chief is a former adviser for Harry Reid, and Harry Reid is the Senate Majority leader, and therefore was directly involved in his confirmation. That's another serious conflict of interest there considering that the BLM is claiming jurisdiction over the land where Rory Reid's company wants to build.

But do we have any evidence that Reid actually exercised that influence in the agency to get what he wanted? Well that brings us to claim number three: Supposedly the BLM had posted on their website that they needed to get the Bundy family off of the land to make room for the energy project, but the BLM has since removed the page. The website that made this claim posted a screen shot split into two files and a link to a text version of the page that someone had copied. This is pretty weak. Though it does seem to match the overall narrative here, this would never be admissible in court. But let's dig a little deeper shall we. What if there is a version of the site cached somewhere on the web? Let's try the way back machine on Nope, no dice, the page was never cached on way back machine. Let's try google's cache... BINGO! Here it is folks. This is google's record of what used to be on the site.

Edited for Copyright.
Last edited by a moderator:
Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi


The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

Now, now, you are going to confuse these true believers. They are desperately trying to find their Horst Wessel.

See above and make the same challenge to you...still willing to listen!
Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi


The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

Like to hear you refute this...I'm willing to listen...this is part of the video in post #162

Alright, moving along, here we have this story that the showdown in Nevada was really about an underhanded business deal involving Senator Harry Reid, his son, the BLM and a 5 billion dollar solar energy plant. You probably saw a few people sharing links making these claims. Let's fact check.

Claim number one: Senator Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid (try saying that name ten times as fast as you can), is the primary representative for ENN energy group, a Chinese energy company involved in a $5 billion solar project planned for Clark County Nevada, on the on land where the Bundy ranch is located. First source: Reuters: Aug 31, 2012. Well this is interesting. It turns out that the conflicts of interest in this project were well documented, but Harry pushed it through anyway. He pushed it through in spite of the controversy that was stirred up when the land was sold to ENN for $4.5 million dollars even though separate appraisals valued the land at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million.

Claim number two: Reid put one of his former employees in charge of the Bureau of land management and thereby used his leverage in the agency to clear the Bundy's off the land. What do they claim as their source: CBS Las Vegas. Hmmm... That's interesting. Neil Kornze, the current BLM Chief is a former adviser for Harry Reid, and Harry Reid is the Senate Majority leader, and therefore was directly involved in his confirmation. That's another serious conflict of interest there considering that the BLM is claiming jurisdiction over the land where Rory Reid's company wants to build.

But do we have any evidence that Reid actually exercised that influence in the agency to get what he wanted? Well that brings us to claim number three: Supposedly the BLM had posted on their website that they needed to get the Bundy family off of the land to make room for the energy project, but the BLM has since removed the page. The website that made this claim posted a screen shot split into two files and a link to a text version of the page that someone had copied. This is pretty weak. Though it does seem to match the overall narrative here, this would never be admissible in court. But let's dig a little deeper shall we. What if there is a version of the site cached somewhere on the web? Let's try the way back machine on Nope, no dice, the page was never cached on way back machine. Let's try google's cache... BINGO! Here it is folks. This is google's record of what used to be on the site.

To download the full screenshot, right click on the image below and select "Save Image As".
Bundy Ranch - Page That they took down from the BLM website - Solar Project

"Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle"

They specifically referred to the solar project as a justification to seize Cliven Bundy's cattle.

Funny thing, we found the mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy zone, and guess who wrote it? That would be the BLM. Pretty convenient, for Harry Reid isn't it?

Now I took a screen shot of the Google cache right away. As I'm compiling this information I go back and I look at it again an hour later and what do you know, somebody came and took the cached version down. Somebody is trying to cover this thing up and fast. But you know what, they missed one. I found this cached version of the page on If you follow the link in the description to our website SCG you'll find a direct link to this page. I highly recommend that each and every one of you go and verify its contents for yourself before someone has it taken down.

Click here to view the cached version of the page that the BLM was desperately trying to hide.

Or click here to get to that link from another path.

But even if they take this last link down they left trail. Google's server logs will still have a record of the exact date their cached snap shot was taken, chances are they still have that snap shot, and you know what? Even if someone tried to erase it completely, with modern technology It is very easy for forensic technicians to recover data like this even if it seems to be deleted from the system. The digital trace is still there. The BLM's servers and every computer involved also have a trail, and trying to remove that trail would leave an even bigger trail.

All we need is somebody in law enforcement with a spine, but that's another story isn't it.

This isn't about turtles folks. It's not even about cattle. This is about money and power.

Really, from the tenor of that video, and all the 'links' supposedly removed, I think that is another lie, just like the rest of the lies we are hearing to justify rightwingnut terrorism.

The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

Like to hear you refute this...I'm willing to listen...this is part of the video in post #162

Alright, moving along, here we have this story that the showdown in Nevada was really about an underhanded business deal involving Senator Harry Reid, his son, the BLM and a 5 billion dollar solar energy plant. You probably saw a few people sharing links making these claims. Let's fact check.

Claim number one: Senator Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid (try saying that name ten times as fast as you can), is the primary representative for ENN energy group, a Chinese energy company involved in a $5 billion solar project planned for Clark County Nevada, on the on land where the Bundy ranch is located. First source: Reuters: Aug 31, 2012. Well this is interesting. It turns out that the conflicts of interest in this project were well documented, but Harry pushed it through anyway. He pushed it through in spite of the controversy that was stirred up when the land was sold to ENN for $4.5 million dollars even though separate appraisals valued the land at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million.


Really, from the tenor of that video, and all the 'links' supposedly removed, I think that is another lie, just like the rest of the lies we are hearing to justify rightwingnut terrorism.

So you have NOTHING but your left wing ideology, 2 digit IQ, and your devotion to the subversives to stand behind...OK, we can all understand that! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
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The Government sold BLM land to China? Link, or stand a liar!

Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi


The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

in the solar deal

the plant was never to be built on the gold butte area

the plan was to use Gold Butte as an offset area for the damage

the solar plant was to cause in the area that it is to be built in
Already did Nazi. YOU find the link. It's in this thread, Brownshirt. Here's a hint: Reuters, 2012.

Damned Nazi


The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

Like to hear you refute this...I'm willing to listen...this is part of the video in post #162

Alright, moving along, here we have this story that the showdown in Nevada was really about an underhanded business deal involving Senator Harry Reid, his son, the BLM and a 5 billion dollar solar energy plant. You probably saw a few people sharing links making these claims. Let's fact check.

Claim number one: Senator Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid (try saying that name ten times as fast as you can), is the primary representative for ENN energy group, a Chinese energy company involved in a $5 billion solar project planned for Clark County Nevada, on the on land where the Bundy ranch is located. First source: Reuters: Aug 31, 2012. Well this is interesting. It turns out that the conflicts of interest in this project were well documented, but Harry pushed it through anyway. He pushed it through in spite of the controversy that was stirred up when the land was sold to ENN for $4.5 million dollars even though separate appraisals valued the land at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million.

Claim number two: Reid put one of his former employees in charge of the Bureau of land management and thereby used his leverage in the agency to clear the Bundy's off the land. What do they claim as their source: CBS Las Vegas. Hmmm... That's interesting. Neil Kornze, the current BLM Chief is a former adviser for Harry Reid, and Harry Reid is the Senate Majority leader, and therefore was directly involved in his confirmation. That's another serious conflict of interest there considering that the BLM is claiming jurisdiction over the land where Rory Reid's company wants to build.

But do we have any evidence that Reid actually exercised that influence in the agency to get what he wanted? Well that brings us to claim number three: Supposedly the BLM had posted on their website that they needed to get the Bundy family off of the land to make room for the energy project, but the BLM has since removed the page. The website that made this claim posted a screen shot split into two files and a link to a text version of the page that someone had copied. This is pretty weak. Though it does seem to match the overall narrative here, this would never be admissible in court. But let's dig a little deeper shall we. What if there is a version of the site cached somewhere on the web? Let's try the way back machine on Nope, no dice, the page was never cached on way back machine. Let's try google's cache... BINGO! Here it is folks. This is google's record of what used to be on the site.

Edited for Copyright.
Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told | SCG News

Sure thing.

I already disproved "Claim #1" about ENN energy. "Claim #2" is true on it's face, yet has nothing to do with the Bundy situation. "Claim #3" has a grain of truth to it - NGOs have in fact been complaining about Bundy's cattle in reference to the Dry Lake solar project - but as is fairly clear by their name, non-governmental organizations aren't the BLM, and don't speak for them.

The supposedly deleted page is nothing more than a memo detailing various PR reasons why the order for removal was issued - but that doesn't change the fact that the actual reason they were removed was because of a court order, due to his non-payment of fees.

The Chinese solar plant was 1.) 250 miles away, in Laughlin and 2.) cancelled last summer.

Like to hear you refute this...I'm willing to listen...this is part of the video in post #162

Alright, moving along, here we have this story that the showdown in Nevada was really about an underhanded business deal involving Senator Harry Reid, his son, the BLM and a 5 billion dollar solar energy plant. You probably saw a few people sharing links making these claims. Let's fact check.

Claim number one: Senator Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid (try saying that name ten times as fast as you can), is the primary representative for ENN energy group, a Chinese energy company involved in a $5 billion solar project planned for Clark County Nevada, on the on land where the Bundy ranch is located. First source: Reuters: Aug 31, 2012. Well this is interesting. It turns out that the conflicts of interest in this project were well documented, but Harry pushed it through anyway. He pushed it through in spite of the controversy that was stirred up when the land was sold to ENN for $4.5 million dollars even though separate appraisals valued the land at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million.

Claim number two: Reid put one of his former employees in charge of the Bureau of land management and thereby used his leverage in the agency to clear the Bundy's off the land. What do they claim as their source: CBS Las Vegas. Hmmm... That's interesting. Neil Kornze, the current BLM Chief is a former adviser for Harry Reid, and Harry Reid is the Senate Majority leader, and therefore was directly involved in his confirmation. That's another serious conflict of interest there considering that the BLM is claiming jurisdiction over the land where Rory Reid's company wants to build.

But do we have any evidence that Reid actually exercised that influence in the agency to get what he wanted? Well that brings us to claim number three: Supposedly the BLM had posted on their website that they needed to get the Bundy family off of the land to make room for the energy project, but the BLM has since removed the page. The website that made this claim posted a screen shot split into two files and a link to a text version of the page that someone had copied. This is pretty weak. Though it does seem to match the overall narrative here, this would never be admissible in court. But let's dig a little deeper shall we. What if there is a version of the site cached somewhere on the web? Let's try the way back machine on Nope, no dice, the page was never cached on way back machine. Let's try google's cache... BINGO! Here it is folks. This is google's record of what used to be on the site.

Edited for Copyright.
Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told | SCG News

Sure thing.

I already disproved "Claim #1" about ENN energy. "Claim #2" is true on it's face, yet has nothing to do with the Bundy situation. "Claim #3" has a grain of truth to it - NGOs have in fact been complaining about Bundy's cattle in reference to the Dry Lake solar project - but as is fairly clear by their name, non-governmental organizations aren't the BLM, and don't speak for them.

The supposedly deleted page is nothing more than a memo detailing various PR reasons why the order for removal was issued - but that doesn't change the fact that the actual reason they were removed was because of a court order, due to his non-payment of fees.

I don't think you did disclaim #1 but I'd have to go back through this mess and check, unless you have the post#! #2 has everything to do with Bundy as he was appointed just 2 days before the shit hit the fan.
The removed page states clearly, and name Bundy for the purpose stated.

I believe you've failed to prove 2 out of 3 points, but still will withhold judgment on #1 until you can provide post#.
Like to hear you refute this...I'm willing to listen...this is part of the video in post #162

Alright, moving along, here we have this story that the showdown in Nevada was really about an underhanded business deal involving Senator Harry Reid, his son, the BLM and a 5 billion dollar solar energy plant. You probably saw a few people sharing links making these claims. Let's fact check.

Claim number one: Senator Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid (try saying that name ten times as fast as you can), is the primary representative for ENN energy group, a Chinese energy company involved in a $5 billion solar project planned for Clark County Nevada, on the on land where the Bundy ranch is located. First source: Reuters: Aug 31, 2012. Well this is interesting. It turns out that the conflicts of interest in this project were well documented, but Harry pushed it through anyway. He pushed it through in spite of the controversy that was stirred up when the land was sold to ENN for $4.5 million dollars even though separate appraisals valued the land at between $29.6 million and $38.6 million.

Claim number two: Reid put one of his former employees in charge of the Bureau of land management and thereby used his leverage in the agency to clear the Bundy's off the land. What do they claim as their source: CBS Las Vegas. Hmmm... That's interesting. Neil Kornze, the current BLM Chief is a former adviser for Harry Reid, and Harry Reid is the Senate Majority leader, and therefore was directly involved in his confirmation. That's another serious conflict of interest there considering that the BLM is claiming jurisdiction over the land where Rory Reid's company wants to build.

But do we have any evidence that Reid actually exercised that influence in the agency to get what he wanted? Well that brings us to claim number three: Supposedly the BLM had posted on their website that they needed to get the Bundy family off of the land to make room for the energy project, but the BLM has since removed the page. The website that made this claim posted a screen shot split into two files and a link to a text version of the page that someone had copied. This is pretty weak. Though it does seem to match the overall narrative here, this would never be admissible in court. But let's dig a little deeper shall we. What if there is a version of the site cached somewhere on the web? Let's try the way back machine on Nope, no dice, the page was never cached on way back machine. Let's try google's cache... BINGO! Here it is folks. This is google's record of what used to be on the site.

Edited for Copyright.
Bundy Ranch - What You're Not Being Told | SCG News

Sure thing.

I already disproved "Claim #1" about ENN energy. "Claim #2" is true on it's face, yet has nothing to do with the Bundy situation. "Claim #3" has a grain of truth to it - NGOs have in fact been complaining about Bundy's cattle in reference to the Dry Lake solar project - but as is fairly clear by their name, non-governmental organizations aren't the BLM, and don't speak for them.

The supposedly deleted page is nothing more than a memo detailing various PR reasons why the order for removal was issued - but that doesn't change the fact that the actual reason they were removed was because of a court order, due to his non-payment of fees.

I don't think you did disclaim #1 but I'd have to go back through this mess and check, unless you have the post#! #2 has everything to do with Bundy as he was appointed just 2 days before the shit hit the fan.
The removed page states clearly, and name Bundy for the purpose stated.

I believe you've failed to prove 2 out of 3 points, but still will withhold judgment on #1 until you can provide post#.

The Chinese solar project by ENN energy was going to be in Laughlin, NV - which is 250 miles from where Bundy's cattle were grazing - and it's entirely a moot point anyway, because that project was cancelled last year.

Nevada Solar Factory Canceled | Photovoltaic (PV) | ReWire | KCET

A project that would have included a solar power station and a million-square-foot solar panel factory a few miles from the California state line won't be built, its backers announced last month. The $5 billion, Chinese-backed ENN Mojave Energy project at the southernmost corner of Nevada couldn't find utilities that wanted to buy its power, either in Nevada or across the line in California.

As to Claim #3, you should take a look at the actual page from the BLM website, rather than listen to what some idiot with a YouTube channel has to say about it. Of course it mentioned Bundy - it was a memo about the removal of his cattle. But nowhere in that memo does the BLM say anything about the solar project (an entirely different solar project from the ENN one that has already been built about 75 miles from where Bundy's cattle were) being the reason that Bundy's cattle were removed.

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