Sen. Reid on Cattle Battle: "It's not over"

But oggy, you are the one that is such a stickler for law, I only give you another chance to be consistent, and not a hypocrite.

think about this for a moment, think really hard - i do believe that if the law has willfully been broken that those responsible for it should face an appropriate punishment. however, i don't believe that any laws have been broken by the irs 'scandal'.

that said, are you doing anything other than pointing out your own hypocrisy by asking the question, or do you believe that anyone that willfully flaunted the law in the nsa and irs should go without punishment? after all, you do want to be consistent, don't you?

Using YOUR logic, I see NO LEGITIMATE law being broken by the rancher. The ORIGINAL COMPLAINT was that the cattle would threaten the desert was a LIE, and now BLM is killing these animals. IF the original complaint is now null and void, everything after the fact is null and void... Here's the link to BLM Killing the tortoise!

kingsnake blog Blog - BLM to kill hundreds of desert tortoises as its conservation center runs out of money

But something new has been added, the BLM is massing for another confrontation!

[ame=""]More agents and equipment arriving at the Bundy Ranch - YouTube[/ame]
And when they DO? The Revolution begins. This Government is bringing it upon themselves.
nsa is tricky. that's something that will have to be fought out in the courts - but when it's decided and it's been proven that laws have been willfully broken then by all means i believe that there should be consequences.

the same with the irs, although i don't believe any laws have been broken there.

As I thought, you're a fool, and a left wing Kool-Aid drinker. "although i don't believe any laws have been broken there." Is that why Lerner continues to take the 5th?
you want to derail this thread that's fine. i'd want to too if i'd hitched my wagon to a low-life inbred welfare king like bundy.
Why are you calling this fellow a 'low-life inbred welfare king'?
We the American People will support our government against the reactionary and libertarian freaks on the weird side.
As I thought, you're a fool, and a left wing Kool-Aid drinker. "although i don't believe any laws have been broken there." Is that why Lerner continues to take the 5th?
you want to derail this thread that's fine. i'd want to too if i'd hitched my wagon to a low-life inbred welfare king like bundy.
Why are you calling this fellow a 'low-life inbred welfare king'?

on account of that's how i feel about him. now do i actually know if he had incestuous ancestors - no, i don't. you got me.

the rest of it though, pretty much true. he's a low life. he's scum. he's a welfare king to the tune of $1.1 million.
nsa is tricky. that's something that will have to be fought out in the courts - but when it's decided and it's been proven that laws have been willfully broken then by all means i believe that there should be consequences.

the same with the irs, although i don't believe any laws have been broken there.

As I thought, you're a fool, and a left wing Kool-Aid drinker. "although i don't believe any laws have been broken there." Is that why Lerner continues to take the 5th?
you want to derail this thread that's fine. i'd want to too if i'd hitched my wagon to a low-life inbred welfare king like bundy.
I'll bet you think that of farmers as well that provide FOOD for dumb ASSES lie yourself.

But FOOD for YOU comes from Gubmint ad an EBT CARD.

Get lost, loser.:eusa_hand:
As I thought, you're a fool, and a left wing Kool-Aid drinker. "although i don't believe any laws have been broken there." Is that why Lerner continues to take the 5th?
you want to derail this thread that's fine. i'd want to too if i'd hitched my wagon to a low-life inbred welfare king like bundy.
I'll bet you think that of farmers as well that provide FOOD for dumb ASSES lie yourself.

But FOOD for YOU comes from Gubmint ad an EBT CARD.

Get lost, loser.:eusa_hand:

lol. you know very little, if anything, about me.

if you'll accept some advice - try not making statements about things you know nothing about. in other words - take a vow of silence.
you want to derail this thread that's fine. i'd want to too if i'd hitched my wagon to a low-life inbred welfare king like bundy.
Why are you calling this fellow a 'low-life inbred welfare king'?

on account of that's how i feel about him. now do i actually know if he had incestuous ancestors - no, i don't. you got me.

the rest of it though, pretty much true. he's a low life. he's scum. he's a welfare king to the tune of $1.1 million.

And you're a piece of shit Nazi. Thanks, but I'll stick with the "low-life inbred welfare king". He's an American - you are not.
Why are you calling this fellow a 'low-life inbred welfare king'?

on account of that's how i feel about him. now do i actually know if he had incestuous ancestors - no, i don't. you got me.

the rest of it though, pretty much true. he's a low life. he's scum. he's a welfare king to the tune of $1.1 million.

And you're a piece of shit Nazi. Thanks, but I'll stick with the "low-life inbred welfare king". He's an American - you are not.

interesting definition of american you have. guy who believes in the rule of law, in the ability of the judicial system to hear and resolve disputes, in the ability of the federal government to use it's constitutionally granted powers is not an american but a free loading criminal who threatens law enforcement is somehow the pinnacle of patriotism.
So if I read this story right the guys cattle were not on his property correct? Is this legal? Why do this? Keep your stuff on your property no? I don't like the feds there with weapons at all. But keep YOUR stuff on YOUR property. This got out of hand. Poorly played by both sides.
So if I read this story right the guys cattle were not on his property correct? Is this legal? Why do this? Keep your stuff on your property no? I don't like the feds there with weapons at all. But keep YOUR stuff on YOUR property. This got out of hand. Poorly played by both sides.

Indeed. However, the guy has been grazing cattle (and paying grazing fees to Clark County Nevada) for the last 21 years. The land is worthless for anything BUT grazing. The BLM (understand the "M" stands for MANAGEMENT) yet they have MANAGED nothing.

It hurts NO ONE that the cattle are grazing this "so-called" public land that no one uses. Jesus Christ! There is NOTHING OUT THERE. NOTHING.
So if I read this story right the guys cattle were not on his property correct? Is this legal? Why do this? Keep your stuff on your property no? I don't like the feds there with weapons at all. But keep YOUR stuff on YOUR property. This got out of hand. Poorly played by both sides.

Indeed. However, the guy has been grazing cattle (and paying grazing fees to Clark County Nevada) for the last 21 years. The land is worthless for anything BUT grazing. The BLM (understand the "M" stands for MANAGEMENT) yet they have MANAGED nothing.

It hurts NO ONE that the cattle are grazing this "so-called" public land that no one uses. Jesus Christ! There is NOTHING OUT THERE. NOTHING.
Except some claim over some tortoise that the Government is killing themselves. It's a fucking farce, like Eminent Domain.
We the American People will support our government against the reactionary and libertarian freaks on the weird side.
Then YOU side with TYRANNY Fakey.:eusa_hand:

:lol: We side with the Constitution and the rule of law, you with the rule of man.
YOU know ZERO of either. Fakey? Shut the fuck up poseur. And YOU may tell your masters that as well, and THEY had better be watching their backsides...WE are coming, and WE are bringing HELL with us to contain the LOT of you.
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So if I read this story right the guys cattle were not on his property correct? Is this legal? Why do this? Keep your stuff on your property no? I don't like the feds there with weapons at all. But keep YOUR stuff on YOUR property. This got out of hand. Poorly played by both sides.

Indeed. However, the guy has been grazing cattle (and paying grazing fees to Clark County Nevada)
welll... that's not true. he has been grazing his cattle, but he's been paying no one.
All the other ranchers pay the government for grazing rights. But right wingers want "freebies". They want government "welfare". A million dollars worth. Course, they're white. Guess that makes a difference. Seems when you're white, it's not "welfare", it's your white, er, "right".
“The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”

“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.......”

» Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
We the American People will support our government against the reactionary and libertarian freaks on the weird side.
Then YOU side with TYRANNY Fakey.:eusa_hand:

:lol: We side with the Constitution and the rule of law, you with the rule of man.
Fakey? I Give more deference to a plant, a common amoeba than I do with you in regard to natural rights and LIBERTY.

I know YOU won't understand it, I KNOW my Conservative brothers and sisters will see it more clearly than YOU ever will.
“The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.

Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”

“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.......”

» Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

i assume if there's a solar plant built they'll pay for the use of the land, correct?

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