Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Should I not hold my breath for documentation of the flouride claim?

I know that McCarthy sank into alcoholism after his censure in the Senate. I wonder how many of today's political heroes could stand up to the kind of attacks he withstood, and not develop some sort of dependency problem?

I love how leftists destroy their enemies' lives and careers, and THEN cite the destruction of those lives and careers as proof that it was deserved.


Jake, why do you feel attacked when the post is about Leftists?
The party of the right, the demagogic gift to the left who keeps on giving, demonstrates why Joe McCarthy will continue to be, overwhelmingly in the eyes of most Americans, a man who hated American ideals.

LIE McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists

Eisenhower hated McCarthy It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making

[evidence?] he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy

uninformed conclusion For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

Republicans pulled McCarthy down, not the liberals “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy

The Big Lie Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice.
I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

I am aconservative Republican.
Hasn't anyone, SOMEONE, in your own family taken you aside and politely pointed out and informed you how stupid you look when you make such absurd claims?
My family went through this,lived it and saw first hand. My uncle was a B-17 pilot in WWII,not a communis and your drunken hero labeled him as one.
Without any proof.
But dumbass ideologues like you never require proof. And that is exactly the reason we fight you and will always continue to show everyone how much of a fool you are.
In the end we will destroy you as usual.
And you claim to be a conservative???:cuckoo:
Scary shit there. You do not even know what a conservative is.


Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

I named one already , lived it and saw it.
And you ignore it because your bias forces you to.
Tell us what you remember from those days or do you just goby what Rush and Anne parrot to you.
The litmus test is the reality I have SEEN, not your hearsay.
I am aconservative Republican.
Hasn't anyone, SOMEONE, in your own family taken you aside and politely pointed out and informed you how stupid you look when you make such absurd claims?
My family went through this,lived it and saw first hand. My uncle was a B-17 pilot in WWII,not a communis and your drunken hero labeled him as one.
Without any proof.
But dumbass ideologues like you never require proof. And that is exactly the reason we fight you and will always continue to show everyone how much of a fool you are.
In the end we will destroy you as usual.
And you claim to be a conservative???:cuckoo:
Scary shit there. You do not even know what a conservative is.


Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

I named one already , lived it and saw it.
And you ignore it because your bias forces you to.
Tell us what you remember from those days or do you just goby what Rush and Anne parrot to you.
The litmus test is the reality I have SEEN, not your hearsay.

The name is "My uncle was a B-17 pilot..."?????

You truly give dullards a bad name....

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again
The party of the right, the demagogic gift to the left who keeps on giving, demonstrates why Joe McCarthy will continue to be, overwhelmingly in the eyes of most Americans, a man who hated American ideals.

LIE McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists

Eisenhower hated McCarthy It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making

[evidence?] he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy

uninformed conclusion For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

Republicans pulled McCarthy down, not the liberals “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy

The Big Lie Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice.

Time to review the educational history of JakeStinky...

1. Finding it so essential to go along to get along, not rock the boat, [insert appropriate cliche], little jakey accepted all the propaganda that his left wing teachers and popular culture could produce.

2. Nodding his little head as rapidly as he could, toungue hanging out, big smile evident, little jakey never, never, never questioned! He learned early on to accept.

3. Swallowing all the pap about the silly communists, only having their harmless fairy tales, and the evil McCarthy who wanted to harm them...and 'destroy American democracy' as well....jakey believed without thinking- it was such an easy life!

4. Along the way, jakey traded his family cow for magic beans.....that's another story..

5. Once, and only once, jakey furrowed his little brow, and wondered where the evidence was that Senator McCarthy 'ruined so very many lives'...
But it gave him a he never did it again.

6.Fearful of more headaches, he lashed out furiously at any who suggested that he think, or question, or seek evidence.....

7. And that, boys and girls, is why we find little jakey on the floor today, in the fetal position, screaming ‘Mommy, make the pain stop'...

The end.
That's the best ya got; call 'em names and flee to authority.

I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

Yeah, that's right. Like "thinking" McCarthy is a hero. rofl!

History via Conservapedia beckons.

You see anyone here citing Conservapedia, Brain Trust? You see anyone but you even MENTIONING it? What you've got here is Wikipedia versus historians, bucko, and only liberals think history is carved in stone and never questioned or rethought. On the other hand, they're the same people who think that about science, too, so I shouldn't be surprised.
The party of the right, the demagogic gift to the left who keeps on giving, demonstrates why Joe McCarthy will continue to be, overwhelmingly in the eyes of most Americans, a man who hated American ideals.

LIE McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists

Eisenhower hated McCarthy It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making

[evidence?] he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy

uninformed conclusion For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

Republicans pulled McCarthy down, not the liberals “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy

The Big Lie Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice.

<snip Political Chic attacks the messenger because she can't attack the message>.

The end.

She, like McCarthy, is a demagogue.

Her words shineth like an alabaster tomb in the sunlight yet stinketh with corruption.

When her level of writing attains the level of the institution she claims to have attended, then we can pay attention to the quality of her work. Right now it is biased and inferior.
The party of the right, the demagogic gift to the left who keeps on giving, demonstrates why Joe McCarthy will continue to be, overwhelmingly in the eyes of most Americans, a man who hated American ideals.

<snip Political Chic attacks the messenger because she can't attack the message>.

The end.

She, like McCarthy, is a demagogue.

Her words shineth like an alabaster tomb in the sunlight yet stinketh with corruption.

When her level of writing attains the level of the institution she claims to have attended, then we can pay attention to the quality of her work. Right now it is biased and inferior.

You can run, but you cannot hide...

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…
The litmus test has been answered time and again above by me and others.

You can't keep lying and think others believe you.

Your litmus test, which you always fail, is to objectively write rather than write to meet bias. That is hack work. I refer you to post #219.
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I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

I am aconservative Republican.
Hasn't anyone, SOMEONE, in your own family taken you aside and politely pointed out and informed you how stupid you look when you make such absurd claims?
My family went through this,lived it and saw first hand. My uncle was a B-17 pilot in WWII,not a communis and your drunken hero labeled him as one.
Without any proof.
But dumbass ideologues like you never require proof. And that is exactly the reason we fight you and will always continue to show everyone how much of a fool you are.
In the end we will destroy you as usual.
And you claim to be a conservative???:cuckoo:
Scary shit there. You do not even know what a conservative is.


Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology&#8230;

The litmus test is fairly simple&#8230;and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and &#8216;ruined&#8217; so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so &#8216;ruined.&#8217;

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again&#8230;

You're posting to a Republican. You obviously have a bright mind, why don't you use it to do some good? Thank gawd, the right don't all think alike.
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Stupid, stupid commentary: "2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again&#8230;"

Define "ruin" realistically. Either or? As if.
The litmus test is fairly simple&#8230;and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and &#8216;ruined&#8217; so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so &#8216;ruined.&#8217;

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again&#8230;

Why is it so hard to answer a simple question?

You Progressives no longer control the media or the debate. If you're not lying, you should just answer the question! If you're lying, you won't

It's THAT Simple!
Stupid, stupid commentary: "2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…"

Define "ruin" realistically. Either or? As if.

And the fog rolls in.....

1. "...answered time and again above by me and others."
Either provide the post numbers that have names of the 'ruined lives' and "...answered time and again above by me and others." or go wash out your mouth with soap....for fibbing.
What are the names of said individuals that support your post??

2. Ruin does not mean insulted. It means actual damages. For example, if a communist professor was named by Senator McCarthy and was taken out of his classroom duties, but continued to be paid by the university...there are no actual damages. His life was not ruined.

If he had to change the name he used to receive film credits, there are no actual damages.

If he moved to Paris and continued to hobnob with elites, and live the high get it.

3.The quibble that you have been reduced to, i.e. 'what does ruin mean...' would serve as an indication of how you have been mislead, had you even a smoldering ember of intellect.

I double-dog dare you!

Put up or back up.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

What better example exists then the words of CrusaderFrank as evidence that the RW fringe of American politics is built on a foundation of lies, half-truths and hyperbole?
I suspect most of us thought when reading "1984" in the 8th grade that a Ministry of Truth was fiction, and no population would be stupid enough to believe propaganda which contradicted their own experience.
Today maybe 20% of our population are that stupid, they accept the most outragious lies and historical spins as truth and never critically examine the platitudes upon which the current 'conservative' message is built.
Real conservatives are fiscally responsible and value tradition but embrace change which is slow and fully vetted. Today's 'conservative' are in reality the Reactionaries of the past.
The party of the right, the demagogic gift to the left who keeps on giving, demonstrates why Joe McCarthy will continue to be, overwhelmingly in the eyes of most Americans, a man who hated American ideals.

<snip Political Chic attacks the messenger because she can't attack the message>.

The end.

She, like McCarthy, is a demagogue.

Her words shineth like an alabaster tomb in the sunlight yet stinketh with corruption.

When her level of writing attains the level of the institution she claims to have attended, then we can pay attention to the quality of her work. Right now it is biased and inferior.

" a demagogue."
If you were an individual who actually understood the words he was using, I would blush with pride, as it would mean that you think that I am a leader!

But, it's only JakeStinky, the valedictorian of summer school...
alas (sigh).

jakey, how can my work be 'biased' if I provide links and quotes, documentation?

Are you claiming all the documentation is 'biased' as well?

And since I have consistently asked you to provide the names of the 'ruined lives,' only this, and you have ducked and run, it would seem that you, not I fall into this definition:

"A bias is a prejudice in a general or specific sense, usually in the sense for having a predilection to one particular point of view or ideology. One is said to be biased if one is influenced by one's biases. A bias could, for example, lead one to accept or not-accept the truth of a claim, not because of the strength of the claim itself, but because it does or does not correspond to one's own preconceived ideas."
Bias - Definition

Poor jakey, 'hoist by his own petard.'
That's Shakespeare, jakey.

See, it's really fun to learn!
The party of the right, the demagogic gift to the left who keeps on giving, demonstrates why Joe McCarthy will continue to be, overwhelmingly in the eyes of most Americans, a man who hated American ideals.

LIE McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists

Eisenhower hated McCarthy It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making

[evidence?] he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy

uninformed conclusion For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

Republicans pulled McCarthy down, not the liberals “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy

The Big Lie Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice.

Time to review the educational history of JakeStinky...

1. Finding it so essential to go along to get along, not rock the boat, [insert appropriate cliche], little jakey accepted all the propaganda that his left wing teachers and popular culture could produce.

2. Nodding his little head as rapidly as he could, toungue hanging out, big smile evident, little jakey never, never, never questioned! He learned early on to accept.

3. Swallowing all the pap about the silly communists, only having their harmless fairy tales, and the evil McCarthy who wanted to harm them...and 'destroy American democracy' as well....jakey believed without thinking- it was such an easy life!

4. Along the way, jakey traded his family cow for magic beans.....that's another story..

5. Once, and only once, jakey furrowed his little brow, and wondered where the evidence was that Senator McCarthy 'ruined so very many lives'...
But it gave him a he never did it again.

6.Fearful of more headaches, he lashed out furiously at any who suggested that he think, or question, or seek evidence.....

7. And that, boys and girls, is why we find little jakey on the floor today, in the fetal position, screaming ‘Mommy, make the pain stop'...

The end.

And here we see the hack PC not countering Jake in anyway but instead spewing out insults and pretending that makes some kind of an argument.
The litmus test is fairly simple&#8230;and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and &#8216;ruined&#8217; so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so &#8216;ruined.&#8217;

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again&#8230;

Why is it so hard to answer a simple question?

You Progressives no longer control the media or the debate. If you're not lying, you should just answer the question! If you're lying, you won't

It's THAT Simple!

There were many. Here is one.

Waldo Salt.

In 1950, as his THE FLAME AND THE ARROW was showing throughout the country&#8217;s theaters, Waldo Salt seemed on his way to being one of Hollywood&#8217;s major screenwriters. But, for Salt as for many others, the 1950s meant the stifling of their creative talents by a paranoid and restrictive government. In April of 1951 Salt was called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee &#8212; Senator Joseph McCarthy&#8217;s brainchild for the investigation of Communist infiltration of America. Though never held in contempt of Congress, like a number of his colleagues, Salt was clearly identified as a card-carrying Communist and blacklisted for many years. Of that time, Salt said, &#8220;I wish we had done something to deserve being blacklisted. I wish we&#8217;d had that much influence on film or on politics at that time. I think the world might have been different. But we didn&#8217;t.&#8221;

Throughout the 1950s and early 1960s, Salt wrote primarily for television and commercials. Using a pseudonym, he worked on a number of films, keeping somewhat in touch with the industry, but no longer at the center of it. Though the blacklist had been lifted, much of his life had fallen into ruin. Divorced, and sick with pneumonia and despair, Salt was living in a cheap New York hotel trying to write television scripts. &#8220;I ended up at fifty, over-the-hill, thinking I had no future,&#8221; Salt explained. &#8220;Finally, I realized that I had allowed myself to write less than I could.&#8221; According to fellow writer Ian Hunter, &#8220;From then on, Waldo approached screenwriting as an artist.&#8221;

Waldo Salt - About Waldo Salt | American Masters | PBS

BTW, the extremist conservative revisionists don't get to define "ruin." I'll take the word of the people who were the targets, not those of the people trying to redefine the world based on their own ideology.

I'll post a few more later.
She is a demagogic hack, Father Time, who can't carry an argument, so she plays the politics of personality.

The discerning reader knows she is a loser, and a terrible advocate for her side.
I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

Yeah, that's right. Like "thinking" McCarthy is a hero. rofl!

History via Conservapedia beckons.

You see anyone here citing Conservapedia, Brain Trust? You see anyone but you even MENTIONING it? What you've got here is Wikipedia versus historians, bucko, and only liberals think history is carved in stone and never questioned or rethought. On the other hand, they're the same people who think that about science, too, so I shouldn't be surprised.

I haven't seen anyone cite historians and please point me to any liberal organization that says science never changes.
<snip Political Chic attacks the messenger because she can't attack the message>.

The end.

She, like McCarthy, is a demagogue.

Her words shineth like an alabaster tomb in the sunlight yet stinketh with corruption.

When her level of writing attains the level of the institution she claims to have attended, then we can pay attention to the quality of her work. Right now it is biased and inferior.

You can run, but you cannot hide...

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

While we're at it why don't you answer the question of whether or not it's ok for people to be fired for their political beliefs.

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