Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Definitions of liberal on the Web:
* broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
* having political or social views favoring reform and progress
* tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
* a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

And Republican chair for our region here. Remember that Republicans pulled Joe McCarthy down.

Here is a comment about the Bard College Alger Hiss Chair by Robert Fulford, the Canadian Journalist: History News Network. The article was written in 2004, shortly after Haynes and Klehr wrote their book. Fulford wrote, “American leftists insisted for decades that Hiss was falsely condemned. When a mountain of evidence proved the case against him (and many others), the defenders began suggesting that maybe spying actually didn't matter. In the pages of The Nation, the innocence of Hiss was proclaimed obsessively for four decades. When that position finally became untenable, Victor Navasky, long-time editor of The Nation and now also a Columbia journalism professor, asked: 'Espionage, is it really so wrong?' (If he'd thought of that 25 years earlier, his writers could have been saved the trouble of producing all those Hiss-exonerating articles.)”

You agree, huh, Stinky?

I believe Hiss was rightfully convicted. My beliefs and opinions are governed by objective examination, not through a prism of bias, but based on what the evidence indicates.

You don't. You are first and foremost a demagogue, in pursuit of a goal for which you will twist the story and the interpretation. The Nazis and the Communists would have loved you and had a place for you in their propaganda machines. But this is today, so you work for the whack reactionary right.
And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.
So by Political Chic's thinking, Obama can fire any Republican, because he doesn't agree with their political beliefs. Awesome!

Don't let him go after the armed forces like McCarthy! I have three immediate family members serving as officers who are Republicans.
Show me the lies.

"With the first break into the code, Venona revealed the existence of Soviet espionage[15] at Los Alamos National Laboratories.[16] Identities soon emerged of American, Canadian, Australian and British spies in service to the Soviet government, including Klaus Fuchs, Alan Nunn May and Donald Maclean, a member of the Cambridge Five spy ring. Others worked in Washington in the State Department, The Treasury, Office of Strategic Services,[17] and even the White House...

The decrypts show that the US and other nations were targeted in major espionage campaigns by the Soviet Union as early as 1942. Among those identified are Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; Alger Hiss; Harry Dexter White,[18] the second-highest official in the Treasury Department; Lauchlin Currie,[19] a personal aide to Franklin Roosevelt; and Maurice Halperin,[20] a section head in the Office of Strategic Services."

CHRIISSSAAAKES!!! Frankie!!! Where do you get this shit? National security issues are well in hand by the efforts of the FBI, NSA and the CIA..not to mention the embarrassing investment in "Homeland" security. Correlating with McCarthy is ridiculous.

I know you are smarter than that what gives?

I'm not sure you're getting this.

McCarthy claimed that the US government was being subverted by Communists and the Progressives went on a Jihad against him as a result.

With the collapse of the USSR and the release of the Venona Cables, it turns out McCarthy vastly understated the problem
How many of Mccarthy's many accusations did Venona back up?

Answer: Not much.

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Maybe as many as 10,000 were McCarthy's victims indirectly. McCarthy may have been caused forty to fifty directly to lose their jobs. The demagoguery and the defamation of character by McCarthy became a defamation of American fair play and honest inquiry. And once again Columbia College's girl from Missouri continues to be the academic party favor for those she opposes. She can't carry an argument and she can't follow one by her own side.

The very best defense of McCarthy is Arthur Herman's Joseph McCarthy, Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator. Herman unwittingly reaffirms history's judgment of McCarthy as Public Louse Number One After 1950.

OMG- it's the return of JakeStinky...the man who never learns!

"About two hundred people in America were blacklisted from a single frivolous industry. They could still go to Paris or sell real estate of do any number of things, including change their name to get film credits…they just couldn’t work in the movies. That was the only price they paid for shilling for a mass murderer."
Ann Coulter.

So are you in favor of punishing people for their beliefs rather than their actions?
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And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.

Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…

If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…
And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.

Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…

If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

William Harold Walker Jr., my uncle.
How old are you chic? You obviously do not know the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit on this matter.
ANYONE and EVERYONE labeled a communist during those stages of the Cold War was ruined professionally unless they came from family $.
If you do not know that ole Tail Gunner was a fraud you are either too young to remember or too stupid to know any better.
Or both.
And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.

Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…

If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

I am certain that if you could figure a reason to you would defend another good republican..Ted Bundy.

PC you are either willfully dishonest or just plain stupid. You do not know what you are talking about. Maybe like the previous poster are too young. It is sad that you defend such a heinous man.

McCarthy did most certainly ruin HUNDREDS of lives. Because of his witch hunt and public demonizations just in Hollywood alone at least a hundred writers , actors and others in the industry were black listed ...some overcame the stain brushed on them...most did not.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

I don't know the truth about mccarthy

I imagine you don't either.

I suspect that you WANT to believe that he was a hero...
whether he was or not...

perhaps his hatred of all things liberal appeals to you?

history (which may NOT be accurate) tells us that he was the rush limbaugh of his day

certainly we don't want communists taking over our government...

but declaring everyone you don't like
or everyone of the wrong political persuasion
to BE a communist is exactly the kind of tactic that a nazi...or a communist...would use!
"About two hundred people in America were blacklisted from a single frivolous industry. They could still go to Paris or sell real estate of do any number of things, including change their name to get film credits…they just couldn’t work in the movies. That was the only price they paid for shilling for a mass murderer."
Ann Coulter.

Exhibit one as to why Anne the Man is a douche and an enemy of freedom....
"About two hundred people in America were blacklisted from a single frivolous industry. They could still go to Paris or sell real estate of do any number of things, including change their name to get film credits…they just couldn’t work in the movies. That was the only price they paid for shilling for a mass murderer."
Ann Coulter.

Exhibit one as to why Anne the Man is a douche and an enemy of freedom....

I have no doubt that should 1 conservative actor be denied a job because of his political leanings coulter would be singing a vastly different tune "PERSECUTION! DISCRIMINATION"

even today we have conservatives claiming that conservative actors are denied work because of their politics

all evidence to the contrary....
lots of conservative republican actors work regularly....

I have no doubt that if hollywood were run by conservatives ONLY conservatives would be allowed to work and coulter would DEFEND IT!

"they have a RIGHT of ASSOCIATION! they have a RIGHT to hire WHOEVER THEY WANT TO!"
And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.

Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…

If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

:lol: Are you delusional? These people's lives were ruined because of his accusations. get a fucking clue.
And answer the question. Do you think the government should be able to fire you due to your political beliefs?
He ruined the career of the first guy he ran against, lying about his record and why he didn't sign up for WWII. The man left politics, and killed himself.
"About two hundred people in America were blacklisted from a single frivolous industry. They could still go to Paris or sell real estate of do any number of things, including change their name to get film credits…they just couldn’t work in the movies. That was the only price they paid for shilling for a mass murderer."
Ann Coulter.

Exhibit one as to why Anne the Man is a douche and an enemy of freedom....

"It wasn't that much of an injustice so quit complaining, all it did was cost you your career"
And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.

Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…

If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

You deceptive and delusional moron, PC. Do you really think you can get away with this crap. Your hero, Arthur Herman, author of Joseph McCarthy, Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator unwittingly reaffirms history's judgment of McCarthy as Public Louse Number One After 1950.

Herman lists easily two dozen, and the guy is on McCarthy's side.

You can only be writing your crap for love (or your facsimile of it), for no true researcher/writer can write your material. You are an outright fake.
Joe McCarthy the hero: Who cares about all the innocent lives he ruined!

He saved us from the evil of Dalton Trumbo, Ring Lardner, and Paul Robeson.

WHAT innocent lives he ruined? And McCarthy had nothing to do with the people you listed, dimwit.

He had everything to do with the environment of witch hunting and persecution. He is as much a skel as the ones who went after them.

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