Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

There has been more utter bullshit written and spoken about Joe McCarthy than any other person who ever lived.

A Great American statesman and patriot. God love him.

That's how it works in the US too much of the time. You extend yourself to protect and defend this country, and she destroys you as payment. No good deed ever goes unpunished.
McCarthy was not a hero, but rather an anti-American criminal mind. His own party pulled him down.
There has been more utter bullshit written and spoken about Joe McCarthy than any other person who ever lived.

A Great American statesman and patriot. God love him.

That's how it works in the US too much of the time. You extend yourself to protect and defend this country, and she destroys you as payment. No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Punishment is reading your posts.
boy... talk about revisionist history...

i can't decide if it's more evil or more dumb.

maybe both?

Maybe both, kinda depends on the source. I have no doubt evil (defined in the sense of any means justifies the goal) when members of the Ministry of Truth (think Limbaugh, Hannity) use the mass media to pervert history. Dumb when posters on this board repeat the distortions of the spin jockeys, neo-conservatives and loney far right (think Sharon Angle, Michelle Bachman, Rand Paul).
[I may have coined a term: "Spin Jockey", kinda describes conservative radio 'personalities' rather well]
:clap2: toot my own horn, why not!

While you're farting all over the place, perhaps you could bestir yourself to point out the "distortions" in this case.
Distortions? That Joe was a Great American? Are you kidding the universe? Good night.
And PC, I already said I posted the Black List to show how this country was on a witch hunt, and how it ruined people's lives.

Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…

If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…

Not at all, clown. Where do you come up with setting this bar? If anyone did this to those on the right, Anne would have a cow. Take a hike, poseur.
Joe McCarthy was an alcoholic that fabricated everything he touched.
My uncle was a construction worker in California working for movie studios. McCarthy labeled him and nundreds of others as communists without any evidence to support it. Uncle Bill and all the others were black listed and never worked another day in that industry. Thousands in the movie industry were blacklisted as communists.
Name one that was right.
Sure, McCarthy pointed out there were communists around. Well DUH. Even a blind squirrell finds a nut every once in a while.
You people will believe anything and are too young to know any better.
Joe McCarthy had nothing to do with any of that Hollywood hullabaloo. That was all part of the work of the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) and Joseph McCarthy was a US Senator, and did not work or coordinate with the house committee. None of these people who were "blacklisted" were named by Joseph McCarthy. Whatever blacklisting that occurred came as a result of certain large Hollywood producers and moguls who wanted to be sure their industry was not infiltrated by communists.

It's too bad you don't challenge anything you hear on the subject.

Prove what you say. And by the way, prove what you said in another thread that McCarthy said that the communists were poisoning our water supply with fluoride.

Here’s what you said in THIS THREAD
If you do not know that Joe McCarthy stated himself that vaccinations, fluoridation of water and the government funding mental health clinic then you are in denial. He said it and that is documented fact.
So you condone slandering hundreds of innocent people because he "sounded the alarm"?

I repeat my challenge: Show me some evidence, even a credible link that Joe McCarthy ever stated that. Anything will do; I want to see it. So document it; give us a link. Come on! Do it!

You are wrong in saying that McCarthy had nothing to do with the who communist investigations. Of course he wasn't involved with a House committee. However the Senate also had hearings , Tydings Committee, feel free to read about it.

Tydings Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for fluoride, yes MacCarthy led the charge of people who believed it was a communist plot. The man was a delusional prick.

Tydings had squat to do with Hollywood, dumbass, which your own "source" - Wikipedia? Really? What the fuck did lame-brain liberals do before Wikipedia? - says. Note that in the very first sentence, it gives the official name of the subcommittee: Subcommittee on the Investigation of Loyalty of State Department Employees. Not Hollywood actors and writers; STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES.

As for the fluoride thing, you were asked for proof. Restating it does not constitute proof, especially given how stupid you just made yourself look. Your word for it does not now carry the credibility to be proof that the sky is blue.
Joe McCarthy had nothing to do with any of that Hollywood hullabaloo. That was all part of the work of the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) and Joseph McCarthy was a US Senator, and did not work or coordinate with the house committee. None of these people who were "blacklisted" were named by Joseph McCarthy. Whatever blacklisting that occurred came as a result of certain large Hollywood producers and moguls who wanted to be sure their industry was not infiltrated by communists.

It's too bad you don't challenge anything you hear on the subject.

Prove what you say. And by the way, prove what you said in another thread that McCarthy said that the communists were poisoning our water supply with fluoride.

Here’s what you said in THIS THREAD

I repeat my challenge: Show me some evidence, even a credible link that Joe McCarthy ever stated that. Anything will do; I want to see it. So document it; give us a link. Come on! Do it!

You are wrong in saying that McCarthy had nothing to do with the who communist investigations. Of course he wasn't involved with a House committee. However the Senate also had hearings , Tydings Committee, feel free to read about it.

Tydings Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for fluoride, yes MacCarthy led the charge of people who believed it was a communist plot. The man was a delusional prick.

Tydings had squat to do with Hollywood, dumbass, which your own "source" - Wikipedia? Really? What the fuck did lame-brain liberals do before Wikipedia? - says. Note that in the very first sentence, it gives the official name of the subcommittee: Subcommittee on the Investigation of Loyalty of State Department Employees. Not Hollywood actors and writers; STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES.

As for the fluoride thing, you were asked for proof. Restating it does not constitute proof, especially given how stupid you just made yourself look. Your word for it does not now carry the credibility to be proof that the sky is blue.
Should I not hold my breath for documentation of the flouride claim?

I know that McCarthy sank into alcoholism after his censure in the Senate. I wonder how many of today's political heroes could stand up to the kind of attacks he withstood, and not develop some sort of dependency problem?

I love how leftists destroy their enemies' lives and careers, and THEN cite the destruction of those lives and careers as proof that it was deserved.
Nope, I don't have to do the work. The conclusion has been made some time ago what Senator McCarthy was as a person and as a people's representative. He was despicable. The topic does not deserve discussion.

That's the best ya got; call 'em names and flee to authority.

I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!
You are wrong in saying that McCarthy had nothing to do with the who communist investigations. Of course he wasn't involved with a House committee. However the Senate also had hearings , Tydings Committee, feel free to read about it.

Tydings Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As for fluoride, yes MacCarthy led the charge of people who believed it was a communist plot. The man was a delusional prick.

Tydings had squat to do with Hollywood, dumbass, which your own "source" - Wikipedia? Really? What the fuck did lame-brain liberals do before Wikipedia? - says. Note that in the very first sentence, it gives the official name of the subcommittee: Subcommittee on the Investigation of Loyalty of State Department Employees. Not Hollywood actors and writers; STATE DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES.

As for the fluoride thing, you were asked for proof. Restating it does not constitute proof, especially given how stupid you just made yourself look. Your word for it does not now carry the credibility to be proof that the sky is blue.
Still no link about Tydings and Hollywood? You've got nothing.
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Nope, I don't have to do the work. The conclusion has been made some time ago what Senator McCarthy was as a person and as a people's representative. He was despicable. The topic does not deserve discussion.

That's the best ya got; call 'em names and flee to authority.

I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

Yeah, that's right. Like "thinking" McCarthy is a hero. rofl!

History via Conservapedia beckons.
There has been more utter bullshit written and spoken about Joe McCarthy than any other person who ever lived.

A Great American statesman and patriot. God love him.

That's how it works in the US too much of the time. You extend yourself to protect and defend this country, and she destroys you as payment. No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Punishment is reading your posts.

Put it on ignore...I do...:cool:
That's how it works in the US too much of the time. You extend yourself to protect and defend this country, and she destroys you as payment. No good deed ever goes unpunished.

Punishment is reading your posts.

Put it on ignore...I do...:cool:

As painfull as it is to my sensibilities to witness and be embarassed by another human being struggle as she does I believe in the First Ammendment.
Nope, I don't have to do the work. The conclusion has been made some time ago what Senator McCarthy was as a person and as a people's representative. He was despicable. The topic does not deserve discussion.

That's the best ya got; call 'em names and flee to authority.

I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

I am aconservative Republican.
Hasn't anyone, SOMEONE, in your own family taken you aside and politely pointed out and informed you how stupid you look when you make such absurd claims?
My family went through this,lived it and saw first hand. My uncle was a B-17 pilot in WWII,not a communis and your drunken hero labeled him as one.
Without any proof.
But dumbass ideologues like you never require proof. And that is exactly the reason we fight you and will always continue to show everyone how much of a fool you are.
In the end we will destroy you as usual.
And you claim to be a conservative???:cuckoo:
Scary shit there. You do not even know what a conservative is.
That's the best ya got; call 'em names and flee to authority.

I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

I am aconservative Republican.
Hasn't anyone, SOMEONE, in your own family taken you aside and politely pointed out and informed you how stupid you look when you make such absurd claims?
My family went through this,lived it and saw first hand. My uncle was a B-17 pilot in WWII,not a communis and your drunken hero labeled him as one.
Without any proof.
But dumbass ideologues like you never require proof. And that is exactly the reason we fight you and will always continue to show everyone how much of a fool you are.
In the end we will destroy you as usual.
And you claim to be a conservative???:cuckoo:
Scary shit there. You do not even know what a conservative is.


Again, the easily-led brigade fails to ascertain truth, and bathes in a warm bath of liberal mythology…

The litmus test is fairly simple…and you being equally so, it should appeal to you:
If Senator Joseph McCarthy had such a deleterious effect, and ‘ruined’ so many lives, it should be effortless for you to name a half dozen or so whose lives were so ‘ruined.’

1. If you cannot do so, it clearly casts the lie to your premise.
2. Ruin does not refer to being insulted. You must show actual damages, i.e. imprisoned and later found innocent of the charges or never working again…
That's the best ya got; call 'em names and flee to authority.

I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

Yeah, that's right. Like "thinking" McCarthy is a hero. rofl!

History via Conservapedia beckons.

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF… For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

2. “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy succeeded. And McCarthy succeeded while the others did not in part because of his thoroughgoing contempt for the rules of political controversy.”
Michael Paul Rogin, The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter, p. 251
He forced liberals to explain themselves in full view of the American people. So they made McCarthy the issue.

3. The question wasn’t simply whether people like William Remington were agents of Stalin. He was [War Production Board; Office of Emergency Management, convicted for perjury, killed in prison] (see listing of Soviet agents List of Soviet agents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The question was whether he should be working for the government.

4. Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11.

Apercu: You've been hoodwinked.
I swear, leftists in an argument remind me of Li'l Abner's granny, shouting, "I has spoken!" all the time. We've already decided what the truth is, and no studying or thinking on history will be done from this point on. We has spoken!!!

Yeah, that's right. Like "thinking" McCarthy is a hero. rofl!

History via Conservapedia beckons.

1. McCarthy’s primary goal was not to expose individual Communists, he was simply demanding of the liberal establishment: Why were they sheltering traitors? It was the exact same point Eisenhower was making when he directed Attorney General Brownell to inform the public that President Truman had wittingly place a Soviet spy in a key position at the IMF… For decades, people who should not have been allowed anywhere a government job were strolling into sensitive positions with the US government. For the most part, accusations were not aimed at sending the accused to a gulag, only to private practice.

2. “A host of other right-wing Republicans had sought to dramatize the communism issue, but only McCarthy succeeded. And McCarthy succeeded while the others did not in part because of his thoroughgoing contempt for the rules of political controversy.”
Michael Paul Rogin, The Intellectuals and McCarthy: The Radical Specter, p. 251
He forced liberals to explain themselves in full view of the American people. So they made McCarthy the issue.

3. The question wasn’t simply whether people like William Remington were agents of Stalin. He was [War Production Board; Office of Emergency Management, convicted for perjury, killed in prison] (see listing of Soviet agents List of Soviet agents in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The question was whether he should be working for the government.

4. Fifty years of liberal propaganda people to thinking of Communist Party member as lovable idealists and the urge to fire them from their government jobs as an irrational anachronistic prejudice. Allowing card-carrying members of the Communist Party to handle classified material after the Alger Hiss case would be like encouraging al-Qaeda members to carry box cutters on airplanes after 9-11.

Apercu: You've been hoodwinked.

"He forced liberals to explain themselves in full view of the American people. So they made McCarthy the issue."

That's the crux of it! And to this day, instead of proudly admitting their allegiance to Statism, they instead call themselves "Progressives"
Should I not hold my breath for documentation of the flouride claim?

I know that McCarthy sank into alcoholism after his censure in the Senate. I wonder how many of today's political heroes could stand up to the kind of attacks he withstood, and not develop some sort of dependency problem?

I love how leftists destroy their enemies' lives and careers, and THEN cite the destruction of those lives and careers as proof that it was deserved.


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