Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

After the war McCarthy ran against Robert La Follette to become Republican candidate for the senate. As one of his biographers has pointed out, his campaign posters pictured him in "full fighting gear, with an aviator's cap, and belt upon belt of machine gun ammunition wrapped around his bulky torso." He claimed he had completed thirty-two missions when in fact he had a desk job and only flew in training exercises.

In his campaign, McCarthy attacked La Follette for not enlisting during the war. He had been forty-six when Pearl Harbor had been bombed, and was in fact too old to join the armed services. McCarthy also claimed that La Follette had made huge profits from his investments while he had been away fighting for his country. The suggestion that La Follette had been guilty of war profiteering (his investments had in fact been in a radio station), was deeply damaging and McCarthy won by 207,935 to 202,557. La Follette, deeply hurt by the false claims made against him, retired from politics, and later committed suicide.

On his first day in the Senate, McCarthy called a press conference where he proposed a solution to a coal-strike that was taking place at the time. McCarthy called for John L. Lewis and the striking miners to be drafted into the Army. If the men still refused to mine the coal, McCarthy suggested they should be court-martialed for insubordination and shot.

Joseph McCarthy : Biography

The subcommittee first investigated allegations of Communist influence in the Voice of America (VOA), at that time administered by the State Department's United States Information Agency. Many VOA personnel were questioned in front of television cameras and a packed press gallery, with McCarthy lacing his questions with hostile innuendo and false accusations.[63] A few VOA employees alleged Communist influence on the content of broadcasts, but none of the charges were substantiated. Morale at VOA was badly damaged, and one of its engineers committed suicide during McCarthy's investigation. Ed Kretzman, a policy advisor for the service, would later comment that it was VOA's "darkest hour when Senator McCarthy and his chief hatchet man, Roy Cohn, almost succeeded in muffling it."[63]
Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History has not been kind to Progressive lies about Joe McCarthy.

You can keep lying but the fact is, and the Soviets admit, they had a robust spy program throughout the US Government.

How am I lying? They proved McCarthy lied during his campaign, and they proved VOA had no communists dealings.
And didn't we have a Spy program in Russia?

How about the Hollywood Ten and Annie Moss? All she did was buy a magazine.

Do you not believe in Freedom of Speech? Do you like the government controlling what movies you watch, how about what books you read?
Do you agree with burning books?
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History has not been kind to Progressive lies about Joe McCarthy.

You can keep lying but the fact is, and the Soviets admit, they had a robust spy program throughout the US Government.

How am I lying? They proved McCarthy lied during his campaign, and they proved VOA had no communists dealings.
And didn't we have a Spy program in Russia?

How about the Hollywood Ten and Annie Moss? All she did was buy a magazine.

Do you not believe in Freedom of Speech? Do you like the government controlling what movies you watch, how about what books you read?
Do you agree with burning books?

1. According to liberal mythology, Annie Lee Moss, a semi-literate black wash-woman, was hauled before the committee and accused of being a Communist. Moss, in fact, had been “absolutely” identified as a Communist Party member by a reliable FBI informant. (David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense). She was listed in the Communist Party’s records. The Party newspaper, the Daily Worker, was delivered to her home- and followed when she moved. (Rogers v. Communist Party of the United States, Subversive Activities Control Board, September 19, 1958). And, Annie Lee Moss was also working in the Code Room of the Pentagon. At the hearings, Ms. Moss mentioned that there were three other people named Annie Lee Moss in the Washington, DC phonebook. The press, of course, accepted this and called McCarty a demagogue.

Of course, none of the press looked in the phonebook: there were not three other Annie Lee Moss’- just one. At 72 R Street, SW. The same address listed in the Communist Party records. (Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, p.568-569) Even after the hearings, and the Rosenberg Case, the Army rehired her.
The myth was projected by a Broadway play, A Question of Loyalty, in which a phonebook actually had three Moss’.

2. Hollywood Blacklisting had nothing to do with McCarthy. The ‘Hollywood Ten’ were called before the HUAC in 1947. McCarthy had just been elected to the Senate, and the Alger Hiss exposure, indictment and conviction occurred before McCarthy made his famous 1950 speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, before McCarthy did any investigating of Hollywood. When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes.
The Germans who sill love Hitler = hillarious
Mcarthy Fans please don't stop loving Joe.
Maybe as many as 10,000 were McCarthy's victims indirectly. McCarthy may have been caused forty to fifty directly to lose their jobs. The demagoguery and the defamation of character by McCarthy became a defamation of American fair play and honest inquiry. And once again Columbia College's girl from Missouri continues to be the academic party favor for those she opposes. She can't carry an argument and she can't follow one by her own side.

The very best defense of McCarthy is Arthur Herman's Joseph McCarthy, Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator. Herman unwittingly reaffirms history's judgment of McCarthy as Public Louse Number One After 1950.
Today the Board has been a particularly vicious one, as we have been revisiting many of the wounds, hurts, and injuries of the bad old days. Those virtuous members of the right, center, and left back then (who fought off and defeated the far right whacks and reactionaries defenders of sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, nativism, so forth ad nauseum ad infinitum), having read the nonsense of the reactionary whacks here, would merely shake their collective head and think, "Been there, fought that, defeated that; this is only the tremors of a dead body nervous last jerking."
Maybe as many as 10,000 were McCarthy's victims indirectly. McCarthy may have been caused forty to fifty directly to lose their jobs. The demagoguery and the defamation of character by McCarthy became a defamation of American fair play and honest inquiry. And once again Columbia College's girl from Missouri continues to be the academic party favor for those she opposes. She can't carry an argument and she can't follow one by her own side.

The very best defense of McCarthy is Arthur Herman's Joseph McCarthy, Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator. Herman unwittingly reaffirms history's judgment of McCarthy as Public Louse Number One After 1950.

OMG- it's the return of JakeStinky...the man who never learns!

"About two hundred people in America were blacklisted from a single frivolous industry. They could still go to Paris or sell real estate of do any number of things, including change their name to get film credits…they just couldn’t work in the movies. That was the only price they paid for shilling for a mass murderer."
Ann Coulter.
Drew Pearson immediately launched an attack on Joe McCarthy. He pointed out that only three people on the list were State Department officials. When this list was first published four years ago, Gustavo Duran and Mary Jane Keeney had both resigned from the State Department in 1946. The third person, John S. Service, had been cleared after a prolonged and careful investigation. Pearson also pointed out that none of these people had been members of the American Communist Party. Jack Anderson asked Pearson to stop attacking McCarthy: "He is our best source on the Hill." Pearson replied, "He may be a good source, Jack, but he's a bad man."

Joseph McCarthy : Biography
So you can't answer it. We already knew that. You are merely twisting in the air, girl. The nice thing is that America is growing younger and darker, more attuned to technology, and looking forward to the future. They don't care about Joe McCarthy, they don't care about the Tea Party and its woes, they don't care about racism, they don't care about sexism, and they are going to vote the woes of the whack right and the Tea Party into oblivion.
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History has not been kind to Progressive lies about Joe McCarthy.

You can keep lying but the fact is, and the Soviets admit, they had a robust spy program throughout the US Government.

How am I lying? They proved McCarthy lied during his campaign, and they proved VOA had no communists dealings.
And didn't we have a Spy program in Russia?

How about the Hollywood Ten and Annie Moss? All she did was buy a magazine.

Do you not believe in Freedom of Speech? Do you like the government controlling what movies you watch, how about what books you read?
Do you agree with burning books?

1. According to liberal mythology, Annie Lee Moss, a semi-literate black wash-woman, was hauled before the committee and accused of being a Communist. Moss, in fact, had been “absolutely” identified as a Communist Party member by a reliable FBI informant. (David Oshinsky, A Conspiracy So Immense). She was listed in the Communist Party’s records. The Party newspaper, the Daily Worker, was delivered to her home- and followed when she moved. (Rogers v. Communist Party of the United States, Subversive Activities Control Board, September 19, 1958). And, Annie Lee Moss was also working in the Code Room of the Pentagon. At the hearings, Ms. Moss mentioned that there were three other people named Annie Lee Moss in the Washington, DC phonebook. The press, of course, accepted this and called McCarty a demagogue.

Of course, none of the press looked in the phonebook: there were not three other Annie Lee Moss’- just one. At 72 R Street, SW. The same address listed in the Communist Party records. (Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy, p.568-569) Even after the hearings, and the Rosenberg Case, the Army rehired her.
The myth was projected by a Broadway play, A Question of Loyalty, in which a phonebook actually had three Moss’.

2. Hollywood Blacklisting had nothing to do with McCarthy. The ‘Hollywood Ten’ were called before the HUAC in 1947. McCarthy had just been elected to the Senate, and the Alger Hiss exposure, indictment and conviction occurred before McCarthy made his famous 1950 speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, before McCarthy did any investigating of Hollywood. When anti-communism took its toll in Hollywood, the blacklisting took the “deadly” form of not having ones name in the credits, or living in Paris, or not being able to sell a teleplay for as much as three years. This for folks who had no problem with Ukrainian farmers and their children eating their shoes.
I already pointed out she attended meetings and received the magazine. She was never proven to be a national security risk Is it illegal to belong to the communist party in this county?

and 2 I never said he was. I was just pointing out how the witch hunt ruined innocent people's lives. It is not illegal in this country to be a communist.

Do you not believe in freedom of speech?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI released her file. She didn't spy for Russia, she attended a few meeting and got a magazine. Do you have a problem with people attending meetings?
So you can't answer it. We already knew that. You are merely twisting in the air, girl. The nice thing is that America is growing younger and darker, more attuned to technology, and looking forward to the future. They don't care about Joe McCarthy, they don't care about the Tea Party and its woes, they don't care about racism, they don't care about sexism, and they are going to vote the woes of the whack right and the Tea Party into oblivion.

Hey, Stinky, what does "...growing younger and darker,..." mean?

Everything is race?

Oh, you must be a liberal.
Definitions of liberal on the Web:
* broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
* having political or social views favoring reform and progress
* tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
* a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

And Republican chair for our region here. Remember that Republicans pulled Joe McCarthy down.
Under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI released her file. She didn't spy for Russia, she attended a few meeting and got a magazine. Do you have a problem with people attending meetings?

"...Annie Lee Moss was also working in the Code Room of the Pentagon...."


"...she attended a few [communist] meetings and got a [subscription to a communist] magazine..." called the Daily Worker...

Did you major in syncretism?

Do you wish to comment on all the other errors that I pointed out in your posts?
Maybe as many as 10,000 were McCarthy's victims indirectly. McCarthy may have been caused forty to fifty directly to lose their jobs. The demagoguery and the defamation of character by McCarthy became a defamation of American fair play and honest inquiry. And once again Columbia College's girl from Missouri continues to be the academic party favor for those she opposes. She can't carry an argument and she can't follow one by her own side.

The very best defense of McCarthy is Arthur Herman's Joseph McCarthy, Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator. Herman unwittingly reaffirms history's judgment of McCarthy as Public Louse Number One After 1950.

OMG- it's the return of JakeStinky...the man who never learns!

"About two hundred people in America were blacklisted from a single frivolous industry. They could still go to Paris or sell real estate of do any number of things, including change their name to get film credits…they just couldn’t work in the movies. That was the only price they paid for shilling for a mass murderer."
Ann Coulter.
So you agree with the government controlling where you work due to your political beliefs?
Definitions of liberal on the Web:
* broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions"
* having political or social views favoring reform and progress
* tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
* a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

And Republican chair for our region here. Remember that Republicans pulled Joe McCarthy down.

Here is a comment about the Bard College Alger Hiss Chair by Robert Fulford, the Canadian Journalist: History News Network. The article was written in 2004, shortly after Haynes and Klehr wrote their book. Fulford wrote, “American leftists insisted for decades that Hiss was falsely condemned. When a mountain of evidence proved the case against him (and many others), the defenders began suggesting that maybe spying actually didn't matter. In the pages of The Nation, the innocence of Hiss was proclaimed obsessively for four decades. When that position finally became untenable, Victor Navasky, long-time editor of The Nation and now also a Columbia journalism professor, asked: 'Espionage, is it really so wrong?' (If he'd thought of that 25 years earlier, his writers could have been saved the trouble of producing all those Hiss-exonerating articles.)”

You agree, huh, Stinky?
From wikipedia: "McCarthy and Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States

During the 1952 Presidential election, the Eisenhower campaign toured Wisconsin with McCarthy. In a speech delivered in Green Bay, Eisenhower declared that while he agreed with McCarthy's goals, he disagreed with his methods. In draft versions of his speech, Eisenhower had also included a strong defense of his mentor, George Marshall, which was a direct rebuke of McCarthy's frequent attacks. However, under the advice of conservative colleagues who were fearful that Eisenhower could lose Wisconsin if he alienated McCarthy supporters, he deleted this defense from later versions of his speech.[52][53] The deletion was discovered by a reporter for The New York Times and featured on their front page the next day. Eisenhower was widely criticized for giving up his personal convictions, and the incident became the low point of his campaign.[52] //
With his victory in the 1952 presidential race, Dwight Eisenhower became the first Republican president in 20 years. The Republican party also held a majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate. After being elected president, Eisenhower made it clear to those close to him that he did not approve of McCarthy and he worked actively to diminish his power and influence. Still, he never directly confronted McCarthy or criticized him by name in any speech, thus perhaps prolonging McCarthy's power by giving the impression that even the President was afraid to criticize him directly."
Under the Freedom of Information Act, the FBI released her file. She didn't spy for Russia, she attended a few meeting and got a magazine. Do you have a problem with people attending meetings?

"...Annie Lee Moss was also working in the Code Room of the Pentagon...."


"...she attended a few [communist] meetings and got a [subscription to a communist] magazine..." called the Daily Worker...

Did you major in syncretism?

Do you wish to comment on all the other errors that I pointed out in your posts?

What error's? I posted an article. That said she was not a spy. I don't care where she worked, she was never proven to be a spy.
Friedman concludes that Moss most likely had indirect contact with Communists through her cafeteria workers' union, and at most was probably a "casual recruit to the Communist Party, attracted by its social and economic justice politics," and later abandoned any associations with them.[2
From the link I posted before.

So you think the government should fire you for your political beliefs?
So by Political Chic's thinking, Obama can fire any Republican, because he doesn't agree with their political beliefs. Awesome!

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