Sen. Marco Rubio says Rep. Ilhan Omar ‘out of her mind’ for anti-Israel tweet

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weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Pretty much. Well not really they should tell the world to go fuck themselves and then proceeded to eradicate every terrorist they can find.
If all they did was go after terrorists, that’d be one thing. If they just start booting everyone who isn’t Jewish, that’s a whole different thing.
Thanks for the laugh. Israel doesn’t target civilians. They use soldiers in instances when they should be bombing terrorists. The terrorists use women children as human shields for propaganda purposes. That’s how sick they are. Everyone knows that. How do you not?
I think you’re overlooking a huge part of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, which is Israel annexing land for settlements and displacing the Palestinians who live there.
They are evicting people who have lived in the same house for decades. Apparently, the force behind this are extreme Israeli settlers. Many are like the loons on here and from the US.
The standard answer from the right that I’ve gotten when this is brought up is a shrug of the shoulders and basically saying “oh well, that’s what happens when you win a war”. Except no, that’s not what happens. This is slow motion ethnic cleansing.
Being moved is NOT ethnic cleansing. Holly shit, what kind of stretch is that?

In the first place, there is no ethnicity titled "Palestinian". They are simply Arabs with a shit view of the world.

In the second place, I don't give a fuck if they are being moved. They should be force-marched, en masse, back to Jordan or at the very least, Syria. A more worthless human than a Palestinian can only be found in the Democrat party.
What you’ve described is precisely ethnic cleansing.
No, it is not. Ethnic cleansing is the KILLING of a specific ethnicity.

The last time I looked, there are over 1 billion Arabs on this planet.
It could be killing them or it could be forcibly expelling them from a particular area. Look it up.

Check out the map of the Middle East.
Jews turned a desert into a paradise in 70 years.
The Arabs are still shitting in holes in the ground.
Without oil money.
Israel is exactly justified in this....Don't want to be attacked, then don't poke the bear.
You think the Israeli’s are blameless here?
more like stupid-------they should have EMULATED AL NABI------and annihilated all
the ENEMIES from their holy city--------there is no reason for a muzzie to defile
the steps of the Damascus gate with his unclean ass
And when you’ve gotten to the point of justifying ethnic cleansing, you can’t pretend that you’re blameless.

What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?

The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal

That is very uninformed.
No one ever attacked the Jews in Israel.
The 1948 war happened when Zionists started massacring Arab villages like Dier Yassin.
Hebrew are a type of Arab, and Moslems consider Judaism and Christianity valid religions very similar to Islam because they all share the same Old Testament.

If Moslem attacked Jews, then all the Mideast Jews would have been dead over a 1000 years ago, since Moslems have ruled the Mideast for 1500 years.

Hamas has never attacked anyone, and they only fire rockets when necessary, in order to stop genocide by Israel.
Like the current illegal property confiscations.
weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
Yeah honestly dude you’re wired to stand up for the bad guys. You do so on every occasion. You accuse Israelis of targeting civilians. Same way you accuse police in our country killing innocent black when they’re put in a position to choose their life or a thug’s life. You’re fucked in the head.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
It's all basic Marxism. The Jews are the oppressor and the folks in Palestine are oppressed, regardless of facts.
weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
Yeah honestly dude you’re wired to stand up for the bad guys. You do so on every occasion. You accuse Israelis of targeting civilians. Same way you accuse police in our country killing innocent black when they’re put in a position to choose their life or a thug’s life. You’re fucked in the head.
Sorry I’ve matured past the point of considering it good guys vs bad guys.

The world doesn’t actually work that way.
It's all basic Marxism. The Jews are the oppressor and the folks in Palestine are oppressed, regardless of facts.
It’s not a question of whether Palestine is oppressed. Everyone knows they’re oppressed. It’s a question of whether it’s justified.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Pretty much. Well not really they should tell the world to go fuck themselves and then proceeded to eradicate every terrorist they can find.
If all they did was go after terrorists, that’d be one thing. If they just start booting everyone who isn’t Jewish, that’s a whole different thing.
Thanks for the laugh. Israel doesn’t target civilians. They use soldiers in instances when they should be bombing terrorists. The terrorists use women children as human shields for propaganda purposes. That’s how sick they are. Everyone knows that. How do you not?
I think you’re overlooking a huge part of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, which is Israel annexing land for settlements and displacing the Palestinians who live there.
They are evicting people who have lived in the same house for decades. Apparently, the force behind this are extreme Israeli settlers. Many are like the loons on here and from the US.
The standard answer from the right that I’ve gotten when this is brought up is a shrug of the shoulders and basically saying “oh well, that’s what happens when you win a war”. Except no, that’s not what happens. This is slow motion ethnic cleansing.
Being moved is NOT ethnic cleansing. Holly shit, what kind of stretch is that?

In the first place, there is no ethnicity titled "Palestinian". They are simply Arabs with a shit view of the world.

In the second place, I don't give a fuck if they are being moved. They should be force-marched, en masse, back to Jordan or at the very least, Syria. A more worthless human than a Palestinian can only be found in the Democrat party.
What you’ve described is precisely ethnic cleansing.
No, it is not. Ethnic cleansing is the KILLING of a specific ethnicity.

The last time I looked, there are over 1 billion Arabs on this planet.
It could be killing them or it could be forcibly expelling them from a particular area. Look it up.

Check out the map of the Middle East.
Jews turned a desert into a paradise in 70 years.
The Arabs are still shitting in holes in the ground.

The oranges of Jaffa were famous in the World's fair of 1870.
There were essentially no Jews there then.
Located at the crossroads between Africa, western Asia, and Europe, Palestine produced a number of commodities for export via imperial and global distribution networks throughout the late Turkish period (1200–1900 CE). Among these were Nabulsi soap, sugar, barley, oranges, and cotton. Though cotton left its mark throughout the region, the only commodity that remains a symbol of production in Palestine is the 'Jaffa' orange.

The 'Jaffa' orange was a new variety developed by Arab farmers after emerging in the mid-19th century as a mutation on a tree of the 'Baladi' variety near the city of Jaffa.[1][2] While the sour orange (C. aurantium) was brought westward from China and India by local traders, who may have introduced it to Sicily and Spain, the 'Jaffa' orange was developed from the sweet orange (C. sinensis) which was brought from China to the Mediterranean region by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in 1498.[2]

After the Crimean War (1853–56), the most important innovation in local agriculture was the rapid expansion of citrus cultivation.[4] Foremost among the varieties cultivated was the Jaffa (Shamouti) orange, and mention of it being exported to Europe first appears in British consular reports in the 1850s.[1][4] One factor cited in the growth of the export market was the development of steamships in the first half of the 19th century, which enabled the export of oranges to the European markets in days rather than weeks.[6] Another reason cited for the growth of the industry was the relative lack of European control over the cultivation of oranges compared to cotton, formerly a primary commodity crop of Palestine, but outpaced by the Jaffa orange.[7]

Jaffa Orange brand from Sarona
Exports grew from 200,000 oranges in 1845 to 38 million oranges by 1870.[6] The citrus plantations of this time were primarily owned by wealthy Palestinian merchants and notables, rather than small farmers, as the fruits required large capital investments with no yield for several years.[4][8] Fruits carrying the "Jaffa orange" label were first marketed by Sarona, a German Templer colony established in 1871.[citation needed] An 1872 account of Jaffa by a European traveller notes that, "Surrounding Jaffa are the orange gardens for which it is justly extolled, and which are a considerable source of wealth to the owners. The annual value of fruits grown in Jaffa was said to be 10,000 pounds."[8] In the 1880s, an American grower, H.S. Sanford, tried to cultivate the 'Jaffa' orange in Florida.[9]

Crates of Jaffa oranges being ferried to a waiting freighter for export, circa 1930
The prosperity of the orange industry brought increased European interest and involvement in the development of 'Jaffa'. In 1902, a study of the growth of the orange industry by Zionist officials outlined the different Palestinian owners and their primary export markets as England, Turkey, Egypt and Austria-Hungary. While the traditional Arabic cultivation methods were considered "primitive," an in-depth study of the financial expenditure involved reveals that they were ultimately more cost-efficient than the Zionist-European enterprises that followed them some two decades later.[8]

All the Zionist did was steal the Arab farms and homes.
Omar said that the USA will not be a country for white people, then she dumped her Somali hubby for a White man. It is all fake crap to gain political power.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
It's all basic Marxism. The Jews are the oppressor and the folks in Palestine are oppressed, regardless of facts.
That’s what it’s about. Palestinian leadership are open about calling for genocide and they’re somehow not the bad guys?
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Again, I’m not saying anyone is to blame. I’m saying that Israel isn’t entirely blameless.

Sorry if that’s too complicated for you, but it’s true.

Let’s say you’re totally right for the sake of argument. Does that mean it’s okay for Israel to force Palestinians off their land to make room for Israeli settlers? No.
Pretty much. Well not really they should tell the world to go fuck themselves and then proceeded to eradicate every terrorist they can find.
If all they did was go after terrorists, that’d be one thing. If they just start booting everyone who isn’t Jewish, that’s a whole different thing.
Thanks for the laugh. Israel doesn’t target civilians. They use soldiers in instances when they should be bombing terrorists. The terrorists use women children as human shields for propaganda purposes. That’s how sick they are. Everyone knows that. How do you not?
I think you’re overlooking a huge part of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, which is Israel annexing land for settlements and displacing the Palestinians who live there.
They are evicting people who have lived in the same house for decades. Apparently, the force behind this are extreme Israeli settlers. Many are like the loons on here and from the US.
The standard answer from the right that I’ve gotten when this is brought up is a shrug of the shoulders and basically saying “oh well, that’s what happens when you win a war”. Except no, that’s not what happens. This is slow motion ethnic cleansing.
Being moved is NOT ethnic cleansing. Holly shit, what kind of stretch is that?

In the first place, there is no ethnicity titled "Palestinian". They are simply Arabs with a shit view of the world.

In the second place, I don't give a fuck if they are being moved. They should be force-marched, en masse, back to Jordan or at the very least, Syria. A more worthless human than a Palestinian can only be found in the Democrat party.
What you’ve described is precisely ethnic cleansing.
No, it is not. Ethnic cleansing is the KILLING of a specific ethnicity.

The last time I looked, there are over 1 billion Arabs on this planet.
It could be killing them or it could be forcibly expelling them from a particular area. Look it up.

Check out the map of the Middle East.
Jews turned a desert into a paradise in 70 years.
The Arabs are still shitting in holes in the ground.

The oranges of Jaffa were famous in the World's fair of 1870.
There were essentially no Jews there then.
Located at the crossroads between Africa, western Asia, and Europe, Palestine produced a number of commodities for export via imperial and global distribution networks throughout the late Turkish period (1200–1900 CE). Among these were Nabulsi soap, sugar, barley, oranges, and cotton. Though cotton left its mark throughout the region, the only commodity that remains a symbol of production in Palestine is the 'Jaffa' orange.

The 'Jaffa' orange was a new variety developed by Arab farmers after emerging in the mid-19th century as a mutation on a tree of the 'Baladi' variety near the city of Jaffa.[1][2] While the sour orange (C. aurantium) was brought westward from China and India by local traders, who may have introduced it to Sicily and Spain, the 'Jaffa' orange was developed from the sweet orange (C. sinensis) which was brought from China to the Mediterranean region by Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama in 1498.[2]

After the Crimean War (1853–56), the most important innovation in local agriculture was the rapid expansion of citrus cultivation.[4] Foremost among the varieties cultivated was the Jaffa (Shamouti) orange, and mention of it being exported to Europe first appears in British consular reports in the 1850s.[1][4] One factor cited in the growth of the export market was the development of steamships in the first half of the 19th century, which enabled the export of oranges to the European markets in days rather than weeks.[6] Another reason cited for the growth of the industry was the relative lack of European control over the cultivation of oranges compared to cotton, formerly a primary commodity crop of Palestine, but outpaced by the Jaffa orange.[7]

Jaffa Orange brand from Sarona
Exports grew from 200,000 oranges in 1845 to 38 million oranges by 1870.[6] The citrus plantations of this time were primarily owned by wealthy Palestinian merchants and notables, rather than small farmers, as the fruits required large capital investments with no yield for several years.[4][8] Fruits carrying the "Jaffa orange" label were first marketed by Sarona, a German Templer colony established in 1871.[citation needed] An 1872 account of Jaffa by a European traveller notes that, "Surrounding Jaffa are the orange gardens for which it is justly extolled, and which are a considerable source of wealth to the owners. The annual value of fruits grown in Jaffa was said to be 10,000 pounds."[8] In the 1880s, an American grower, H.S. Sanford, tried to cultivate the 'Jaffa' orange in Florida.[9]

Crates of Jaffa oranges being ferried to a waiting freighter for export, circa 1930
The prosperity of the orange industry brought increased European interest and involvement in the development of 'Jaffa'. In 1902, a study of the growth of the orange industry by Zionist officials outlined the different Palestinian owners and their primary export markets as England, Turkey, Egypt and Austria-Hungary. While the traditional Arabic cultivation methods were considered "primitive," an in-depth study of the financial expenditure involved reveals that they were ultimately more cost-efficient than the Zionist-European enterprises that followed them some two decades later.[8]

All the Zionist did was steal the Arab farms and homes.
All the Zionist did was steal the Arab farms and homes.

Rather than expose yourself as an ideological moron, support your claim with a Link to a non-Arab web site.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Again, I’m not saying anyone is to blame. I’m saying that Israel isn’t entirely blameless.

Sorry if that’s too complicated for you, but it’s true.

Let’s say you’re totally right for the sake of argument. Does that mean it’s okay for Israel to force Palestinians off their land to make room for Israeli settlers? No.
I guess you forgot about all the Arab homes that were bomb factories.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Again, I’m not saying anyone is to blame. I’m saying that Israel isn’t entirely blameless.

Sorry if that’s too complicated for you, but it’s true.

Let’s say you’re totally right for the sake of argument. Does that mean it’s okay for Israel to force Palestinians off their land to make room for Israeli settlers? No.

Depends on the particulars. These things aren’t so black and white right? Just like everything else right?
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.

Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, etc., NEVER called for genocide.
That is just a lie.
Even the claim Ahmadinejad of Iran called for genocide against Israel, was a lie.
APRIL 19, 2012

Now They Tell Us: Iran Didn’t Actually Threaten to Wipe Israel Off the Map​


Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor acknowledged on Al Jazeera English (4/14/12) that Iranian leaders have never called for Israel to be “wiped” off the map.
Meridor agreed with interviewer Teymoor Nabili’s suggestion that the supposed remarks were never actually made; Iranian leaders, Meridor said,
come basically ideologically, religiously, with the statement that Israel is an unnatural creature, it will not survive. They didn’t say “we’ll wipe it out,” you are right, but [that] it will not survive, it is a cancerous tumor, it should be removed.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Again, I’m not saying anyone is to blame. I’m saying that Israel isn’t entirely blameless.

Sorry if that’s too complicated for you, but it’s true.

Let’s say you’re totally right for the sake of argument. Does that mean it’s okay for Israel to force Palestinians off their land to make room for Israeli settlers? No.
I guess you forgot about all the Arab homes that were bomb factories.

What bombs?
The main bombings were by Zionists, like blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946, murdering the whole British headquarters.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Again, I’m not saying anyone is to blame. I’m saying that Israel isn’t entirely blameless.

Sorry if that’s too complicated for you, but it’s true.

Let’s say you’re totally right for the sake of argument. Does that mean it’s okay for Israel to force Palestinians off their land to make room for Israeli settlers? No.
I guess you forgot about all the Arab homes that were bomb factories.

What bombs?
The main bombings were by Zionists, like blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946, murdering the whole British headquarters.
One bomb with a warning to leave the hotel.
Arabs don't give warnings; they murder.
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