Sen. Marco Rubio says Rep. Ilhan Omar ‘out of her mind’ for anti-Israel tweet

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Rep. Ilhan Omar (D. Muslim Terrorist-Minn.) is “out of her mind” for accusing Israel of committing “an act of terrorism” by carrying out airstrikes against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Wednesday.

The airstrikes came after Hamas and other Islamic terror groups launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, targeting cities including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

“Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism. Palestinians deserve protection. Unlike Israel, missile defense programs, such as Iron Dome, don’t exist to protect Palestinian civilians. It’s unconscionable to not condemn these attacks on the week of Eid,” Omar tweeted Monday .

“This is a plan, OK? They do this knowing there’s going to be a response, knowing that innocents are going to be killed and civilians are going to be killed. They know it’s going to happen, and they deliberately want it to happen so they can get tweets like that and people around the world to take up their cause.”

On Wednesday, Israeli forces killed as many as 10 senior Hamas military figures and toppled a pair of high-rise towers housing Hamas facilities. Those offensives followed a night of rioting in the city of Lod, approximately 10 miles southeast of Tel Aviv, in which several vehicles and at least one synagogue were set ablaze.

“Islamic Jihad and Hamas, they have no problem putting the operation sites, the missile site, right next to a nursery or a hospital, or a residential building” Rubio said. “And so, at the end, yeah, I don’t care what happened on the ground in Jerusalem. The response cannot be 1,000 rockets fired into civilian areas.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reason and intellect isn’t a muslim thug thing....but lying is!
You are an idiot. Baby killing bastards shouldnt be glorified.
yet here you are defending the PLO
You are fucking insane. Palestine needs some decent bombs so they can fight back. The US will never allow that. The whole world should hang its head in shame.
They need to be driven to the sea.
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Well if you won’t say it I will. Palestinians don’t want peace they want dead Jews. This is the problem. Not anything else.
It’s stupid to claim “Palestinians” want anything specific. I’m sure a lot of them do want dead Jews. I also doubt you’d have a hard time finding Jews who feel the same about Palestinians.

Acting like one side (either side) is blameless is a huge problem.
Again you’re fucked in the head. You have weird oppressed oppressor thing that you have to adhere to.

One side openly calls for genocide. Suicide bombers are glorified and their families taken care of by Palestinian leadership. And you point the finger at big bad Israel, and when it’s hard to do you settle for a moral equivalence.
Again, I’m not saying anyone is to blame. I’m saying that Israel isn’t entirely blameless.

Sorry if that’s too complicated for you, but it’s true.

Let’s say you’re totally right for the sake of argument. Does that mean it’s okay for Israel to force Palestinians off their land to make room for Israeli settlers? No.

Depends on the particulars. These things aren’t so black and white right? Just like everything else right?

Actually it is pretty black and white.
The Zionist lied in order to emigrate to Palestine, smuggled in lots of weapons, and then started murdering people and stealing their homes and farms.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.
Ilhan should have loved Palestinians were being that Joe undid Trump's success in the middle east they are dying again...
R U happy dems????
The Palestinian leadership, which includes Hamas, are genocidal maniacs. And this idiot put the blame on Israel. Unreal
I didn’t put “the blame” on anyone. Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.
Never once did I say Palestinians and Hamas are blameless.


But the blame should be put on the Zionists who got the UN to give them 55% of Palestine even though they had no legal claim at all, and were only about 30% of the population.
The only way to not blame the Zionists is to blame the UN, since Israel should never have been created by the UN, on Palestinian land.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.
How do you know the land was owned by the Canaanites?
weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
Yeah honestly dude you’re wired to stand up for the bad guys. You do so on every occasion. You accuse Israelis of targeting civilians. Same way you accuse police in our country killing innocent black when they’re put in a position to choose their life or a thug’s life. You’re fucked in the head.

Every thing was fine until the Zionists started emigrating to Palestine in the mid 1930s.
And it is obvious they are the bad guys, murdering the British high command in Palestine.
The goal of the Zionists has always been to murder the Palestinians in order to steal their land.
What motive would the Palestinians have for violence, except self defense?
weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
Yeah honestly dude you’re wired to stand up for the bad guys. You do so on every occasion. You accuse Israelis of targeting civilians. Same way you accuse police in our country killing innocent black when they’re put in a position to choose their life or a thug’s life. You’re fucked in the head.

Every thing was fine until the Zionists started emigrating to Palestine in the mid 1930s.
And it is obvious they are the bad guys, murdering the British high command in Palestine.
The goal of the Zionists has always been to murder the Palestinians in order to steal their land.
What motive would the Palestinians have for violence, except self defense?
I think you have something there!
Iran and Iraq would be living in peace if not for the Jews!
Syria wouldn't have invaded Lebanon!
Libya would never have had a dictator!

How stupid are you?
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D. Muslim Terrorist-Minn.) is “out of her mind” for accusing Israel of committing “an act of terrorism” by carrying out airstrikes against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Wednesday.

The airstrikes came after Hamas and other Islamic terror groups launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, targeting cities including Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

“Israeli air strikes killing civilians in Gaza is an act of terrorism. Palestinians deserve protection. Unlike Israel, missile defense programs, such as Iron Dome, don’t exist to protect Palestinian civilians. It’s unconscionable to not condemn these attacks on the week of Eid,” Omar tweeted Monday .

“This is a plan, OK? They do this knowing there’s going to be a response, knowing that innocents are going to be killed and civilians are going to be killed. They know it’s going to happen, and they deliberately want it to happen so they can get tweets like that and people around the world to take up their cause.”

On Wednesday, Israeli forces killed as many as 10 senior Hamas military figures and toppled a pair of high-rise towers housing Hamas facilities. Those offensives followed a night of rioting in the city of Lod, approximately 10 miles southeast of Tel Aviv, in which several vehicles and at least one synagogue were set ablaze.

“Islamic Jihad and Hamas, they have no problem putting the operation sites, the missile site, right next to a nursery or a hospital, or a residential building” Rubio said. “And so, at the end, yeah, I don’t care what happened on the ground in Jerusalem. The response cannot be 1,000 rockets fired into civilian areas.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reason and intellect isn’t a muslim thug thing....but lying is!
You are an idiot. Baby killing bastards shouldnt be glorified.
yet here you are defending the PLO
You are fucking insane. Palestine needs some decent bombs so they can fight back. The US will never allow that. The whole world should hang its head in shame.
So your solution is more dead Israelis. Got it. Sounds kind of familiar.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.
How do you know the land was owned by the Canaanites?

There was no one there before the Canaanites.
We know the archeological record for the area.
The Canaanites go back to 6000 BC in Jericho.
The Hebrew tribes likely lived in the Sinai until a bad drought around 1800 BC, when they went to Egypt.
So Hebrew have no claim at all to any of Palestine except that is where King David reached the peak of Hebrew power.
But that only lasted for a few hundred years.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.

You stupid fuck, the maps have been rewritten numerous times since then. Also both have the same lineage.

What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.
How do you know the land was owned by the Canaanites?

There was no one there before the Canaanites.
We know the archeological record for the area.
The Canaanites go back to 6000 BC in Jericho.
The Hebrew tribes likely lived in the Sinai until a bad drought around 1800 BC, when they went to Egypt.
So Hebrew have no claim at all to any of Palestine except that is where King David reached the peak of Hebrew power.
But that only lasted for a few hundred years.
The Shemites were kicked out by the Canaanites.

We know the archeological record for the area.
Many conquerers were in the habit of eliminating the presence of the conquered.

Did you know the Temple is covered by about 19 stories of garbage?
weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
Yeah honestly dude you’re wired to stand up for the bad guys. You do so on every occasion. You accuse Israelis of targeting civilians. Same way you accuse police in our country killing innocent black when they’re put in a position to choose their life or a thug’s life. You’re fucked in the head.

Every thing was fine until the Zionists started emigrating to Palestine in the mid 1930s.
And it is obvious they are the bad guys, murdering the British high command in Palestine.
The goal of the Zionists has always been to murder the Palestinians in order to steal their land.
What motive would the Palestinians have for violence, except self defense?
I think you have something there!
Iran and Iraq would be living in peace if not for the Jews!
Syria wouldn't have invaded Lebanon!
Libya would never have had a dictator!

How stupid are you?

The US encouraged the war between Iraq and Iran, to get back at the Iranians.
Syria only invaded Lebanon because Israel has armed the Maronites and encouraged them to massacre villages.
Libya picked Qaddafi, and he was what they wanted in a leader.
Leadership of the Berbers is decided by tribal elders.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.
How do you know the land was owned by the Canaanites?

There was no one there before the Canaanites.
We know the archeological record for the area.
The Canaanites go back to 6000 BC in Jericho.
The Hebrew tribes likely lived in the Sinai until a bad drought around 1800 BC, when they went to Egypt.
So Hebrew have no claim at all to any of Palestine except that is where King David reached the peak of Hebrew power.
But that only lasted for a few hundred years.
We know the archeological record for the area.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.

You stupid fuck, the maps have been rewritten numerous times since then. Also both have the same lineage.


Sure the Hebrew also are a type of Arab, but with a distinct culture that did not belong in the Land of Canaan.
There was not a single trace of any Hebrew burials, construction, etc., until after their invasion around 1000 BC.
And they built almost nothing.
For example, the Wailing Wall is actually the foundation of a Canaanite Temple of Baal.
Jews have zero historical claim to anything in the area.
weak answer huh? Before the creation of Israel when did any Palestinian (we’ll not even bring up the fact there was no such thing as a Palestinian at that time) living on that land have a legal right to that land?
The Palestinians living in the land in question today didn’t have legal right to the land before the creation of Israel. They had legal rights to other land in Israel that was taken from them.

They were resettled in the land in the 50s and lived there ever since.
So we’re talking current events, how many Arabs were evicted causing this recent strife?
A handful. I think it’s on the order of a few dozen, maybe a hundred. I read it earlier, but I forgot the exact number.
Some ethnic cleansing going on the eh?
Slow motion. Little by little. Block by block. It’s been going on for 50 years.
Yeah honestly dude you’re wired to stand up for the bad guys. You do so on every occasion. You accuse Israelis of targeting civilians. Same way you accuse police in our country killing innocent black when they’re put in a position to choose their life or a thug’s life. You’re fucked in the head.

Every thing was fine until the Zionists started emigrating to Palestine in the mid 1930s.
And it is obvious they are the bad guys, murdering the British high command in Palestine.
The goal of the Zionists has always been to murder the Palestinians in order to steal their land.
What motive would the Palestinians have for violence, except self defense?
I think you have something there!
Iran and Iraq would be living in peace if not for the Jews!
Syria wouldn't have invaded Lebanon!
Libya would never have had a dictator!

How stupid are you?

The US encouraged the war between Iraq and Iran, to get back at the Iranians.
Syria only invaded Lebanon because Israel has armed the Maronites and encouraged them to massacre villages.
Libya picked Qaddafi, and he was what they wanted in a leader.
Leadership of the Berbers is decided by tribal elders.
Tell us why Arafat sent billions intended for the West Bank Jordanians to his wife in France.
Tell us why Hamas destroyed the infrastructure of Gaza in 2008 when Israel turned it over to them.
Tell us why Hamas spent years and billions building tunnels rather than make Eastern Gaza beautiful like Western Gaza.

Your stupidity knows no bounds.
What have Hamas and the PLO been trying to do for decades? Or is it only ethnic cleansing when Israel supposedly does it?
It’s ethnic cleansing anytime anyone does it. Is it wrong for Palestinians to remain on their land?

Is it their land?


The Jews officially left Palestine around 70 AD with the Roman Diaspora decree.
Those that hung around were killed by the Christian Crusaders.
By 1800 a few returned, but less than 5% of the population.
And it was never the Land of the Hebrew, it was the Land of Canaan, owned by the Canaanites mostly.
The Hebrew were temporary invaders who could long hold onto the land or the native peoples.
It always belonged to the Palestinians, and the Jews were never native.

You stupid fuck, the maps have been rewritten numerous times since then. Also both have the same lineage.


Sure the Hebrew also are a type of Arab, but with a distinct culture that did not belong in the Land of Canaan.
There was not a single trace of any Hebrew burials, construction, etc., until after their invasion around 1000 BC.
And they built almost nothing.
For example, the Wailing Wall is actually the foundation of a Canaanite Temple of Baal.
Jews have zero historical claim to anything in the area.

Sure they do, you just admitted it.

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