Sen Markey(D)-MA) slams oil industry talking heads in re: Keystone XL

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
He is a scholar and a patriot. He also pounded the Chamber's shill.....errr..... spokesperson. He basically said that serving as a middle man & bearing most of the environmental impact for something that is ultimately destined for export is un-American.....errr..... Republican.

"Keystone XL is the capstone of the oil industry's plan to export North American energy to China and other markets," Markey said in a statement. "We can't allow our climate to be harmed by this dirty oil, and then be expected to add the insult of exporting that oil abroad to benefit other economies."

The other bill, which Markey introduced with Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), would require companies importing oil-sands crude to pay into a trust fund for oil spills. Markey introduced similar legislation when he served in the House.

Read more: Markey wants Keystone oil to stay in US | TheHill
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What's absolutely amazing is this statement by such an ignorant fool.

"We can't allow our climate to be harmed by this dirty oil.

Bloody idiot is obviously unaware that we are your largest supplier of crude. And have been for ages.
Cripes. The level of sheer ignorance is astounding.

Maybe someone should let him know that you already have Keystone I and Keystone II so he doesn't come off as such a dolt next time he shoots off his mouth.
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hey tinyd. You know that BC & the indian nation there have refused a Western route for that cancerous pipeline? :eusa_whistle: Thats people in your own country. :shock:
hey tinyd. You know that BC & the indian nation there have refused a Western route for that cancerous pipeline? :eusa_whistle: Thats people in your own country. :shock:

Bullshit it's still up for negotiations. :) And only a few First Nation bands are disagreeing with the route.

Exact # only 130.
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What's absolutely amazing is this statement by such an ignorant fool.

"We can't allow our climate to be harmed by this dirty oil.

Bloody idiot is obviously unaware that we are your largest supplier of crude. And have been for ages.
Cripes. The level of sheer ignorance is astounding.

Maybe someone should let him know that you already have Keystone I and Keystone II so he doesn't come off as such a dolt next time he shoots off his mouth.

Maybe someone should let him know the "dirty oil" will be produced, sold, bought and burnt as long as there is no economic substitue.

Perhaps the Senator would like to begin saving the planet by raising taxes on all fuel oil burnt in MA?

What a moron.
Markey should review the State department's comments on the Alberta Clipper pipeline.

You should too, Dottie.

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What's absolutely amazing is this statement by such an ignorant fool.

"We can't allow our climate to be harmed by this dirty oil.

Bloody idiot is obviously unaware that we are your largest supplier of crude. And have been for ages.
Cripes. The level of sheer ignorance is astounding.

Maybe someone should let him know that you already have Keystone I and Keystone II so he doesn't come off as such a dolt next time he shoots off his mouth.

Maybe someone should let him know the "dirty oil" will be produced, sold, bought and burnt as long as there is no economic substitue.

Perhaps the Senator would like to begin saving the planet by raising taxes on all fuel oil burnt in MA?

What a moron.

You just proved that you DIDN'T listen to the Foreign Relations committee hearing w/ that comment :thup: Why do Rightists always dive in head first, w/ their ideological blinders on, & end up looking the fool :dunno:
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What's absolutely amazing is this statement by such an ignorant fool.

"We can't allow our climate to be harmed by this dirty oil.

Bloody idiot is obviously unaware that we are your largest supplier of crude. And have been for ages.
Cripes. The level of sheer ignorance is astounding.

Maybe someone should let him know that you already have Keystone I and Keystone II so he doesn't come off as such a dolt next time he shoots off his mouth.

Maybe someone should let him know the "dirty oil" will be produced, sold, bought and burnt as long as there is no economic substitue.

Perhaps the Senator would like to begin saving the planet by raising taxes on all fuel oil burnt in MA?

What a moron.

You just proved that yo DIDN'T listen to the Foreign Relations committee hearing w/ that comment :thup:

Perhaps you have a relevant point..

Probably not.
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if they have a brain cell in their noggins, they'll oppose it.

"As tar sands oil flows to our gulf coast refineries it will increase toxic pollution that already plagues communities like Port Arthur Texas, which is near many refineries that will process tar sands," Boxer said.

Read more: Boxer warns Keystone will cause cancer | TheHill
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How stupid are your freaking politicians? Wait, don't answer. :lol: Dumb as a box of rocks.

You already have tar sands oil flowing for years into your country. California is shipping in thousands of barrels a day by rail.
First Nations oppose it tinyd. YOUR PEOPLE!!! :redface:

Pipe Up Against Enbridge | British Columbia communities and First Nations stopping the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline
The Yinka Dene Alliance of First Nations is committed to using all lawful means to stop this devastating project from ever being built through our territories, and has joined with other First Nations to create a powerful and unbroken wall of opposition. They are asking you to stand with them to Hold the Wall: Hold the Wall.

Some one please let these idiots know they've been using tar sands oil for ages. Damn they shoot off their mouths without having a clue.

First Nations oppose it going through their land. Why should the US let it go through theirs?
First Nations oppose it tinyd. YOUR PEOPLE!!! :redface:

Pipe Up Against Enbridge | British Columbia communities and First Nations stopping the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline
The Yinka Dene Alliance of First Nations is committed to using all lawful means to stop this devastating project from ever being built through our territories, and has joined with other First Nations to create a powerful and unbroken wall of opposition. They are asking you to stand with them to Hold the Wall: Hold the Wall.


Some bands have been paid to protest this pipeline. Standard bullshit. They get $$$$ from the Tides Foundation and the Suzuki Foundation among others.

Tides btw is under investigation for receiving monies from powerful sources in the US like Soros.
Oh and one more thing before I sign off. There are only 40 bands along the pipeline route.

The 130 bands protesting well 90 are bullshit aren't they now? And something else the anti pipeline liars in the media don't tell you.

Some have recognized that, and 15 of 18 aboriginal groups in Alberta and 11 of 22 in British Columbia have signed on.

The financial benefits are considerable. Considering there is really no other economic development available.

Enbridge will also be open-minded about benefits — even though it feels the $1-billion in long-term benefits, including 10% equity participation in the project, community investment and procurement opportunities offered to 40 First Nations along the pipeline route is already generous.

Enbridge reaches out to ?build trust? with First Nations after Northern Gateway pipeline endorsement | Financial Post
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First Nations oppose it tinyd. YOUR PEOPLE!!! :redface:

Pipe Up Against Enbridge | British Columbia communities and First Nations stopping the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline
The Yinka Dene Alliance of First Nations is committed to using all lawful means to stop this devastating project from ever being built through our territories, and has joined with other First Nations to create a powerful and unbroken wall of opposition. They are asking you to stand with them to Hold the Wall: Hold the Wall.


Some bands have been paid to protest this pipeline. Standard bullshit. They get $$$$ from the Tides Foundation and the Suzuki Foundation among others.

Tides btw is under investigation for receiving monies from powerful sources in the US like Soros.


You're making assumptions and everyone knows what happens to someone who makes unsubstantiated assumptions during a debate lol, THEY LOSE!!! Better luck next time :-(

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