Sen Murkowski calls on trump to resign

Rats bending the knee to appease their new Communists masters.

They know that the Democrats have learned how to steal elections so if they don't toe the Party line they will be next.
My worry is that we're going to have to listen to them cry and bellyache about Trump for the next 4 years.

They blames all of Obama's massive failures on Bush so now you are going to hear the butt pirates blame all their failures on Trump.

That is how the assholes roll.

Useful Idiots will parrot the party line. Trump and yoose blamed it all on Obama right?
The economy, we blamed on Trump. Obama was blaming it on himself.
I'm confused

More Senators will follow her. If we only had a few more with guts....
Murkowski is and will always be a coward. There is not 1 valid reason for him to resign. He is leaving office in 2 weeks.
He can do an amazing amount of damage in 2 days

He needs to be out. NOW

Yes, I am very afraid that he has not finished punishing America. He and his fellow criminals will try to destroy any hope that Biden and Harris are successful. Remember, trump does not care about the country. It is all about him and his criminal family,

I think if enough Senators do the same, and the House passes Articles of Impeachment to the Senate...he will have no choice to resign or be removed. trump needs to be humiliated for the damage he has done to this country.

He has well established himself as the worst president to ever sit in the office. I was thinking Andrew Jackson on Nixon, but Wednesday made trump the winner of the contest.....he loves contest, you know?
Suck it up, he's here for a few more days. The rest of your tripe is just that....tripe

Yes, let's look at the Trump Legacy, shall we.

Only one of three presidents to be impeached.
Only one of five to not win the popular vote.
Only one of ten to be voted out of office
367,000 dead from Covid
22 million sick
10 million jobs lost
First president since Hoover to preside over a net job loss.
Most associates to be convicted.


Incited a failed coup as one of his last acts in office.

Are you really proud of this?
Well, just how you gonna do that, Tiger?
It could be expedited in about four days...weekends included

And it needs to happen before he does more damage
Talk is cheap....just how are they going to do it.
Politicians aren't going to do anything except wait it out.
Talk really is cheap, they just like keeping their tribe in a froth, it's working beautifully
Lease-A was rejected by Alaskan Republicans. She ran as a write-in "independent" funded by The Democrat Party. But that was after a first partial term which was gifted to her by her daddy when he resigned the U.S. Senate to become temporary governor of the state.

She often proclaims herself to be "Republican" but cannot really escape the stain and she's working hard every day to worship the blood-stained hands that feed her. Please don't call her a "RINO". She'a a Closetcrat....hereditary one at that.

"Why buy a Senator when you can LEASE a Murkowski?"

But she won and trump LOST......SO?
Suck it up, he's here for a few more days. The rest of your tripe is just that....tripe

Yes, let's look at the Trump Legacy, shall we.

Only one of three presidents to be impeached.
Only one of five to not win the popular vote.
Only one of ten to be voted out of office
367,000 dead from Covid
22 million sick
10 million jobs lost
First president since Hoover to preside over a net job loss.
Most associates to be convicted.


Incited a failed coup as one of his last acts in office.

Are you really proud of this?
Context is everything. You lack it
Rats bending the knee to appease their new Communists masters.

They know that the Democrats have learned how to steal elections so if they don't toe the Party line they will be next.
My worry is that we're going to have to listen to them cry and bellyache about Trump for the next 4 years.

They blames all of Obama's massive failures on Bush so now you are going to hear the butt pirates blame all their failures on Trump.

That is how the assholes roll.

Useful Idiots will parrot the party line. Trump and yoose blamed it all on Obama right?
The economy, we blamed on Trump. Obama was blaming it on himself.
I'm confused
Trump owns the economy of his four years, like every other president even though there are many more factors involve than presidential policies. Presidents get both credit and blame regardless. But I listened to four years of Obama being blamed.
Yes, let's look at the Trump Legacy, shall we.

Only one of three presidents to be impeached.
Only one of five to not win the popular vote.
Only one of ten to be voted out of office
367,000 dead from Covid
22 million sick
10 million jobs lost
First president since Hoover to preside over a net job loss.
Most associates to be convicted.


Incited a failed coup as one of his last acts in office.

Context is everything. You lack it

What context makes ANY of that look good?
As good as it sounds it will never happen. Trump has been humiliated and he will have his hands full with the law suits that will follow him.
Lisa Murkowski is about to become a lot more powerful. If she becomes an Independent, she may caucus with the Republicans but that's one less Republican for Mitch to become Majority Leader again in 2 years without heavy payoff to Lisa. As an Independent she can abstain.

Also, Alaska now has ranked voting, so she can't be primaried. I think she's going to do it.
Lease-A was rejected by Alaskan Republicans. She ran as a write-in "independent" funded by The Democrat Party. But that was after a first partial term which was gifted to her by her daddy when he resigned the U.S. Senate to become temporary governor of the state.

She often proclaims herself to be "Republican" but cannot really escape the stain and she's working hard every day to worship the blood-stained hands that feed her. Please don't call her a "RINO". She'a a Closetcrat....hereditary one at that.

"Why buy a Senator when you can LEASE a Murkowski?"

But she won and trump LOST......SO?

On your planet Closetcrat Murkowski was running against Trump?

Here on Planet Earth
Daddy's little girl wasn't even up for even SENATE re-election in 2020.
Come 2022 when her term is up (if she hasn't resigned or been removed) she'll have to run again as an independent or come out of the closet and run as a Democrat if she dares to run at all.
With so few days left? Ridiculous
No. Look at the damage he did in one afternoon. Now is not too soon.

AMEN BROTHER! The man has got to go now! Who knows what other plans he has to screw the country. If enough Repub Senators come out, he will have a decision to make. Stick it out and take a chance on the first president to be REMOVED from office or Resign and let Pence pardon him. I think the latter is his best option, but because he is walking, talking ego...I doubt he will.

More Senators will follow her. If we only had a few more with guts....
With so few days left it's not going to happen, and all those calling on Trump to resign know that. They are just politically posturing.
Yup. Absolutely parhetic.
These are our “leaders”.
The Republican Party is at a crossroads. It is entirely possible that the GOP will become two parties in the coming months. The following for trump is still strong, even though it has been reduced to a radical fringe.

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