Sen Paul: Govt spent $118,000 to see if Thanos could really snap his fingers...

Worthwhile study of the dexterity of robotics

A worth while study would be, how far can a Leftist bounce?

Worthwhile study of the dexterity of robotics

Rand Paul really needs to get a life

Is there anything the Communists can do that you won't try to defend them for? While millions invade our country, our exhausted border patrol can't get a dime of help, we spending over 100K to see if a robot can snap his finger, giving 45 billion to a dictator country on top of the tens of billions we already gave them with a vow from Dementia we will be there to the end, nearly 4 million dollars for a Michelle Obama trail, another few million for an LGBTQRSTZ museum, another 2 million for a black people wax museum, you'll make excuses for bringing our country to bankruptcy any chance you get.
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Not satire...

Don’t believe everytbing you hear from Rand Paul. The dude is full of shit… read more than the headline next time….

——from your link———
According to Georgia Tech's School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering website, the research was led by Georgia Tech undergrad Raghav Acharya with help from Elio Challita, a doctoral student, Saad Bhamla, an assistant professor in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Assistant Professor Mark Ilton from the Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California.

Bamla said of his study, "For the past few years, I've been fascinated with how we can snap our fingers."

"It's really an extraordinary physics puzzle right at our fingertips that hasn't been investigated closely," he added. This team at Georgia Tech were fascinated by the relatively well-studiedscience behind the finger friction, energy, and vibration that causes sound produced when a human being snaps their fingers.
Don’t believe everytbing you hear from Rand Paul. The dude is full of shit… read more than the headline next time….

——from your link———
According to Georgia Tech's School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering website, the research was led by Georgia Tech undergrad Raghav Acharya with help from Elio Challita, a doctoral student, Saad Bhamla, an assistant professor in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Assistant Professor Mark Ilton from the Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California.

Bamla said of his study, "For the past few years, I've been fascinated with how we can snap our fingers."

"It's really an extraordinary physics puzzle right at our fingertips that hasn't been investigated closely," he added. This team at Georgia Tech were fascinated by the relatively well-studiedscience behind the finger friction, energy, and vibration that causes sound produced when a human being snaps their fingers.

And with that statement it makes it even more stupid and a bigger waste of money.
Hey you don’t care about science. That’s fine. Maybe if you lost a limb and needed a prosthetic you’d care a little bit more. Maybe not. To each their own

Another one that's going to make excuses for irresponsible spending.

What don't you leftists understand about 31 trillion dollars in debt and growing? Much of which these past few years have been mostly on shit like this and Democrat vote buying.

80 billion for more IRS agents we never wanted, another nearly half-trillion to buy votes from kids by paying some of their college debt. Where does it stop?

And in every single instance, you leftists make excuses for all this wasteful spending. It's un-American and I hope when we do default, you people suffer the most.
Another one that's going to make excuses for irresponsible spending.

What don't you leftists understand about 31 trillion dollars in debt and growing? Much of which these past few years have been mostly on shit like this and Democrat vote buying.

80 billion for more IRS agents we never wanted, another nearly half-trillion to buy votes from kids by paying some of their college debt. Where does it stop?

And in every single instance, you leftists make excuses for all this wasteful spending. It's un-American and I hope when we do default, you people suffer the most.
I’m not making excuses or critiques about a program I know zero about. I saw a statement by a senator that was obviously distorted. It took me all of 30 seconds to find the real story that Mr Paul conveniently left out. The money wasn’t spent to fact check a super hero movie, it actually had a scientific purpose that was geared towards robotics and prosthetics. Why leave that fact out?

Again, I know nothing about this program and how the money was spent. I’m fine with tax funds going towards promoting scientific progress and I’m also fine with audits and accountability. But with this situation neither you nor I know any details. You’re listening to a senator that’s blatantly being dishonest about what’s going and and snapping to judgement under the guise of fiscal responsibility. You have every right to feel however you want to feel about government spending but at the very least you should seek an honest discussion about it and call out the propagandists like Paul. Lying doesn’t help your cause
Another one that's going to make excuses for irresponsible spending.

What don't you leftists understand about 31 trillion dollars in debt and growing? Much of which these past few years have been mostly on shit like this and Democrat vote buying.

80 billion for more IRS agents we never wanted, another nearly half-trillion to buy votes from kids by paying some of their college debt. Where does it stop?

And in every single instance, you leftists make excuses for all this wasteful spending. It's un-American and I hope when we do default, you people suffer the most.
This is the same crew that brought us $10M in spending for gender programs in Pakistan under the US COVID Relief Bill. That’s a wasteful spending item under any legislation but is even worse under a domestic relief program. Democrats and Liberals will still tell us to shut up and pay our fair share for this shit.
I’m not making excuses or critiques about a program I know zero about. I saw a statement by a senator that was obviously distorted. It took me all of 30 seconds to find the real story that Mr Paul conveniently left out. The money wasn’t spent to fact check a super hero movie, it actually had a scientific purpose that was geared towards robotics and prosthetics. Why leave that fact out?

Again, I know nothing about this program and how the money was spent. I’m fine with tax funds going towards promoting scientific progress and I’m also fine with audits and accountability. But with this situation neither you nor I know any details. You’re listening to a senator that’s blatantly being dishonest about what’s going and and snapping to judgement under the guise of fiscal responsibility. You have every right to feel however you want to feel about government spending but at the very least you should seek an honest discussion about it and call out the propagandists like Paul. Lying doesn’t help your cause
It is a typical tactic by Conservatives like Paul

Find an expenditure and misrepresent it’s purpose then mock it as government waste and a justification to vote against the budget

Remember that $600 Toilet Seat and shrimp on a treadmill?
It is a typical tactic by Conservatives like Paul

Find an expenditure and misrepresent it’s purpose then mock it as government waste and a justification to vote against the budget

Remember that $600 Toilet Seat and shrimp on a treadmill?
I do remember all of that and have in fact been the recipient of such asinine government spending when I was contracted to rehab military housing during the Clinton administration.

Our government had NO CONCEPT of how much shit should cost and ALWAYS spends far more than necessary
I do remember all of that and have in fact been the recipient of such asinine government spending when I was contracted to rehab military housing during the Clinton administration.

Our government had NO CONCEPT of how much shit should cost and ALWAYS spends far more than necessary

The Government buys in bulk and is the countries largest consumer
They demand the best price and award to the lowest bidder

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