Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the preborn

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) re-introduced two pro-life bills over the weekend of January 30, 2021, releasing a statement the same day as the March for Life. In a video message to people participating in the march — the vast majority of whom did so virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul showed his solidarity in the fight for life.

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood will tell you differently, but every single life matters, including the unborn,” Paul said, adding that we cannot expect to honor our other rights if we do not first protect the right to life. “The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life,” he concluded.

Continued - Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the preborn
Previously Biden had signed a decree reversing the previous administration’s ban on federal funding for international NGOs that provide abortion counselling or referrals.

That ban, known as the 'Mexico City Policy' dates back to Ronald Reagan’s second term in office, and has been alternately lifted and reimposed by Democratic and Republican administrations since.

There was discussion about that around here some place, but that discussion was strategically framed in that it ommitted the fact that the order also commands HHS to consider lifting Trump-era restrictions on the granting of federal funds to family planning organizations in the US that refer women for abortion, such as Planned Parenthood.

So that's why Rand is getting ahead of it here.

These organizations have been prohibited from directly offering abortion ever since Richard Nixon set up the funding program in 1970.
In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) re-introduced two pro-life bills over the weekend of January 30, 2021, releasing a statement the same day as the March for Life. In a video message to people participating in the march — the vast majority of whom did so virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul showed his solidarity in the fight for life.

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood will tell you differently, but every single life matters, including the unborn,” Paul said, adding that we cannot expect to honor our other rights if we do not first protect the right to life. “The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life,” he concluded.

Continued - Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the preborn

This is one of the few things I disagree with Rand on.
In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) re-introduced two pro-life bills over the weekend of January 30, 2021, releasing a statement the same day as the March for Life. In a video message to people participating in the march — the vast majority of whom did so virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul showed his solidarity in the fight for life.

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood will tell you differently, but every single life matters, including the unborn,” Paul said, adding that we cannot expect to honor our other rights if we do not first protect the right to life. “The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life,” he concluded.

Continued - Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the preborn

Thank you for the post. The following website is a good place to keep up to date on abortion issues:

LifeSite Home Page
This is one of the few things I disagree with Rand on.

Normally, I'm of the view that it's simply none of my business if people choose to kill their offspring.

The problem evolves when they try to make it the rest of the electorate's business by forcing us to be included in it by paying for it at the barrel of a government gun.

When Biden commanded by decree that HHS also consider lifting restrictions on the granting of federal funds to family planning organizations in the US that refer women for abortion, such as Planned Parenthood, they're basically forcing the American electorate/taxpayer into their personal business.

But then the drones will systematically turn around and yap about, oh, hey, it's none of your business what I do with my body. Pft.
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The capitalist need those poor kids to exploit in the workplace, prison or the military.
better than killing them,,
Yes, killing them is not near as profitable. and strengthens the states control over female bodies.
who said they were ever going to work or get a job,, and how does the state control a womens body when its the child being killed?? sounds to me like the state defending the child,,
In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) re-introduced two pro-life bills over the weekend of January 30, 2021, releasing a statement the same day as the March for Life. In a video message to people participating in the march — the vast majority of whom did so virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul showed his solidarity in the fight for life.

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood will tell you differently, but every single life matters, including the unborn,” Paul said, adding that we cannot expect to honor our other rights if we do not first protect the right to life. “The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life,” he concluded.

Continued - Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the prebyporn

Typical conservative: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

This is yet another example of the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she should have a child or not; women need unfettered access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive healthcare.

This proposed measure is both reckless and irresponsible, jeopardizing the health and welfare of low income women; indeed, the proposed measure is fundamentally hostile toward women.
The capitalist need those poor kids to exploit in the workplace, prison or the military.
better than killing them,,
Yes, killing them is not near as profitable. and strengthens the states control over female bodies.
who said they were ever going to work or get a job,, and how does the state control a womens body when its the child being killed?? sounds to me like the state defending the child,,
The liberty of the host is at risk.
In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) re-introduced two pro-life bills over the weekend of January 30, 2021, releasing a statement the same day as the March for Life. In a video message to people participating in the march — the vast majority of whom did so virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul showed his solidarity in the fight for life.

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood will tell you differently, but every single life matters, including the unborn,” Paul said, adding that we cannot expect to honor our other rights if we do not first protect the right to life. “The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life,” he concluded.

Continued - Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the prebyporn

Typical conservative: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

This is yet another example of the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she should have a child or not; women need unfettered access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive healthcare.

This proposed measure is both reckless and irresponsible, jeopardizing the health and welfare of low income women; indeed, the proposed measure is fundamentally hostile toward women.

hey dumbass,, this would be smaller government not bigger,,,
In the midst of Biden and company working to fund planned parenthood by involving the taxpayer in those affairs it's good to see Senator Paul working on behalf of those in the nation who want no part of it, yet may be forced to be included in these deeds at the barrel of a government gun.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) re-introduced two pro-life bills over the weekend of January 30, 2021, releasing a statement the same day as the March for Life. In a video message to people participating in the march — the vast majority of whom did so virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul showed his solidarity in the fight for life.

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood will tell you differently, but every single life matters, including the unborn,” Paul said, adding that we cannot expect to honor our other rights if we do not first protect the right to life. “The proper role of government is to ensure that individual rights are protected, the most basic of which is the right to life,” he concluded.

Continued - Sen. Rand Paul introduces pro-life bills to defund Planned Parenthood and protect the prebyporn

Typical conservative: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

This is yet another example of the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she should have a child or not; women need unfettered access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive healthcare.

This proposed measure is both reckless and irresponsible, jeopardizing the health and welfare of low income women; indeed, the proposed measure is fundamentally hostile toward women.

It's just like their stupid drug war they have been pushing for fifty years of failure.
The capitalist need those poor kids to exploit in the workplace, prison or the military.
better than killing them,,
Yes, killing them is not near as profitable. and strengthens the states control over female bodies.
who said they were ever going to work or get a job,, and how does the state control a womens body when its the child being killed?? sounds to me like the state defending the child,,
The liberty of the host is at risk.

you ,mean the mother right??

if she wanted her liberty she shouldnt have gotten pregnant,, and thats a piss poor excuse for killing your child,,
Typical conservative: more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

This is yet another example of the authoritarian right’s desire to compel conformity and punish dissent.

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of government to dictate to a woman whether she should have a child or not; women need unfettered access to comprehensive healthcare, including reproductive healthcare.

This proposed measure is both reckless and irresponsible, jeopardizing the health and welfare of low income women; indeed, the proposed measure is fundamentally hostile toward women.

Clearly you have it backward there, Baghdad Bob.
The capitalist need those poor kids to exploit in the workplace, prison or the military.
better than killing them,,
Yes, killing them is not near as profitable. and strengthens the states control over female bodies.
who said they were ever going to work or get a job,, and how does the state control a womens body when its the child being killed?? sounds to me like the state defending the child,,
The liberty of the host is at risk.

you ,mean the mother right??

if she wanted her liberty she shouldnt have gotten pregnant,, and thats a piss poor excuse for killing your child,,
The pregnancy is not the ward of the state.
The capitalist need those poor kids to exploit in the workplace, prison or the military.
better than killing them,,
Yes, killing them is not near as profitable. and strengthens the states control over female bodies.
who said they were ever going to work or get a job,, and how does the state control a womens body when its the child being killed?? sounds to me like the state defending the child,,
The liberty of the host is at risk.

you ,mean the mother right??

if she wanted her liberty she shouldnt have gotten pregnant,, and thats a piss poor excuse for killing your child,,
The pregnancy is not the ward of the state.

when did I say it was???
The pregnancy is not the ward of the state.

Tell that to your President. He's the one who commanded by decree that HHS consider lifting restrictions on the granting of theft and redistribution of the fruits of the electorate's labor at the barrel of a government gun to organizations in the US that refer women for abortion, such as Planned Parenthood.

Rand's just saying not on our watches. He should be commended for keeping the government out of making other people's poor personal choices the business of the people.

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