Sen. Tom Cotton...the democrats and their policies have caused the spike in murder...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A republican who fights the leftists.....right on the mark...

Cotton is hoping to win over trump Republicans cause he wants to run for president.

But who knows if trump will let Cotton run?
The Dems caused the GOP to try and overthrow the government over lies told by a president.
A republican who fights the leftists.....right on the mark...

On Trump's watch
On Trump's watch

Nope......blm/antifa terrorists belong to the democrat party....they burned and looted for 7 months and murdered about 40 Americans.....while the democrat party called the police names and tried to cut their funding.........

The democrat party mayors refused all federal help, and let their cities, in particular, their black neighborhoods burn....
Nope......blm/antifa terrorists belong to the democrat party....they burned and looted for 7 months and murdered about 40 Americans.....while the democrat party called the police names and tried to cut their funding.........

The democrat party mayors refused all federal help, and let their cities, in particular, their black neighborhoods burn....
All on Trump's watch. Poor leadership from a soulless ghoul.
A republican who fights the leftists.....right on the mark...

RIght! That is, of course, why it happened on tRump's watch.

Damn you kids are stupid.
It's not just their policies. It's their general attitude and message they send to the American people.

They spent over a year saying "defund the police", "the system is racist", "white people are to blame", and all the while praising blacks and telling them they are special and are treated bad and nothing is their fault.

And blacks love to have 0 responsibility. They love to think and say everything bad about them is someone else's fault. So this has emboldened them to rob a Ulta store in broad daylight casually, and to resist arrest when they commit a crime, and to scream racism every time they aren't treated special, to go out and commit violent acts against others. They increased all these things because they get away with it.

Even if a black guys killed while robbing a store and shooting at the police it's allover the place and headline reads "black man killed by police". Meanwhile if a white guy gets killed the headline reads "man shot".

But yes their policies are also part of the problem, but their general attitude is a huge part of it also.
A republican who fights the leftists.....right on the mark...

This has been an on going issue for decades. The moonbats have been releasing violent criminals back into society in order to maintain at least a minimal level of crime and terror in hopes it causes the rest of the public to demand government undermines the 2A.

They have certainly ratcheted up their endeavors by allowing cities to burn, allowing thugs to be seen "patrolling" the streets of shit hole cities like Portland with AR's and AK's. Don't forget about the (LOL...) NFAC....


In the late 60's when Black Panthers were "patrolling" the streets of LA with long guns it started a momentum behind panicked demands for government to disarm people. Now they have gone so far as to undermine the police in order to create even more chaos. The problem is that it back fired. Only stupid bed wetting liberals refuse to arm up, and more and more cognizant people realize the government is actually on the verge of collapse. Once the SHTF you're on you're own and if you don't have some serious firepower you will be facing hordes of well armed criminal sociopaths.

Let's not forget the lessons we learned in Katrina, when the chips are down, many cops will take their crown vics and glocks, then head to the house to defend their own neighborhoods.

After 20 years of warfare the greatest superpower on earth could not give away enough free shit or properly police a small country and we ended up leaving in a manner that made the French proud of themselves for the first time since 1919.

All it's going to take is a financial collapse, and if spending 6 trillion dollars a year on a common cold won't do the trick, then they'll probably just hack it.

A republican who fights the leftists.....right on the mark...

You mean the spike in 2020 when the fat former guy was President?
It's only gotten worse under Biden. Plus you ignore the fact it is happening in liberal cities that have decades of liberal leadership.
There are perhaps 1 or 2 cities of any significance in this country without liberal leadership. The majority of those cities you refer to as having "decades of liberal leadership" had big declines in crime and homicide rates during those decades.

You ignore the fact that violence began spiking under Trump and during a pandemic. Maybe the spike could have been prevented if the President last year hadn't been somebody who was openly and obsessively at war with cities and the citizens who live in and around them.
There are perhaps 1 or 2 cities of any significance in this country without liberal leadership. The majority of those cities you refer to as having "decades of liberal leadership" had big declines in crime and homicide rates during those decades.

You ignore the fact that violence began spiking under Trump and during a pandemic. Maybe the spike could have been prevented if the President last year hadn't been somebody who was openly and obsessively at war with cities and the citizens who live in and around them.
The violence spiked because liberal trash defined suicide by cop as murder and supported defunding the police.
The violence spiked because liberal trash defined suicide by cop as murder and supported defunding the police.
The violence spiked for lots of reason. If government goons murdering citizens and expecting to be applauded for it was a big reason, then at least now those goons operate under a fear that video and the internet will make them famous should they try again.

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