Sen Tom Harken trying to take Rush off Armed Forces Radio?

Pale Rider..........Dittos:

The first thing Rush says at the beginning of his broadcast is "Talent on loan from God" and he means it. He is gracious, eloquent. Everything he says he backs up with articles from all those "right leaning papers" like the LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, etc.

Boy if you want to talk hypocarcy and arrogance Howard Stern is the poster boy for that. Like others have said he blames Bush for his troubles with the FCC when it has already been established that the Democrats led the charge on that in an attempt to appease their own constituancy, with Kerry happily on board that train.......

So in essence you have morally and intellectually vacant Stern who is more interested in protecting his right to talk with strippers and the graphic details of their sex lives (who cares, it's getting so old) than in putting the only candidate of the two who is, and can protect us from the pure evil that wants to destroy our country, in office. And the scariest part of that scenario is not so much Stern, but the idiots who will actually listen to him and vote for Kerry. ABSOLUTELY MINDBOGGLING!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Bonnie
Pale Rider..........Dittos:

Boy if you want to talk hypocarcy and arrogance Howard Stern is the poster boy for that. Like others have said he blames Bush for his troubles with the FCC when it has already been established that the Democrats led the charge on that in an attempt to appease their own constituancy, with Kerry happily on board that train.......

Damn, I wish you hadn't posted that. It forces me to admit that the Democrats have done something with which I agree. And that's embarrassing.
Originally posted by Kathianne
Hey Pale, what happened? Want to delete?

Thanks Kath, but I just figured out how to do that... :p:
"Rush is a pompous jackass. But he's right 99.8% of the time."

Rush is an attorney and a pretty smart one, so arrogance, abundant self-confidence, the "I'm smarter than you are" attitude comes with the profession. At times Rush can be "theatrical", but I look past the theatrics and listen to his message. He really takes apart what the liberal call-ins say. They don't have a response when he shows them the errors in their thinking. That's why he is such a threat to the Liberal Establishment and why they are trying to do everything they can to get rid of him.
Rush is a genius. There's no doubt about it. As much as liberals think their side is intellectual, they are unable to recognize genius, even when it derides their logic and taunts them daily. They still prefer to believe their pack of lib lies, and villainize the most brilliant political analyst in the modern era.
You have to ask yourself, did I fire five shots or six... oh wait a minute... wrong thought...:D , you gotta ask yourself, "why don't you see more of Rush on talk shows?" Well hell man, everyone under the sun is scared as hell to debate him!

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