Sen. Trey Gowdy Takes Comey's "Lack of Intent" Apart Piece by Piece

Latest Ipso/Reuters poll, part of which was taken after all this, has her at +11, up a bit.

Your scam has failed. Deal with it. Move on.
Seems like you need to move on. Even the FBI says she's a fucking retard who cannot handle classified material is is a serial liar. Deal with it. She's lost the independent vote. She only has morons like you left.
Before he leaves office, President Obama will issue numerous blanket pardons to Hillary and other members of his administration.
Like Ford (R) did for Nixon (R)?

Nixon had to quit, Hillary gets a complete pass for something a civil servant or active duty officer would be fired for, big difference.
Who made Nixon quit?

what a dumb question, I should have figured your intellect would be about the same as a carp

A much better question is why isn't Hillary quitting? should the president be held to lower standard than a civil servant?
It is a legitimate question. I will ask it again. Who made Nixon quit?

It's not legit, it has little to do with this other than to show he has more honor than Hillary by resigning when he was disgraced. As I understand it, he did it voluntarily, as should Hillary. How the hell can the commander in chief be someone who would have been fired from a GS-12 job? This woman has zero integrity, I have no idea how anyone could back her, so I am asking you lefties to explain how you justify it.
poor desperate trey.... couldn't get anything after a public 11 hour fail so now he wants to keep the old rightgwingntuttraintonutterville going

well, I guess with the trumpster as the nominee, there's not a lot else he can do.

Oh yes, who wants our Congress questioning such things as why a woman wasn't questioned under oath and such.


you people are desperation and hysterical

not desperate nor hysterical, just hate Hillary. So the liberal clown show in here thinks Hillary is just fine, maybe you can justify why she is qualified to be president when any civil servant would be at least fired for what she did.

Just curious about the liberal thought process
Libtards don't think.

and yet we're smarter, better informed, more educated and make more money

we also pay more taxes than you wingers.

no you are not smarter, us right leaning liberty types are the smartest, and even republicans have you beat. You are also much less informed and your 'news' is opinion. The dumbest voters out there, inner city minorities, are overwhelmingly democratic.

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals?
Latest Ipso/Reuters poll, part of which was taken after all this, has her at +11, up a bit.

Your scam has failed. Deal with it. Move on.
Seems like you need to move on. Even the FBI says she's a fucking retard who cannot handle classified material is is a serial liar. Deal with it. She's lost the independent vote. She only has morons like you left.
Yep. She is a moron, and morons will vote for her.
A RARE piece of information revealed today.....

Wonder if the Hildebeast offered him to stay on as director like she did to Lynch...could EXPLAIN much of what happened!

poor desperate trey.... couldn't get anything after a public 11 hour fail so now he wants to keep the old rightgwingntuttraintonutterville going

well, I guess with the trumpster as the nominee, there's not a lot else he can do.

Oh yes, who wants our Congress questioning such things as why a woman wasn't questioned under oath and such.


you people are desperation and hysterical

not desperate nor hysterical, just hate Hillary. So the liberal clown show in here thinks Hillary is just fine, maybe you can justify why she is qualified to be president when any civil servant would be at least fired for what she did.

Just curious about the liberal thought process
Libtards don't think.

and yet we're smarter, better informed, more educated and make more money

we also pay more taxes than you wingers.
If you are better informed obuthole would never have been elected the first time. Your other points are lies. Retard.
poor desperate trey.... couldn't get anything after a public 11 hour fail so now he wants to keep the old rightgwingntuttraintonutterville going

well, I guess with the trumpster as the nominee, there's not a lot else he can do.

Oh yes, who wants our Congress questioning such things as why a woman wasn't questioned under oath and such.


you people are desperation and hysterical

not desperate nor hysterical, just hate Hillary. So the liberal clown show in here thinks Hillary is just fine, maybe you can justify why she is qualified to be president when any civil servant would be at least fired for what she did.

Just curious about the liberal thought process
Libtards don't think.

and yet we're smarter, better informed, more educated and make more money

we also pay more taxes than you wingers.

and... you pay less taxes

Does Your Wage Predict Your Vote?

there is something uniquely obnoxious about liberals, I think it is the effortless lying and suffocating smugness
Absolutely brilliant analysis. MSM will try to bury it. So much for the rule of law... should know that the title of your thread is wrong from the jump.

Goober Gowdy is a Congressman from South Carolina. He is NOT running for reelection, nor is he running for the Senate and he IS NOT A SENATOR!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the correction. Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
No, he probably doesn't. Go Trey.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Absolutely brilliant analysis. MSM will try to bury it. So much for the rule of law... should know that the title of your thread is wrong from the jump.

Goober Gowdy is a Congressman from South Carolina. He is NOT running for reelection, nor is he running for the Senate and he IS NOT A SENATOR!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the correction. Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
No, he probably doesn't. Go Trey.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns. should know that the title of your thread is wrong from the jump.

Goober Gowdy is a Congressman from South Carolina. He is NOT running for reelection, nor is he running for the Senate and he IS NOT A SENATOR!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the correction. Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
No, he probably doesn't. Go Trey.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
Thanks for the correction. Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
No, he probably doesn't. Go Trey.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
No, he probably doesn't. Go Trey.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
I'm not anywhere as stupid as Drumpf supporters...there IS that.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
I'm not anywhere as stupid as Drumpf supporters...there IS that.
Yeah, you are.
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
I'm not anywhere as stupid as Drumpf supporters...there IS that.
Yeah, you are. are a Drumpf supporter...I rest my case.
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
I'm not anywhere as stupid as Drumpf supporters...there IS that.
Yeah, you are. are a Drumpf supporter...I rest my case.
Trump isn't my pick, but still better than the lying crooked hag Hillary.
Anyone with a brain laughs at you clowns.
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
I'm not anywhere as stupid as Drumpf supporters...there IS that.
Yeah, you are. are a Drumpf supporter...I rest my case.
how does an ex navy pilot back someone with no integrity like Hillary?
I look forward to laughing all the way to and thru November.
You really don't realize how stupid you are, do you?
I'm not anywhere as stupid as Drumpf supporters...there IS that.
Yeah, you are. are a Drumpf supporter...I rest my case.
how does an ex navy pilot back someone with no integrity like Hillary?
Bought and paid for.
I would not be at all surprised if an indictment was announced as soon as the next Attorney General is confirmed
And Attorney General Christie will do it the day after President Trump's inauguration. Justice will finally come to We The People.
Absolutely brilliant analysis. MSM will try to bury it. So much for the rule of law... should know that the title of your thread is wrong from the jump.

Goober Gowdy is a Congressman from South Carolina. He is NOT running for reelection, nor is he running for the Senate and he IS NOT A SENATOR!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the correction. Do you have anything of substance to contribute?
No, he probably doesn't. Go Trey.
Go Trey!
Poor Trey

Hillary just laughs at him
Lies...lies....and more lies...apparently many D voters want a bald faced liar for POTUS.

From the transcript...
Gowdy: “Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Is that true?”

Comey: “That’s not true, there were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents.”

Gowdy:”Secretary Clinton said, ‘I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email, there is no classified material.’ Was that true?”

Comey: “There was classified material emailed.”

Gowdy: “Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?”

Comey: “She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state.”

Gowdy: “Secretary Clinton said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?”

Comey: “No, we found work-related emails, thousands, that were not returned.”
I would not be at all surprised if an indictment was announced as soon as the next Attorney General is confirmed
And Attorney General Christie will do it the day after President Trump's inauguration. Justice will finally come to We The People.

No he won't. Obama is complicit in this whole thing, and that will never be brought to light, the email thing was never going to end in an indictment. No matter how obvious it is that she broke the law and desperate Democrats are pretending like she did nothing different than Powell or Rice. They are stupid and liars.

But, I'm interested to see if there is any follow up on her perjury to Congress.

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