Senate Asks for All Comey Memos - Including on Hillary

May 3 Comey testified under oath no one was influencing the investigation. So which time did he lie?
That's not what he said, buttercup. I can't wait to see the memo.
You are just uninformed about everything.

And yes, I look forward to seeing the memos on Hillary too.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

Comey Testimony May 3rd | User Clip |
Yep not what you claimed he said. Trump is fucked. :itsok:
Please let us know when you find out what law Trump broke!

Did he email classified material to the world?
Did he use the IRS for political purposes?
Did he sell US uranium to Russia for bribes?

This is going to be fun.

Did he email classified material to the world?
No, he just gave it away for free in a meeting

Did he use the IRS for political purposes?
If he hasn't, he probably will (unless he's impeached by then)

Did he sell US uranium to Russia for bribes?
No and neither has anybody else. He might, but I think all he's promised the Russians is Ukraine and the Arctic :dunno:

Did he email classified material to the world?
No, he just gave it away for free in a meeting
Per the SCOTUS the President can decide at will what is and what is not classified.

Did he use the IRS for political purposes?
If he hasn't, he probably will (unless he's impeached by then)
I hope it hurts.

Did he sell US uranium to Russia for bribes?
No and neither has anybody else. He might, but I think all he's promised the Russians is Ukraine and the Arctic :dunno:
Even the NY Times says you're an ignoramus.
The Article Pretty Much Nails It!

The Dems painted themselves in a corner, and their bluff was called, and I honestly think they are going to have to throw in the towel now.

All I have heard from the biggest mouths in the Dem Party is SILENCE since the Independent Counsel was named.
May 3 Comey testified under oath no one was influencing the investigation. So which time did he lie?
That's not what he said, buttercup. I can't wait to see the memo.
You are just uninformed about everything.

And yes, I look forward to seeing the memos on Hillary too.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that — without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don’t see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I’m talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It’s not happened in my experience.

Comey Testimony May 3rd | User Clip |
Yep not what you claimed he said. Trump is fucked. :itsok:
Please let us know when you find out what law Trump broke!

Did he email classified material to the world?
Did he use the IRS for political purposes?
Did he sell US uranium to Russia for bribes?

This is going to be fun.
I just found this:

KILL SHOT: What This Harvard Law Professor Declared Will Make Trump Cry Tears of Joy!

"Then, Mr. Dershowitz said something that should embarrass and shame all Democrats involved in this witch hunt: “I don’t want us ever to become what Stalinist Russia became when Stalin was told by Lavrentiy Beria, ‘Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.’ What is the crime?”"
The left hate America. They believe America is a Republic easily annexed by failed former super power that can't even take care of its own people.
They believe America is a Republic easily annexed by failed former super power that can't even take care of its own people.

That you spent the last several years praising, and are happy were successful in sabotaging our elections so an orange buffoon could threaten the existence of our Republic.
You are making yourself such a fool even I'm beginning to feel pity for you.

Repeating outrageous lies is the only thing the left have.
They believe America is a Republic easily annexed by failed former super power that can't even take care of its own people.

That you spent the last several years praising, and are happy were successful in sabotaging our elections so an orange buffoon could threaten the existence of our Republic.
but your side failed with all their sabotaging efforts. the billy bush story, shit a brick, the ladies claiming sexual harassment have all disappeared. WTF?
Hope Comey can give them the notes on Hillery before he is found dead by 2 self inflicted gun shots to the back of his head, like many have in the past

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