Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Endorses Federal Personhood Bill For Fetuses


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst said she would support a federal bill that gives legal personhood rights to fetuses from the moment of fertilization, effectively wiping out legal abortion in the United States.

Ernst voted for a fetal personhood amendment in the Iowa State legislature in 2013, and she told the Sioux City Journal editorial board on Wednesday that she also would support a federal personhood measure if she were elected to the U.S. Senate.

"I will continue to stand by that. I am a pro-life candidate, and this has been shaped by my religious beliefs through the years," she said. "So I support that."

The amendment Ernst voted for in 2013 said the state must recognize and protect a person's right to life "at any stage of development." Similar personhood measures were rejected by voters in Mississippi and Colorado after legal experts and women's health advocates warned about the wide range of implications such a law could have. In addition to outlawing abortion without exceptions, a personhood bill could affect the legality of in vitro fertilization and some forms of birth control that anti-abortion groups believe work by preventing implantation of the fertilized egg, such as emergency contraception and the intrauterine device.

More: Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Endorses Federal Personhood Bill For Fetuses

This is beyond extreme. Hopefully, Iowa women voters are aware of her extreme anti-choice views on female reproductive rights.
Great, this nation needs an extra 800,000 or so unwanted children each year, because our prisons will need inmates in 18 years or so.

Also, we have a lot of extra money to spend on child welfare payments and child care subsidization.
I wish your mother had had an abortion, Lakhota.

Well, I'm not surprised. Your vicious hatred is typical of rightwingers. BTW, don't forget the "family" rule.

Don't be a hypocrite. You say you support abortion...unless the aborted fetus might have been YOU? How self-absorbed. How gay.

I support a woman's right to choose. I am pro-choice. If I had been aborted - how in the hell would I know? Why do you hate women? Why does Joni Ernst hate women?
You don't like babies very much. I feel sad for you, Lakota.

I like women more - because it's their choice. BTW, a baby and a fetus are not the same. Why do you hate women?
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Give me a break. If a healthy white child is born, it's hardly going to go unfed or unloved. There'll be 20 white couples standing in line willing to pay $50k-$100k for the privilege of adopting that child. Oh…whites are also the leaders, by a very large margin, in their adoptions of all other races and ethnicities of children as well. It’s something we white heterosexuals do. It’s something so strange and foreign to radical queers like Lakhota.
I believe that at whatever point a fertilized egg develops characteristics that are uniquely human, then it is human and entitled to the protections of the law.

Not sure that happens at conception, but otherwise I agree.

Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst said she would support a federal bill that gives legal personhood rights to fetuses from the moment of fertilization, effectively wiping out legal abortion in the United States.

Ernst voted for a fetal personhood amendment in the Iowa State legislature in 2013, and she told the Sioux City Journal editorial board on Wednesday that she also would support a federal personhood measure if she were elected to the U.S. Senate.

"I will continue to stand by that. I am a pro-life candidate, and this has been shaped by my religious beliefs through the years," she said. "So I support that."

The amendment Ernst voted for in 2013 said the state must recognize and protect a person's right to life "at any stage of development." Similar personhood measures were rejected by voters in Mississippi and Colorado after legal experts and women's health advocates warned about the wide range of implications such a law could have. In addition to outlawing abortion without exceptions, a personhood bill could affect the legality of in vitro fertilization and some forms of birth control that anti-abortion groups believe work by preventing implantation of the fertilized egg, such as emergency contraception and the intrauterine device.

More: Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Endorses Federal Personhood Bill For Fetuses

This is beyond extreme. Hopefully, Iowa women voters are aware of her extreme anti-choice views on female reproductive rights.

That's in the GOP platform as a constitutional amendment. These people are extremists, but sometimes one doesn't notice.

You'd notice if they ever weaseled their way into a sufficient place of power.
So a fertilized egg should be extended the same rights as a fully formed human? What happens when an in vitro fertilization clinic purges its stock of frozen zygotes? Does that constitute a massacre? Can a pregnant woman carrying twins be allowed in the HOV lane? Do census takers count fertilized eggs as American citizens? Will that change congressional districts?

What other methods can the forces of repression use to stifle a woman's right to reproductive freedom? Leave it to the Right Wingers to erode liberty. Just ask the Gays or Blacks or women, or anyone not Caucasian, or the poor, or those who want to breathe clean air or drink clean water, or the middle class or....
Does this mean that drinking while you were pregnant would constitute illegally giving alcohol to a minor?

Does this mean that the evil welfare queen could start claiming the fetus as a dependent as soon as the pregnancy test came back positive?

Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst said she would support a federal bill that gives legal personhood rights to fetuses from the moment of fertilization, effectively wiping out legal abortion in the United States.

Ernst voted for a fetal personhood amendment in the Iowa State legislature in 2013, and she told the Sioux City Journal editorial board on Wednesday that she also would support a federal personhood measure if she were elected to the U.S. Senate.

"I will continue to stand by that. I am a pro-life candidate, and this has been shaped by my religious beliefs through the years," she said. "So I support that."

The amendment Ernst voted for in 2013 said the state must recognize and protect a person's right to life "at any stage of development." Similar personhood measures were rejected by voters in Mississippi and Colorado after legal experts and women's health advocates warned about the wide range of implications such a law could have. In addition to outlawing abortion without exceptions, a personhood bill could affect the legality of in vitro fertilization and some forms of birth control that anti-abortion groups believe work by preventing implantation of the fertilized egg, such as emergency contraception and the intrauterine device.

More: Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Endorses Federal Personhood Bill For Fetuses

This is beyond extreme. Hopefully, Iowa women voters are aware of her extreme anti-choice views on female reproductive rights.

Look at her eyes. She is obviously a sock.

I think if a pregnant woman is murdered or assaulted, which results in the death of the baby, that a person should be charged for that.

Women have freedom of choice. I just wish they would make more smart choices so they don't end up wanting an abortion.

Give me a break. If a healthy white child is born, it's hardly going to go unfed or unloved. There'll be 20 white couples standing in line willing to pay $50k-$100k for the privilege of adopting that child. Oh…whites are also the leaders, by a very large margin, in their adoptions of all other races and ethnicities of children as well. It’s something we white heterosexuals do. It’s something so strange and foreign to radical queers like Lakhota.

Do you think "radical queers" passed Roe v. Wade?
The problem isn't Obama so much as there are NO good choices in this conflict.


Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst said she would support a federal bill that gives legal personhood rights to fetuses from the moment of fertilization, effectively wiping out legal abortion in the United States.

Ernst voted for a fetal personhood amendment in the Iowa State legislature in 2013, and she told the Sioux City Journal editorial board on Wednesday that she also would support a federal personhood measure if she were elected to the U.S. Senate.

"I will continue to stand by that. I am a pro-life candidate, and this has been shaped by my religious beliefs through the years," she said. "So I support that."

The amendment Ernst voted for in 2013 said the state must recognize and protect a person's right to life "at any stage of development." Similar personhood measures were rejected by voters in Mississippi and Colorado after legal experts and women's health advocates warned about the wide range of implications such a law could have. In addition to outlawing abortion without exceptions, a personhood bill could affect the legality of in vitro fertilization and some forms of birth control that anti-abortion groups believe work by preventing implantation of the fertilized egg, such as emergency contraception and the intrauterine device.

More: Senate Candidate Joni Ernst Endorses Federal Personhood Bill For Fetuses

This is beyond extreme. Hopefully, Iowa women voters are aware of her extreme anti-choice views on female reproductive rights.

Look at her eyes. She is obviously a sock.


Ha! I'd say more like dominatrix. She's probably got black fishnet stockings and a cat o' nine tails hidden in a locker somewhere on Capitol Hill, so this conservative minx can discipline all the democrat congressmen in love with her, for being such naughty boys during roll call.
At least she is honest and tells the people exactly what she believes instead of doing what most politicians do duck, dodge, and evade serious issues. It's a shame more aren't as honest as she is.

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