Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

Liberals taught America about the nuclear option and how to use it.

Now it's up to Republicans to prove they are quick to learn.

This is just the same ol same ol. Republicans vowed to block any U.S. Supreme court nominee that Obama put up, so what is so dam surprising here?
Got a quote on that? I recall Obama appointing several Justices to the SC that Republicans did NOT block.
The Democrats could have used the nuclear option to appoint a Supreme Court judge, but didn't.

The Republicans would be setting an extremely dangerous, and extremely stupid, new precedent if they did that.
You are no better than the Sotomayors of this world.


"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

So much for CHANGE.
View attachment 109608
I don't know how many times I have posted on this forum how you pseudocons were okay with all kinds of abuses by President Bush, but the second Obama was handed the baton, you suddenly discovered moral outrage over the very same abuses.
Sorry, I missed your hundreds of posts about Obama running the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

You Riech wingers aren't getting another Judge Scalia here. There's a lot of Democrats that voted for Neil Gorsuch for the 10th District court. I imagine he's another John Edwards, and Democrats would be foolish to try and block him.


These are the democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch. And there's some liberal names on the lower half of that chart. Chuck Schumer voted for him in 2006. In 2006 Democrats owned the senate and could have easily blocked him from the 10th district court. They LIKED him.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

I don't think there's any need for a nuclear option. They will probably confirm him on the 1st round after the confirmation hearings.

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You are no better than the Sotomayors of this world.


"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

So much for CHANGE.
View attachment 109608
I don't know how many times I have posted on this forum how you pseudocons were okay with all kinds of abuses by President Bush, but the second Obama was handed the baton, you suddenly discovered moral outrage over the very same abuses.
Sorry, I missed your hundreds of posts about Obama running the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

You Riech wingers aren't getting another Judge Scalia here. There's a lot of Democrats that voted for Neil Gorsuch for the 10th District court. I imagine he's another John Edwards, and Democrats would be foolish to try and block him.


These are the democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch. And there's some liberal names on the lower half of that chart. Chuck Schumer voted for him in 2006. In 2006 Democrats owned the senate and could have easily blocked him from the 10th district court. They LIKED him.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006
That was before Hobby Lobby. That was before PPAU v Herbert. That was before Gorsuch's book.

Human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable,” Gorsuch wrote in his book, adding that “the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong.”
You are no better than the Sotomayors of this world.


"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

So much for CHANGE.
View attachment 109608
I don't know how many times I have posted on this forum how you pseudocons were okay with all kinds of abuses by President Bush, but the second Obama was handed the baton, you suddenly discovered moral outrage over the very same abuses.
Sorry, I missed your hundreds of posts about Obama running the most secretive and corrupt administration in history.

You Riech wingers aren't getting another Judge Scalia here. There's a lot of Democrats that voted for Neil Gorsuch for the 10th District court. I imagine he's another John Edwards, and Democrats would be foolish to try and block him.


These are the democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch. And there's some liberal names on the lower half of that chart. Chuck Schumer voted for him in 2006. In 2006 Democrats owned the senate and could have easily blocked him from the 10th district court. They LIKED him.
Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006
That was before Hobby Lobby. That was before PPAU v Herbert. That was before Gorsuch's book.

Human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable,” Gorsuch wrote in his book, adding that “the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong.”

The senate confirmation hearings will out all these issues, as to what his intent was in making these statements, be assured of that.

But clearly in 2006 these Democrats could have blocked him from the 10th circuit court because they owned the senate then, and they liked him.

In his book wasn't that more about assisted suicide? He's against that.

Furthermore if I am reading this correctly: "Planned Parenthood Association of Utah is suing Governor Gary Herbert in order to protect our constitutional rights. On July 7, 2016 the Tenth Circuit overturned Judge Waddoups’ decision denying our request for a preliminary injunction against Governor Herbert and the Utah Department of Health (UDOH). The Tenth Circuit panel found that the directive from Governor Herbert was in violation of our First and Fourteenth Amendment rights. The panel overturned the District Courts decision and remanded the case back to the District Court and ordered them to reinstate the preliminary injunction.

Which panel are they talking about?

Lawsuit – Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah
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Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
Everything, dupe. Change the channel.
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
May 8, 2014 - Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills. President Barack Obama is railing against congressionalRepublicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.”
Republicans' mindless obstruction has helped create something far ...
Mar 11, 2016 - They decided this before President Obama released his budget, refusing ... Republicansonce complained about all the House-passed bills that ...
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotagerepublican-obstruction-and-sa...
Sep 23, 2014 - Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every ... 2011: “Republicans filibuster Obama infrastructure bill”; 2012: ...
And Harry Reid sat on hundreds of House bills because he didn't want to bring them to a vote. Apparently, everyone is playing that game. Maybe it's time for the democrats to elevate their status a bit and actually be part of a deliberative body instead of just being petty. You know that whoever goes first will gain huge rep from an electorate sick of the status quo.

I do not, however, expect this crop of democrats to do any such thing.
Reid sat on a pile of bs propaganda bills that were designed for you to be able to say that. they weren't jobs bills either. Dupe.
Reid did no such thing. They did just the opposite by creating a rule that says explicitly that it will not be used for SC nominees. Republicans will be opening their own new territory by attempting to do so.
If they can get 51 votes to even change the rule that is. As of now, they don't have it.

You're living in the past.

Democrats broke new ground and now it's Republicans about to break even newer ground. Suck it up, buttercup, the precedent that was set is simply that the victors get the spoils. All the spoils. Remember the phrase: "Elections have consequences"?

Look it up, 'cup.
Except when Dems win...
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...

lol.....todays daily dose of bumpy for the k00ks..............

So s0n...are we having fun yet?:up:
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...

lol.....todays daily dose of bumpy for the k00ks..............

So s0n...are we having fun yet?:up:
Yup, very entertaining. The world is aghast at your idiocy. lol. You may have to see it...
banning abortions or just not funding them with government money. Big difference really.
It's against the law to fund abortions with gov't money, dupe.
except in cases that involve rape incest or the woman's health.
Medicaid is mandated to cover in these situations.
of course, all it takes is the right (or wrong) doctor to claim there is a health risk and sluts can get the government funding.

off topic but, you got beat up a lot in high school didnt you. Im just guessing by the way, but I think I might be right on this one.

When idiots are totally wrong, they get violent. I've never been beaten up anywhere.
you should actually look into things before you spout the information that you think is right.
and I imagine you are lying about not being beat up, or you are just afraid to be as disrespectful in public.
I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
Everything, dupe. Change the channel.
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
May 8, 2014 - Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills. President Barack Obama is railing against congressionalRepublicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.”
Republicans' mindless obstruction has helped create something far ...
Mar 11, 2016 - They decided this before President Obama released his budget, refusing ... Republicansonce complained about all the House-passed bills that ...
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotagerepublican-obstruction-and-sa...
Sep 23, 2014 - Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every ... 2011: “Republicans filibuster Obama infrastructure bill”; 2012: ...
And Harry Reid sat on hundreds of House bills because he didn't want to bring them to a vote. Apparently, everyone is playing that game. Maybe it's time for the democrats to elevate their status a bit and actually be part of a deliberative body instead of just being petty. You know that whoever goes first will gain huge rep from an electorate sick of the status quo.

I do not, however, expect this crop of democrats to do any such thing.
Reid sat on a pile of bs propaganda bills that were designed for you to be able to say that. they weren't jobs bills either. Dupe.
So Reid, all on his own, made the determination that the entire Senate, run by his own party, would be incapable of deciding which bills should be passed, which ones rejected, and which ones modified. Wow, what an egotist. He makes Trump look like a Boy Scout.
It's against the law to fund abortions with gov't money, dupe.
except in cases that involve rape incest or the woman's health.
Medicaid is mandated to cover in these situations.
of course, all it takes is the right (or wrong) doctor to claim there is a health risk and sluts can get the government funding.

off topic but, you got beat up a lot in high school didnt you. Im just guessing by the way, but I think I might be right on this one.

When idiots are totally wrong, they get violent. I've never been beaten up anywhere.
you should actually look into things before you spout the information that you think is right.
and I imagine you are lying about not being beat up, or you are just afraid to be as disrespectful in public.
I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?
except in cases that involve rape incest or the woman's health.
Medicaid is mandated to cover in these situations.
of course, all it takes is the right (or wrong) doctor to claim there is a health risk and sluts can get the government funding.

off topic but, you got beat up a lot in high school didnt you. Im just guessing by the way, but I think I might be right on this one.

When idiots are totally wrong, they get violent. I've never been beaten up anywhere.
you should actually look into things before you spout the information that you think is right.
and I imagine you are lying about not being beat up, or you are just afraid to be as disrespectful in public.
I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?

Why do you feel the need to convince everybody of how big you are?
Are you trying to compensate for your little dick?
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
Everything, dupe. Change the channel.
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
May 8, 2014 - Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills. President Barack Obama is railing against congressionalRepublicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.”
Republicans' mindless obstruction has helped create something far ...
Mar 11, 2016 - They decided this before President Obama released his budget, refusing ... Republicansonce complained about all the House-passed bills that ...
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotagerepublican-obstruction-and-sa...
Sep 23, 2014 - Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every ... 2011: “Republicans filibuster Obama infrastructure bill”; 2012: ...
And Harry Reid sat on hundreds of House bills because he didn't want to bring them to a vote. Apparently, everyone is playing that game. Maybe it's time for the democrats to elevate their status a bit and actually be part of a deliberative body instead of just being petty. You know that whoever goes first will gain huge rep from an electorate sick of the status quo.

I do not, however, expect this crop of democrats to do any such thing.
Reid sat on a pile of bs propaganda bills that were designed for you to be able to say that. they weren't jobs bills either. Dupe.
So Reid, all on his own, made the determination that the entire Senate, run by his own party, would be incapable of deciding which bills should be passed, which ones rejected, and which ones modified. Wow, what an egotist. He makes Trump look like a Boy Scout.
Look at them sometime, dupe. All either cut environmental or worker protections, and were designed to be DOA, and weren't jobs bills at all. They were a total joke except in dupe world.

When idiots are totally wrong, they get violent. I've never been beaten up anywhere.
you should actually look into things before you spout the information that you think is right.
and I imagine you are lying about not being beat up, or you are just afraid to be as disrespectful in public.
I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?

Why do you feel the need to convince everybody of how big you are?
Are you trying to compensate for your little dick?
LOL. Any actual argument, brainwashed functional moron/Pubtroll?
you should actually look into things before you spout the information that you think is right.
and I imagine you are lying about not being beat up, or you are just afraid to be as disrespectful in public.
I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Naturally, democrats assume that their power equals "fairness and justice and honesty". It does not.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?

Why do you feel the need to convince everybody of how big you are?
Are you trying to compensate for your little dick?
LOL. Any actual argument, brainwashed functional moron/Pubtroll?

Duly noted, you have a little dick.

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