Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.

Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
It's called good government- majority rules, not 60%. Bring back a real, seldom used filibuster- and some kind of Fairness Doctrine so the dupes can hear the truth a few minutes/hour...

If you thought it was great when Harry Reid was doing it, Franco...then how could you have a problem with it if Mitch McConnell does it? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that you're one of those "Do as I say...not as I do" progressives!

No one has ever used the nuclear option for a SC nominee. False equivalent.
Not yet, they haven't. Reid, however, opened the door. Expect Republicans to march through it and push it further open. How times have changed. It wasn't that long ago that Republicans were considering the nuclear option, but democrats had a collective fainting fit over it and they (naturally) caved.
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.

Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
It's called good government- majority rules, not 60%. Bring back a real, seldom used filibuster- and some kind of Fairness Doctrine so the dupes can hear the truth a few minutes/hour...

If you thought it was great when Harry Reid was doing it, Franco...then how could you have a problem with it if Mitch McConnell does it? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that you're one of those "Do as I say...not as I do" progressives!

No one has ever used the nuclear option for a SC nominee. False equivalent.

They are about to and you'll have to simply deal with it.
Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
Everything, dupe. Change the channel.
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
May 8, 2014 - Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills. President Barack Obama is railing against congressionalRepublicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.”
Republicans' mindless obstruction has helped create something far ...
Mar 11, 2016 - They decided this before President Obama released his budget, refusing ... Republicansonce complained about all the House-passed bills that ...
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotagerepublican-obstruction-and-sa...
Sep 23, 2014 - Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every ... 2011: “Republicans filibuster Obama infrastructure bill”; 2012: ...
And Harry Reid sat on hundreds of House bills because he didn't want to bring them to a vote. Apparently, everyone is playing that game. Maybe it's time for the democrats to elevate their status a bit and actually be part of a deliberative body instead of just being petty. You know that whoever goes first will gain huge rep from an electorate sick of the status quo.

I do not, however, expect this crop of democrats to do any such thing.

In the Senate, ALL bills needed 60 votes to move to the floor
Republicans filibustered all Democratic bills that did not have 60 votes

None of the Republican bills met that criteria
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
Everything, dupe. Change the channel.
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
May 8, 2014 - Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills. President Barack Obama is railing against congressionalRepublicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.”
Republicans' mindless obstruction has helped create something far ...
Mar 11, 2016 - They decided this before President Obama released his budget, refusing ... Republicansonce complained about all the House-passed bills that ...
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotagerepublican-obstruction-and-sa...
Sep 23, 2014 - Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every ... 2011: “Republicans filibuster Obama infrastructure bill”; 2012: ...
And Harry Reid sat on hundreds of House bills because he didn't want to bring them to a vote. Apparently, everyone is playing that game. Maybe it's time for the democrats to elevate their status a bit and actually be part of a deliberative body instead of just being petty. You know that whoever goes first will gain huge rep from an electorate sick of the status quo.

I do not, however, expect this crop of democrats to do any such thing.

In the Senate, ALL bills needed 60 votes to move to the floor
Republicans filibustered all Democratic bills that did not have 60 votes

None of the Republican bills met that criteria
You do remember, don't you, that Republicans were in charge of the House at the time, thus Reid was sitting on Republican bills that the House had passed?
One Dem senator has vowed to filibuster no matter who Trump nominates. He's unhinged that the GOP stole the nomination from Obama. Trump could nominate the Pope and he would filibuster.
I'm pretty sure the Pope would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. So yeah, of course the Dems would filibuster him.

I hope you're not thinking Roe V Wade will be overturned with this justice pick--LOL You apparently DON'T KNOW that it was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

Republican administrations have always refused to give a litmus test on court nominees over abortion.

A woman's right to choose is here forever, and if you watched what happened on January 21, 2017 that makes it pretty clear.


This was going on in every state across this country, not just Washington D.C. Here's the proof
Woman's march pictures
One Dem senator has vowed to filibuster no matter who Trump nominates. He's unhinged that the GOP stole the nomination from Obama. Trump could nominate the Pope and he would filibuster.
I'm pretty sure the Pope would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. So yeah, of course the Dems would filibuster him.

I hope you're not thinking Roe V Wade will be overturned with this justice pick--LOL You apparently DON'T KNOW that it was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

Republican administrations have always refused to give a litmus test on court nominees over abortion.

A woman's right to choose is here forever, and if you watched what happened on January 21, 2017 that makes it pretty clear.


This was going on in every state across this country, not just Washington D.C. Here's the proof
Woman's march pictures

Roe is their boogeyman, that's how they fear monger.
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.

Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
It's called good government- majority rules, not 60%. Bring back a real, seldom used filibuster- and some kind of Fairness Doctrine so the dupes can hear the truth a few minutes/hour...

If you thought it was great when Harry Reid was doing it, Franco...then how could you have a problem with it if Mitch McConnell does it? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that you're one of those "Do as I say...not as I do" progressives!

No one has ever used the nuclear option for a SC nominee. False equivalent.
Not yet, they haven't. Reid, however, opened the door. Expect Republicans to march through it and push it further open. How times have changed. It wasn't that long ago that Republicans were considering the nuclear option, but democrats had a collective fainting fit over it and they (naturally) caved.

Reid did no such thing. They did just the opposite by creating a rule that says explicitly that it will not be used for SC nominees. Republicans will be opening their own new territory by attempting to do so.
If they can get 51 votes to even change the rule that is. As of now, they don't have it.
Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
It's called good government- majority rules, not 60%. Bring back a real, seldom used filibuster- and some kind of Fairness Doctrine so the dupes can hear the truth a few minutes/hour...

If you thought it was great when Harry Reid was doing it, Franco...then how could you have a problem with it if Mitch McConnell does it? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that you're one of those "Do as I say...not as I do" progressives!

No one has ever used the nuclear option for a SC nominee. False equivalent.
Not yet, they haven't. Reid, however, opened the door. Expect Republicans to march through it and push it further open. How times have changed. It wasn't that long ago that Republicans were considering the nuclear option, but democrats had a collective fainting fit over it and they (naturally) caved.

Reid did no such thing. They did just the opposite by creating a rule that says explicitly that it will not be used for SC nominees. Republicans will be opening their own new territory by attempting to do so.
If they can get 51 votes to even change the rule that is. As of now, they don't have it.

LOL, of course you can cite a reputable source that PROVES the Repubs don't have the votes...or are you once again talking out of your ass?
Reid did no such thing. They did just the opposite by creating a rule that says explicitly that it will not be used for SC nominees. Republicans will be opening their own new territory by attempting to do so.
If they can get 51 votes to even change the rule that is. As of now, they don't have it.

You're living in the past.

Democrats broke new ground and now it's Republicans about to break even newer ground. Suck it up, buttercup, the precedent that was set is simply that the victors get the spoils. All the spoils. Remember the phrase: "Elections have consequences"?

Look it up, 'cup.
Liberals taught America about the nuclear option and how to use it.

Now it's up to Republicans to prove they are quick to learn.

This is just the same ol same ol. Republicans vowed to block any U.S. Supreme court nominee that Obama put up, so what is so dam surprising here?
One Dem senator has vowed to filibuster no matter who Trump nominates. He's unhinged that the GOP stole the nomination from Obama. Trump could nominate the Pope and he would filibuster.
I'm pretty sure the Pope would vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. So yeah, of course the Dems would filibuster him.

I hope you're not thinking Roe V Wade will be overturned with this justice pick--LOL You apparently DON'T KNOW that it was a right leaning court that gave us Roe v Wade and it's been considered a right leaning court ever since.

You should have read my topic about Gorsuch's background.

Gorsuch's Background

He's very pro-life. He took Hobby Lobby's side in the contraception court case, and he took the governor of Utah's side when he defunded Planned Parenthood of Utah. Gorsuch also wrote about the sanctity of life for the unborn in his book.

“Human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable,” Gorsuch wrote in his book, adding that “the intentional taking of human life by private persons is always wrong.”

A woman's right to choose is here forever, and if you watched what happened on January 21, 2017 that makes it pretty clear.


This was going on in every state across this country, not just Washington D.C. Here's the proof
Woman's march pictures

You like pictures, eh?

Here's one from last weekend for the ANNUAL pro-life march. They have been holding one every year since Roe v. Wade.

Last edited:
If you ask people if they are "pro-life" or "pro-choice", you get about a 50-50 split.

If you ask people if they believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned, you get about 67 percent who say it should not be overturned.

Yet, if you ask people if abortion should be outlawed in the second trimester, 67 percent say abortion should be outlawed in the second semester.

What this tells us is that a lot of people who think they are "pro-choice", and a lot of people who think Roe v. Wade should not be overturned, have no clue what Roe v. Wade is about.

Outlawing abortions in the second trimester is in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade.

So a great many people who think they are "pro-choce" actually hold beliefs which are opposed to Roe v. Wade.
As a moral person, I believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned as a matter or principle.

As a realist, I know that overturning Roe v. Wade will effectively have no impact on the number of abortions in America.

As a pragmatist, I know how to actually significantly reduce abortions in America, but the extremists and the empty-headed fools on both sides are in the way.
Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

Cons wouldn't look at Obama's pick for a year, so you can stop with your hypocrisy now.

We will use the Nuclear option, you lose.
Typical Trumper....thinks nukes only kills the opposition. You get what you give. You hate, you lose.

Priceless silliness. That's WHY they will do it, because Reid started the entire thing. I know full well both sides will use it. It is you posting with hate son, not me. You just don't like being disagreed with, like it or nor if they try and block this Nomination it will go Nuclear, period. Yes your side will use it too.
As a moral person, I believe Roe v. Wade should be overturned as a matter or principle.

As a realist, I know that overturning Roe v. Wade will effectively have no impact on the number of abortions in America.

As a pragmatist, I know how to actually significantly reduce abortions in America, but the extremists and the empty-headed fools on both sides are in the way.

Poor g, so much pride, so much ego, and nothing to back it up with. The door was opened by the Dems, they were the short sighted ones and that is why you are all screaming now. Turnabout is fair play and you folks are going to get an ass full over the next 8 years.

Oh yes, I was a Cruz guy but was forced to Vote for the Donald because he was slightly less of a shit burger than the bitch.
Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
It's called good government- majority rules, not 60%. Bring back a real, seldom used filibuster- and some kind of Fairness Doctrine so the dupes can hear the truth a few minutes/hour...

If you thought it was great when Harry Reid was doing it, Franco...then how could you have a problem with it if Mitch McConnell does it? Oh, that's right...I keep forgetting that you're one of those "Do as I say...not as I do" progressives!

No one has ever used the nuclear option for a SC nominee. False equivalent.
Not yet, they haven't. Reid, however, opened the door. Expect Republicans to march through it and push it further open. How times have changed. It wasn't that long ago that Republicans were considering the nuclear option, but democrats had a collective fainting fit over it and they (naturally) caved.

Reid did no such thing. They did just the opposite by creating a rule that says explicitly that it will not be used for SC nominees. Republicans will be opening their own new territory by attempting to do so.
If they can get 51 votes to even change the rule that is. As of now, they don't have it.
That's why I said he opened the door. Republicans will just finish the job he started.

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