Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.

Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
It's called good government- majority rules, not 60%. Bring back a real, seldom used filibuster- and some kind of Fairness Doctrine so the dupes can hear the truth a few minutes/hour...
It's why Trump is just pushing forward. I mean, they already had the protests planned before even knowing anything about who it was gonna be. Democrats have lost it. They're consumed with irrational hate.

So Trump just needs to focus and move forward. Just like Obama, he has the pen and phone. He'll get it done with or without Democrats working with him. He's gotta keep on keepin on.
Protesting is all-American. Dems will let these things happen- They're not "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). That why Reaganism rolls on, GOPers live on a Fake News planet, and the country continues to GTH. see sig.
It's why Trump is just pushing forward. I mean, they already had the protests planned before even knowing anything about who it was gonna be. Democrats have lost it. They're consumed with irrational hate.

So Trump just needs to focus and move forward. Just like Obama, he has the pen and phone. He'll get it done with or without Democrats working with him. He's gotta keep on keepin on.
Protesting is all-American. Dems will let these things happen- They're not "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). That why Reaganism rolls on, GOPers live on a Fake News planet, and the country continues to GTH. see sig.

Trump's just gonna keep on keepin on without y'all. You've made it clear you won't work with him on anything. So there's no point wasting time trying. He's pushing forward.
How many Judges that Obama nominated were never confirmed by the senate, because they refused to vote on them. Same for his supreme court nomination. Yes, the republican congress did everything they could to make his term miserable
Is doing that a good thing, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it but bad when Republicans do it?

Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
Everything, dupe. Change the channel.
Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills - POLITICO
May 8, 2014 - Obama: GOP blocked 500 bills. President Barack Obama is railing against congressionalRepublicans, telling a Hollywood crowd that the midterm elections are crucial because the GOP is willing “to say no to everything.”
Republicans' mindless obstruction has helped create something far ...
Mar 11, 2016 - They decided this before President Obama released his budget, refusing ... Republicansonce complained about all the House-passed bills that ...
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotagerepublican-obstruction-and-sa...
Sep 23, 2014 - Since the 2009 “stimulus,” Republicans have obstructed pretty much every ... 2011: “Republicans filibuster Obama infrastructure bill”; 2012: ...
It's why Trump is just pushing forward. I mean, they already had the protests planned before even knowing anything about who it was gonna be. Democrats have lost it. They're consumed with irrational hate.

So Trump just needs to focus and move forward. Just like Obama, he has the pen and phone. He'll get it done with or without Democrats working with him. He's gotta keep on keepin on.
Protesting is all-American. Dems will let these things happen- They're not "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). That why Reaganism rolls on, GOPers live on a Fake News planet, and the country continues to GTH. see sig.

Trump's just gonna keep on keepin on without y'all. You've made it clear you won't work with him on anything. So there's no point wasting time trying. He's pushing forward.
BS, we'll cooperate on the good stuff, DUH.
It's why Trump is just pushing forward. I mean, they already had the protests planned before even knowing anything about who it was gonna be. Democrats have lost it. They're consumed with irrational hate.

So Trump just needs to focus and move forward. Just like Obama, he has the pen and phone. He'll get it done with or without Democrats working with him. He's gotta keep on keepin on.
Protesting is all-American. Dems will let these things happen- They're not "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). That why Reaganism rolls on, GOPers live on a Fake News planet, and the country continues to GTH. see sig.

Trump's just gonna keep on keepin on without y'all. You've made it clear you won't work with him on anything. So there's no point wasting time trying. He's pushing forward.
BS, we'll cooperate on the good stuff, DUH.

Sure ya will. Sure ya will. :lmao:
The Democrats oppose Trump's Supreme Court nomination for the simple fact that the Republicans stole the nomination.
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
The rule will be changed. The day of democrat obstruction is done.
No days, actually- after 8 years of mindless GOP obstruction under Obama, and 8 under Clinton. Your party and you silly dupes are a disgrace.
That's the biggest joke yet. lmmfao!
The Democrats oppose Trump's Supreme Court nomination for the simple fact that the Republicans stole the nomination.
You belong in a straight jacket bro.
Scalia died during Obama's term, not Trump's. And the GOP refused to even give a fair hearing to Obama's nominee.

Have you goldfish already forgotten that?

Ergo, the GOP stole the nomination.
The Democrats oppose Trump's Supreme Court nomination for the simple fact that the Republicans stole the nomination.
You belong in a straight jacket bro.
Scalia died during Obama's term, not Trump's. And the GOP refused to even give a fair hearing to Obama's nominee.

Have you goldfish already forgotten that?

Ergo, the GOP stole the nomination.
yeah, they are now totally fed up with the democrats' shameful obstruction. i mean it is almost a month or so.
The Democrats oppose Trump's Supreme Court nomination for the simple fact that the Republicans stole the nomination.
You belong in a straight jacket bro.
Scalia died during Obama's term, not Trump's. And the GOP refused to even give a fair hearing to Obama's nominee.

Have you goldfish already forgotten that?

Ergo, the GOP stole the nomination.
yeah, they are now totally fed up with the democrats' shameful obstruction. i mean it is almost a month or so.
Get used to it, republicans did it to Obama for 8 years. Payback is fun

The nuclear option only applies to lower court picks, dope.
The rules don't allow it for SC picks. The rule making period in the Senate has passed.
Rules schmools. All is needed is one Senator to raise a point of order, then the leader of the Senate says filibuster is over.

Mucho gracias amigo Harry Reid.

Not true.
  • Senator McConnell (the majority leader) would propose proceeding on a vote to confirm the nominee.
  • The presiding officer (one of the Republican senators, serving as president pro-tem) would rule that he is out of order as 60 votes are required for cloture.
  • Senator McConnell would then appeal his ruling. An appeal of a ruling of the presiding officer is voted on without debate and by simple majority.
  • The 52 Republican senators would vote to overturn the ruling of the presiding officer, and then vote to confirm the justice.

The rules don't allow for such a motion for a vote on a SC nominee.

The rule change period has passed.

Of course they can still change them.

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