Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

Read that in Kos?
its payback time

'Payback' for what? Obama got a complete free pass on everything. He served 8yrs and got just about his entire agenda through. What can y'all possibly bitch about?
How many Judges that Obama nominated were never confirmed by the senate, because they refused to vote on them. Same for his supreme court nomination. Yes, the republican congress did everything they could to make his term miserable
Is doing that a good thing, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it but bad when Republicans do it?

Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
If the choice is for banning abortions,as promised, he's against settled law and mainstream politics and 64% of the country, and should be stopped. This is just the New BS GOP keeping one of its never ending stupid wedge issues alive to distract the chumps from obvious solutions to their pander to the rich thievery.
Stupid wedge issue? The wedge is between your ears, the simplest tool known to man. About half of Americans are against abortion on demand and the Supreme court would turn it back to the states where it belongs, not outlaw it.
On demand is a dupe myth, 36% are against what we have. Free BC (actually better than free) under ACA cuts abortions by 40% where not sabotaged by brainwashed functional morons...
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.

Funny how Republicans continually drive the the necessity for such actions. The nuclear option was only considered and employed for lower court appointments and only after a record number of vacancies had accrued due to unprecedented obstruction by the Repubs. It was never considered for use with SC nominees. The Repubs, given their disregard for regular order and inability to govern honorably, will no doubt go full douchebag on this.
You do remember, don't you, that before Reid actually implemented the nuclear option, the Republicans considered using it, but didn't? Face it, Reid opened a door that he will probably regret opening. He made it easier to take the next step.

Why did Reid feel it necessary to open that door?
I'm not a mind reader, how should I know? I can speculate and say that basically he didn't like the fact that, as leader of the Senate, he couldn't ram things through the way he wanted to. He didn't like the minority party acting like it had rights. Of course, his party screeched about minority party rights too, but hey...

You should know if you're going to Bitch about it. You obviously have no idea.
They can't! Dumb ass Dumbocrats invoked the "Nuclear Option". They can't filibuster shit now. Epic!
Appointments, that is. Good to see the "No compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME) is alive and well....scumbags and dupes. Can't have working gov't except when do nothing except cut taxes and regs on the rich GOP is on the job.
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Any nominee can be filibustered or a hold put on confirmation. Its not that easy, and who ever it is should never be appointed after what was done to Obamas nominee
So you hate it when it's done, then applaud when it's done? Is it right to do or not?

You do remember, don't you, when the democrats blocked George Bush's Hispanic appointments to the bench?
Who was blocked, be specific
Why? The point is that every president in the modern era has had nominations blocked. There is nothing new about the practice. What is new, however, is Reid's rules change to neuter the minority party's ability to block confirmations, a step that will probably lead to the Republicans expanding it and pushing through Trump's nominees, something that will have democrats screaming bloody murder, and conveniently forgetting that they opened the door.

What's new was the number of court vacancies and the amount of time the Repubs kept Obama from appointing any federal judges.It was unprecedented obstruction.
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
its payback time

'Payback' for what? Obama got a complete free pass on everything. He served 8yrs and got just about his entire agenda through. What can y'all possibly bitch about?
How many Judges that Obama nominated were never confirmed by the senate, because they refused to vote on them. Same for his supreme court nomination. Yes, the republican congress did everything they could to make his term miserable
Is doing that a good thing, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it but bad when Republicans do it?

Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
'Payback' for what? Obama got a complete free pass on everything. He served 8yrs and got just about his entire agenda through. What can y'all possibly bitch about?
How many Judges that Obama nominated were never confirmed by the senate, because they refused to vote on them. Same for his supreme court nomination. Yes, the republican congress did everything they could to make his term miserable
Is doing that a good thing, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it but bad when Republicans do it?

Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.

Obama got a free pass. The Press especially, didn't hold him accountable. And he got just about his entire agenda through. Obamabots have no right to bitch.
If Trump picks Merrick Garland, Dems won't filibuster
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.

Funny how Republicans continually drive the the necessity for such actions. The nuclear option was only considered and employed for lower court appointments and only after a record number of vacancies had accrued due to unprecedented obstruction by the Repubs. It was never considered for use with SC nominees. The Repubs, given their disregard for regular order and inability to govern honorably, will no doubt go full douchebag on this.
You do remember, don't you, that before Reid actually implemented the nuclear option, the Republicans considered using it, but didn't? Face it, Reid opened a door that he will probably regret opening. He made it easier to take the next step.

Why did Reid feel it necessary to open that door?
I'm not a mind reader, how should I know? I can speculate and say that basically he didn't like the fact that, as leader of the Senate, he couldn't ram things through the way he wanted to. He didn't like the minority party acting like it had rights. Of course, his party screeched about minority party rights too, but hey...

You should know if you're going to Bitch about it. You obviously have no idea.
Far from "bitching" about it, I'm interested to see what the Republicans will do, now that the democrats have opened the door and have signaled that they have no intention of cooperating at all. I'm expecting a massive outcry of hypocritical angst when democrats face the inevitable results of their actions.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Any nominee can be filibustered or a hold put on confirmation. Its not that easy, and who ever it is should never be appointed after what was done to Obamas nominee
So you hate it when it's done, then applaud when it's done? Is it right to do or not?

You do remember, don't you, when the democrats blocked George Bush's Hispanic appointments to the bench?
Who was blocked, be specific
Why? The point is that every president in the modern era has had nominations blocked. There is nothing new about the practice. What is new, however, is Reid's rules change to neuter the minority party's ability to block confirmations, a step that will probably lead to the Republicans expanding it and pushing through Trump's nominees, something that will have democrats screaming bloody murder, and conveniently forgetting that they opened the door.

What's new was the number of court vacancies and the amount of time the Repubs kept Obama from appointing any federal judges.It was unprecedented obstruction.
Okay, and now the democrats are going to do the same thing. Is it the right thing to do, wrong thing to do, or wrong when Republicans do it and right when democrats do it?
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
'Payback' for what? Obama got a complete free pass on everything. He served 8yrs and got just about his entire agenda through. What can y'all possibly bitch about?
How many Judges that Obama nominated were never confirmed by the senate, because they refused to vote on them. Same for his supreme court nomination. Yes, the republican congress did everything they could to make his term miserable
Is doing that a good thing, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it but bad when Republicans do it?

Yeah seriously, 'Payback' for what? The dude got a free pass his entire tenure. He served his 8yrs and got just about everything he wanted. I don't see how any Obamabot can be bitching.
Oh, I do agree that Obama got just about everything he wanted and that Republicans caved on most things, but they DID hold up that last SC justice he wanted.
You are out of your tiny mind. Everything he wanted beside the stimulus and ACA was obstructed DUHHHH.
Like what, specifically?
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.

Remember when Harry Reid changed the rules in the Senate so you Democrats could pack the courts with liberal appointees, Hutch? Of course you don't! Well, you were warned back then that it set a dangerous precedent for the future because it would enable Republicans to do the same thing. So thank Dingy Harry for what's happening now.
the left cant stop anything, Trump will just go with 51 votes
Can't do that for SC nominee.
Republican will need 8 Dems to get to 60. It won't happen.
That's just a Senate rule, and can be changed with a majority vote. Harry Reid opened the door already to the "nuclear option", and I fully expect the Republicans to expand on what he did. Funny how things like that come back to bite democrats in the butt.
Yup, trying to have good, responsive government is so crazy. GOP loves disfunction because reform and fair taxes are such a problem for the greedy idiot rich...
Actions have consequences, and in a partisan world, sometimes extreme consequences. I expect a lot of hypocritical wailing from democrats when they face the specter of seeing their power steadily eroded.
Power my ass, it's fairness and justice and honesty being eroded, dupe.
It's why Trump is just pushing forward. I mean, they already had the protests planned before even knowing anything about who it was gonna be. Democrats have lost it. They're consumed with irrational hate.

So Trump just needs to focus and move forward. Just like Obama, he has the pen and phone. He'll get it done with or without Democrats working with him. He's gotta keep on keepin on.

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