Senate Dimrats Vow to Filibuster Trumps SCOTUS Pick Without Knowing Who It Is

I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
He doesnt want fair, I mentioned a flat tax, that would be everyone paying an equal amount on each dollar earned, thats still not fair. So in his opinion, I sense that fair means the rich pay it all, and the poor just continue to run up the bill.
Fair contributions to me should come with fair benefits. any government expense that does not equally benefit all taxpayers should be scrapped. basically, any social programs should be done away with, those are programs that run up the debt yet are of no value to the majority of taxpayers. if not for that expense, we might not be having this conversation in the first place. But, the leaches want more and they think the rich should be the ones to pay the extra.
very one sided and selfish crowd that thinks that way.
I don't talk politics and religion off MBs is full of ugly American GOP bigots....And you're still wrong as always. Hyde Amendment. I'm also 6' 4"
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Wrong again, dupe of the lying, cheating, disastrous, greedy idiot megarich New BS GOP. See sig- all fact and unknown to the chumps of Faux, Rush, Heritage and other bs propaganda/fake news...
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
Up to a point, yes. Top rate: something like 80% over 20 million/year. Only way to keep CEO/etc pay from being obscene as it is now.
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
He doesnt want fair, I mentioned a flat tax, that would be everyone paying an equal amount on each dollar earned, thats still not fair. So in his opinion, I sense that fair means the rich pay it all, and the poor just continue to run up the bill.
Fair contributions to me should come with fair benefits. any government expense that does not equally benefit all taxpayers should be scrapped. basically, any social programs should be done away with, those are programs that run up the debt yet are of no value to the majority of taxpayers. if not for that expense, we might not be having this conversation in the first place. But, the leaches want more and they think the rich should be the ones to pay the extra.
very one sided and selfish crowd that thinks that way.
You're a brainwashed functional idiot. History and the present show anyone who isn't totally misinformed that a flat tax is patently unfair, pander to the rich GOP idiocy, dupe.
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
He doesnt want fair, I mentioned a flat tax, that would be everyone paying an equal amount on each dollar earned, thats still not fair. So in his opinion, I sense that fair means the rich pay it all, and the poor just continue to run up the bill.
Fair contributions to me should come with fair benefits. any government expense that does not equally benefit all taxpayers should be scrapped. basically, any social programs should be done away with, those are programs that run up the debt yet are of no value to the majority of taxpayers. if not for that expense, we might not be having this conversation in the first place. But, the leaches want more and they think the rich should be the ones to pay the extra.
very one sided and selfish crowd that thinks that way.
You refuse to look at the actual facts, so maybe you're a true moron, not just a functional one.If you count all taxes and fees, we ALREADY have a flat tax, with the richest keeping all the new wealth and the nonrich and the country going to hell...
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
He doesnt want fair, I mentioned a flat tax, that would be everyone paying an equal amount on each dollar earned, thats still not fair. So in his opinion, I sense that fair means the rich pay it all, and the poor just continue to run up the bill.
Fair contributions to me should come with fair benefits. any government expense that does not equally benefit all taxpayers should be scrapped. basically, any social programs should be done away with, those are programs that run up the debt yet are of no value to the majority of taxpayers. if not for that expense, we might not be having this conversation in the first place. But, the leaches want more and they think the rich should be the ones to pay the extra.
very one sided and selfish crowd that thinks that way.
You refuse to look at the actual facts, so maybe you're a true moron, not just a functional one.If you count all taxes and fees, we ALREADY have a flat tax, with the richest keeping all the new wealth and the nonrich and the country going to hell...
what facts are going to make it fair for one person to pay 20 times the amount than everyone else.
I still dont understand how someone paying 1k in taxes can point to someone paying 1 million in taxes and say that the guy paying the million is not paying his fair share. I dont pay a million in tax, I only paid just a bit more than 40K in taxes last year, I dont think the guy paying the million is not paying his fair share, as a matter of fact, I appreciate the fact that he is paying so many other peoples slice of the debt. Now the guy only paying 1k, he is not paying his fair share at all.
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
He doesnt want fair, I mentioned a flat tax, that would be everyone paying an equal amount on each dollar earned, thats still not fair. So in his opinion, I sense that fair means the rich pay it all, and the poor just continue to run up the bill.
Fair contributions to me should come with fair benefits. any government expense that does not equally benefit all taxpayers should be scrapped. basically, any social programs should be done away with, those are programs that run up the debt yet are of no value to the majority of taxpayers. if not for that expense, we might not be having this conversation in the first place. But, the leaches want more and they think the rich should be the ones to pay the extra.
very one sided and selfish crowd that thinks that way.
You refuse to look at the actual facts, so maybe you're a true moron, not just a functional one.If you count all taxes and fees, we ALREADY have a flat tax, with the richest keeping all the new wealth and the nonrich and the country going to hell...
what facts are going to make it fair for one person to pay 20 times the amount than everyone else.
I still dont understand how someone paying 1k in taxes can point to someone paying 1 million in taxes and say that the guy paying the million is not paying his fair share. I dont pay a million in tax, I only paid just a bit more than 40K in taxes last year, I dont think the guy paying the million is not paying his fair share, as a matter of fact, I appreciate the fact that he is paying so many other peoples slice of the debt. Now the guy only paying 1k, he is not paying his fair share at all.
So everyone can pay a thousand- that'll be fair. lol
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
He doesnt want fair, I mentioned a flat tax, that would be everyone paying an equal amount on each dollar earned, thats still not fair. So in his opinion, I sense that fair means the rich pay it all, and the poor just continue to run up the bill.
Fair contributions to me should come with fair benefits. any government expense that does not equally benefit all taxpayers should be scrapped. basically, any social programs should be done away with, those are programs that run up the debt yet are of no value to the majority of taxpayers. if not for that expense, we might not be having this conversation in the first place. But, the leaches want more and they think the rich should be the ones to pay the extra.
very one sided and selfish crowd that thinks that way.
You refuse to look at the actual facts, so maybe you're a true moron, not just a functional one.If you count all taxes and fees, we ALREADY have a flat tax, with the richest keeping all the new wealth and the nonrich and the country going to hell...
what facts are going to make it fair for one person to pay 20 times the amount than everyone else.
I still dont understand how someone paying 1k in taxes can point to someone paying 1 million in taxes and say that the guy paying the million is not paying his fair share. I dont pay a million in tax, I only paid just a bit more than 40K in taxes last year, I dont think the guy paying the million is not paying his fair share, as a matter of fact, I appreciate the fact that he is paying so many other peoples slice of the debt. Now the guy only paying 1k, he is not paying his fair share at all.
So everyone can pay a thousand- that'll be fair. lol
nope, wont cover the expenses that the liberals have created with their social programs.
what does 6'4" have to do with anything? Im 6'1, my younger brother is 6'7, I used to whip his ass on a regular basis. I wish I would not have done that now, he evidently suffered irreparable brain damage from those beatings, He married a liberal and he voted for obama and Hillary. Oh, and he also lives in California. Maybe he needs another ass whipping?
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Oh dear, I think I broke him.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
Up to a point, yes. Top rate: something like 80% over 20 million/year. Only way to keep CEO/etc pay from being obscene as it is now.
The serfs in the middle ages didn't pay that much in taxes. Now, you do know, don't you, that you would be hurting all those Hollywood big wigs and sports heroes at the same time? They would be front and center opposing such a move.
Sounds like you do, dupe.
Any actual argument, dupe?
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
Up to a point, yes. Top rate: something like 80% over 20 million/year. Only way to keep CEO/etc pay from being obscene as it is now.
The serfs in the middle ages didn't pay that much in taxes. Now, you do know, don't you, that you would be hurting all those Hollywood big wigs and sports heroes at the same time? They would be front and center opposing such a move.
ACTUALLY, dunce, as Dems they vote for it all the time, as they know a fair tax rate and investment in a healthy nonrich and infrastructure are necessary for a great country- NOT pandering to the greedy idiot rich like the last 35 years, dupe.
you like to keep calling the smarter people dupes, when in reality you are the one that has been falling for the democrats bullshit that they are making things better for the poor.
Sounds to me like you have been deceived by them considering that the poor have never been lifted up by them, as a matter of fact, over the last 8 years we have more poor added to the numbers.
So, you might want to check on who that dupe is. You are pretty much proving its you.
Oh, and you appear to have a mental retardation issue also. Not sure if the nice people at the Dr's office have told you this or if they are trying to keep it from you so you dont feel bad. but, its pretty obvious to those that are able to think for themselves.
The country is probably screwed until the richest and giant corps pay their fair share and investment is made in the nonrich and the country's infrastructure. That hasn't happened since Raygun. Dems don't HAVE a propaganda machine or bs propaganda, dupe. See sig.
Define "fair share". Give us a number. Until you do, all you really mean is "MORE".
Up to a point, yes. Top rate: something like 80% over 20 million/year. Only way to keep CEO/etc pay from being obscene as it is now.
The serfs in the middle ages didn't pay that much in taxes. Now, you do know, don't you, that you would be hurting all those Hollywood big wigs and sports heroes at the same time? They would be front and center opposing such a move.
ACTUALLY, dunce, as Dems they vote for it all the time, as they know a fair tax rate and investment in a healthy nonrich and infrastructure are necessary for a great country- NOT pandering to the greedy idiot rich like the last 35 years, dupe.
35 years? Are you not aware that the dems have had control of government several times over that time period and they made no substantial moves to grant the morons their wet dream of an 80% top rate?

Yes, we are aware that the dunces will vote for higher tax rates. They also craft the legislation to avoid paying the higher rates themselves. Failing that, they just refuse to pay what they owe, like Tim Geithner and Al Sharpton. Perhaps you were ignorant that they did that with impunity because of their wealthy connections with democrat politicians? You know, the party of the rich, the democrats.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
The Democrats do know who the choice is.
They do now, but that's irrelevant, because it simply doesn't matter who Trump nominates, they are ready to destroy. There is no consideration of what's best for the court or the country, it's destroy, destroy, destroy.
The left continue to show they have learned nothing.
And Trump gains a few hundred thousand more supporters.

Senate Democrats Vow to Filibuster Trump's Supreme Court Choice
The Democrats do know who the choice is.
They do now, but that's irrelevant, because it simply doesn't matter who Trump nominates, they are ready to destroy. There is no consideration of what's best for the court or the country, it's destroy, destroy, destroy.
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