Senate Impeachment Trial Thread.

See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion. If you disagree show me where he is in the Articles of Impeachment, and provide the link,.Otherwise, thank you for playing.....
It is relevant. I will explain it to you as soon as you answer my question.
Impeachment is defined as Gross Violations of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Separation of Powers is not a violation of a US Statute.
Disagreements in Foreign Policy is NOT an Impeachable offense.
Extreme Butt-Hurt is NOT.
Losing an election is NOT
And here again is a Left Lying Hag trying to make The Case That the President is in violation of The Law some how if he doesn't listen to some puke Like Vindman's Suggestions.

Somehow the President isn't in charge of Foreign Policy they argue, The Career Bureaucrats Are.
The Democrat turds are saying "Trump blocked all evidence".

The American people, thank God, are NOT as stupid as THEY are.

'Trump blocked evidence'.

Translation: 'WE HAVE NO EVIDENCE.'

.....and the Democrats are actually throwing a tantrum, demanding the Senate do the House's job - 'Investigate and find evidence we could not'.

If McConnell does his job, this will be a heady embarrassment for the Democrats.
The is zero chance that McConnell will do his job as defined by the US Constitution.

He has already violated his oath by stating he will do what Trump wants.
Schiff just said the same thing I posted to all you all. Not one word of denial by Trump's TV lawyers.
You think it is a good thing that you and Schiff are saying the same thing?

I don;t see the Trump team repeating anything your saying.
Are you still here?

you disappeared after I asked if you knew the charges against trump by a 13-year old girl had been dropped when you posted the story here
If your too stupid to know the answer to that question then there is nothing I can do for you.
Its a fair question that only you can answer

I you knew but didnt disclose the facts then you were being dishonest

but on the other hand if you didnt know then you were woefully uninformed about your own topic
I like the argumrnt" Of Course Trump did it but it is not an impeachable offense".

That will play well for the general public.
See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion. If you disagree show me where he is in the Articles of Impeachment, and provide the link,.Otherwise, thank you for playing.....
It is relevant. I will expalin it to you as soon as you answer my question.
How do you explain NO CRIMES and not one violation of US Code cited, and then demand The President to prove he did not Commit a Crime when The House was unable to prove he did commit a Crime?

You and your fellow fanatics have reached the Height of Dumbassery

One more question. If some of The President's Staff tried to convince The President to Release The Aid Immediately then how can you argue The President does not have the power to delay Foreign Aid?
Schiff just said the same thing I posted to all you all. Not one word of denial by Trump's TV lawyers.
You think it is a good thing that you and Schiff are saying the same thing?

I don;t see the Trump team repeating anything your saying.
Are you still here?

you disappeared after I asked if you knew the charges against trump by a 13-year old girl had been dropped when you posted the story here
If your too stupid to know the answer to that question then there is nothing I can do for you.
Its a fair question that only you can answer

I you knew but didnt disclose the facts then you were being dishonest

but on the other hand if you didnt know then you were woefully uninformed about your own topic
I will only answer this one last time. Re-read your question and re-read my answer. It has nothing to do with dishonesty. I gave you an answer in the thread, but you refuse to either acknowledge it or understand it? If you could not figure it out yourself, then truly I can't help you.
See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion.
It is relevant.
No prosecutable crimes - extortion / bribery NOT in the Articles of Impeachment - is NOT 'relevant'?!

Thank you for demonstrating Democrats and snowflakes have become the Founding Fathers' biggest nightmares, partisanly weaponizing the Impeachment process, completely ignoring the mandate / requirement of 'crimes / high crimes and misdemeanors', to remove a President from office simply because he is not a member of their party or because they are pissed their candidate lost.

Thank you for also demonstrating there is no more reason to waste time reading your posts.

The fact that the President was Impeached based on no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses is 'not relevant' is possibly the DUMEST thing I have ever heard. We are ALL dumber for having read it.
See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion. If you disagree show me where he is in the Articles of Impeachment, and provide the link,.Otherwise, thank you for playing.....
It is relevant. I will expalin it to you as soon as you answer my question.
How do you explain NO CRIMES and not one violation of US Code cited, and then demand The President to prove he did not Commit a Crime when The House was unable to prove he did commit a Crime?

You and your fellow fanatics have reached the Height of Dumbassery

One more question. If some of The President's Staff tried to convince The President to Release The Aid Immediately then how can you argue The President does not have the power to delay Foreign Aid?
Answer my question: Is it an impeachable offense if the President of the United States gives our nuclear codes to Iran?
You think it is a good thing that you and Schiff are saying the same thing?

I don;t see the Trump team repeating anything your saying.
Are you still here?

you disappeared after I asked if you knew the charges against trump by a 13-year old girl had been dropped when you posted the story here
If your too stupid to know the answer to that question then there is nothing I can do for you.
Its a fair question that only you can answer

I you knew but didnt disclose the facts then you were being dishonest

but on the other hand if you didnt know then you were woefully uninformed about your own topic
I will only answer this one last time. Re-read your question and re-read my answer. If you could not figure it out yourself, then truly I can't help you.
Ok you arent going to answer

but either way it looks bad for you
See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion. If you disagree show me where he is in the Articles of Impeachment, and provide the link,.Otherwise, thank you for playing.....
It is relevant. I will expalin it to you as soon as you answer my question.
How do you explain NO CRIMES and not one violation of US Code cited, and then demand The President to prove he did not Commit a Crime when The House was unable to prove he did commit a Crime?

You and your fellow fanatics have reached the Height of Dumbassery

One more question. If some of The President's Staff tried to convince The President to Release The Aid Immediately then how can you argue The President does not have the power to delay Foreign Aid?
Answer my question: Is it an impeachable offense if the President of the United States gives our nuclear codes to Iran?
I think Obama should be tried for treason, convicted, & shot for what he did with Iran and then his dead body be hung from lady liberty's torch for the whole world to see what America does to traitors. So long as he gets his Due Process, I don't have a problem with that kind of conviction and sentence.
See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion. If you disagree show me where he is in the Articles of Impeachment, and provide the link,.Otherwise, thank you for playing.....
It is relevant. I will expalin it to you as soon as you answer my question.
How do you explain NO CRIMES and not one violation of US Code cited, and then demand The President to prove he did not Commit a Crime when The House was unable to prove he did commit a Crime?

You and your fellow fanatics have reached the Height of Dumbassery

One more question. If some of The President's Staff tried to convince The President to Release The Aid Immediately then how can you argue The President does not have the power to delay Foreign Aid?
Answer my question: Is it an impeachable offense if the President of the United States gives our nuclear codes to Iran?
Since you refuse to answer questions you are not entitled to demand answers to your question either
See my post 167
No, I do not think I will...because there is no need to. The President has not been charged with Bribery or Extortion. If you disagree show me where he is in the Articles of Impeachment, and provide the link,.Otherwise, thank you for playing.....
It is relevant. I will expalin it to you as soon as you answer my question.
How do you explain NO CRIMES and not one violation of US Code cited, and then demand The President to prove he did not Commit a Crime when The House was unable to prove he did commit a Crime?

You and your fellow fanatics have reached the Height of Dumbassery

One more question. If some of The President's Staff tried to convince The President to Release The Aid Immediately then how can you argue The President does not have the power to delay Foreign Aid?
Answer my question: Is it an impeachable offense if the President of the United States gives our nuclear codes to Iran?
I think Obama should be tried for treason, convicted, & shot for what he did with Iran and then his dead body be hung from lady liberty's torch for the whole world to see what America does to traitors.
Are you going to answer my question or not?
These House managers are just crushing it. They are using historical precedent from prior impeachments, the law, the Constitution, film footage of Trump's deceit, film footage of the public testimony of the 17 witnesses from the House inquiry, fact, reason, logic, all in refutation of the empty, vapid, fatuous assertions made by the clowns defending President Skidmark.

Democrats reject Trump's impeachment defense as 'dangerous'
Democrats reject Trump's impeachment defense as 'dangerous'
If the marines came in right now and arrested these idiots for treason I wouldn’t be surprised

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